Is Mintvine a Scam? – Here Is My Opinion After Reviewing +50 Survey Sites!

The Internet is nowadays full of websites that pay for your opinion. Companies need feedback of their products so they are willing to pay some money that people answer their surveys. It’s a nice idea that anyone can make money so easily but on the other hand, your earning potential is very small with online surveys. Is Mintvine a Scam? How does it work? Is it worth it? Find out an answer to these and many other questions on this honest review.

(My team member made this research of Mintvine and I made few modifications to give you the best answers about Mintvine. If you want to skip the review part, go straight to the end of this review where I give you a short conclusion)

Mintvine Review

is mintvine a scamName: Mintvine
Founded in: 2000
Price: Free to join
Field: Online Surveys

Overall ranking: 30 Out of 100 (Check Out My #1 Recommendation, 98 Out of 100)

What Is Mintvine?

The idea behind Mintvine is simple. Answer surveys => Earn little money. That’s it.

You may not be familiar with the word Mintvine, but this site has been growing through the years and after found in 2012. Establishes in that year there are only a few people who know about this site and yet they think that this site is not reliable enough to be followed. The unfamiliar term may be last just for a while because with the time goes on, people start to recognize Mintvine to be one of many sites with many prizes with some activities to earn points.

is mintvine a scam
The idea behind Mintvine is similar to hundreds of other survey sites.

There are many features that you can find in Mintvine sites knowing that there are many activities that you can choose to earn the points you need to gather in order to get the prize or money. To be able to answer that question we need to go deeper and knowing better about what is this site and how we can access it.

Some people choose to get the knowledge first by looking at several reviews about Mintvine and also accessing the web and compare the site with other similar sites so that they can get the clear reasons and view in what site will they spend their time by filling the survey and having some activities earning points. After all, those points are not worth good money. You may earn some pennies or dollars but nothing significant.

=> Tired of Earning Points for Little Money? Learn How to Make a Living Online!

How to Get Money from Mintvine?

There are many ways for people to get the complete points and rewards to be exchanged with some prizes and money to be withdrawn to your private account. With many kinds of the activities, you will be able to gather the points faster. The reasons that you need to try this site is that you can try to earn the points by also shopping in local stores and also involved in some activities related to shopping online.

By joining Mintvine for the first time, you will get free 200 points that will be the start of you earning points. You will choose the topics and the issues that you want to get the survey and then you will get several options to choose the surveys you want to fill. Many people want to get fast withdrawal from survey sites, then you may try to join this site. Before choosing the sites that will be reliable then you can try to apply for many sites that will give you many ways in certain time to get money or prizes

is mintvine a scam
Mintvine says that you can make money fast but…

It’s true that you can make money fast and easily in Minvine and with other survey sites. But there is a big downside.

After finishing one survey you will get notifications about the points you get and how people reacts in certain issues. You will also get the information about the related survey with similar issues so that you can easily access the next survey in a short time. More than 100 surveys available every day with more than 50 topics and issues. The downside is that the earning potential is minimal.

The requirements of this site are pretty easy, you have to be at least 14 to be able to join and you will have to submit personal information including address and also contact numbers. If you want to sign up using your Facebook account then you can do it easily. Mintvine will access the important information about you from Facebook. Is the question that often occurs. The interface of the site is easy, simple and cute I should say. The colorful interface makes people interested in accessing and browsing the site more and more.

OFFICIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: You can’t earn good money with Mintvine. Earnings can be enough if you are living in Zimbabwe or somewhere else in an ultimately cheap place but if you live in Europe or in the U.S., this is just a waste of time. Learn here how to make better money online.

MintVine Pros and Cons?

  • Mintvine site is trusted by Facebook, enough to allow it to access your personal information from Facebook.
  • To be able to access your account in Mintvine you will need to verify your phone number first.
  • Once you verify your phone number then you can freely use the site and browse the issues of surveys as often as you want.

Not only about the positive feedbacks, Mintvine also gets complaints about its web performance.

  • The complaints are about the availability of the surveys that will only based on your personal information, for example, the surveys that only suitable for your age.
  • You cannot access the other surveys related to other ages or other qualifications because there is certain limitation that will only allow you to access the surveys that suitable for your personal information.
  • Many activities that you may make you bored even though you can point are easily get from this site.
  • You will need to provide your personal information and follow the instruction to get the access to the survey and make points to be exchanged with money.
  • You can’t earn passive income by filling out surveys

Accessing Mintvine for the first time you may be amazed by the features and interface. Complete access to the activities will give you many ways to earn points and prizes.  Is the question that you need to answer yourself because here you will get the things that you ill not get in other survey sites and make sure that you can fill the surveys.

