Thrive Ultimatum Review: Boost Your Sales Immediately


Thrive Ultimatum Gives Powerful Results

Welcome to my Thrive Ultimatum review!

If you are looking for a great way to boost the sales of your online business, you have come to the right place.

All successful marketers know the power of the scarcity marketing. A limited offer gives prospects and customers a necessary push before the important purchase decision.

But how to create that scarcity with your online business and offers?

The answer is Thrive Ultimatum.

Thrive Ultimatum Review – Quick Summary

Product Name: Thrive Ultimatum


Product Type: Scarcity Marketing Tool / Deadline Timer

Price: $67 Individually Or Included Fully in the Thrive Membership Which Is $19/Month

Best for: Internet Marketers And Online Businesses Who Want to Make More Sales

Summary: Thrive Ultimatum is the best marketing tool for creating scarcity and giving the necessary “push” for your prospects before the important buying decision.

Based on my own and other people’s experiences Thrive Ultimatum is extremely easy to use and it takes just a few mouse clicks to set it up.

Is Thrive Ultimatum Recommended? Yes. 

Note: If you are still a beginner and struggling with making money online, I recommend starting with this step-by-step training first. It took me from 0 to making a full-time income online.

Why Is Scarcity Marketing So Important?

Humans are wired by natural laws. If you feel that something is being taken away from you, that thing feels immediately more valuable.

If I would give you an amazing offer and say that you can take it now or think for a while, you most likely wouldn’t feel any pull towards taking the offer.

But if I would give you the same great offer and give you only 5 minutes to decide, there would be immediately a sense of urgency and pull towards that. If the offer would be amazing, you would probably take it right away.

You can apply this natural law to your own online business and marketing to skyrocket your sales campaigns.

Some Internet marketing experts even say that scarcity marketing is the single most powerful technique for increasing conversions. Read below what one of the most successful Internet marketers of our time, Shane Melaugh says:

The most powerful technique for increasing conversions that I have ever seen and come across in years of online marketing experience. In a word, it’s scarcity.” -Shane Melaugh

All marketers agree the power of the scarcity marketing.

What Is Thrive Ultimatum?

Thrive Ultimatum is a scarcity marketing tool created by Thrive Themes

I guess that you may have heard of Thrive Themes before but just in case you haven’t let me give you a little bit background.

Thrive Themes is a company that specializes on creating the most powerful conversion-optimized WordPress plugins and themes in the industry.

Thrive Themes creators and developers are experienced Internet marketers who know the pain points of online marketing.

They have a years of experience of making 7-figure income themselves and that’s why they also know what are the most important things that online businesses are struggling with.

That’s why they have created a set of tools to help your online business and make your Internet marketing way easier.

Personally, I am not a tech savvy person so I am thankful that Thrive Themes has created so practical tools that even I can use them. 

With their pre-made templates you can easily create beautiful timers that you can see in the image below:

Building powerful timers with Thrive Ultimatum is easy. If I can do it, you can do it.

How Does Thrive Ultimatum Work?

The main idea behind Thrive Ultimatum is that you will get more conversions (sales or leads for example) with the same amount of traffic.

The purpose of Thrive Ultimatum is to drive you more sales, leads and conversions with the same amount of traffic.

Let’s say that you get now 100 visitors per day to your sales page and make 5 sales.

With Thrive Ultimatum, you are supposed to make more than 5 sales every day with the same 100 visitors. Let’s say that after using Thrive Ultimatum you start seeing even 10 sales per day. (These numbers are just for an example.)

Thrive Ultimatum works easily with Thrive drag & drop builder called Thrive Architect. You can use their professional and beautiful templates to create any kind of timer you want.

You can also fully optimize the timer to fit your business brand and needs.

Thrive Ultimatum works with an easy drag & drop builder.

Therefore, we can confidently say that you can create powerful and highly converting marketing offers with just a few mouse clicks.

Thrive Ultimatum Features

Thrive Ultimatum is full of wonderful features that will help you to optimize your sales even more. I will not go through all of them in this article but let me mention a few interesting ones.

You can take a look at all Thrive Ultimatum features here.

In the image above, you see 3 most common campaign types that are created with Thrive Ultimatum. Let me quickly go through them one by one:

  • 1.Fixed Date Campaigns

With fixed campaigns you will be able to set the fixed dates for your offer. You can inform your prospects, for example, that the offer will be available from the Black Friday until Cyber Monday.

