Our iWriter review is divided into two parts. In the first part, we will discuss how you can use iWriter for outsourcing your content writing and the second part walks you through how you can make money as a freelance writer.
I have bought several articles on iWriter so I have written the first part based on my own experiences. The second part is written by our writer who has more experience on earning money on iWriter.
I am sure you will enjoy and find our review helpful.
iWriter Review
Name: iWriter
Website: www.iwriter.com
Field: Freelance Writer Services
Overall Rank: 95 out of 100. iWriter is one of the best platforms that I have used so far.
I bet you are also interested in My #1 Recommendation with Overall Rank 98 Out of 100. It’s a training that teaches how you can make money online by doing your passion. I signed up there 2 years ago for free and I haven’t looked back.
What Is iWriter? – A Great Place to Outsource Your Content Writing
I am a blogger and an online business owner. I know from my own experience that the most time-consuming part of making money with blogging is content writing. Creating a website and making the design takes only a few minutes but producing content is an ongoing process that you need to keep on doing day in and day out. If you stop posting new content, over the time course your blog will die.
iWriter is a platform where you can outsource your content writing even for a very cheap price like $1,50 for a short article. The higher value and the longer article you want, the more you should pay of course. However, sometimes you get a great writer for a cheap price. Maybe some experienced writer is just starting out on this platform and collecting positive reviews to build up his reputation. Or a full-time writer takes your article because the subject is interesting and easy for him.
Anyhow, iWriter gives you a 100% satisfaction guarantee. It means that you can ask revisions as long as you are fully satisfied. If you don’t like the freelance writer, you can give him a rating but somebody else will write the article for you. That’s what I have done if I wasn’t satisfied with the quality. It doesn’t pay you anything extra. In my opinion, the writer needs to be able to provide the content that fits exactly your requirements.
How to Outsource Content Creation on iWriter?
I recorded you a video review of iWriter to explain their service in-depth. I also show the process of buying articles through their website.
The process is very simple. You just need to fill out the following template and click, “Submit Project”.

Then you’ll just wait that the writer will finish the article and you’ll be notified. Many I have received my article within a few hours so they are pretty fast. Then you can have a look at the article.
If you are satisfied with the text, you can download it immediately. If you want that the writer re-writes it or a better writer gives you a text, you can ask for a revision.
=> Buy Articles from iWriter for as Low as $1,25 Per Article!
Benefits of Outsourcing Content Writing – More Profit for You!
I have written an article where I explain 4 reasons to outsource your content writing. In my opinion, the greatest benefit is that it gives you more time to accomplish other tasks and take your business to the next level.
Guess how many billionaires have become billionaires by doing all tasks themselves? I guess that the number is 0. Of course, you can make a living as a solopreneur but if you want to have even a greater impact on this world, you need to outsource some tasks. There are people who have great abilities to do many things. Why wouldn’t you use their talent?
If you use $10 for an article that pays you $100 over the time course, I think it was a great investment. In the online business getting profits is not linear and you will earn money even after years after publishing the content. You can get even 10,000% ROI for your outsourced articles. The potential is huge. Other great places to outsource your content writing are HireWriters and Fiverr.
Okay, now the first part of the review is over and we are going to take a look how you can make money on iWriter. Also, if you have any further questions on buying articles through their website, don’t hesitate to ask me in the comments below.
Making Money on iWriter as a Freelance Writer
iWriter is an online platform where you can write articles and get paid for it. On this second part of the article we are focusing on ‘How to make money on iWriter?’ and hence we will only talk about being a writer on iWriter. The iWriter Platform offers writers a chance to make as much money writing articles as they can, this, therefore, means the writer earns depending on the number of articles he/she has written.
It should be also noted that the articles written by the writer must be approved by the client and hence the quality is crucial. Therefore, quality articles have the highest chances of being approved by the client and hence the writer who worked on them is likely to earn more. With all that said, iWriter can be a great source of income.
4 Levels of a Writer – Your Income Goes Up
iWriter provides four levels of writers currently. When you first sign up as a freelance writer, you automatically become what is referred to as a 1.Standard Writer. This is the most basic level and as such the earnings for writing articles are less, and for that matter, the least, compared to the other higher levels. This is, however, the norm everywhere, as you have to climb yourself up.

As you write and submit your articles, your clients will approve or reject them. Apart from that, the client will rate your article based on your writing skills. The rates range from 0 to 5 stars. It goes without saying that the higher the ratings you get, the faster you climb up the ladder.

