Captcha Club Scam – New Site, New Branding & More Tricks

Read out latest Captcha Club review post & learn their updated tricks to scam people this year. Know the reasons for staying away from this company. Click here.

Read out latest Captcha Club review post & learn their updated tricks to scam people this year. Know the reasons for staying away from this company. Click here.

Welcome to my Captcha Club Review!

Have you ever heard about the word “captcha?” It sounds familiar, right? If you were about to pay something on an online shop, for example, you see “I’m not a robot” or codes you need to type in before your payment is confirmed. 

A photo below is an example of a captcha code. You may wonder if there’s something in it that makes you $$$. Is it possible to make an income by simply working for these captcha codes? 

This is an example of a captcha code. However, Captcha Club has a different target.

To answer your questions, we’re here at Your Online Revenue to give you details about the company we’re about to review. We’re informing you about the background of the company itself and how they’re going to pay you if you got into their site. 

Are you ready to get started? Let’s dive into it. Shall we?

Captcha Club Review – Quick Summary

Name: Captcha Club

Founded: 2015

Founder: Atiq Ullah (unconfirmed)

Type: Typing job provider

Price: Free for limited access; paid packages for unlimited access

Best for: Nobody

Summary: Captcha Club is supposedly a typing job provider in which they can provide services to help individuals in the search for an online job and start working at home. However, this isn’t the case.

Is Captcha Club Recommended? No, definitely not. Don’t waste your time, my friend. If you like to start making a legitimate income, click the green button below and follow Roope’s step-by-step process on how to do it. 

What Is Captcha Club?

The downside of Captcha Club is that it doesn’t have defined or concrete set of information that we can base our research on. 

So, the best thing I could do here is to gather different sources to put all this together and define this company as much as I can. 

[thrive_leads id='20290']

Based on my research, Captcha Club is a typing job provider in which they’re supposedly giving the legitimate services to its stakeholders. Who are they? The individuals who want to make some side income. 

Around 2 years ago, their site has a different look from its present layout. You see below, they have different logo and input in comparison to most review sites with the old layout. 

What caught my eye is that when I try to click join, it shows me a different website as I reached EasyTypingJobs.Com.

Another thing I also noticed is the name below providing a hint of whoever runs the site. It stated, “by Make Money Online.”

I searched for people – REAL PEOPLE – on the site and their Facebook page. It seems like this is the guy who’s been scamming people over the years, pushing them to believe they could make money from the jobs available on Captcha Club. 

This is one of their promotional videos on Facebook in which this guy, an unknown Indian guy, pushes people to join Captcha Club with false payout promises.

Who Is Captcha Club For?

If it were legitimate, Captcha Club could have been a great platform for people who want to make money online by doing uncomplicated tasks. From the list they provide on their website, they gather resources in various fields, such as:

Note: and are under Make Money Online (unknown group of persons behind the site). The photo shows various opportunities you COULD get in their company.

What happens now is that this guy, who claims himself an Indian boy who made lots of money online, motivates the naive and vulnerable to join their “awesome community” and make some bucks, although the site isn’t real at all. 

One of the biggest key points for a legitimate typing site is that it has a concrete address as well as the key people behind the company. 

In the case of Captcha Club, there’s none. I couldn’t find where their headquarters are. So, I ended up searching Whois for their domain registration. 

Based on Whois registration, the guy named Jerry Beard is the registrant of the site since 2015 under NameSilo, LLC.

Just so you know, if you see specific names under Whois, it means the site isn’t Whois protected. That’s what I noticed when I tried to compare my own blog’s information and Captcha Club’s. 

The info inside the red box should have been in private if Whois protection is activated. That means the Captcha Club isn’t safe to use and to fill in personal information if required to do so.

Pros & Cons of Captcha Club

So far there are more cons of Captcha Club than its pros, given the research I did and gathered resources from various posts, reviews, as well as digging into the site records and its Facebook page. 

From lots of disturbing things I encountered during my research, these are the top ones I’m concerned about. 

1. Lack Of Information About The Company

I’ve reviewed many typing sites like CastingWords and Mommy Jobs Online. Tons of real typing job providers online make sure they provide the basic details to prove its 100% legitimacy.

However, Captcha Club fails to provide the person or group of persons running the company. Not even about page describing who they are and what they do was seen on the site or their Facebook page. 

This is a red flag. You should run away and search for other ways to make money online. 

If you like, you can see Roope’s ultimate make money online guide and start earning a legitimate income at home. 

Captcha Club has a limited disclosed information on Facebook page. That’s enough to feel suspicious about this company.

2. No Real Website

They may have a website; however, it isn’t safe to use, especially with regards to putting your personal information in their system, such as name, email, phone number, etc. they’re asking from you to confirm identity.

