How to Make Money Playing Video Games? [$12 Million Fortune Possible?!]

Read This Post To Learn How To Make Money Money Playing Video Games In The $12 Million Industry. Learn How To Stand Out From Tight & Competitive Industry.

Read This Post To Learn How To Make Money Money Playing Video Games In The $12 Million Industry. Learn How To Stand Out From Tight & Competitive Industry.

Welcome to my “How to Make Money Playing Video Games” Review!

So, you want to learn how to make money as easier and more enjoying than ever, aren’t you? You’re here because you want to learn how it’s done and how other bloggers and gamers alike earn by doing something they really love the most: gaming.

Before we go through the whole process how you can begin earning money by playing video games, let me first introduce how Roope “Robert” Kiuttu, founder of Your Online Revenue Ltd, earned more or less $2,000 within 20 hours. Curious?

Stay through the whole post and learn more about this recommendable business opportunity in which you can do so while staying at home.

Now, we’re all set. Let’s dive into the whole post. Shall we?

How to Make Money Playing Video Games? 

Nowadays, it’s possible to earn money by playing video games though it sounds crazy. It’s true. You might think someone you know sits down, gets lazy while playing his favorite game and earn nothing.

It’s not the case oftentimes because today, you’re going to learn how these kinds of game geniuses earn a lot. 

In fact, there are many self-made millionaires simply living their lives playing online tournaments internationally and win those games leading to a life-changing course of their lives.

Most of the young guys paid off a big house and brought his family to a new home and even established successful family businesses from the money they earned from playing online games. 

To do that, you have to be an active gamer and you love playing video games in any form. Be it RPG or any franchise multiplayer video games such as Dota, Warcraft, among others.

Next thing is to either register to any website that allows you to register as either a beta tester or a player.

The popular option for this is visiting Swagbucks and register on the site to get access to these games to play and receive a few bucks worth of commissions afterward.

Other option will be playing obsessively with multiplayer games like Dota, who’s popular into making a poor online gamer into self-made millionaires.

It’s a popular industry in Asia, specifically within Southeast Asia, wherein international players fight off in different teams and go through the elimination process until the championship round. 

Whoever wins the game receives millions of money. In the past few years, there are many Filipino gamers, who have been winning in the tournaments and later improved their lives in poverty because of that.

How Does It Work?

There are many ways to make this kind of money-making niche work. What I’m going to tell you in this section is what most gaming bloggers do to make more money and earn a living from it.

1. Start Live Streaming.

This is where PewDiePie, a famous YouTuber who started the trend of reviewing games via video streaming, established his reputation online and cemented his name to the industry.

As a result, he built his fortune worth more or less $12 million dollars in 2017 by doing the same thing over the years and continuously made money from reviewing new game releases and updates from previous games he played.

K-pop idols like Heechul of Super Junior, Baekhyun of EXO, and Jin of BTS did the same thing to the Korean community.

They played the game online and discussed stuff while they focused on the screens for the sake of their fans watching the whole gameplay. 

If you aren’t popular (which is obvious since you get started), this is going to be tough. You have to start doing it and build more following.

If you keep the consistency and regularly upload videos of you playing it with fun, you will gain more followers in the long run.

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Photo by NEW DATA SERVICES on Unsplash

2. Improve Games Journalism Skills.

This can be either in a written form or in a verbal form of narrating the gaming event per se. Journalism can be in different ways in the first place as long as you inform your followers the 5Ws and the “hows” of each gaming update, releases, and other events each gaming developing company organizes.

Events like conferences and tournaments are a few of those important things you have to keep in mind besides the gaming itself.

With that being said, you have to be equipped with those skills along with upgrading your sharp ears of what’s happening in the industry.

This is because it’s really tough and too competitive. I was a gaming writer before and I could really tell how pressuring it was to write something about gaming-related news.

I have to know every single thing about the upcoming events and game releases, even the bug fixes and the new version of PlayStation and Xbox, including their specifications, among others.

I have to know all of them. If you want to earn money and build an empire in this industry, be prepared for what’s coming to you. 

