CastingWords Review [Best Transcription Company Ever Existed?!]

Read My CastingWords Review & Learn More About The Income Opportunity As Transcriptionist VS AccuTran Global VS Other Transcribe Companies. Click Here To Read.

Read My CastingWords Review & Learn More About The Income Opportunity As Transcriptionist VS AccuTran Global VS Other Transcribe Companies. Click Here To Read.

Welcome to my CastingWords Review!

Transcription jobs are hot these days. Increasing demand for transcriptionists is evident to the extent to which it opens earning possibilities for people to work-at-home. 

In this post, we’re going to review another transcription company that’s going to provide you an income by doing transcription jobs online. However, making more money isn’t a guarantee.

Because of that, I suggest you take a look at the #1 recommended online opportunity and grab the chance to make more steady passive income. Imagine earnnig $3,000 in a day. That’s possible if you follow the right process.

Stay through the end of the post and you’ll see the great side of the internet, you never saw before. Let’s dive into the review first. Shall we?

CastingWords Review – Quick Summary

Name: CastingWords

Founded: 2005

Type: Transcription Company

Price: $0.85 to $1 per audio minute

Best for: People who are interested in working as a transcriptionist at home without the need to report in a physical office and make money. All they need is a strong command of the English language and typing speed to accommodate the number of files to transcribe on-site.

Read My CastingWords Review & Learn More About The Income Opportunity As Transcriptionist VS AccuTran Global VS Other Transcribe Companies. Click Here To Read.

Summary: Established in 2005, CastingWords is a transcription company based in New Mexico, USA in which it provides a work-at-home opportunity for aspiring transcriptionists with or without experience.

Is CastingWords Recommended? No, if you ought to make money online. This isn’t a good option for you. We’ll delve into the details in a while. For now, click the green button below to learn more about the other option to start with this year.

What Is CastingWords? 

Established in New Mexico 14 years ago, CastingWords catered its stakeholders the need for accurate and fast transcription service. 

If you’re familiar with how the other existing companies work like, Transcribe Anywhere, or AccuTran Global, understanding how they work wouldn’t be difficult.

Due to the increasing demands for transcription services, the company sought the need for the increase of transcriptionists akin to the number of workloads they received from its clients. 

Similarly, CastingWords do provide the same type of service as the companies mentioned above cater. If you want to learn more about it, you can watch the video below and see if this company works for you or not.

How Does CastingWords Work?

As a client, you simply have to go to their website and upload the file you want it transcribed. You set the budget you can afford and the number of days you’d like the file ready. 

According to their website, they accept files sent by email, Dropbox, web, or FTP in either Zip file or not. In addition to that, they offer .txt files and other formats for the transcription.

After which, the assigned staff or anyone who received the file will have a quick conversation with you to discuss the file to ensure the seamless procedure before the transcription process commences.

On the other hand, as a transcriptionist, the desire to make enough money as a stable worker, you can’t guarantee that, though. I learned it when I wrote the previous review about AccuTran Global. 

Transcription jobs are seasonal jobs. You can’t make the same amount of money every month. There will always be peak times and downtimes.

If you pursue, you can apply as one of their bonafide transcriptionists and earn $0.85 to $1 per audio minute.

How to Make Money with CastingWords?

When it comes to making money online as a transcriptionist, CastingWords pays out a few cents to a dollar per audio minute. That means, you always have to hope for more lengthy projects under your account to ensure the income. 

However, this isn’t the case for entry-level transcriptionist because you belong to the low paid workers in the company. 

Eventually, you increase the rank based on your experience and the work quality you provide. By then, you could get a dollar per audio minute compensation rate. 

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Transcription job may be enjoyable but you always have to deal with constant pressure.

Here’s the catch. 

You have to understand that working as a transcriptionist is a highly demanding job. You have to work in a conducive environment keeping you focused on finishing all the pending files assigned to you. 

Nonetheless, it’s a great option to earn a side income, not as a full-time job.

CastingWords [UGLY] Truths Revealed!

1. Too Low Source Of Income

As I mentioned earlier, you can’t guarantee a big income from working as a transcriptionist because you’re paid in cents per audio minute. Hence, you don’t expect more than $30 per project.

AccuTran Global, a transcription company serving earlier than CastingWords and had bigger clients, only pays out $21 per audio minute. With that being said, earning 2-digit income per project is a norm. 

2. Prioritizes Experienced Workers

Like the other transcription companies existing these days, they always prioritize the experienced transcriptionists versus the beginners.

An obvious uneven distribution of projects, indeed.

Thus, the longer you serve the company, the higher the number of projects they give you. It’s about earning the trust of whoever runs CastingWords and you’re good to go.

3. Highly Demanding

As a transcriptionist, you’re expected to get the job done as fast as you could. Which is why most companies require at least 60 WPM typing speed from the workers to ensure they finish the projects faster.