The privacy of your account is also safe here because there are several things that will make sure that only you can access your own account without worrying losing the account or points. When you reach certain amounts of points you will get notifications from Mintvine and you will get the options about the points you have. Whether you want to withdraw or not is your only choices. Some other sites will not give you complete features as you get in Mintvine. It is not they way to earn much money but rather to spend your spare time by earning some coins.

Conclusion – Is Mintvine a Scam?

Mintvine doesn’t seem to be a scam they have been in the industry already for several years and they have a big number of users. Even though their service is not a scam, it doesn’t mean that it would be worth it to register and spend your time answering boring questions about Coca-Cola brand, for example.

You don’t need to be a genius to understand that earning potential with this kind of service is very low. I have reviewed more than 50 survey sites and talked with tens of people about them. I have come to a conclusion that online surveys are not worth it.

If you are interested in making good money online, I recommend taking a closer look at Wealthy Affiliate. It’s an “online university” that teaches every step that you need to take in order to make a full-time income (and more) online.

Mintvine at a glance…

Name: Mintvine
Founded in: 2000
Field: Online Surveys
Overall ranking: 30 Out of 100


What is your opinion about online surveys? Do you agree that they are mainly a waste of time?

Let me know in the comments below!

Reading new comments from our visitors makes my day. That’s why I promise to reply to you personally within 24 hours.

By Roope Kiuttu

Hello! I am Roope "Robert" Kiuttu, the founder and owner of I created this website back in 2015 to help you to make money online. You can ask me anything and I'll be happy to help you out. I help people daily to make more money online and I love seeing people succeeding. If you want to get my 1-on-1 support and help to make money online as well, get started HERE.


  1. Hi, Roope. The fact is that any online survey site, including Mintvine would never provide a person the type of steady income being earned to consider it as a job.

    I know that some sites that I am familiar with come right out and make that very statement; participants should not consider survey participation as a means for earning a lot of money. I give them credit for being honest. Other survey sites try to pull the wool over naive people’s eyes lying about how easily reaching a 4 figure monthly income would be possible.

    I have no idea about Mintvine and whether or not they’re honest about their survey participation. Reading one of the list of complaints you mentioned, it seems that with Mintvine not a large number of surveys are available to members on a regular basis.

    And just because Mintvine has been approved by Facebook means nothing to me. Facebook has had issues regarding scams on their site as it is. I also do not like the fact that a personal phone number would need to be verified in order for a person to be allowed to participate in these surveys.

    Your ranking of 30 on a scale of 100 looking at it from the point of view of a person earning a lot of money in this venture is quite accurate.


    1. Hi Jeff,

      it seems that despite the fact that many online surveys are honest and they are paying the money, they aren’t sitll worth it.

      The earning potential is so low. Usually max.$1-2/hour or even much less. Sure, it’s an easy way to make money but anything worthwhile in life requires efforts.

      That’s why I recommend Wealthy Affiliate for those are interested in making money online. The earning potential is literally limitless.



  2. This sounds like an interesting thing to try it out. Of course it doesn’t offer very much money but will money is money LOL. I was curious though, do they offer a lot of surveys where you have to purchase or pay for the shipping of an item in order to be able to review it? Or is it pure surveys and reviews all online with no need to buy anything physical?

    1. Hi Adriana,

      mostly you don’t need to pay anything to join these surveys.I really don’t recommend that you spend your valuable time for little money. Of course, you can give it a try but I can say that it’s not worth your time.

      There are much more profitable ways to make money online so why would you spend time on something that doesn’t pay off well?

      I have talked with tens of different people regarding to survey sites. Many of them tried but quit quickly because surveys were not worth it.



  3. Hi there !

    I really enjoyed reading your comment. However, there is one thing I just want to mention here it’s that, I’ve always been very skeptical about making money through online surveys. Based on your review, Mintvine sounds like something reliable for me and I’m ready to give it a try.

    Thank you so much for sharing this valuable information and I wish you a wonderful day !

    1. Hello Pat,

      you are right that online surveys are not worth the time. I have seen so many (+50) different survey sites but nowadays I am not using none of them. I don’t recommend survey sites to my readers because I am not using them myself. I only recommend products that I use (or will use in the future if I have more time).

      Time is limited so it’s very important to plan how to spend this precious life.


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