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Photo by Domenico Loia on Unsplash

3. Discuss the Game Itself.

You can’t just live stream a video of yourself without discussing the game itself about what it is and who developed the game, etc.

Discuss those with your followers and tell them what’s new about this game like why are you going to play this or what are they going to expect from you playing this game?

Is there something to be shocked about or is it from a small gaming company’s attempt to release such an ambitious game like Hello Games did when they released “No Man’s Sky” back in 2016?

With these being said, you have to know the know-how of the game and master it, if you can, to inform your followers how to play the game and what pros and cons you noticed and identified while playing it. You have to be as comprehensive as you can to make sure you don’t miss a thing about it.

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Photo by NeONBRAND on Unsplash

4. Host a Podcast.

If you prefer hosting a podcast as IGN does, you can. It’s possible if you don’t want to be seen on a video as PewDiePie does for years.

It’s still a good option for you to discuss the same things I mentioned in the previous point. You can still mention sponsors and advertise anything you have to offer to your avid listeners.

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Photo by Caspar Camille Rubin on Unsplash

5. Register As Beta Player

Aside from Swagbucks, there are other websites inviting video gamer to become one of their beta players.

They consolidate gaming developers in need of those people who will give them a feel and feedback of the new game before its release. 

It doesn’t even matter if it’s a bug fix or a new game. As long as they’re going to release something, they don’t really usually do it without prior testing.

So, what they do is to invite beta testers paid or not. But in this case, you’re going to be paid for that if you belong to a group of paid beta players as per the agreement with the website/s you registered. 

Among those websites you could go to, are the following: 

  • InboxDollars
  • Roblox
  • Bingo! Zone
  • LalaLoot
  • Gamesville
  • Paid Game Player
  • Second Life
  • Clip 2Play
  • GSN Cash Games

Cons of Making Money Playing Video Games

1. Tough Competition

I mentioned it earlier though. The gaming industry is a hectic, tough, difficult, and fast-paced niche.

If you want to earn money by playing video games, you have to be really obsessed with it. Otherwise, you can’t cope with its pace and nature and discuss the game as a whole as comprehensively as possible.

Besides, there are a countless number of bloggers competing in the same game. For instance, there are 64 million reviews on Google reviewing “No Man’s Sky” and 687,000 on YouTube. How are you going to compete with those numbers?

2. Difficult Without Massive Following

You have to face the fact you don’t get a lot of followers from the initial stages of your endeavor. It’s the same reminder I gave in my previous post about reviewing products online, too.

You have to do a comprehensive review either by uploading videos or do live streaming on YouTube even with only a few people watching you until you reach the momentum you want. But that takes a year to see results of your high-quality efforts. 

3. Expensive Games

Let’s face it. You’re going to spend some money to buy the full license of the game for the sake of review.

If you’re going to release 1 comprehensive game review for a week, you’ll have to buy 4 licenses to cover your whole-month schedule. Multiply that by 12.

Take note, the average cost for each game is around $500 or so. Hence, in one year of reviewing and playing games without pay, you have probably spent around $6,000.

4. Earning Less Or Nothing

This is the reality most of the gaming bloggers face when it comes to earning an income from the industry. Even scams asking them money for false promises exists.

Although there are a lot of YouTube personalities who earned a lot from playing video games such as PewDiePie, The Willyrex, ElRubiusOMG, among others, you cannot express how it was before they reached that point of success.

Imagine the figures they have spent from their bank accounts for the sake of buying video game before they saw money coming in and later became their passive income and their empire.

If you opt to register to consolidators as a beta player, don’t expect to earn a lot of money unless if you play hundreds of games per week. 

What I Like About Earning By Playing Video Games?

1. Billion-Dollar Industry

We can’t deny that the gaming industry is such a massive niche leading to the tight, fast-paced, and tough competition among bloggers and gamers alike.

If you think you couldn’t make a fortune by simply playing video games, why would these self-made millionaires waste their time behind their PCs playing the whole time for nothing, right?

2. Passive Income Potential

Like earning residual passive income in any affiliate marketing programs out there, you can earn the same or more in playing video games as well.