Aside from that, you have to cope with the deadline based on the agreement with the client. Otherwise, the company suffers from overdue projects.

You have to deal with the editors, who will grade your work. The grades serve as the basis for your pay per month.

4. Confusing Grading Systems

Aside from the low payment, a few of the transcriptionists muster the courage to write a rant against the company. Many of them revealed that the editors don’t follow the same grading system.

The transcriptionists receive a rating from them which becomes the basis for the compensation you receive per month. It could have been resolved if there is unison in the grading systems to ensure fairness.

What I Like About CastingWords?

1. Flexible Working Hours

The fact that CastingWords is a work-at-home opportunity, it’s a great way to start making money online.

Although it won’t pay more than you would expect, it still provides you a side income from a legitimate job you do during seasonal “peak” times. 

2. Great Side Income

As I wrote earlier, working for CastingWords as a transcriptionist is a great way to start having the feel of working without leaving your lofty home. It’s a work-at-home opportunity.

So, all you have to do is to turn the PC or laptop and start working online and make money. That’s all you do. No drama.

CastingWords Review – What Others Say About It?

“There’s always work to do, especially for workers with high grades.” This is one of the few positive notes for CastingWords from the current transcriptionists working for the company. Yet, this isn’t surprising at all.

Many entry-level transcriptionists strive to produce high-quality content to earn higher grades from the editors. In turn, they won’t have to deal with project scarcity in the long run. 

Once you proved your work as best as you can, you guarantee more workload. Thus, you receive more income in comparison to those who have lower grades than you do have.

Yet, on the other side, it’s always the demanding nature of transcription jobs. Every worker, regardless if they’re paid higher than the rest of the workers, deals with the pressure, especially in submitting projects on time no matter the length is. 

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You have to work fast as a transcriptionist. Every minute matters.

For example, CastingWords require you to submit a transcription of a 90-minute long audio file within an hour or so.

The same system as other transcription companies implement. They all follow similar methods to enforce the high-quality and perfection they promise to their respective stakeholders. 

Further, it’s common to have the low season, especially during the summer season. During these times, you’d expect job scarcity, resulting in high competition between the transcriptionists.

CastingWords Review Pros Cons

Pros, Cons, & Recommendations from CastingWords workers

The company prioritizes the ones with higher grades than the entry-level or workers with lower grades. Hence, most of the jobs are given to the former and the remaining ones to the latter. It’s given. 

“Well-paid if you’re working for a while...It pays really low, and there are only a few jobs when you start working,” another CastingWords worker revealed.

Is CastingWords Legit?

There’s no doubt that CastingWords is a legitimate company that caters to the transcription needs of its clients.

Although it pays low, very low to be specific, especially to those who started working for the company, it pays on time. 

It can be a good side income in the long run as long as you provide good outputs leading to earning higher grades. Once you keep your reputation, you will have higher chances to receive more transcription jobs than not. 

Nonetheless, CastingWords is not a scam because it provides real services to its stakeholders. It may not be a good source for a full-time income.

However, it remains a great way to make some bucks from doing something you love. And that’s transcription. 

CastingWords Review Landing Page-min

CastingWords landing page with a gist of its featured services

#1 Online Business Opportunity

There are many ways to make money online. Name it. From writing articles to earn commissions from promoting other people’s products, the internet can provide those kinds of opportunities for you. 

The thing is that you have to understand that the internet can also be tricky. Especially if you don’t have any knowledge about the fundamentals of the online money-making industry. 

Similarly, working as a transcriptionist follow the same pattern. You may be working for something you love doing.

Yet, you can’t enjoy it because you’ll be forced to submit all the projects as fast as you can. You constantly work under pressure.

If you want to do other option that’s going to give you a stable income without too much pressure, click the green button below and learn more about it.

That alone isn’t a healthy notion about making money. Not in making a stable and passive income. On Your Online Revenue Ltd, we have something you might have to check out. It’s our #1 recommended online business opportunity you shouldn’t miss. 

It’s the same training Roope “Robert” Kiuttu, the founder and the successful affiliate marketer from Finland, did resulting in earning $3,000 in a day.

How is that possible? You’ll learn that by clicking the green button below. Get started today. You won’t regret it. 

Now that I shared my thoughts on my “CastingWords Review” post, it’s time to turn the table and ask about your experience, in general.

What kinds of experiences do you have with making money with CastingWords? Is it worth your time, money, and effort?

Do you prefer to begin earning your first passive income through affiliate marketing or you instead invest your time, money, and effort to income-generating opportunities like this?

Let me know in the comments below! 🙂

If you need any help to get started making money online, don’t hesitate to ask in the comments below and we’ll be happy to help you out! 

By Mecyll Gaspary

Hi, I'm Mecyll! I'm a full-time writer in Your Online Revenue, dedicated to dig into the world of making money with Roope. When I'm not spending time writing reviews, I'm writing novels and blog posts on my own website.

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