When Roope did the review about Captcha Club in 2016, the site had a different layout and the system was different. When I did 4 years since they existed, I noticed a big change in the site’s layout and information. 

As soon as I tried to register, it directs me to another website with a suspicious vibe to it. The site itself doesn’t feel like real humans are working behind the scene. 

Captcha Club seems to have a lot of robots. No pun intended. 

3. Inconsistent System For 3 Years

I like to highlight this one because you see in Roope’s review video about this company, you see the packages and all that stuff in there. But these aren’t present nowadays. 

It’s like they noticed a massive number of bad reviews about Captcha Club and they may have – just a wild guess – wanted to rebrand the site. In that way, people won’t realize they’re entering the same scam in a different packaging.

Consequently, the new users will experience a different Captcha Club as soon as they land on the page. Why? It’s because, as I mentioned above, whenever you click join, it routes you to a different site, which is 

[thrive_leads id='21084']

This is Captcha Club’s new landing page with a different vibe from the ones on Roope’s video (recorded in 2016).

4. Fake People

I noticed something incredible on their site. When I reviewed it one more time, I started to realize the names of the people they used to identify themselves are from famous artists around the world. They randomly choose names and use random photos they could find online.

Take a look at this. 

Captcha Club included fake people as a “display” of their company.

Is Captcha Club a Scam?

Given the red flags, there’s no doubt that Captcha Club is a scam for several reasons. One of them is the failure to provide proof they’re legitimate. As soon as you land on the site, you could easily feel uneasy and unsafe. 

In addition to that, they failed to acknowledge who the Indian guy is. Who is he? Why is he speaking to most of its Facebook videos claiming a lot of people make money from Captcha Club? 

In the past, claims of paying more money for packages with enclosed privileges were rampant. On various forums, you see people having complaints about the payouts, given that you have to pay $40 to get the money you worked hard for.

From the beginning, you’ll be asked to pay a certain amount to get an unlimited projects and earnings per month in comparison to joining Captcha Club for free. That’s their way of doing their scam in 2016. 

This is one of their proofs of payout to individuals.

Now, they have a different version of it. First, you’ll arrive at the brand new Captcha Club website with all these nonsense inputs and fake testimonials. You seem convinced. 

So, you head to the button and join their community. And then, voila! You’re directed to another website with another content and another registration. 

No packages are stated on the landing page. Hence, it’s getting trickier. They seem to hide something.

Whatever the reasons they may have for revamping the whole site for the sake of rebranding – to scam more people – it’s best to stay away from Captcha Club and search for other legitimate sites and ways to make an income online. It’s possible. 

If you like typing jobs so much, you can search on our website and you’ll see our recommendations as well as other means to make money. We have it all here. Just click the green button below and get started, my friend. 

Conclusion – Is Captcha Club Worth It?

I’m shaking my head right now. No, it’s not going to be worth your while. If you like to start making $$$ from online typing jobs, we have a lot of recommendations here. But Captcha Club isn’t one of them. 

Over more than a year of reviewing lots of companies, I noticed their patterns in which they successfully scam people, especially the new, naive, and vulnerable. 

Below is a screenshot of the complaints victims filed against Captcha Club on various forums. This is how bad it is, my friend.

One of their victims hope to get their money back (paid packages). However, it seems Captcha Club doesn’t pay them.

People who are in the search for online opportunities are desperate. They know that they want to make money in any way possible. So, they take advantage of it. This is one of the prevalent tactics they do, which apparently, Captcha Club does. 

Why was I able to say this? 

It’s obvious. You see different feel from their site, although they’re just 5 years in service. Totally different. You don’t see the registration form as well as the packages you need to buy to get projects and earn. 

One of the responses on Quora regarding Captcha Club’s legitimacy depicts otherwise.

They changed their tactics of pushing people to act desperately and recklessly by paying an amount in exchange for the promised job. In the end, they have to pay $40 to withdraw the amount the hoped for. That alone sucks. 

Generally speaking, Captcha Club isn’t a recommendable company to look for an online typing job. It’s not going to be a good decision to waste time with them. 

If you want to see more opportunities to make money online, you can also get our #1 recommended business strategy by clicking here.

Now that I shared my thoughts on my “Captcha Club Review” post, it’s time to turn the table and ask about your experience, in general.

What kinds of experiences do you have with making money with Captcha Club? Is it worth your time, money, and effort?

Do you prefer to begin earning your first passive income through affiliate marketing or you instead invest your time, money, and effort into income-generating opportunities like this?

Let me know in the comments below! 🙂

If you need any help to get started making money online, don’t hesitate to ask in the comments below and we’ll be happy to help you out! 

By Mecyll Gaspary

Hi, I'm Mecyll! I'm a full-time writer in Your Online Revenue, dedicated to dig into the world of making money with Roope. When I'm not spending time writing reviews, I'm writing novels and blog posts on my own website.

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