After being a Standard Writer therefore for a while, depending on your rating and number of articles you have successfully submitted, you may be upgraded to a 2.Premium Writer. As a Premium writer, your earnings per article increases. Depending on your rating as well as your number of articles you will be upgraded to become a 3.Elite Writer and your earnings subsequently increase. The highest rank is being a 4.Elite Plus Writer which earns your colossal amounts per article.

Payment of your articles will be automatically credited to your iWriter account immediately the client approves your article. You will be able to later transfer the funds to your preferred account or bank once you achieve your minimum limit. The transfer is executed periodically, usually after every two weeks.
How to Get Started on iWriter as a Freelancer?
When you first register, through a simple process, you acquire the login details. When you are logged in, you are taken to the iWriter home page.
On the homepage, you click on ‘Write content’ which takes you to a list of all the available articles which need to be written. You then choose the article you would like to write, but first click on ‘Special Instructions’ to know what exactly the client needs. After that, click on ‘Write Article’ and go ahead and work on it.
Be sure to adhere to all the instructions given by the client including the minimum word count. When you are done writing, check for grammar errors and the click on the ‘Submit Article’. When that is done, you wait for the client’s approval of your article.
If the article satisfies his/her requirements, he/she will approve your article and give you a rating. As soon as he/she does that, your account will be credited with the article amount and you will be notified.
The more you write the articles, as long as they are approved by the client, the more you earn. This also helps in making you climb up the ladder and hence more money.
How Much Can You Earn on iWriter?
This is a question most will ask. Let’s take an example of a Standard Writer who earns $2.43 for a 500-word article. If therefore you write only two articles per hour, this again depends on your speed and hence can be more or less, then that translates to $4.86 per hour. If you work for 8 hours a day, then that comes to $38.88 a day. Again, this is a freelance writer who is starting off.
For an Elite Plus Writer who earns $28.35 for the same article, therefore, using the same example it would translate to $56.7 per hour and a whopping $453.6 per day! Now you can answer for yourself whether that can replace your regular income. It should be clearly noted that the amount you will earn as a freelance writer with iWriter will purely depend on the effort you put into writing the articles and their quality.

It’s completely possible to write 10 articles of 500 words per day and even more. Of course, then writing is a full-time job for you. But imagine that you are living in a cheap country like Thailand, Philippines, Latin America or East Europe. You would be living like a king with $30,000/year.
=> Start Making +$100 Per Day as a Freelance Writer!
How to Make More Money on iWriter?

The most basic way of increasing your earnings as a freelance writer with iWriter would be of course to write more articles. Let’s say that you earn $30,000/year by writing 10 articles per day. Then you would earn $45,000/year by writing 15 articles per day. If you would be living in a cheap country and earning like that, you could achieve financial independence quickly and even retire if you want.
The other open secret is in the quality of your articles. The higher the quality of articles you write, the most likely they will be approved with a good rating from the client. A good rating would mean you climb up the writing ladder and subsequently your earnings increase as a result.
Writing quality articles would mean you will have to do a couple of things. First, you have to pay great attention to special instructions given by the client. This is critical because the client is the one with the authority to approve or reject your article with a rating, hence strive to always leave him/her happy. Secondly. you should do your research well before writing any article. Thirdly, make sure you understand what the article is all about for you to answer it accordingly.
These may sound like simple things but I (Roope) have ordered tens of articles online and most of the writers don’t understand simple instructions. I say, for example, that answer X questions and use them as sub-headings. Then write max.6 paragraphs per sub-heading and max.4 sentences per paragraph. You would be amazed how few writers will follow those instructions carefully.
Apart from writing articles, you can also earn more by being an iWriter Affiliate. This feature allows you to own part of iWriter and hence share the profit. iWriter pays 50% of their profit for affiliates. So, if they earn $10 because of the client that you referred to iWriter, you’ll earn $5. If they earn $100, you’ll earn $50 and so on.

