Thrive Headline Optimizer Review: Don’t Leave Money on the Table!

Welcome to my Thrive Headline Optimizer Review!

If you are looking for the best and fastest ways to improve your website’s

  • Engagement
  • Conversions
  • Click-Through Rate
  • Sales

You have come to the right place. In this article, I will show and explain how easily Thrive Headline Optimizer will improve your website with almost no effort at all.

I have used this tool myself already for a good while and I am completely impressed with the results.

Thrive Headline Optimizer Review – Quick Summary

Product Name: Thrive Headline Optimizer


Product Type: Headline And Conversion Optimization Tool

Price: Individually $67. Or Fully Included in the Thrive Themes Membership for Free.

Best for: Website Owners And Bloggers Who Want to Make the Most Out of Their Websites

Summary: Thrive Headline Optimizer is the best tool for optimizing your headlines. Optimizing your headlines will increase your conversions, sales and engagement. I think that I was leaving money on the table when I wasn’t using it because it brings you more income with so little effort.

Is Thrive Headline Optimizer Recommended? Yes! I recommend it to all bloggers and website owners.

Note: If you haven’t yet started making money with your website and you are wondering how to get started. I highly recommend following this step-by-step training. It took me from 0 to making a full-time income online. I will provide you my 1-on-1 help and support to achieve the same.

Why Should You Optimize Your Headlines?

If you are a blogger or website owner, you probably use endless hours creating wonderful content to your website.

You optimize your

  • Images
  • Call to actions
  • Buttons
  • Proofread your articles
  • And all the other little details

However the most important thing whether or not your visitor will read the article or content depends on your headline.

Actually, some studies show that more than 80% of the website visitors leave right away after reading the headline. A bad headline can completely ruin your content so you really need to pay attention to it.

On the other hand, a great headline can improve your:

  • Engagement
  • Conversions
  • Google rankings

If there is a single thing that you should optimize on your website, that is your headline. It doesn’t help you to write a wonderful 3,000 word article unless your headline is good as well.With the old methods optimizing and testing the best headline has been very time-consuming and that’s why most bloggers or website owners haven’t even bother it to improve it.

What If…?

  • What if you could automatically improve your headlines?
  • What if, the software would automatically choose the best and the highest converting headline for you?
  • What if, you could test different headlines against each other and the bot would automatically choose the best one?

Yeah, I know that it sounds amazing. I didn’t even know before that it would be possible to do all of those things with one tool until I found Thrive Headline Optimizer.

Let me explain what is Thrive Headline Optimizer and how it will improve your conversions, engagement and click through rate.

Thrive Headline Optimizer starts automatically analyzing and improving your metrics.

What Is Thrive Headline Optimizer?

Thrive Headline Optimizer is a WordPress plugin by Thrive Themes that optimizes your headlines automatically.If you haven’t heard of Thrive Themes before, I recommend reading my comprehensive Thrive Themes review here.

Thrive Themes is a company that provides WordPress plugins and themes that are designed to optimize your conversions. In the other words, the purpose of the whole company is to create better plugins and tools to help you to make more sales. Or achieve your website’s another goal.

Thrive Themes are already used by tens of thousands of online entrepreneurs and Internet marketers worldwide.

Thrive Themes provides conversion-focused themes and plugins to your website.

I started using Thrive Themes when I heard about the wonderful results that my friends had achieved by using their tools. They were making much more money and better core worsens with Thrive Themes than ever before.

I realized that I was leaving money on the table because I was not yet a member of Thrive Themes. Therefore, I decided to get Thrive Themes around one year ago and I’m very glad I did because their tools have generated good money for me.

When I found Thrive Headline Optimizer my mind was blown because I realized how easily I could improve my website and conversions. This tool it’s very easy to use, doesn’t take much time but the thing impact can be amazing.So let me show and explain you how it works in practice.

How Does Thrive Headline Optimizer Work?

Before you read my text instructions, I recommend watching my video tutorial below where I walk you through the setup process of Thrive Headline Optimizer.

