What is Affiliate Marketing Online? – Explained Simply

affiliate marketing for dummies
This was just a dream a few years ago for me but now it's possible. However, I usually prefer working inside than at the beach! ;)

What is Affiliate Marketing Online

Think about big companies, for example, Amazon, Target or Walmart. They sell millions of products every day. Would you like to have your own part of the winnings made in their sales? That’s possible through affiliate marketing.

Have you heard that term “affiliate marketing”?

Today I’m going to explain to you what is affiliate marketing means and how you can earn money doing that.

Amazon, Target, Walmart and many other (also very small) companies have “affiliate programs”. That means that anyone can sell their products.

You put the link to your website, social network, email list or anywhere else. When someone clicks the link and ends up buying some of their products you will get the commission of the sold products.

The commission varies a lot  in different affiliate programs. For example, the commission in Amazon’s products is 4-10% while other companies may give even 80% commission. And everything in between. (Here is a great and illustrative lesson by the successful affiliate marketer how affiliate marketing works in practice)

Why Being an Affiliate Marketer is Great?

You don’t need former experience or skills. You don’t need own products. But you need to be willing to learn.

The process of affiliate marketing is simple. Company A sells products. You (affiliate) leave the link somewhere on the Internet. Person A buys the product. The company gets money and you get money. Simple?

The great thing is that many times you can get the commission from the products that you are not even linking!

If you have the link for example to Amazon kindle books. Someone clicks the link but end up buying men’s boxers, you will get the commission. If someone buys the $500 TV, you will get the commission.

There are no income limits in affiliate marketing. Do you know Pat Flynn? He is the guy who makes over $100,000/month online and a big amount of his success comes from affiliate marketing.

Who is Affiliate Marketing for?

Affiliate marketing can be a great way to earn for anyone. Here are some examples

  • If you are a student and want to earn extra income
  • If you are a housewife and want to earn extra income
  • If you want to live anywhere you want and earn money online
  • If you want to be your own boss = entrepreneur
  • If you want to earn passive income
  • If you want to sell products that are highly profitable
  • You name it! 🙂
What is Affiliate Marketing Online
Is he an affiliate marketer? Probably.

In my opinion, affiliate marketing is just a great resource but many people are not even aware of that. I didn’t know this opportunity before but I’m glad that I have found it.

There Are Tons of Affiliate Programs on the Internet!

Amazon, Target and Walmart are by no means the only affiliate programs. There are affiliate programs for any niche that you can imagine. Just write to Google “some niche + affiliate program” and you will find an affiliate program in any niche.

Wealthy Affiliate also helps you to find relevant affiliate programs that you may want to be part of.

Even the smallest niches have affiliate programs and you will be astonished how many they are.

Remember, affiliate marketing is not a MLM-program or anything related!

Would You Like to Be an Affiliate Marketer?

Do you want to learn more how affiliate marketing works? Wealthy Affiliate is the training center and community that teaches everything you need to be a successful affiliate marketer.

Some are making $10,000/month through affiliate marketing and they have learned their skills in Wealthy Affiliate.

I don’t say that success comes overnight. But it comes to those who work for it and are persistent.

==> Claim your 10 FREE lessons on affiliate marketing today and start making extra income

Do you have any experience of affiliate marketing? Share your experience and leave a comment below?

If you have any question or comment don’t hesitate to leave it below!


By Roope Kiuttu

Hello! I am Roope "Robert" Kiuttu, the founder and owner of YourOnlineRevenue.com. I created this website back in 2015 to help you to make money online. You can ask me anything and I'll be happy to help you out. I help people daily to make more money online and I love seeing people succeeding. If you want to get my 1-on-1 support and help to make money online as well, get started HERE.


  1. Great article. This is useful to affiliate programmers. Thank you for sharing such a nice article with your readers. Since 2015 doing affiliate marketing with ClickBank, warrior plus and JVZoo still trying to find new and Best Affiliate Marketing Website by which can grow my affiliate business.

  2. Wow! this is really great and very interesting. I only earn $20 a month in my online job. Now, I think I’m ready to learn about affiliate marketing. Thank you so much for sharing this post it gives me hope that it’s not too late for me to have a passive income.

    1. Hi BMT,

      yeah, it’s never too late. I know even some retired people on Wealthy Affiliate who are nowadays making good income with affiliate marketing.

      Actually, I am teaching affiliate marketing for my mother as well 😉

      Anyone can learn it and become successful. Two most important steps are: 1.Get Started and 2. Never give up. When you take those two steps, you’ll make a nice living with affiliate marketing.

  3. Hi Roope,

    You wrote a very thoroughly worded article that fully explained what affiliate marketing is really about.

    It is true that having an online business based on affiliate marketing that through hard effort, work and dedication you can build it into a profitable one.

    You also did a great job telling about Wealthy Affiliate and how this great company has the best tools, training and community support possible enabling anyone who has the desire to own a successful online business promoting whatever niche product the person has passion and knowledge for.

    Again you created a very useful and educational article for the person who might not understand what affiliate marketing is all about.


    1. Thank you Jeff for the comment.

      Yes, affiliate marketing can be a very profitable business. And the old saying applies in the online world “It’s not how hard you work but how smart you work.” (See my text about Pareto 80/20 principle).

      I’m satisfied with Wealthy Affiliate. They teach and train the newcomers and the more experienced online marketers in order help them to succeed online.

      I wish you all the best Jeff!

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