Neolife Reviews – Products Bring Danger To Consumers?!

Welcome to my “Neolife Reviews” Post!

Do you want to make use of your marketing skills to a test? If yes, we’re about to discuss an income opportunity you might not want to miss.

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Are you ready to know the company we’re about to discuss here? If yes, let’s dive into it. Shall we?

Neolife Review – Quick Summary

Name: Neolife

Founded: 1958

Founder: Jerry Brassfield

Type: Multi-Level Marketing Company

Price: $75 for Promoter Kit + costs

Best for: It is the best option for people who prefer selling Neolife products, while, at the same time, earning commissions from every referred people per level.

Summary: Neolife International, simply known as Neolife, is a multi-level marketing company that offers whole food nutrition since it was established in 1958.

Is Neolife Recommended? Not really. Earning an income through network marketing takes a lot more effort than making money online. You don’t earn passive income unless if you’re willing to invest 24 hours to build a business from it.

What Is Neolife?

If you’re familiar with Forever Living, Amare, and other popular multi-level marketing companies, then, getting familiar with Neolife isn’t a surprising thing.

Established more than 60 years ago, Jerry Brassfield saw the need for whole food consumption albeit the rising demand for an unhealthy lifestyle among Americans in the late 1950s. Especially with his health.

“As a young boy, Jerry Brassfield suffered from severe asthma and allergies. Determined to find relief for her sick son, Jerry’s mother began adding quality nutritional products to his daily diet,” they wrote on a catalog.

Consequently, the desire to put an end to this has led him to build a business around it. As the number of demands occurred, Brassfield turned the ordinary business into a multi-million dollar empire.

With over a thousand employees around the world, Neolife has served its clients on different continents from North America, Europe, Asia, South Pacific, and Africa.

What they do is to distribute food supplements they claim as an essential part of a healthy lifestyle.

They offer a wide range of products from Tre-en-en Grain Concentrates, Carotenoid Complex, Shakes, weight loss pack, SPORT pack, breakfast pack, etc.

The point of their products is to provide essential nutrients to the cells starved from unhealthy food intake. They added the following:

  • Promote cellular energy
  • Retain normal blood pressure
  • Retain healthy cholesterol levels
  • Retain healthy triglyceride levels
  • Lower homocysteine

Guaranteed GMO-free, Neolife strives to create products that don’t need to add artificial sweeteners, high fructose corn syrup, artificial flavors, artificial colors, preservatives, gluten-free, and other feel-good facts.

Hence, people won’t have second thoughts of trying this out, especially that it doesn’t require a lot to get these products. For only $75 you can the stuff either you sell it as a distributor or for personal consumption.

For couples, they also have Masculine Herbal Complex in which it helps to regain energy for, specifically for men. It contains 9 herbs to normalize masculine functions, vitality, and libido.

For women, on the other hand, they have Cal-Mag, which is a supplement high in calcium, magnesium, and Vitamin D3 to help strengthen bone density and good health.

Because of the success of their products, prolific athletes trusted Neolife as part of their diet.

These are some of their best-selling products.

For more than 60 years since Brassfield introduced Neolife to the public, his small network marketing company turned into an influence, helping people around the world.

The proof is the wide range of products targeting people of all ages, from children to old folks, sporty or not. Overall, most of the items on the catalog promote vitality with the use of real fruits, grains, etc. packed in one tablet consumable per day.

As a result of the immense success, Neolife decided to get back to the community through establishing Neolife Family Foundation, which helps local programs to international commitments.

In the screenshot below, you can see the summary of what they have done over the years.

Neolife seeks to give back to the community by partnering local organizations.

Who Is Neolife For?

In every multi-level marketing company we reviewed in the past, its nature allows 2 stakeholders to take part.

First, if you plan to distribute, you can apply as a distributor and gain access to the products.

Second, if you want to live a healthy lifestyle, you can join the company and get access the same way as any distributor out there. The difference is that you’re not selling it. Rather, you use them for personal consumption.

With that being said, if you plan to build a business, Neolife offers startup opportunities in which you have to pay $75 to get the Promoter Kit. They call their business partners as “promoters.”