The video is from my YouTube channel where I teach you how you can make more money online. I provide tutorials, reviews, tips and step-by-step trainings.

In my Thrive headline Optimizer tutorial above, I also show the results that Thrive Headline Optimizer has given to me. Of course, the best way to get the feeling of Thrive Headline Optimizer is to try it out yourself here.

Before starting to use headline Optimizer, you of course need to have an article where you want to optimize your headline. This can be your blog post, landing page, sales page or whatever page on your website.

  • 1.Choose Different Headlines for the A/B Test

thrive headline optimizer features

Thrive Headline Optimizer allows you to A/B test your headlines easily.

When you have your article, you must first come up with a few ideas for a headline. I recommend that you take into account the search engine optimization when choosing your headline to drive tons of traffic from Google for free.

In the video above, you already saw some examples of my headlines and how I compare them but let me just give you another example here.

Inbox Blueprint is a product review on my website where I explained about the best email marketing training course in the world. It is an online course by Anik Singal that teaches the students how to make more money with email marketing.

Nowadays I am using Thrive Headline Optimizer for all new posts and articles on my website so I naturally optimize the headline for this article as well. Here are the different options that I was using for my Inbox Blueprint Review:

  1. Is Inbox Blueprint a Scam Or #1 Email Marketing Training?
  2. Is Inbox Blueprint a Scam? No, It Will Make You Money!
  3. Is Inbox Blueprint a Scam? No. Here Is the Reason Why!
  4. Is Inbox Blueprint a Scam? No, Anik Singal Will Make You Rich

I am obviously targeting the keyword, “Is Inbox Blueprint a Scam” because many people are searching for that keyword on Google. The part that I am optimizing in the headlines is the end of it.

  • 2.Enter Your Headlines to Thrive Headline Optimizer

Once you have decided the headlines that you want to compare, you just need to put them to Thrive Headline Optimizer. That is very easy and effortless.

When I’m writing a new article WordPress automatically shows me an option where I can set different headlines. That is because I have in start Thrive Headline Optimizer plugin to my website.

Notice that Thrive Headline Optimizer plugin does not slow down your website at all. It is completely optimized to make your site best version possible.

  • 3.Let Thrive Headline Optimizer Do the Work

Thrive Headline Optimizer does all the heavy-lifting for you.

Now that you have set up the headlines you can start promoting your article and drive traffic to it. When website visitors read that article Thrive Headline Optimizer with automatically tests these different headlines against each other

Let’s say, for example, that you will get 400 visitors to that article. 100 of those visitors will see the first option, 100 of those visitors will see the second option and so on.

You will get beautiful real-time statistics of all the results inside Thrive Headline Optimizer plugin.

  • 4.Thrive Headline Optimizer Chooses the Winner Automatically

After the software has received enough data and information of your visitors, it will automatically choose the winner.

When the plug-in is doing the AB testing you can also analyze the results yourself and drop the options that are not performing so well. Alternatively, you can stop the AB testing any time you want and choose the winner right away yourself.

  • 5.Enjoy More Conversions, Engagement and  Better Click-Through-Rates

Now that you know that your headline is fully optimized, it you can enjoy the results and reap the benefits. This is probably the most exciting part because you will see your Google rankings going up and sales increasing.

In the next chapter, I am going to explain you the benefits of using Thrive Headline Optimizer even more in detail but if you want to start using it right away and getting the results you can get Thrive Headline Optimizer to your website here.

3 Benefits of Using Thrive Headline Optimizer

1.High Returns on Your Invested Time And Money

I must admit that I literally love using Thrive Headline Optimizer. It takes so little time to set it up but the results are amazing.

I can’t even imagine how great returns on the invested time I get by using it. If I would calculate my hourly salary of using Thrive Headline Optimizer, I believe it would be pretty amazing.

That’s why I am more than happy to recommend the tool to you as well. I know it is completely worth. It saves tons of your time and money because you do not need to try to do the testing manually which would be almost impossible.