When the campaign time runs out, your campaign ends and the offer is not valid anymore for your prospects.

It is, of course, recommended to inform your audience well before the campaign starts so they are well prepared for their purchase.

  • 2.Recurring Campaigns

With recurring campaigns you would normally need to start and stop the offers manually but Thrive Ultimatum does the work for you.

Just set up the rules for the recurring campaign and Thrive Ultimatum timer will automatically show up to your audience as you have set it up.

  • 3.Evergreen Campaigns

Evergreen campaigns gives you a freedom to set up the campaigns individually for all of your visitors.

Let’s say, for example, that the visitor A has already visited on your website and you do not want to show him the same offer anymore. You can do that easily with Thrive Ultimatum.

Then Visitor B comes to your website and you want that the he will see your offer. Thrive Ultimatum shows it automatically to him if you have set it up.

As I mentioned above, these are only a few of all the Thrive Ultimatum features. You will see full illustrations and list of features here.

Thrive Ultimatum Price

Let’s say that you are selling or promoting a $97 digital product and you make a 50% profit for each sale. With 2 sales you will make a $69 profit.

If Thrive Ultimatum helps you to make just 2 sales more, it has paid itself back.

The price of Thrive Ultimatum is only $67 if bought individually on a single website. Other prices are as follows:

Thrive Ultimatum for 1 website: $97, for 5 website: $147, for 15 website: $399. 

Another option is to get Thrive Ultimatum fully included for free in the Thrive Themes membership.

The membership gives you an access to all of their conversion optimization tools, themes and plugins including:

The price of the Thrive membership is only $19/month which is a no-brainer.

If you would buy similar tools elsewhere, you could easily pay more than $99/month. Even a similar tool like Thrive Leads would itself cost $29-49 per month. I was actually paying for a similar tool around $30 per month until I found Thrive Leads and switched immediately.

You can get Thrive Ultimatum or the Thrive Themes tools easily from the button below:

Remember that all Thrive products including Thrive Ultimatum have a 30-day money back guarantee. It means that if you do not want to continue with their products after 30 days for any reason, you will get all your money back.

Therefore, you are not risking a single penny.

If you do not boost your sales or get the desired results, you get the money back. No questions asked. Thrive products 100% satisfaction guarantee.

Thrive Ultimatum gives you GUARANTEED RESULTS or all your money back.

My Personal Tip When Using Thrive Ultimatum 

Scarcity marketing is powerful and giving the sense of urgency can really give you a quick boost to your sales.

But as Shane Melaugh teaches, you should be careful when using it. If you are creating scarcity, you must be consistent with your message towards your audience.

I tested putting a 2 hour-timer to my sales page for a while and I saw the spike in the actions that the visitors were taking. However, it was not long lasting because the offer was still available after 2 hours.

I know that many companies put timers to their offers but when you check back the other day, the same offer is still there. Usually, by doing that the company lose a little bit credibility and trust in the visitors’ eyes.

It may give some short-term results but in the long run the visitors and customers realize what’s going on and they don’t feel so intrigued to buying from that company.

So, if you say to your clients/prospects that the offer is going to last only 7 days, don’t prolong it unless you have a very good reason.

Of course, there are different schools of taught on this specific matter but whatever you are doing, you must stay consistent with your audience. 

Thrive Ultimatum Support

As with all the other Thrive products, they provide you a full and responsive support that is committed to make sure that all your tools work properly and all your questions are answered.

Personally, I have ALWAYS got answers to all of my questions from Thrive Themes.

If you Thrive Ultimatum individually, you will get an unlimited amount of support for one year. Then you can continue it for a small fee if you want.

With Thrive Themes membership you get a full support so long as you continue as a member.

Neil Patel is one of the most famous Internet marketers in the world. He highlights the importance of the scarcity marketing.

Conclusion – Is Thrive Ultimatum Worth It?

Yes, it is.

Paying $97 for the tool that can literally bring you thousands of extra dollars each year (or even much more depending on the size of your business) is certainly worth it.

A great thing about Thrive Ultimatum is that you can try it comfortably for 30 days and if it has not given you the results that you expected, you will get all your money back.

