Social media marketing is the crucial part of the online business. If you don’t use it you will miss a big part of the possible profits. Using social media can be also time-consuming if you don’t know what to do there.
Today I’m going to give you five tips how to get more followers on Twitter which is one of the biggest and powerful social media networks online.
As you get more followers you will get more visibility. And when you get more visibility you will get more potential customers to your business and more profit. You have also better possibilities to affect people’s life positively.
After reading this text you don’t need to wonder anymore how to get more Twitter followers instantly.
TIP 1 Provide Important Value
This is the foundation of social media marketing and online business in general. You will need to provide some value for the customers that they will be interested in you. Provide something that will make their life better or easier.
For example, if someone is looking for ways to lose weight, you can give him good tips.
If someone is looking for how to make business better, you can help him.
Give people something valuable. When the people have received something useful from you, they will initially trust you more and you will gain some authority in their eyes.
TIP 2 Follow People interested in the same subject
One great way to get more followers is to follow other people. That’s because they will probably follow you back.
Crucially important is to get “targeted followers’”. It means that they are interested in the same subject as you are. If you are interested in the online business you can follow the people that are also interested in the online business. You will more likely to get more retweets and likes when your followers are targeted and interested in the same subject.
It is often said that 10,000 targeted followers are better than 100,000 non-targeted followers.
That’s definitely true because what profit it will give to you if 100,000 people follow you but they aren’t interested at all in your subject?
Still, be careful not to follow (+unfollow) too many people at the time. Twitter rules prohibit this behavior and Twitter has banned some accounts who have made this.
But I would say that if you are not following more than 200 followers/day you shouldn’t be afraid of being banned.

TIP 3 Use Twitter Tools
If you want to make social media marketing effectively, you will have to use tools. Using tools will save tons of hours of your time over the years.
The magical word in the online business is AUTOMATION. The more you automate the things the better.
If you use for example every day 5 minutes to do something that makes over 30 hours a year. If you write the same tweet 365 times you will lose 30 hours if we compare that you could use the tool that publishes the tweet 365 times for you.
Twitter tools will also help you to follow more targeted people faster. My favorite Twitter tools are Manageflitter and Tweepi.
TIP 4 Use Images
There are 3 reasons for this.
1.Images will get the attention better than only the text. You can also try to get people’s attention using CAPS LOCK or USE EXCLAMATION MARKS!!! But be aware that this can irritate some people.
2.Images are easier to find in Twitter. Some people may scroll your images afterwards and they may click the image you had published before two months. But it’s quite unlikely that they would find the text you published before two months.
3.Images help to remember the message more easily. People are visual by nature. We are just attracted to images and they help us to learn better. 1 word tells more than the thousand words. (See How to Get Free Images)
Tip 5 Use Motivational Quotes
People just love motivational quotes. They are short and easy to remember. People tend to retweet motivational quotes more than “average tweets”.
Retweets help you to get new followers because more people will see your profile. Think for example, if 1,000,000 could see your tweet how many of them will eventually follow you. Compare if 10,000 people see your tweet how many of them will follow you.
The changes are way higher for the first one.
With these 5 tips you will get more twitter followers for sure.
1.Provide important value
2.Follow People Interested in the same subject
3.Use Twitter tools
4.Use Images
5.Use Motivational Quotes
Follow me on Twitter. Follow @RoopeKiuttu
Learn more about social media marketing and the other crucial things in the online business in Wealthy Affiliate for free!
What are your best ways to get more Twitter followers?
Am new to this game but just found you here on Twitter and am following your steps on making better use of Twitter. Thanks for the INFO.
I am also with WA, good luck to you,
You are welcome Mike Moore!
With the constant practice and studying you will learn. Just be persistent and don’t give up. Take little steps every day towards the success.
Great to hear that you are also in Wealthy Affiliate learning how to build successful online business.
I wish you all the best
What an informative website! When I’m searching for detailed and unique content websites like yours are what I hope to find. I especially like your use of tips to guide the reader as in how to be successful. I stand by your tip 1 at my own website. I believing value to users is the most important way of having business success because viewers of content want something that is unique and informative and that is what your website is. You should be congratulated for your efforts.
Great to hear that you like it Ben. Thank you for the encouragement.
Providing important value is very important. In practice it means that finding what people want or need and then answer their needs.
I wish you all the best!
Nice and informative web page overall. I enjoyed reading this post because I have never had a twitter account. For beginners like me it was helpful, but it could be more helpful if you would describe what to look for with “tools” or what automation does exactly. I’m assuming you mean a tool that generates or repeats responses? Keep up the good work!
Thank you for the comment Erika, I’m glad you like it.
Yes, I will explain more in detail what automation means in practice and what you can do with the tools. I will tell more details in the following posts so stay tuned! 🙂