2.Extremely Easy to Use

Personally, I’m not a tech savvy person and almost always when I start new using a new tool or plugin, I face some challenges or problems. Then I’m tearing the hair out of my head and contacting supports over and over again.However, with Thrive Headline Optimizer I didn’t have any challenges or difficulties at all. I only needed to what’s one tutorial and I immediately was able to use it.The greatest thing about Thrive Headline Optimizer in my opinion is that it’s so easy to use. Anybody can learn to use it just by watching my video tutorial. You do not need any technical knowledge or abilities.

3.Increases Your Conversions, Sales and Google Rankings

It is actually quite amazing how big impact optimizing your headline has.The first thing is that visitors spend more time on your website. This means that they read more of your content which creates more trust and increases conversions.Increased engagement is also a positive sign for Google and it will rank your website higher. Better rankings lead to more visitors which also leads to more sales.And as I explained at the beginning of this chapter, you can reap all these benefits with very little effort.

How Much Money Are  You Leaving on the Table?

I would say that if you are not using Thrive Headline Optimizer or similar headline optimizer tool, (if such even exists…) you are literally leaving money on the table.Without this kind of tool you are using hours and hours creating content but you don’t know whether or not your headline is fully optimized. But just using 30 seconds to create different headlines, you could improve your engagement by 20% or even 30%.

I have experienced it myself many times with this tool.

Imagine how great returns on investment you will get. And I am not even exaggerating. You can literally optimize your headlines by using Thrive Headline Optimizer in 30 seconds as I showed you in the video above.Let’s say, for example, that you have 1,000 visitors on your website per day and now you start using Thrive Headline Optimizer (the amount of visitors is not relevant but I use a number to illustrate the point better).You improve your engagement rate by 30% with this tool and that also improves your sales. Let’s say that after the improvements you start making 15% more sales. If you would normally make $100 for 1,000 visitors, now you are making $115 for 1,000 visitors.

That means a $450 boost to your income for every month. That makes  $5,400 extra for you every year. Setting up Thrive Headline Optimizer takes only a few minutes so the return on your invested time is literally unbelievable.

When you heard what kind of impact this tool will have on your revenue you are now probably thinking that this tool costs something like $200-$300. That’s not the case. Let me explain you the pricing in the following chapter.

Thrive Headline Optimizer Pricing

Thrive Headline Optimizer costs $67 if you buy it individuality. That’s already a very cheap price itself but you have also other options.

You can find Thrive Headline Optimizer for several websites by using to packages below: 

Therefore, you can individually get the tool to your website but Thrive Headline Optimizer is also fully included in the Thrive Themes membership that includes all of their conversion optimization tools.You get something like 10 different WordPress plugins that are designed to improve your website and conversions. You can read my review of all of those plugins on my Thrive Themes review here.

Thrive Themes membership costs only $19 per month which gives you an unlimited access to all of their plugins, tools and WordPress themes. You will be able to use all of their tools on all of your website.

Even though you would have 10 or even 50 websites you can still use those tools on all of them. In addition, you will get an unlimited support and their team will answer to all of your questions to make sure that you know how to use them.In my opinion, their deal is a no-brainer. It also includes also Thrive Leads plugin that would itself cost $20-$30 per month if you would buy it somewhere else. If I remember right, Sumo (one of the most famous opt-in plugins) charges $39/month for the similar tool.All Thrive Themes plugins, products and memberships have a complete 30-day money-back guarantee. It means that if you are not 110% satisfied after using their tools for 30 days you will get all of your money back.

Thrive themes pricing

Thrive Themes

Therefore, I highly recommend that you start using their tools today if you want to make more money or increase the conversions a few websites. Read more about Thrive Themes hereGet Thrive Themes Optimizer here or just click the button below.

What kind of experiences do you have with Thrive Themes’ conversion optimization tools?

How much have they improved to optimize your website?

Let me know in the comments below!

If you have any questions, just leave a comment below and I will be more than happy to help you out.