Personally, I prefer paying for the Thrive membership which is only $19 per month because now I have an access to all their conversion optimization tools.

They have given me great results and that’s why I can comfortably recommend Thrive Themes to you as well.

What kind of experiences do you have with Thrive Ultimatum or other Thrive tools?

How do you optimize your conversions in addition to scarcity marketing?

Let me know in the comments below!

If you have any questions, just leave a comment below and I will be more than happy to help you out.

By Roope Kiuttu

Hello! I am Roope "Robert" Kiuttu, the founder and owner of I created this website back in 2015 to help you to make money online. You can ask me anything and I'll be happy to help you out. I help people daily to make more money online and I love seeing people succeeding. If you want to get my 1-on-1 support and help to make money online as well, get started HERE.


  1. Scarcity really works in every field.  Nobody wants to miss a great deal, that’s why all the big brands online have sales with time limit. Thanks for writing review on this product. I was excited about thrive ultimatum and would love to use the technique my website as well Ando pic and hopefully, I will get similar result like you. Thanks for sharing your personal result too.

  2. HI Roope,

    WOW, What a nice review, I really loved the reading!

    I was looking for a tool like this to give an ultimatum to my readers and here I found it on your website. I am so pleased! 

    This product is not cheap, but surely worth the price. I’ll give it a try and see how it goes for a month time. I was wondering if it’s possible;e to buy lifetime instead of paying every single month? 

    Thank you for this comprehensive article!

    1. Hi Daniela,

      I guess you’ve understood the pricing wrong. It is actually very cheap tool. It costs only $97 one-time payment. Nothing more.

      See more details here.

      Another alternative is to get the Thrive Themes membership for just $19/month. It doesn’t only include Thrive Ultimatum but around 10 different tools from the same company that have been designed to help Internet marketers to make more money online.


  3. Excellent marketing strategy for increasing conversion, I was asking my myself, how this is done because I have seen it in other website, but I have no idea. Now that I know, I will have to leverage it. I just opened the Thrive Ultimatum website, the only drawback for me now is on the packages as I have no money to pay for subscription right now, but I will have to raise $97 to pay for the 1 Licence Package.

    Thank you so much for a comprehensive review

    1. Hi Ngoni,

      I’m 100% sure that if you use this tool well, it will pay itself back for you very quickly 🙂

      $97 is a cheap price for a tool that can potentially pay you $1,000’s or $10,000’s or even $100,000’s if your business grows bigger.

  4. So thrieve utimate is a needed tools online to increase the sales online. Anything online can increase conversion and sales i like to have such tools.

    I will so happy if they have like 30 days trial for someone to know and understand the cons and pros, then it will give me ability to take decision. For example i have been making 10 sales per month, and i use their free trail and my sales increase to 25, then i will not think twice before i suscribe for the highest package . Anyway i need to try this tools. Thank for this expensive information.

  5. Hello Robert,

    Great article. I have heard of Thrive Themes before, but not about this new program – Thrive Ultimatum. Wow, it sounds awesome and I also noticed that you gave it a good score.

    I went through your article and you are so right, we humans do tend to get ‘drawn into ‘ the ‘urgency’ factor – whether we choose to agree or not – it is in our ‘programming’ and if someone has found a way to capitalize on it, without doing any one harm, then by all means, let’s do this.

    I have friends who ‘rave’ about Thrive Themes and their product.I will share this article with them as well. Keep up the great job.

    All the best.


    1. Hi Michelle,

      I guess you’ve heard of Thrive Themes from other members in the Wealthy Affiliate community?

      Many successful Internet marketers on WA tend to use Thrive Themes.

      Thrive Ultimatum is fully included in their membership. Alternatively, you can get it separately for a cheap price as well.



  6. Hello Roope,

    Thrive Ultimatum sounds excellent.

    I have heard of Thrive before, but not this plugin specifically.

    The price is a little high, but if it does increase sales by as much as your claim, then it could be the best money ever spent.

    Firstly your post is excellent. very thorough and you have done a great job of explaining exactly what it is and how it works and of course how we can get hold of it.

    I would be interested in getting it if the results are there.

    Would you have any personal use of the plugin yourself and if so, would you be able to show figures to support the increase in sales?

    If that was forthcoming, I think I would have to say I am in.

    Great post and look forward to hearing from you.


