Is Cardano a Good Investment? Read This Before Deciding!

is cardano a good investment

is cardano a good investmentNew cryptocurrencies pop up all the time. Most of them stay small and unknown. Only a small part of people will know about them until they fade away.

But that didn’t happen to Cardano (ADA). It was launched at the end of September in 2017. Within a few weeks, it was already in top-10 of the biggest cryptocurrencies in the Universe. How did this happen? Is Cardano a good investment or just another cryptocurrency scam? Who is/are behind this coin and does it have any future?

If you are looking for answers to any of these questions, you have come to the right place. Let’s take a closer look at Cardano!

Is Cardano a Scam? What Is It? Who Are Behind It? – Video Review

I wanted to provide you also a video where I share my knowledge about Cardano. I know that many of you prefer watching a video rather than just reading a text so I want to give you this opportunity as well. After watching the video I recommend that you dive into the article below because I share some details that I didn’t mention in the video. Enjoy!

=> Based on My Further Researches I Have Now Bought Cardano on Binance!

Cardano Review

Name: Cardano (ADA)

Launched: 2017

Type: Cryptocurrencies

Short Review: Cardano is a highly promising cryptocurrency. Their team is highly qualified people in the cryptocurrency world and they have skills to move this project forward. However, the project is still pretty new and it’s impossible to say with 100% clarity how will it turn out to be in the future. In my opinion, investing in Cardano feels now like investing in a startup company.

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Cardano Homepage
Cardano Homepage is simplistic and doesn’t have too much “hype”.

What Is Cardano? – How Did It Become So Big?

Cardano is a decentralized platform that allows (or will allow) complex programmable transfers of value (for example, money) in a secure and scalable fashion. They use a highly secure Haskell programming language. It was launched in the Autumn of 2017 and many people started investing in Cardano right away. The market cap was $500,000 in a few days almost right away after the launch. They knew who was behind this project and they trusted his skills.

The value stayed the same for around two months. Then it suddenly went in a few days from $0,03 (3 cents) to $0,14 (14 cents). The market cap went from under $800,000 to almost $4 million in 3 days. That was insane. A bigger audience started to talk about Cardano and some said this is going to be something huge.

Why Did Cardano Grow So Quickly? – Benefits of Cardano

is cardano a good investment
Cardano was launched at the end of September 2017 and after a few weeks, the value was already measured in billions. You can also see a huge jump in the price of Cardano in 3 days (26th-29th November 2017.)

The man behind Cardano is Charles Hoskinson. He looks like a typical nerd with a gentle smile and eyeglasses but people in the cryptocurrency world say he is a genius. He was also one of the main developers of Ethereum and when you have listened to this guy for a while, you realize that he knows what is talking about. He’s definitely one of the top leaders in the cryptocurrency world at the moment.

In addition, he is not alone behind Cardano. He says that there is a team of highly skilled individuals from different countries. If you check out their website or white paper, you see that Cardano is far from a scam and they are really trying to make something significant.

They say that Cardano and Hoskinson’s company IOHK are research-driven. They don’t want to focus too much on hype and marketing. Hoskinson has analyzed the short history of cryptocurrencies and his goal is to solve problems that other coins before this weren’t able to solve. These are, for example, scalability and real decentralization (some say that with certain coins creators have too much power).

Scalability is extremely important when always more and more people are getting involved to cryptocurrencies. You have probably seen some challenges of Bitcoin. Sometimes one transaction has taken up to one hour even though it was designed to be a quick way to transfer money. Of course, one hour is still much faster than 2-3 bank days but it could be faster.

Cardano’s goal is to create a technological platform, not only for individuals but also for organizations and businesses. Everything they do is quite open and transparent. That’s a huge benefit compared to suspicious cryptocurrencies like BitConnect. Well, most people don’t even bother to call BitConnect (or other similar ones) cryptocurrencies but Ponzi schemes.

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Is Cardano Worth Buying?

I don’t share official investment advice but I am always able to give my own personal opinion based on my research and knowledge. I still have quite a large knowledge of cryptocurrencies compared to an average Joe who just called about Bitcoin from the news. 😉

I see Cardano as a startup company that has just started their journey. Of course, there are highly experienced persons working on it but the system itself is pretty new and being developed all the time. In my opinion, Cardano has a much brighter future than most other coins. It didn’t jump to the top-10 of cryptocurrencies in a few weeks without a good reason.

is cardano worth buying

Still, I would say that Cardano is still pretty new and we can’t be 100% sure of what will happen in the future. I recommend that you take a closer look at their website and make your analysis yourself. I need to warn that lots of their words are pretty technical and may be a bit challenging to understand for an average Joe.

We can’t still say that Hoskinson wouldn’t be a great salesperson/marketer. He (and his team) was able to make Cardano’s market cap over $500,000 in a few days after the launch. In order to do that, you need to be able to convince quite a few persons.

Where to Buy Cardano?

Cardano isn’t yet listed on some huge crypto exchanges like Coinbase, Bitfinex or Kraken. However, it’s already listed on a few major exchanges like Binance, for example. I have bought Cardano on Binance and I think it’s probably the best choice for you as well.

