Smart Dollars Club Review: Is $30 Per Survey Possible?

Smart Dollars Club Review – Quick Summary

Name: Smart Dollars Club

Type: Make Money with Online Surveys

Price: Free to Get Started

Earning Potential: Not big. More on this later…

Summary: Smart Dollars Club gives huge promises on the earning potential. They say that you can earn +$30 just for answering simple surveys and $150 for signing up your email. However, the reality seems to be completely different.

Is Smart Dollars Club Recommended? No.

(This method has enabled me to travel around the world while making money online)

Is Smart Dollars Club a Scam Or Do They Pay $150/Survey?

On some emails Smart Dollars Club has promised to pay $150 for a single survey.

In the video below, I evaluate and show you whether or not Smart Dollars Club is a scam and what is my #1 recommendation for making money online.

Notice that I have helped +2,750 people to get started making money online and I am sure I can help you as well. I provide you 1-on-1 support and for anyone who wants to make money online.

Just watch the video below to learn how to get my 1-on-1 support.

Is Smart Dollars Club Real? My Video

Before you dive into my Smart Dollars Club review, I want to provide you an opportunity to take a look at my video below.

I show in the video what Smart Dollars Club is all about and what is my #1 recommendation for making money online. I am sure you will find it helpful and valuable.

If you want to make a lot of money, not just a little bit of money. But a LOT of money. Don’t forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel to earn more money online.

What would you think if I would pay you $30 per survey? I guess that most of you would be quite excited.

That’s why it’s not a big coincidence why Smart Dollars Club has recently acquired so much buzz.

They promise to pay you $150 for signing up with an email and +$30 per survey.

Are those huge claims really true? Is this the best way to make money online or is there something better?

Let’s have a closer look!

What Is Smart Dollars Club?

Smart Dollars Club is a make money online website that promises to pay their users for answering online surveys.

That’s not a new money-making method because here on we have already reviewed more than 100 different online survey sites. 

However, if you have been reading my blog, you have noticed that online surveys are not my most recommended way to make money online.

There are tons of great ways to earn a living online where you can earn much more than in the regular 9-to-5 job but online surveys is not one of them. If you want to know my #1 recommendation for making money online, head over here to get started for free.

Smart Dollars Club differs from other online survey sites in a way that it is promising huge earnings. Normally, survey sites pay less than 1 to 5 dollars per hour but they are promising more than $30 for one survey.

If we assume that answering one survey takes only 15 to 20 minutes, we notice that than hourly earnings could be $90-120/hour. If you have any experience with online surveys, you know that it is most likely impossible.

How Does Smart Dollars Club Work?

Normally, survey sites work in the following way:

  1. Register on the website using your email.
  2. Confirm your email address.
  3. Wait for new service to your email inbox.
  4. Answer surveys when they arrive to your inbox.
  5. Earn points for each survey.
  6. When you have enough points converted them into gift cards or cash.
  7. Rinse and repeat.

Smart Dollars Club will also start sending emails to your inbox that can be classified as a spam to be honest. Some of their emails are claiming that you would be qualified for the $150 survey like you can see in the image below.

$150 Per Survey? Too Good to Be True?

Is Smart Dollars Club Too Good to Be True?

After working in the make money online industry for a couple of years I have noticed that if somebody is promising you the moon from the sky, he’s probably lying.

If somebody promises to pay you $150 for answering a simple survey, you can be 99.99% sure that he is trying to scam you.

I am not saying that you are not able to make big money online. I know several people personally were making more than $10,000 per month online and I will reach it at some point also myself. However, I know from my and other people’s experiences that it requires tons of work and efforts.

Smart Dollars Club seems to be one of those platforms that are just too good to be true.For example, clicking one of their emails that promises to give you a so way that pays lots of money to take you to the following online betting site.

Clicking the email from Smart Dollars Club takes you to this betting site.

Is Smart Dollars Club Legit?

I do know anyone who would have made money with smart dollars Club. They have huge promises that hardly can be proven true.

Therefore, I cannot say that smart dollars Club you would be a legitimate program. For me it looks like a scam.

I know that you are reading this because you would like to make money online. Well, I have good news for you.