You Can Become Elite Writer in 1 Day!
One can ask, suppose you are a seasoned freelance writer, do you have to start with being a Standard Writer on iWriter? Then answer is, not necessarily. iWriter has an interesting feature where you can be given a number of articles to write which will be evaluated and rated by the iWriter team at a small fee and you are assigned a level depending on the average rating you get. Isn’t that good news?
You need to have 30 reviews from your clients. These prove that you have already experience as a freelance writer. Then you need to pay $197 fee to start the process to get qualified as an Elite writer. There is this fee so that only those who are serious about becoming Elite writer will apply. Of course, they also need to pay the salary for their employees who check your request.
Then you will write 3 based on the keywords that they’ll provide to you. iWriter will give you a star rating of those articles and calculate an average. In order to become an Elite writer, your average must be over 4,5 stars which mean that your ratings of those 3 articles must be at least 5, 5 and 4 stars. If you get on average between 4 and 4,5 stars, you will be upgraded to a Premium writer.
This whole process takes sometimes only 1 day so if you know that you’re a great writer, it can be a great way to boost your income.
Whether you choose to be a freelance writer with iWriter in your free time or take it up as a main source of income, be sure to earn a good income from it if you put all your effort in it.
iWriter Complaints – “My Article Was Rejected”
I saw that several writers were complaining that their article was rejected and they didn’t get money from that. I believe it must be frustrating to make a little research, write an article and get rejected. That’s why I would pay attention to your article quality.
I am not going to approve texts that have lots of grammatical mistakes and the writers haven’t even followed my instructions. In my opinion, there’s nothing wrong to reject such articles. Unqualified writers need to watch themselves in the mirror and ask why their articles are rejected.
There are writers who almost never get rejected because they provide high-quality work for clients.
Anyway, as a client, you won’t have this challenge. You can just order articles and approve texts only if you are satisfied with the content.
Conclusion – Is iWriter Worth It?
Based on the reasons that I have given above, iWriter is definitely worth it. You can make a good profit by outsourcing content and publish it on your blog or website. If you are a skillful writer, you can make a living on iWriter. In addition, it gives you the opportunity to work from home or wherever you are in the world with an Internet connection.
My experience shows clearly that iWriter is not a scam. I have received several articles using their platform and I will be using it in the future as well. Why wouldn’t you try their services as well? It’s completely free to create an account and you can order your first article within 2 minutes.
=> Get Started on iWriter for FREE!
I hope you have enjoyed our iWriter review. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to leave them below and I will be more than happy to help you out. I would love to hear from you.
Have you used iWriter or other freelance writing marketplaces?
Which one is your favorite and why?
As usual, I promise to reply to all of your comments and questions personally in the section below.
I have tried iWriter in the past. Even though I have not earned any money with iWriter, iWriter is certainly not a scam. You can actually earn money by using this freelance writing site. You do test work and based on your work, you get a rating.
You apply to the jobs available to you (higher rating will give you access to better-paying jobs). You do the job, submit to the client and then get paid. Client rating will also affect your overall rating.
That’s true.
The important thing what I’ve noticed on iWriter and other freelance writer websites is that the writer follows client’s requirements. I have heard some writers complaining that their articles were rejected. Well, of course they are rejected if the quality isn’t good. I always accept high-quality articles but reject very low quality articles.
I have tried couple of freelancer sites. Apart from iwriter, I have also used upwork, Fiverr, Elance and SEO Clerk. I hope you also review these freelancer sites and guide the readers how they can make money on these freelancer sites. I have made more money as a freelance writer on upwork than on any freelancer sites. However, these days there are few jobs available for me.
I have written articles of Fiverr and Upwork but I haven’t tried SEO Clerk yet. I need to take a closer look.
Talking about freelancing sites.. I have used Fiverr the most. However, I want to use Upwork more in the future. I think it would be the best for hiring a long-term freelancer. I got to know one lady who runs an online business with her husband and they have gathered a team through Upwork. It sounds like a great idea.
This seems to be a great place to buy contents for blogs and forums because of its sensible prices for the articles being sold here. I am no blog or forum owner though but I am quite interested in being a content writer.
They seem to have a good payment system for their writers compared to Textbroker. Maybe I should try this out and see where it goes.
This made me a learn a few things I didn’t know before so thanks for this!
I have enjoyed using iWriter as a client. A part of this article was written by a freelance writer on iWriter. He highlights that it’s important that you follow the instructions of the client and provide high quality. Then you will get a higher rating and earn more money as well.
Working on iwriter has not really worked for me. I was told about the site by a friend that said it just takes one to be a good writer to earn on the site.