  7. Hey there,

    I’m not very fond od the scarcity technique. It creates a sense of fabricated urgency, and sometimes, I might even wait for the “deadline” to expire, just to see whether it is a fake urgency or not.

    That said, I do understand the concept. You make a campaign, you set a deadline. you want to get a specific number of conversions in a certain period. Acceptable.

    I’d like to ask whether there is a free or a trial version of the product. And whether it works with all WordPress themes



    1. Hi Marios,

      Thanks for your input.

      I think that that some people use the scarcity marketing wrong which is part of the reason that you are not a big fan of it. Some people say that the sale expires in 3 days but it still keeps on going and going. I think that’s wrong. If you say it ends in 3 days, then it Must end in 3 days or otherwise you are just fooling people.

      As I explained in the review above, you will get 100% of your money back if you don’t get the results that you wanted with Thrive Ultimatum. In the other words, you can try it for free without any risks.

      As far as I know, it works with all WordPress themes.

      Try Thrive Ultimatum yourself here!



  8. I’m not going to lie, it’s quite an expensive thing to consider especially for those still new to the world of making money online. But then you consider the plugins that are included with the membership, even with the cheapest option and it does sound great. If it truly does help increase your sales, you will quickly recoup your initial spendings which is great.

    1. If it’s too expensive, they will give all your money back. You can try it for 30 days for free and if it doesn’t make you so much money that you desire, they give a full refund. I think that’s quite a fair deal 🙂

      For beginners I highly recommend Wealthy Affiliate training because it will teach you the foundation and help you to make a full-time income online.

  9. Thrive Ultimatum is another tool of the company Thrive Themes, and since it’s a general knowledge on how good the services of the company are in helping one to grow one’s online business. It’s very correct that the human nature is pushed to buy when they sense scarcity, so the use of Thrive Ultimatum does this trick well for anyone who uses it.

      1. Of course yes, to influence the human mind into feeling a sense of urgency in rushing for a product is the best way to have a positive result with marketing of products and services. If you can get a prospective customers to see the need in buying in bulk and keeping storage, it’s most likely to induce increased sales for the marketer.

  10. Looks like an amazing tool to have in your arsenal. Any ideas to improve sales are always welcome in my opinion. Normally I would be opposed to this because you have to spend money.

    I like the fact that this tool has a free trial. It means that you have time to see how it works and if it can actually lead to more conversions. You have nothing to lose. If it does not work you can unsubscribe to the service.

    1. Yes, they give a full 100% satisfaction guarantee. If a customer has not achieved everything what he wanted, they will give all the money back.

      Most likely Thrive Ultimatum will make more sales for the customer so he doesn’t need to ask for a refund.

  11. Increasing conversions can be done in several different marketing strategies to increase your website traffic sufficiently. Conversions can be increased by you having different email notification or form filling within your website to build up your traffic and have an option where they can refer others that are in the need of your service.

    Having the online experience of increasing your conversion rates will value your proposition and integration that will increase your website conversion rate and profit margin.

    1. Yeah, there are many ways to increase conversions.

      Traffic itself doesn’t bring more sales but creative ways to increase conversions needs to be found as well.

      Based on my own and other people’s experiences Thrive Ultimatum does a great job to increase conversions.

  12. I know Thrive, however, I have never used Thrive themes and templates on my websites, If you have a lot of websites and change the design of your websites frequently, I think the membership plan is better. By paying $19 per month, you will have access to wide range of themes and templates. However, if you do not have many websites and do not change the design of a website too frequent, one-time payment for the theme is a better option.

    1. Good points. Even though one would have only one website, I still would recommend getting the Thrive membership because it gives an access to all their tools, updates, unlimited support and pretty much everything else as well 😀

      I have been a happy Thrive member already for a year.

      1. Membership plan might be a better option, however, it is also very costly. One year membership costs you $228, however, you can get 4 premium themes for this price. If you are not replacing themes too often, $228 will be a financial burden. I am more happy choosing individual themes.

        1. Well, it depends on how you look at it. If Thrive Themes and all their tools bring you +$200 extra income every month, then it’s very cheap.

          I’d rather think Thrive Themes as an investment than as a cost.

          I bought a premium theme for WordPress (Avada) but I certainly was not as satisfied with it as I am now with Thrive Themes.

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