Neolife Promoter Startup Kit preview with goals towards success.

What comes inside the kit are the registration and tools to launch your business with a free bottle of Tre-en-en for cellular energy.

Once you get in, you have 4 starting checklist to do to launch your business. First, you have to follow your Sponsor’s Lead from Day 1.

You have to learn about the company, samples, and plan, entering a 30-day challenge to test the products, and use success tools and resources.

They also encourage you to step up your MLM game through a minimum of 100 PPV to become eligible to earn bonuses.

If you follow the steps in a consistent manner, then becoming a director is possible. The chance unlocks if you reach the maximum Sales Volume Bonus worth 20%.

Why do you have to become a director?

The reason is simple. A director earns an average of $10,000 based on the average financial performance data.

If selling isn’t your thing, you can use Neolife as part of your healthy lifestyle when you take part in what they call “Club Membership.” 

When it comes to this, you have to take note of the options. Although you can come in for free, you still have to deal with the costs for the products, such as:

  • Vitality Pack – $50.95, $44.70 + autoship
  • Weight Loss Pack – $238.95, $208.10 + autoship
  • 3-Day Detox Pack – $45.25, $39.95 + autoship

Upon entering, you may also enjoy a 15% to 25% discount from the products as well as access to their active and engaging community.

Given the plan of achieving a healthy lifestyle, Neolife also prepared competition to push members to achieve their goals.

What they do is to award someone as much as $25,000 worth of prizes in the next 6 months if you achieve the following goals:

  • Lose few inches
  • Get active
  • Completely transform your health

If you achieve it within 30 days, great. If you continued until the next 90 days, Neolife chooses 5 winners each quarter. And for a full-year change and loyalty to Neolife, they reward 4 champions at the convention.

What can you receive if you win any of these goals?

These are the packages you get once you win any of Neolife challenges.

Pros & Cons of Neolife

In terms of choosing whether to join an MLM or not, there are always 2 sides to the coin. Neolife isn’t exempted from that.

Among the top 3 pros and cons are the following:

1. Cheap Startup Costs

If you plan to become a promoter, you can immediately start for a $75 starter kit. Once you get into the business, you can get access to the products as well as the resources to improve your marketing skills and boost your sales.

2. Certified GMO-Free Products

You can assure Neolife products don’t have side effects since they don’t add artificial ingredients to the mix. Aside from that, you don’t have to worry about the target market because Neolife is inclusive of all ages.

They have wide varieties to cater to the needs of the young and old, men and women, active and inactive individuals who want to change the course of their health.

3. 60+ Years In Service

Since 1958, Brassfield is able to conquer the world and turned his small business into an empire. Due to his sincere testimony about his earlier health struggles, he managed to convince many people to try and take part in the challenges.

Even if they have been in the MLM industry for a long time, they guarantee their products are effective. Based on the reviews, they have high-ratings from different reputable review sites.

In Glassdoor, for example, Neolife earned 4.5 out of 5-star ratings from its employees. Trustpilot reported the same from the consumers’ perspective with an average of 4.6 out of 5-star ratings.

BBB shows A+ ratings for Neolife International, LLC based on customer’s satisfaction rate.

1. Questionable Products

There’s no doubt Neolife promotes its products with a clinical basis and study. However, DietSpotlight notes that there may be added sugar, which may affect the diet of its consumers.

Another thing to consider is that its 3-day detox challenge may cause detrimental effects in the body. The consumption of more protein by having Neolife Shake as a meat replacement.

According to studies, with too much protein consumption, your kidneys have to work harder to process the protein intake.

The more you consume it, it may outdo the “healthy goals” you have at the beginning prior to joining Neolife as a member.

These are among Neolife’s best-selling and by far the most popular products featured on their site.

2. More Effort To Make Income

This is no surprise at all. When you choose to become one of their promoters, you already know that you have to gear yourself up to boost sales. That means you have to expand your reach to other people and sell physical products.

Given, you may earn passive income from the referred individuals under you, it’s not that much. You still have to do a lot of work to reach your financial goals.