Even though Smart Dollars Club is not a legitimate website there are still hundreds of websites and opportunities how you can make money online.

On this website alone we have reviewed more than 400 make money online resources, tools, websites and opportunities.

My #1 recommendation for making money online is Wealthy Affiliate for several reasons:

  1. It helped me to go from a complete beginner to making thousands of dollars every month online.
  2. It’s a beginner friendly so anybody can use it despite your background.
  3. It’s a community of more than 1.5 million people where you will get help always when you need it.
  4. I provide my one on one support to you and all the other people who sign up to wealthy affiliate through my website.
  5. Etc.

Just click here to learn more about 20 affiliate or follow the button below.But I warn you beforehand. It may really change a life as it has changed my life as well. Since I started making money online, I quit my 9-to-5 job and started traveling all around the world. The same can happen to you also if you want. 

Smart Dollars Club Reviews

Smart Dollars Club does not have many reviews online. Everything that I found was negative and saying that it is a scam website.That is definitely a big red flag against them and makes it even more suspicious.Usually, legitimate make money online opportunities have tons of positive reviews like Wealthy Affiliate has for example.

Can You Make Money with Online Surveys?

This is a topic that I have discussed with you in more than 100 blog posts on this website. I have also discussed about this with hundreds of different visitors on

The conclusion is that online surveys are not worth it.

At the only bloggers who are promoting online surveys are those who get financial incentive for promoting them.

Some a survey sites have even contacted me to promote their websites on my blog but I have refused always because I only want to recommend you opportunities that pay well.

That’s why I do not recommend online surveys to you.

What Next? Make More Money Online!

My #1 mission on is to help you to make more money online. That’s why I recommend Wealthy Affiliate to you.

It has turned my and 1,000’s of other people’s life around. That’s why I am sure it will do the same to you as well.

Get started on Wealthy Affiliate with my 1-on-1 support here and let me know in the comments if you have any questions and I’ll help you more.

Don’t forget to subscribe to my email list to receive regularly the best tips and resources for making money online. Just before writing this article, I sent a FREE $10 opportunity to my email subscribers.

All of my subscribers will get FREE $10 just by reading that email and following simple instructions. And I often provide great other benefits when you follow my emails.

You’ll also get my 4-step guide to making money online as a welcome gift. Click the button below to get started.

4 step process for making money online

What kind of experiences do you have with Smart Dollars Club and other survey sites? How much did they pay?

Have you already started making money online with Wealthy Affiliate or some other similar site?

Let me know in the comments below!

If you have any questions, just leave a comment below and I will be more than happy to help you out.

By Roope Kiuttu

Hello! I am Roope "Robert" Kiuttu, the founder and owner of I created this website back in 2015 to help you to make money online. You can ask me anything and I'll be happy to help you out. I help people daily to make more money online and I love seeing people succeeding. If you want to get my 1-on-1 support and help to make money online as well, get started HERE.


  1. I don’t think you even have to think about whether the site is legitimate or not by reading about it. All you have to look at is the negative reviews and you will just know that this is definitely a site that you should be staying away from. Like you said, any site that offers $150 per survey is going to be false. No company will be stupid enough to pay that much no matter how much they are making.

  2. I appreciate the honesty when it comes to these reviews! I’ve joined up to survey sites before and they haven’t always delivered – so it’s nice to know before I waste time what survey sites are legit and which aren’t worth the effort. Thank you for always providing such comprehensive reviews about what’s legit and what’s not!

  3. I tried several sites before but i failed to withdraw my earnings. The sites are no longer visible. It’s disappointing because of the thought of having extra work. Time and effort is wasted. Although, i still find it a worthy experience. My curiosity has been answered. It teaches me to be extra careful and to be resourceful.

  4. I have experience with survey sites but they never pay $30 for a survey. This is just impossible. If any survey site from the Philippines ever tells me that they will give me $30 I will tag it as a scam. Most survey pays $2-3 for a 15-45 minutes survey. Surveys are only good as extra income but never as a stable one.

    This is actually the first time I’m hearing about Wealthy Affiliate but I’ve heard of Affiliate jobs before. But I didn’t know what it entails. This article of yours makes me interested. I will definitely check out Wealthy Affiliate.

