Welcome to my Paribus review!
In this review, you will find out everything unit to know regarding the small but at. I will answer all your questions and calls concerns in a thorough manner.
Paribus Review – Quick Summary
Product Name: Paribus
Product Type: Refund/Cashback Mobile Application
Price: Free-to-Use
Best for: People Who Want to Save Some Money But Are Not Aiming for Big Money
Summary: Paribus can
What Is Paribus?
Paribus is a mobile application that helps you to find the best price available. It can save you a significant amount of money if you are shopping on expensive shops.
This is
How Does Paribus Work?
How Much Can You Earn with Paribus?
Sometimes earnings are not so huge.
Paribus Reviews 2018
I have noticed that many Paribus reviews are praising the app and sharing their affiliate links.Therefore, they have a financial incentive to promote the application to you. When download Paribus app and start using it through their affiliate link, the person who has written a review earns a commission.That’s why you always need to read reviews with a grain of salt.That being said, there seems to be a consensus among Paribus reviews. Pretty much all of them are saying that you can earn some money with this app but not very much.If your goal just to earn a few bucks here and there, then Paribus is probably a good choice for you. But if you want to make big money online, I recommend looking for better alternatives.
Is Paribus Safe?
I do not have any reason to believe why Paribus would not be a safe application to use. Thousands and thousands of people are using it in the United States already.
I haven’t heard personally about any cases where Paribus would not have been safe. If you have any other information, please, let us know in the comments below.
Paribus Alternatives
Other Cashback Programs
The Internet is full of cash back programs where you can save money after shopping. I have written the reviews where I show you the best cash back programs in the world.That being said, I do not personally use cash back programs almost at all because there are way more profitable ways to make money online. Cashback programs can make you a few dollars here and there but they won’t make you a millionaire.
If you want to read about the best cashback programs on the Internet, just click the links below to read my full reviews.
Making Money with Smart Phone Apps
Conclusion – Is Paribus Worth It?
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Hmmm… This “unique” strategy by Paribus may be a bit concerning. I’ve seen several other cashback apps but based on experience, none of them so far have asked for credit card information — unless that cashback app is also tied with the same company as the credit card.
Nonetheless, that’s still risky and a little too invasive for me in exchange of a few “perks”. Added to that are the usual app subscriptions via email or social media accounts. It’s just basically handing your life over to some random people! Well, it’s just me but others may still love the extra savings. So that’s still better than nothing, at least for some of us.
I understand your concerns. I was thinking about the same things when researching Paribus. However, it has been used by tens of thousands of people so if it were a scam, it would have probably collapsed a long time ago.
I’m slightly confused, sorry if it’s obvious. How does the refund work exactly for Paribus? Do you have to actually send the item back and then buy the cheaper product? Or do they just you the difference? It sounds good but I wonder how many of the big retailers they offer for us to be eligible for the refunds.
No, you don’t need to send the product back. They are supposed to pay the change. Please, download the app and try it out yourself if it’s available in the UK to find out. They should also have a FAQ sections for most important questions.
I honestly don’t shop online as much as other people do. To be honest, I rarely even buy something of the internet. The last thing I bought was a keyboard. Paribus is not a scam definitely, it is still nice to get a cash back from your purchase. You can make some money with this app but it isn’t 100% guaranteed. If you are willing to take online courses and find out the ways to earn money online, I suggest following Roope, as he is really experienced.
Thanks for your support/compliment Oliver!
I am always happy to help people out who are willing to learn to make a living online.
Since I do not shop onine too much, I don’t benefit from thes ekinds of cash back programs. I have used a couple of programs in the past, however, I did not benefit much. However, for people who shop onine too much even a one percent cash back means a lot.
As I mentioned in another comment, Paribus works with some “offline” retailers. So, you do not need to buy everything online. Many retailers in the U.S. send the receipts by email anyway. However, I guess that Paribus is not available in the Southeast Asia yet.
For those people who cannot stay one single day without shopping online are the ones I would say that Paribus are designed for because they are most likely to save a lot of money from using the mobile application. For my kind of person that hardly shop online unless in case of an emergency, the use of Paribus doesn’t add much value to me.
Haha that’s true. I think that Paribus works also for offline purchases so it’s not only for online shopping.
Seriously, then if that’s the case with Paribus also being able to be used in offline shopping purchases as well, then I believe it’s for everyone, since it’s either one shops online or shops offline or do both. I think that those who are chronic shoppers both online and offline are the ones to benefit most from the use of Paribus.
To exactly right. Chronic shoppers will benefit the most from this kind of applications.
Exactly, that’s my point but I’m not one of these chronic shoppers, so getting in bed with Paribus wouldn’t do me any much good but I know a few friends of mine who might actually be interested in using the application Paribus. Some of these friends of mine actually go to Dubai for only shopping purposes, so they are more poised to benefit from the use of Paribus. I’m definitely recommending it to them.
I visited in Dubai a few months ago and I can understand it’s really a “shoppers paradise”. They have the largest mall in the world and lots of places to spend money.
I am not a big shopper myself because I think we don’t need so much stuff. I mainly spend money on investments, business and everyday costs like food and accommodation 😀
There is no doubt that Dubai is one of the best country in the world where you can get the best leisures in this life. If you have wealth in abundance, it would be nice to visit the country for holidays every once in a while.
On the things that you always spend money on @Roope, accommodation will take a big cut from your expenses because you travel a lot.
Yes you are right. Accommodation is probably the biggest expense.
Haha, I know that very from my little travels and experience with getting good accommodation to spend 2 to 3 days in. You would have to cough up around $60 to $80 for an average hotel room to make use of. Travelers spend a lot of money on accommodation, it’s actually one of the reason I hate traveling too much.
I see. However, nowadays there are also numerous cheaper alternatives like on AirBnb, Booking.com, etc. I don’t look for the cheapest deals but I know that there are many people who travel without any money.
My friend from Salzburg, Austria accommotated a few guys who were traveling without any money. They just need to be creative. I would not like to travel for free because it would not be fun but I know it is completely possible to travel for a very cheap price if one wants that.
I will look into AirBnb and Booking.com to see what they both offer, so I know if I can recommend it to some of my friends that are good with traveling and maybe it’s going to be more favorable to them.
Traveling without money is very boring because it’s going to limit anything that you are supposed to do, as what would be of utmost importance is your flight fare.
Paribus sounds like a cool programme. However I’m not a fan of cash back sites because they only work in certain countries. In the part of the world where I am from they don’t work unless I buy something from Amazon or E-bay which I generally don’t like doing because it takes forever to get to my part of the world. So I also think they are more effective ways to make money.
I also agree that Paribus has a great idea. It is just not for me because I am hunting for bigger rewards than than what they are offering.