Is Tecademics a Scam Or The #1 Internet Marketing Training?

By Roope Kiuttu

Hello! I am Roope "Robert" Kiuttu, the founder and owner of I created this website back in 2015 to help you to make money online. You can ask me anything and I'll be happy to help you out. I help people daily to make more money online and I love seeing people succeeding. If you want to get my 1-on-1 support and help to make money online as well, get started HERE.


  1. Their product is certainly not appealing since it cost that much. I will just probably watched some Youtube videos or read some articles articles to learn. Videos and articles in the internet are free and accessible your only investment is your time. How could they attract so many customer with that price?

    1. That’s also a good option. Many people are still willing to pay the high price because they want face-to-face training. In addition, often investing lots of money in your skills will pay itself back over time because those skills will generate you money. Anyway, I can admit that Tecademics price is quite high compared to trainings like Wealthy Affiliate which is my #1 recommendation for anyone who wants to make money online.

  2. I don’t find it interesting considering the expensive rate. I always believe that learning should be fun and not scary. I’d rather do a self study if that’s the only academy left. I hope that you will not be tried to keep on sharing your reviews. Thank you as always. God bless!

  3. Plus this idea of having to actually travel to a physical school. Really? Can’t these guys see that a lot of freelancers obviously want to learn on the go. Nobody is running from the fixed schedules in schools and formal jobs to come and enroll in another school. They should have more of their focus in the online schools but at a cheaper fee.

    1. I think that Tecademics is targeting a certain kind of people. Like you said, many people don’t have an opportunity to go there because of the other schedules.

      That’s why online business trainings like Wealthy Affiliate are much better because anyone can use it anywhere in the world to learn to make money online.

      1. Yeeah I second that. The costs are too huge. It is always wise to make a comparison and select the better more flexible options.

    2. Absolutely right! many people doing online jobs on their free time so to travel to school is really a hassle. I agree that they should focus on making a cheaper program where more target market can afford. Cheaper fee attracts more customer but with their price they are asking me to invest my all savings.

  4. It’s obvious that Tecademics isn’t a scam but at the cost of paying $1000 to $10,000 before getting their face to face courses which is always scheduled to be held in Arizona is too extreme in my opinion. I personally believe that there other online marketing courses that are cheaper and can still offer similar services.

    Looking at Chris having been involved with a scam program in the past with Empower Network which people lost a lot of money doesn’t say good thing about him. I would recommend dealing with caution when getting into business with one who is said to hand been involved with scam before.

      1. It’s obvious Roope that once someone gets into a scam business before, such person is most likely to repeat it in another form with another pattern. It’s just like the saying that a leopard never changes its spots. Remember the case of Marvodi with MMM, after his first one failed, he came back with another program promising to be better but they were all scams in disguise.

    1. I agree. Chris Record’s reputation because of his past involvement tainted the cause of Tecademics and I can imagine that this as a stumbling block to his successor. Aside from the cost of the course, this is another thing that anyone who can access the program need to be mindful of.

      1. Yeah Chinet23, Tecademics looks good although it’s price is quite expensive but that isn’t the most worrying part of joining the business. For the fact that Chris has been in bed with shady business people before, there is no guarantee that he wouldn’t repeat such again. From the looks of things with his involvement in Empower Network, he mostly didn’t suffer any repercussion, so one need to be careful dealing with him once more.

    2. Truly, you will be investing too much money on them. They are also no guarantee that you could get back the money that you invest after taking their course. It could be also that their lesson are already accessible in the internet.

  5. So the old adage goes, “If you think education is expensive, try ignorance”. There’s an advantage for people who are equipped with internet market training over those who are just learning by themselves you mentioned and I definitely agree. And having a physical location is a plus because it will be less suspicious and it looks that they are true to their mission- to have a reputable internet marketing college.

    However, they can only reach few people. It’s high time that more colleges will follow their footsteps on integrating internet marketing training which is timely with the proliferation of social media and internet market. Hopefully for a much reasonable price.

    I don’t think they’re scam but I think anyone who has access need to assess the benefits or the effectiveness if it is worth the investment since again it doesn’t come cheap.

  6. That’s a pretty high ranking you gave there for something which you may not be quite sure about. Something just feels awry about them.

    Do you think its a great idea to wait until they have become a proven brand for one to consider taking their course. From what i have read in the review they sound like they might have some fake testimonials.

      1. Wow that is such a stark difference in sxperience and also popularity. It just goes to show which of the two is the better deal. One can easily judge by the figures as a company that has its foothold properly in the market is assured to deliver to the expectations

  7. I think the fact that Chris, the owner of Tecademics, charges so much for training people that wants to learn about internet marketing is something that is not really great as we get to see that for us to survive, we need to put how much people can pay into perspective when charging them for services we rendered. I believe many now say he is a scam artist all as a result of charging so high while rendering service that is not worth it.

    1. Yeah, charging +$10,000 for the training course is certainly a high price. On the other hand, colleges and Universities in the U.S. are very expensive in general. People need to pay $10,000’s to go through the University which is completely crazy in my opinion. 😀

      1. The high charges for the some courses is definitely something that is worrisome. The expensive issue is one that doesn’t sound well and in such situations, there is need for the government to react.

          1. You are always good with better points. Your site has really opened my eyes to know a whole lot when it comes to everything that goes on the internet and how we can make extra bucks working on most sites as well as the other sites that we should avoid.

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