It’s just the kind of commitment and the amount of money you’re going to spend from the earlier phases is way beyond your expectations.

That’s only to make sure you have something to review. But that doesn’t mean it guarantees your success or high ROI in the end. Nonetheless, there’s a lot of money in the gaming industry.

3. Addictive Income Stream

Who doesn’t play video games? As kids, we love to play video games with our friends and compete. It’s the same concept as adults.

It’s just that there’s a lot of money involved with the game itself, especially with the tournaments and reviews you do online.

Gaming companies will usually reach out to you to review their game before they release or probably they have released it but it’s not gaining popularity.

They will pay you to play the game regardless of the thoughts you have while playing it. This is like the PR of the gaming niche.

You’ll receive the full license of the game without the need to pay except you have to give a comprehensive review of it to your followers. On top of that, you’re enjoying it. A lot.

What Others Say About It?

Business Insider recognized the popularity of the industry and many gamers have been attracted to give this niche a try as they shoot a video of themselves playing and upload it on YouTube.

Their constant upload gave the way to reach millions of subscribers and make millions of money from it. “Some of whom [content creators] make a living off of sponsorships and advertising,” the article wrote.

This is because of the massive following these personalities have, many companies consider them as their platforms to market the games and updates without that much effort on their part. 

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Photo by Alexander Mils on Unsplash

On the other hand, its risks could also put your “once-loved hobby” as something you could really hate if it turns out the biggest mistake you did.

“It’s risky: for every success story, there are hundreds of others who tried and failed,” Joel Lee of Make Use Of mentioned. 

Overall, there are opposing thoughts about making money by playing video games, especially if it entails a lot of money to spend before you could even see the returns you’re expecting from the beginning of your journey.

Is Earning Money By Playing Video Games Legit?

Given all the number of personalities who succeed in this niche, there’s no doubt that you can earn a lot of money by simply playing the video games you love.

There’s nothing wrong with learning how to make money playing video games if you know there’s an income potential attached to it. 

Here’s the catch.

Not everyone could succeed as every industry does. Yet, if you have the budget to spend for the gaming license, the determination to provide comprehensive reviews without getting tired doing it repeatedly, and the hard work until you see the Return of Investment (ROI) you want, you can build a fortune from it.

You have to risk a lot of money, effort, and time to welcome bigger returns. This is just how the business works normally.

If this isn’t your thing or if you feel daunted to give it a shot, Roope has something for you as an alternative to earning money this year.

#1 Online Business Opportunity

The gaming industry is such a competitive and expensive niche, to begin with. Given, it’s giving you doubts right now whether you should join the industry or not. That applies to either as a beta player or a blogger.

Because of that, it’s normal to hear a doubtful response from the majority whenever gaming is asked. The answer is obvious as it’s one of the expensive industries besides the beauty and fashion niches.

You cannot review something you didn’t experience yourself. So, you are left with an option but to buy the game and play it in front of the camera. 

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Photo by Carl Raw on Unsplash

This is why in this section, I’d like you to take a look at Roope’s #1 recommended business opportunity that’s not going to require you a lot of money.

It’s a FREE program training intended to teach you the basics of effective marketing. Not only you’re going to spend nothing, but it also gives you an ROI you want just as he earned more or less $2,000 within 20 hours with it.

Convinced? If so, click the green button below and get started now. Change your life now and learn how to make money apart from playing video games.

Now that I shared my thoughts in my “How to Make Money Playing Video Games?” post, it’s time to turn the table and ask about your experience, in general.

What kinds of experiences do you have with playing video games? Are they worth your time, money, and effort?

Do you prefer to begin earning your first passive income through affiliate marketing or you rather invest in reviewing video games in exchange for a few bucks?

Let me know in the comments below! 🙂

If you need any help to get started making money online, don’t hesitate to ask in the comments below and we’ll be happy to help you out! 

By Mecyll Gaspary

Hi, I'm Mecyll! I'm a full-time writer in Your Online Revenue, dedicated to dig into the world of making money with Roope. When I'm not spending time writing reviews, I'm writing novels and blog posts on my own website.

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