By Roope Kiuttu

Hello! I am Roope "Robert" Kiuttu, the founder and owner of I created this website back in 2015 to help you to make money online. You can ask me anything and I'll be happy to help you out. I help people daily to make more money online and I love seeing people succeeding. If you want to get my 1-on-1 support and help to make money online as well, get started HERE.


  1. Well, for a beginner blogger like me who is looking to can’t track the progress of monetizing my site, seeing this here is an encouragement for me and I value all that has been shared. It is never easier than how you have presented it already. Thanks so much for sharing this here with us all. I will check it out and the price is within my budget range too

    1. Yeah, Headline Optimizer is really an affordable way to optimize your blog and get better results with little effort.

  2. Hello Roope,

    Thanks for such a detailed review on Thrives Theme/Headline Optimizer. I am a blogger and I have heard a few of my friends mention this, but not in so much details as you have given – awesome.

    You have indeed got me ‘sold’ on the need to have this tool. You are right…it is a numbers game and you have really highlighted the possibility of ‘leaving money on the table’ and then ‘some’, especially when you add some $$ signs to the numbers. This helped me see ‘the big picture’ better.

    I am going to check it out and thanks again.


    1. Hi Michelle,

      I’m happy to hear that my Thrive Headline Optimizer review was helpful.

      I’ve really been satisfied with this plugin and I think that every blogger should have it.

      Thrive Headline Optimize does not require almost any time to use but it can significantly increase the engagement and even the conversions from your visitors into buyers.

      It’s like one of those “quick wins” that give you great benefits with just a little bit of effort.


  3. All blog owners look at getting increased traffic on the site by improved conversions, engagement and higher Google ranking. This is most likely what all bloggers desire for their blog in order to have it well monetized. For the price of $67, I would consider Thrive Headline Optimizer to be a cheap offer with the services it offers.

      1. Exactly, $67 is such a small amount of money one easily waste on trivial things especially in one night out with friends when you go clubbing. So, getting to use such a small amount to get something that would offer a worth more than the cost is the best decision one can make towards one’s online business.

        1. That’s a good point :D. Many people are willing to use $67 in one night for alcohol and other useless stuff but not willing to invest the same money in themselves. lol.

          1. It’s such a shame that human beings are wired in such a way. Some are very carefree when it comes to wasting their money instead of investing in projects that would make them more richer than they were before investing. It’s not that there anything wrong with having a good time but overdoing it is what is wrong.

  4. As a web developer I find this interesting. Not only that it is cheap, but it is also easy to use. I know some people do not have patience on using softwares with complex buttons, toolbox and panels but with this Thrive Headline Optimizer I am sure they’re going to love it. Price is very affordable, you can even add more income with this software, which is a great thing.

    1. Yeah. I have created several websites and I always use tools like WordPress or Thrive Themes. That makes it easy and anyone can do it.

      Nowadays one doesn’t need much technical knowledge for creating powerful websites and marketing campaigns because there are great tools available like Thrive.

  5. From most of the threads you made about Thrive Themes, the company in my opinion looks very promising and for the price you pay you get a good value as well as a big boost in your seller/business carer.

    It’s best to go with their $19 per month membership as you still get a full access to their tools.

    1. Yes, Thrive Themes is a wonderful company and their tools really help online businesses to Thrive 😉

      $19/month membership is a no-brainer because it gives an access to all their tools, unlimited support and access to all the upcoming updates and new product releases as well.

  6. I have never used any tools from Thrive Themes, however, I have checked Thrive Themes and viewed the Demo versions. I think Thrive Themes are wonderful. If Headline Optimizer exactly does what you have claimed here, I believe the price of $67 is not very expensive. I will check the demo version and see if I can actually use this, Thanks for the review.

    1. Yeah, $67 for Thrive Headline Optimizer is a very cheap price in my opinion as well. Another option is to take Thrive membership which is just $19 per month. That includes all their conversion optimization tools so I have the membership.

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