Is Feature Points Legit Or a Scam? [They Promise $500/Day!]

Update: 3rd of July 2018

After trying 10’s of mobile apps and websites like Feature Points, we have found the best for making money. Click the link below to read more about it.

=> See Best Opportunity To Make Money from Home! 

(That will make you $2,000-10,000/month if you use it well.)

There are videos on the Internet showing that you can make up to $500 per day with Feature Points. Some are cashing out $1,000 quite often. Somebody claims that he is making even a full-time income with this app.

All of those claims sound exaggerating. Are they true? Is Feature Points safe? Is Feature Points a scam or legit? You’ll find answers to all of those questions in my transparent and honest review.

Notice that many people are writing positive reviews of Feature Points just to earn money from referrals. In this review, I am going to show you all pros and cons so you can make your own decision if it’s worth using or not.

Feature Points Review

Name: Feature Points


Type: Make Money Apps

Overall Rank: 40 out of 100.

Short Conclusion: There are much better ways to earn money from home than Feature Points. You can earn some money by accomplishing their tasks. If you don’t have a large audience, you can earn well by referring their app. I recommend taking a look at My #1 Recommendation to make money online rather than wasting time with Feature Points.

is feature points safe

What Is Feature Points? – Free Gift Cards and Cash

Feature Points is a mobile app that gives you free gift cards and cash. Your task is to download and use apps for a few minutes. Then you will earn points and later you can exchange points into all kinds of rewards.

You have probably tried some similar apps like Feature Points. AppNana, Cash App, and many other ones promise you free gift cards and other rewards for accomplishing their tasks.

Most of those apps are totally legitimate and they pay you what they have promised. However, sometimes there are errors and bugs which will keep you from earning good money. I will also tell you more in detail bugs that I saw in Feature Points.

Another important thing is to evaluate your earning potential with these apps. Yes, you can earn money just by scrolling your phone but if you are making $1-2 per hour, is it really worth it?

I will cover all details you need to know about Feature Points on this review. First, let’s take a look how does Feature Points work in practice.

Click the Picture to Get Started with a Better Program.

How to Make Money with Feature Points?

The main way to earn points is by downloading apps and using them for 2 minutes. FeaturePoints has lots of offers for downloading apps and you’ll earn 100-500 for each app. The process goes like this:

1) Download the App

As you can see in the picture below, there are numerous offers available. You can download apps called Just Handbags, Food Lovers, My Gadgets, Unblock It and so on.

Some of them give you a little bit more points than others. In the picture, most tasks will give you 225 points but I have seen also tasks that can give you +500 points.

is feature points safe
You can see the list of available apps on your Feature Points homepage.

2) Use app for 2 minutes or accomplish another task

There is always a task that you need to accomplish. Most of the time it goes like, “Download the app and use it for 2 minutes to redeem your points.” But there are also other tasks like, “Download the game. Reach level 10 to get your points.”

You never get points just for downloading apps but you need to use them also for a while until you get your rewards.

3) Use my referral code

The easiest 50 points that you will get with Feature Points is by using my referral code “roopekiuttu“. You will immediately get 50 points. If you are wondering what does that mean, it’s my name! 😉 Finnish names are a bit different.

4) Follow Feature Points in social medias and make a YouTube video

You can also earn some points by following and liking them on different social medias. It’s useful for them when they get a larger audience and “free advertising”. You will earn 300 points (=$0,5) for creating and publishing a YouTube video.

I will post my YouTube video on this review later when it’s ready. However, my experience with Feature Points wasn’t so positive so I am not 100% sure if they are going to give me points if my review doesn’t promote them. We will see.

5) Redeem your rewards:

When you have collected enough points you can immediately your rewards.

is feature points safe
You can get gift cards to Amazon, Google Play, Starbucks or take money out through PayPal.

You may be wondering how many points you need to earn in order to convert them into dollars or gift cards. Let’s have a closer look.

How Much Money Can You Earn?

600 points are worth $1 so if you want to cash out $10, you need to have 6,000 points. If you earn 300 points for downloading and using the app, it means that you have earned $0,50.

If you download all their apps and offers, you’ll most likely reach that $10 target and a little bit more. Then over the time course, there will come more app downloads available so you can earn even hundreds of dollars. However, it requires that you are checking Feature Points regularly.

Their minimum cash out limit is at the moment 6,000 points = $10. So you need to use their services for a good while until you have reached it.

Is there also any other way to earn money with Feature Points? Yes, there is. It’s through their referral program and we will take a closer look at it in a moment. But first I would like to show you a quick video about Feature Points’ earning potential

Some people are doing even a full-time income just by recommending Feature Points app. Have a look at the video below. This guy has earned +$20,000 by using Feature Points (and until today much because this video is already several months old).