I believe that the price of Cardano will jump to the moon if it will be listed on Bitfinex or Kraken. If Cardano, will be listed on Coinbase, the price will probably grow even higher.

=> You Can Already Buy Cardano on Binance Like I Did!

Bitcoin vs Cardano

Bitcoin and Cardano have several similarities (e.g. decentralization) but also many differences. If you want to understand them more, I recommend taking a look at Charles Hoskinson’s “lecture” on Cardano.

His style of explaining things is down-to-earth and understandable even though he uses some technical vocabulary.

One thing that we always need to remember is that even though Bitcoin is the first and the largest coin, it may not be the biggest for forever. Do you remember what happened with mobile phones? Nokia dominated the market and then… BOOM!! Apple and Samsung took the lead while Nokia suffered from problems.

What about Yahoo and Google? Yahoo was dominating and people didn’t believe a small Google would make it.

I am not saying that Bitcoin is going to crash and Cardano will take over. You still need to consider a different kind of scenarios that can happen and make your investment decisions based on all factors. We can learn many things from the history.

Conclusion – Is Cardano a Good Investment?

Cardano is still at the beginning of its journey but their developers (Hoskinson, Brünjes and the whole team) have a huge knowledge, background, and know-how about the industry. Even though we are talking about the decentralization and other similar stuff, the team behind the cryptocurrency still has the biggest impact on how the coin will develop.

My personal opinion is that Cardano’s future looks bright and it can solve some problems better than its competitors. It seems that every year new potential cryptocurrencies arrive that try to make things better than previous ones. The time will show which ones are going to thrive and which ones will fade away.

That being said, I believe in the potential of Cardano and I have bought it on Binance crypto exchange.

There’s risk involved in any kind of investing and you always need to make your own research before putting lots of money in. This article gave you hopefully a good overview of Cardano and now you understand what it’s all about. If you have any questions, comments, different opinions or anything else, I love to hear them in the comments and I’ll reply to you personally.

If you are interested in making money online, in general, and looking for great ways to make a living online, I recommend having a look at my #1 recommendation. That training and community have turned my life around and now I have a freedom to travel around the world while making money online.

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What do you think about Cardano?

Is it worth buying or not?

How Much will the value be in the future?

Let’s discuss in the comments below! 🙂

(Disclaimer: This article is not an official investment advice. I only tell my personal opinions that are based on my research of this and other cryptocurrencies.)

By Roope Kiuttu

Hello! I am Roope "Robert" Kiuttu, the founder and owner of I created this website back in 2015 to help you to make money online. You can ask me anything and I'll be happy to help you out. I help people daily to make more money online and I love seeing people succeeding. If you want to get my 1-on-1 support and help to make money online as well, get started HERE.


  1. I have never heard of cardano, in fact I only know about hand ful of crypro currencies that are well established in the market. Apart from bitcoins, I have never invested on other crypto currency. Once of the reasons why I have not invested is you need to have resources ot hold your investment. If you have limited income, this is not possible.

    1. Actually, you don’t need much money to invest in many cryptocurrencies because you can allocate your funds as you want. It’s the same with $100, $10,000 or even $10,000,000. You just put a certain percentage to each cryptocurrency that you want to invest in.

      I think Cardano is one of the “safest” bets on the crypto market at the moment. They have a pretty good reputation and many people believe in their project.

  2. We’ve come to see bitcoin being at the head of every thing that is happening in the cryptocurrency world, but the way I look at Cardano, I see the passion and zeal in the developers to make it a better coin that can handle some issues we’ve seen when transacting some other coins.

    It’s quite a move that I’m waiting for see happen where the price of Cardano will appreciate so that those that trusted it at its infancy stage will end up benefiting.

      1. It’s really nice to read that you’ve invested on it and I wish you the very best when the price will go higher in the future.

  3. Again, crypto-currency seems like the most trending norm in recent times. I think I’ve lost count on the number of them out there. Though still in their prime stages like you pointed out, it might someday turn out to be a huge rival to others like bitcoin.

    1. I think you should always make diligently your research before putting your money into something. Cryptocurrencies could be a great investment if you know what you are doing.

      On the other hand, if you don’t know what you are doing, it’s extremely dangerous and most likely you are going to lose money.

  4. From the looks of things, it’s seems that Cardano is going to be a good one in the world cryptocurrency, although bitcoin is more valued and popular, but that doesn’t mean that other coins wouldn’t catch up sooner or later. With Cardano still being at its early stage and age, I definitely believe that efforts would be made to get people into investment into it and this means that everything would be done to improve the scope of the coin in both value and usage.

  5. They are pretty new in cryptocurrency business and it looks that they have similarities with Bitcoin platform. The challenge there is on how they can increase the number of trust coming from critics. They need to be efficient and productive in order for them to gain revenues.

    1. Like the richest man in the world, Jeff Bezos said, “If you absolutely can’t tolerate critics, don’t do anything new or interesting.” Like you said, there will be some people criticize but if Cardano really builds something meaningful and valuable, those critic voices will disappear.

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