    1. Even $2-3 for a 15-45 minutes survey is much better than what they usually pay. I think that’s on the upper scale. Because I’ve seen so many surveys that take even 30 minutes but they pay less than $1 for the users. Well, they don’t actually need to pay more because people are willing to take them for free basically.

      But yeah, for a money-making purpose opportunities like Wealthy Affiliate are 100 times better.

      1. Yeah. $2-3 for a survey is considered to be upper scale. It’s not often I encounter this kind of survey. I’m new in this market. It is nice that you publish these articles and answer our inquiries. I would really like to try Wealthy Affiliate if given the chance. You are doing great work. More power.

    2. I support you. They are never really worth the effort that one puts in. What is really dissapointing is to get those sites can delay or never really pay you.

  5. I’ve been checking on these survey sites that pay and have read your articles regarding filling out surveys before I dive in to this kind of opportunity. Some can be legit they say because they do pay but I’ve concluded myself as well that it’s not worth it because they pay too little and there’s also a need to qualify for surveys which doesn’t come frequently.

    I haven’t seen one so far that pays this much. The biggest amount that I’ve seen advertised was $ 10. This is more than tenfold whereas most sites only offer cents for every survey filled out. I can’t wrap my head around what kind of survey needed to be filled out if ever this was true. I don’t think that there is a sane company who is willing to pay this much.

    1. You are right Chinet23. Companies don’t pay $10 for basic surveys. You are right that there’s something fishy going on or then the survey takes so long to fill out.

      One possibility can also be that it’s a single-opportunity. I’ve seen some surveys paying even $25 but they are for extremely targeted groups and filling it out takes a long time.

  6. Earning that amount of money just by answering questions should raise a ton of red flags already. In my journey of making money online, I have never encountered a survey site that pays that much money. I made about $2-3 at least and they were only a couple of those. That’s only one of the reasons why I don’t actually put too much effort in survey sites. Anyways, your posts are some good reads.

  7. Thanks a lot Roope for the information. I personally have participated in some survey jobs and most of them have turned out to be very dissapointing in terms of pay. The review actually confirmed my fears with such sites that offer payment for surveys. I would advice anyone to put their efforts some place else.

  8. I’ve become wary of survey sites in general. It’s very rarely worth the time it takes to fill out rambling surveys, some of which ask for long, thoughtful answers in exchange for just a few cents. I also worry about how some of the survey companies use the data that’s collected. Once in a great while, I’ll take part in a survey that pays $1 or more, but even then I’m cautious.

    I WISH there was a survey site out there as great as Smart Dollars Club makes themselves out to be…but in the end, if a thing sounds too good to be true, then it nearly always is.

    Thanks for the great review of this particular site!

    1. Yeah, there isn’t and won’t be a survey site that would consistently pay $30 per survey. Tons of people are filling out surveys for pennies so companies are not required to pay more for survey takers.

  9. In my experience, survey sites are not worth our time. You have stated this in the article. Most such sites are outright scams. Those that aren’t seldom provide the kind of returns they promise. There is another category of survey sites: these invite us to surveys and make us answer many screening questions only to inform us after wasting our time that we are ineligible. Keep busting scams. More power to you!

  10. Sometimes this is the problem with online advertizing, they don’t get monitored in the same manner that tv commercials or simple ads by cola companies are monitored by a department of trade for example in our place. If these ads were posted on newspapers and are found to be fakes, they can be charged for false ads or promitions.

    But since a lot of these are posted online, it would be difficult to trace these things and persecute them. The state would rather go for the big crimes like child pornography and the likes but these false ads should also be sanctioned because they can dupe unsuspecting netizens.

    1. Yeah, that’s partially true. Gladly officials are also wiping out companies little by little that are doing false advertising and scamming people. For example, MOBE and Digital Altitude were closed this year by FTC.

      Eventually, all scams will fall and their “doors” will be closed but it just sometimes take time. Then new scams seem to pop up. Just need to be careful. On my website and YouTube channel, I usually warn people about the biggest and most popular scams so people wouldn’t need to spend time on them.

  11. I’m glad I didn’t try this one, it reminds me of Microworkers, that it’s supposed to be a legit site, but when I signed up, most of the jobs were surveys that seemed like spam and took you to dubious websites. I don’t know if there’s any survey site that it’s worth trying, because even if they pay, is only cents to go through all those junk websites.