However, I was surprised that when I clicked on taking an article from a client to write as a standard writer, I was directed to take some tests and because I never knew the requirements to pass the test, I hastily did it and got 11/15. They just told me that my score does not qualify me to start writing on their site citing that I need to get at least 13/15 to get approved as a writer on their site.
I’m still keen to start working for them and I want to know if there is a way I can go about getting back on the site again.
Hi Henry,
in this case I recommend contacting iWriter support. I’m sure they are understanding and you can get started if you can do writing work. As I said in the other comment, don’t stop even though you would face setbacks. Keep on trying and keep on going. 🙂
Thanks for the encouraging words as I would try to get in touch with the support desk of iwriter and hope they would be understanding to give me an opportunity to earn. I’ve always had passion to write and starting from that step ain’t a bad one for me.
Hi there,
this is a fantastic post and so in depth and full of detail. I’m glad I visited here today as I know realise that I could easily get help with writing my content (something I never considered or even knew about before). What a revelation. Thanks for the insight
Hi Stefanie,
yeah, iWriter has delivered me already around 20 articles and I will be using it even more in the future. They have a great service if you want to outsource content writing.
Hi Roope,
I am currently starting my own affiliate website, and you couldn’t be more right. Writing content is by far the most time consuming part of building my site. I do enjoy writing content, but I love the design part more, so this article was very beneficial. I will definitely be using this service.
Thank you for all the great information!
Hi Kimi,
yeah, writing content definitely is the most time consuming part. There are hundreds of articles on YourOnlineRevenue.com and you can imagine how much time they have taken. 😉 That’s why there are several writers doing the job.
iWriter service has been helpful and I have received many great articles there. Just need to be careful that you don’t accept bad ones. They give you the opportunity to reject articles that you don’t like.
Wow, I’m really glad I found this site. Not only was I intrigued by the writing services they give for my own website, but I was a little skeptical because I enjoy writing my own content a little too much to ever outsource it.
But then I saw they hire freelancers so maybe I should be looking into that instead? I’ll definitely be checking it out.
Hi Tanner,
yeah, you can either hire freelance writers or work yourself as a freelancer through iWriter.
If you want to take your blog/website/online business to the next level, most likely you need to hire freelance writers at some point. But first it’s of course good if you know the process of making money online yourself so you can teach them what to do.
I am so so happy that I read your review! I am in need of some freelance help as I am having trouble writing enough content per week.
I am definitely going to check this out, and am very surprised how low these prices are! Out sourcing this will give me so much more time and really accelerate my business.
Hi Joe,
I’m happy to hear that you came here at the right time.
Outsourcing content writing is a great thing to boost your Google rankings and bring more traffic to your website.
Just remember always to provide high-quality content which will be helpful for your visitors and Google will love you as well.
I think there are much more freelancers they are trying to get work. I myself tried for many days but still got no one task. Well i think they are unable to provide each freelancer any work.
Hi Jamal,
I think I know why you didn’t get jobs yet on iWriter.
There are all the time numerous of available jobs for Premium and Elite writers. But when you start out, you have a rating called “Standard Writer”. There are not so many texts available for standard writers.
So, you need to find those texts or contact clients. When you get a Premium or Elite status it will be way easier to find writing jobs on iWriter.
Does it make sense?
Hmm interesting. I agree though, as a multiple site owner, writing takes to much time, especially when you are writing alone all this time.
I considered hiring a freelancer before but thought it was gonna be too expensive. Good to know it’s actually quite cheap, and even if you don’t like it, you can ask for another one without cost.
Definitely gonna check it out!
Hi Alex,
yeah, writing a freelancer is nowadays actually quite cheap. I have hired several freelancers also on Fiverr for just $5. Even though their quality is not always the best, sometimes they provide surprisingly great content.
I remember, for example, one article that my $5 freelancer wrote. It went to #1 on Google right away when I published it. Hundreds of visitors came to my website through that article and some of them most likely ended up buying something. I could ask, was it worth investing $5? 😉
Really helpful article! Thanks for that!
It feels very hard to earn money on Fiverr,as there are many freelancers there,probably doing better projects and having better ideas.
I will try this website,as you let me know it’s totally legit,so I am ready to go.
Not sure how skilled am I for writing attractive articles,but guess I may learn.
Thanks again for your complete review and walkthrough!
Hi Denis,
I am 100% sure that you will become a great writer when you just do it enough. Writing is a skill like any other skill in the world.
In the beginning, we may struggle like we struggled riding a bike when we were young. But over the time course new skills become habits and we don’t even need to think about it so much.
I would love to hear afterwards what kind of experiences you had with iWriter.