IMPORTANT NOTE: The fact that this guy in the video has earned tens of thousands of dollars by referring Feature Points is not a sign that you should start using the app. He has a huge following on the social media and millions of people have watched his videos.

If you have such a large audience, you can make a full-time income just by promoting almost anything. If this guy in the video would have been promoting something more useful, he would probably make much more money than he is making by selling Feature Points. Earning passive income through affiliate marketing (=promoting programs like this) is highly profitable and I do it myself.

=> Tired of Earning Cents or Pennies? Learn How You Can Make a Living from Home!

Feature Points Referral Program – Earn Money by Referring People

When you share the app with other people, you will earn commissions. They just need to submit your referral code or sign up through your link.

Then you’ll earn 50% of their lifetime earnings. It doesn’t mean that they earn less. It just means that you earn 50% extra meanwhile they get the same money that they would make anyway. It’s a win-win situation.

When your friends join through your code, they’ll get 50 extra points. If you have started using Feature Points, I recommend putting my code roopekiuttu so you can get 50 points for free. At the same time, you support my blog by using my code. You win and I win.

50% of earnings can be quite a big thing in the long run. Imagine the guy who has referred this YouTube star. If this man has earned $20,000 using Feature Points, it means that the guy who has promoted him has also earned quite a good money.

Feature Points Bugs And Errors

I was excited to try Feature Points when I saw that this one guy was making tens of thousands of dollars by using it. But when I started downloading apps I saw the following screen:

is feature points safe
Sometimes FeaturePoints just keeps on downloading and doesn’t move forward.

It’s saying that I need to wait just a moment until they scan if the offer is still available. Their offers are available only for a limited time so sometimes they are gone when you try to earn points. However, often when you see that screen it just keeps on downloading and never ends.

Then you need to restart the app and try other offers. It’s a bit inconvenient but that’s how it works.

Another thing what happened to me was that I never got points from those apps that I had downloaded and used. The given task was, “Download the app and use it for 2 minutes.” I made sure that I used the app even much more, something like 5-15 minutes. I tried this by downloading several apps and using them. I should have got hundreds of points by doing that.

Guess how many points I received? – 0

I kept apps on my phone for a weeks after using them and checked if they gave me points. Nothing happened. Those apps were just taking the memory space on my phone but not giving me any rewards. Who knows if there are some tricks that you need to do to get points?

I made a little research but didn’t find any info. People just recommended downloading apps, using them for a few minutes to get points. Well, that strategy didn’t work for me. If you have a different experience, I would love to hear it in the comment section below this article.

Conclusion – Is FeaturePoints Legit or a Scam?

Feature Points is a legitimate way to earn some extra cash. However, as I pointed out above, there are also some bugs that are minimizing your earning potential.

Is Feature Points safe? Yes, it is. But you must remember that when you download more apps, they can slow down your smartphone. That’s one reason why I don’t like downloading more apps to my phone. I am also a bit concerned if all apps that they recommend are so good for your phone after all.

Summa summarum: You can make some money by downloading apps but not very much. The biggest profits are made through their referral programs.

If you are looking for better ways to make money from home, I recommend taking a look at this program. I use it myself and it has allowed me to quit my 9 to 5 job.


Have you tried FeaturePoints or other similar apps to earn cash? What kind of experiences did you have? 

Have you already found more profitable ways to earn money like I did?

Let me know in the comments below! 🙂

By Roope Kiuttu

Hello! I am Roope "Robert" Kiuttu, the founder and owner of I created this website back in 2015 to help you to make money online. You can ask me anything and I'll be happy to help you out. I help people daily to make more money online and I love seeing people succeeding. If you want to get my 1-on-1 support and help to make money online as well, get started HERE.


  1. Earning $500 a day from a mobile app with points is is absolutely overrated. I haven’t tried this one but I’ve downloaded tons of money making app to the likes of rewardable, app Nana, and others.

    They don’t amount to a reasonable cash out. You can only make a couple of bucks for the beat of it. Even at that, cashing out is always a problem with the majority of them. Money making apps to the beat of my experience is only good for side pocket money and earning free gift cards.

    1. Hi Rumu,

      $500 per day with this kind of apps is possible but then you need to be like the best in the world and have a huge number of referrals.

      However, with affiliate marketing you can be just a regular guy and make $500 per day. If you are the best in the world, you would make $100,000 per day with affiliate marketing.

  2. I did not know about feature points, however, I have tried numerous similar. sadly, I never reached cash out threshold. My main problem is what will I do with the apps that I downloaded for rewards. Too many downloads will ultimately affect my handset speed. It will also make my device prone to a virus and malware attacks.

    You will have to spend the terribly long time to earn few points. When you are earning, you always have to consider how much time you are spending in order to generate $1. If you cannot generate $1 in one hour, it is not worth your time.