    1. Hi Alex,

      thanks for sharing your thoughts also on Microworkers.

      I can answer to your question whether or not survey sites are worth it. I have tried ALL of the big ones and +100 survey sites in total. They are not worth it. You earn so little money with those sites that it’s just a waste of time.

      With affiliate marketing or other methods you will earn much more in the long run.

    2. You said Microworkers? I haven’t heard about that one yet but I’m glad to hear about your experience with it, so I’m going to make sure to mark it and note it down among the list of supposed legit but are scam sites.

      Thanks for sharing mate, it’s very helpful.

  12. The promise of paying $150 for a survey is what flagged Smart Dollar Club as a pure scam. There is no survey in the world today that can pay such amount of money and still be in business. Even Prize Rebel which happens to be one of the best survey sites today can’t pay such amount. So, my advice is to run like a bat out of hell from Smart Dollar Club because it’s a scam site.

      1. I have seen a lot of such scam sites that promises to pay huge amount of money for doing a simple survey online but all end up just scamming people who are naive enough to fall for their luring tricks, so I don’t mince words when I label them as fake and scams for people who are yet to fall for them to say clear.

  13. Earning that huge sum of money just by simple surveys are too good to be true. No one would pay you that huge for doing simple tasks and answering simple questions. If you really want to earn money online, you should find the right website, and know what to do when you’re already there.

    There are also a lot of strategies that can be employed with these type of money earning sites. Do not stick to just surveys because there are a lot more opportunities out there. Just have patience and hard work. Money does not come to you. You work for it until the point it flows to you naturally!

    1. Good thoughts. Thank you for sharing!

      Money comes after lots of work and consistent effort (at least for entrepreneurs). I was yesterday watching an interview from a YouTube who has +1,1 Million subscribers and he said all of his videos are sponsored. Actually, he has sponsorship agreements for one video each week for the coming half a year.

      What a wonderful situation! And I know well that companies pay a big money from YouTubers who have +1 Million subs. He has basically a financial independence with such an asset. Just a video once in a while and he is already earning way more than an average person in the U.S.

      His example really encouraged me to keep on working on my YouTube channel as well. Soon I’ll hit 2,000k subscribers. I’m getting some sponsored videos already within the cryptocurrency space and I believe that I’ll keep on getting more all the time when my channel keeps on growing. That’s awesome.

  14. I have never had an experience with smart dollar club before but I have been getting messages from other survey sites and I am never carried away by them, but non ever promised $150, that’s so unrealistic for a survey. I have nit registered with Wealth Affiliates yet.

    1. Yeah, $150 for a single survey isn’t possible. I have seen a site that offered $100 per survey but it was for a very targeted group in the UK with face-to-face interviews. Not a single company or entity would like to pay $150 for one survey answer while they can get people easily answering their surveys for $0,50 🙂

      I highly recommend starting on Wealthy Affiliate if you desire to make good money online. Their training really works. You’ll be making much more money online than you do in a regular 9-5 job if you follow their training.

  15. The road to success is not always smooth and easy, right? When people start to come up with stuff like this you know right away that it is a scam. 150 USD just for signing up is a scam and directing you to bet sites after clicking the link even confirms it further.

    I have tried to make money online myself and I have discovered that if it is true and not a scam, then you have to start small and eventually after you put in some serious work you can start to earn big.

    There is no free money anywhere you have to at least do some work, signing up with an email is not a kind of work that should earn you $150 not to mention $30 per survey that only last for some minutes.

    1. You’re exactly right!

      Making big money always requires some financial or time efforts. The more time you use, the less money you need to invest. And the more money you invest, the less time you need to invest. In general it works like that.

    2. I agree with you. There is no successful people that goes through the easy way or shortcut. All are going through hard processes before they can get successful. Money can sometimes be in your way which will lead you to problems.

  16. If they are promising to pay $150 for signing up with an email and +$30 per survey, they are telling lies. I have checked various survey sites and talked to many people who participate on surveys. No one earns that kind of amount from surveys. If surveys paid such a huge payment, everyone would stop going to workplace and start doing survey.

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