“How to Get More Visitors to My Website?” – Start with This!

How to Get More Visitors to My Website
Get more visitors to your website
How to Get More Visitors to My Website
Get more visitors to your website!

Probably every online entrepreneur, blogger and affiliate marketer are asking themselves “How to get more visitors to my website?”

That is the crucial question because visitors are the key to earning online revenue and passive income.

Today I’m going to share what is the most important factor when you are attracting more visitors.

Content is king!

Content, content and content. The most uccessful online entrepreneurs talk over and over again about the importance of content. That is the key to success online.

The content of your website is your asset. When you have your own domain, you 100% own your content. But first a quick question.

“What is content?”

Content can be 700 words blog post, 3-minute video, appealing images, training tutorial, product review or anything between. (Extra tip, How to Make Your Content User-Friendly? 6 Tips for the Readable Text)


How to Get More Visitors to My Website
Create more content DAILY .

What Should be the Purpose of Your Content?

Some people think this way, “I want to earn money online. Okay, I’ll just put some fancy ads on my website. Then I do some social media marketing probably and the money will flow to my bank account.”

Nothing could be further from the truth.

The purpose of your content must always (ALWAYS) be adding value to people’s life. To fill some of their needs, help them, make their life better and so on.

For example, the purpose of my website YourOnlineRevenue.com is to help you to start earning money online. I provide tips and 1-on-1 mentoring for everyone who needs help on any subject related to earning money online.

The focus of your content must be helping people.

“You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help other people get what they want.” -Zig Ziglar

The Content is Your Most Valuable Asset

The highly successful online entrepreneur Jeff Bullas stated that the valuable content really attracts visitors to your page.

Once you have valuable content on your website, people are willing to share your pages with their friends, in the social media and they begin to trust you more.

As you have your own domain, the ownership of your website’s content is totally yours. When you add something to Facebook (or to other social medias) you always need to follow their regulations.

But in your own website you can do whatever you want. (And remember to provide value)

Think your website as building a house. Brick by brick it becomes more and more valuable. When you add more content to your website, the value of your asset rises.

It becomes more and more beautiful house (website). More and more people are willing to visit your house (website) and they are inviting their friends there also.

Solve Problems, Help People

Solving problems work.

People are searching on the Internet help for many things.  “How to earn money online?” “How to learn languages faster?” “How to boost my business?” “Which guitar should I buy?” and literally anything.

There are many answers that people want to find.

If you can provide the good answers for the people’s problems I can guarantee that you have the keys to success in your hands.

When someone is frustrated without finding the answers you can come and help him/her. Nothing works better that real helping.

Give them language learning tips, provide help with their business, help them with the music instruments. What is your strength? Use it!

How to Get More Visitors to My Website
Always: Remember to help people with your content!

ONE EXTRA TIP: Provide the Information That Other’s Don’t Bother to Giving!

Your content will compete with all the other content on the Internet. Why would people choose to read/watch your content? Probably you have done well SEO and now it can be found easily. But do you know what is probably the most powerful way to get visitor?

The most valuable content is something that other’s don’t provide. If you find the problem without an answer on the Internet you can jump because of the happiness.

There is your chance to succeed! Give valuable answers for that problem and you will succeed.

Let’s say that you have struggled with something before in your life without finding an answer from the Internet. Then you figured out the way. Now, share your tips for the others! They can be ultimately valuable.

Learn More about Content Creation

I have learned the importance of content creation from Wealthy Affiliate. I realized that actually all of the successful online entrepreneurs talk about the importance of content.

Wealthy Affiliate is an awesome training community which provides awesome training and tools how to create valuable content and how to develop all the time.

Read for example:

Get GOOD at Writing Content (By the guy who earns more than $10,000/month online).

Two from the founder of Wealthy Affiliate. Online millionaire.

You Want Online Success? It Starts With Brute Force (One of my favorite texts!)

and Writing Out Themed Content.

This one is impressive: Over 10,000 Visits in a Week – Importance of Content Creation to Convert.

I really hope that these tips will help you to create valuable content and get more visitors to your website.

As you persistently keep on adding valuable content to your website and do your SEO, the visitors will follow.

What are your favorite ways to get more visitors to your website?

By Roope Kiuttu

Hello! I am Roope "Robert" Kiuttu, the founder and owner of YourOnlineRevenue.com. I created this website back in 2015 to help you to make money online. You can ask me anything and I'll be happy to help you out. I help people daily to make more money online and I love seeing people succeeding. If you want to get my 1-on-1 support and help to make money online as well, get started HERE.


  1. It looks like you’ve made the case for creating content for your website. And that adding content ads value to your website.

    Can you provide more information about Wealthy Affiliate? Does it cost anything. What do I get out of it? How many posts does it take to make a valuable website?

    Do you have any tips for me if I just don’t know how to write? I was never good in school when it came to writing.

    Thanks for sharing this information.

    1. Thank you for the questions Jeff.

      I have written a thorough text about Wealthy Affiliate. You can read it here.

      Wealthy Affiliate’s you step by step how to write valuable content. The training teaches you everything right from the start. You don’t need former experience. But you will also learn a lot there even though you would have former education about earning money online and internet marketing. Register today for free and start learning. Click Here.

      It’s totally okay if you don’t know anything about writing. The training in WA is so comprehensive that you will learn for sure!

      To your question, “How many posts does it take to make a valuable website?” It depends. Some people have only 5 pages on their website and they are earning $2,000/month. And some people have tens of texts and they don’t earn anything. Every useful post and page makes your site more valuable. In Wealthy Affiliate you will learn how to monetize your website.

      I hope this helps. If you have more questions, don’t hesitate to ask. 🙂


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