If you want to make more passive income on your account, I suggest you get Roope’s Ultimate Make Money Online Guide to get started today for free.

To become a Neolife promoter, consider achieving directorship to earn as much as $10,000 average monthly income.

3. Side Effects From Consuming Neolife Products

Due to the ingredients containing soy protein isolate, nonfat dry milk, whey protein isolate, and calcium sodium caseinate in a Neolife shake, for instance, chances are:

People may suffer from side effects like diarrhea, nausea, cramps, bloating, and gas. In higher constant doses, you may have increased bowel movements, fatigue, lack of appetite, thirst, and nausea. 

You may experience discomforts after using Neolife products. Yet, this is only noted for a few cases. The majority of its consumers are satisfied so far.

Is Neolife a Scam?

Given the legitimacy of the products and real people’s testimonies about Neolife, it’s clear it’s not a scam.

Based on the Better Business Bureau (BBB) report, the company earned A+ ratings from the customer’s satisfaction rate.

Additionally, the staff immediately resolved conflicts and other inevitable issues from its consumers, leading to an untarnished reputation of being a good company as a whole.

However, they may not disclose Neolife as an MLM but it’s clear they are. They invite people to distribute the products called “promoters” and offer attractive directorship from the beginning.

They wrote on the Promoter Kit about the benefits of building a business with Neolife, including the chances of making more if you improve your PPV as much as 100 PPV (Personal Point Value).

It clearly means you have to get more people under you to ensure you’re getting more passive income once your subordinates invite more under them. From there, you’re getting the idea of how stressful life can be.

You can’t convince everyone to achieve a healthy lifestyle. If you have a good number of people to reach out to, perhaps, you can achieve the financial goal and earn as much as $10,000 every month.

Otherwise, you won’t get anything from a multi-level marketing company. Nonetheless, Neolife is a legitimate company. No questions asked. It’s just that the products may have different side effects depending on the person.

If any unexpected negative side effects happen, you as a promoter, you aren’t sure if Neolife will take responsibility or you handle it on your own. You may become a promoter for $75, but you can’t guarantee 100% the products you’re promoting works well.

Neolife features its best-selling products to future members. Is it worth it?

Conclusion – Is Neolife Worth It?

It’s not. They may be in the industry for over 60 years now, however, it’s not an assurance that you’re in the right business. Remember you’re selling edible products. It’s not just some course or non-consumable items.

You’re selling something that gets into someone’s body. From there, you have no idea what happens to the person whether it’s giving a good side effect or the other way around.

It’s not worth it.

I can say this because my family has been an avid fan of MLM over the years. So, I always have a clear picture in mind about how it was for my parents to be a fanatic of these opportunities.

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Primary system in which PPVs are measured in every MLM company. Neolife does the same with a minimum of 100PPV to keep going as a promoter.

In most cases, they fail to make returns from their investment and it doesn’t look good. The efforts you did to make a sale didn’t help to boost your PPV and make more money. At least, getting your investment back. It’s not.

This is why I highly recommend you to take a look at Roope’s Ultimate Make Money Guide and start your journey in making money online. You don’t have to sell physical items. Rather, you help people by promoting what really works.

Both of us have made income without leaving our lofty homes by simply becoming engaged online. That’s it. No more, no less. If this sounds attractive to you, then click the green button below and get started today.

Now that I shared my thoughts on my “Neolife Reviews” post, it’s time to turn the table and ask about your experience, in general.

What kinds of experiences do you have with making money with Neolife? Is it worth your time, money, and effort?

Do you prefer to begin earning your first passive income through affiliate marketing or you instead invest your time, money, and effort into income-generating opportunities like this?

Let me know in the comments below! 🙂

If you need any help to get started making money online, don’t hesitate to ask in the comments below and we’ll be happy to help you out!

By Mecyll Gaspary

Hi, I'm Mecyll! I'm a full-time writer in Your Online Revenue, dedicated to dig into the world of making money with Roope. When I'm not spending time writing reviews, I'm writing novels and blog posts on my own website.

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