    1. You are right. Earning money on Feature Points or with other make money online apps is extremely slow. The only faster way to earn money with them would be by recommending the app for tons of people. However, it wouldn’t be very ethical if you aren’t even using it yourself. That’s why I don’t recommend any make money online apps or “get-paid-to” sites.

  3. I definitely don’t have any chances to make good money with this app. Mainly because my phone doesn’t have the right performance to run them all withou lagging and crashing. Besides, as you said, maybe some of those apps can harm your phone, and they won’t take any response for that. All those cons vs the only “pro” which is making low amounts of money? Totally not worhy. Excellent article Roope!

    1. It’s a wise decision that you don’t use this app. It has so many downsides and errors.

      Recently, I tried to use this app again but it didn’t even open. It just kept on downloading and downloading. There have been errors almost every time I have used it.

  4. I was trying AppNana which is a similar app as you said but i have found that its not so easy to earn a good amount of money. The only way i think this is going to work good for you is to have a big audience in youtube and tell them to use your refer code.

    There are many similar apps but none of them really can make you quit an everyday job. This is the main issue everyone struggles with. So the question is the following. Is there an online system that can help you make enough money to quit your job?

    1. Hi Xagiate,

      you are right that the reward in this kind of apps is very low. It won’t make possible quit our jobs until we have a huge audience on YouTube or elsewhere.

      Wealthy Affiliate has helped thousands of people all around the world to quit their job. I bet you’ll love it.


  5. I have this app and have had it for a while. I’m not that active but I think I have redeemed in the past. There are tons of similar apps to it and a few others I have earned on as well. The only thing that sucks is some of these apps will not reward you if you have already downloaded the app in the past. I used to just download and delete.

    And I do agree getting referrals is how many earn a lot. I see that to be truth with many apps that earn you money.

    1. Hi Raeanna,

      yeah, many people just recommend these apps for other people so that they can earn money from their referrals. They wouldn’t recommend apps for their best friends or family members. I think it’s a bit dishonest and I think people should always be honest in their reviews.


  6. Thank you for the review; I am always looking for ways to make a second income online. I really appreciate you pointing out the time factor, and how most people only make one to two dollars an hour. This low of a rate definitely is not worth my time. I will continue searching your website for another opportunity that will be worth my time.

    1. Hi Nature837,

      yeah, this kind of “easy money opportunities” are usually never worth it. If you want to make good money online, it requires some efforts and work.

      My #1 recommendation is Wealthy Affiliate because they show you step-by-step a proven formula how anyone can make a full-time income online. Actually, I haven’t seeing anyone failing who just kept on going and didn’t give up.

      If you do what other successful people do, you will eventually get the results that they do. The success is inevitable if you just keep on learning and doing new things.


  7. Hi Roope Kiuttu, 

    really interesting review on Feature Points. I have tried many similar apps such as cashforapps, which works by paying you when you download a sponsored app. 

    I have always stayed away from these apps since they are always so unreliable and frustrating to work with.  After reading your article, I think I will consider joining Wealthy Affiliate since it is free and there’s nothing to lose right?

    1. Hi Fernglow,

       I will take a closer look at CashForApps. It sounds very similar to Feature Points.

      Yeah, there is nothing to lose with Wealthy Affiliate because it’s completely free to get started. The reward can be a full-time income and much more.

      I didn’t realize some years ago how interesting it would be make a living online and now I am a full-time online marketer. It gives the freedom to work wherever I want, travel around the world and meet new people in different places.

      Also, it gives an opportunity to affect many people’s lives through the Internet in a positive way. What else I could ask for? 🙂


    1. Hi xAlingabo,

      yes, Feature Points is legit but if you don’t have a large audience, you won’t earn big money by using it. Millions of people are watching this guy’s videos on YouTube and that’s the reason he is making so big money by promoting Feature Points.

      I have also used Postloop and it’s great! Have a look at my full review of Postloop.


  8. The cons you described for this app seems to be similar to all other similar apps on both the app store and the play store, to be honest. I think I’ve downloaded and tried about 5 different apps but all of them had awful earning opportunities. The reward for downloading these apps are extremely small and just not worth the effort.

    Some apps also reward you for reaching a certain milestone in the game but even those rewards are tiny compared to how much time you spend playing the game to reach that milestone. Because of that, I haven’t touched any of these apps for ages and I’ll continue to do so. Like you said, these apps are only good if you refer a lot of people to them and that can only be if you have a large website or a youtube channel with thousands of subscribers.

    1. Hi Kingcool,

      you have made good decision when you don’t use these apps anymore. I think people waste lots of time using these apps when they would have other wonderful opportunities.

      If you would use your time on mobile apps, it would take your time and limit your possibilities to find even better opportunities like Wealthy Affiliate.


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