Mediavine Review – Best Ad Network For Bloggers?!

Welcome to my Mediavine Review!

Let’s admit it. We all hate ads. We feel annoyed scrolling down a page with a bunch of ads blocking our view. We want to read an interesting blog post but the pop-out drives as crazy. So, we leave the site.

This is how a reader’s experience will be if a blogger decides to monetize the site with advertisements. Be it enabling Google AdSense or other third-party platforms. Lots of them exist nowadays.

It’s a big choice to make from a blogger’s perspective. Would she want to leverage the income from writing blog posts or sacrifice the number of visitors?

However, in today’s post, we’re going to dig into a company in which they promise to provide a win-win for both site owners and the readers.

Are you ready? Let’s dig into it. Shall we?

Mediavine Review – Quick Summary

Name: Mediavine

Founded: 2004

Founders: Eric Hochberger & Stephen Marsi

Type: Internet publisher/ad network

Price: Free

Best for: It’s the best option for bloggers who try to monetize their sites and leverage their passive income by enabling ads on the page. Mediavine sends a code to activate and launch the ads.

Summary: Mediavine started in 2004 as an internet publisher in which Google acknowledges and trusts. Known for transparency, they provided avenues for bloggers to monetize their sites without any cost. The application is free and will only take a percentage from the income as per RPM or the ad revenue per 1,000 impressions.

Is Mediavine Recommended? Yes. We may find it suitable as a start. However, it’s not the best way to leverage your income if that’s your goal this year. Learn more about how you can make more money by clicking the green button below.

What Is Mediavine?

Mediavine is one of the most popular and trusted internet publishers today. Bloggers with over 25,000 monthly visitors choose to apply for the company and enable the ads to run over the site. In return, they get passive income from it.

Most lifestyle blogs I know uses Mediavine as one of their monetization methods. Apart from selling courses, digital and physical products, they also take advantage of the ads.

Running any sort of advertisement is nerve-wracking. For bloggers like me, it’s a tough choice whether we keep the readability of our page or to stream the ads everywhere, destroying the clean space to read the content.

I don’t want that. You don’t want that, too, right?

This is why most bloggers regardless of the industry tend to have doubts to do this option. When Mediavine existed, they helped a countless number of sites to monetize without destroying the beauty of a clean page.

The ads don’t distract the readers and fit the site theme. Unlike using the traditional Google Ads in the past, this is way better. Especially nowadays with the cookie policy and new terms and conditions for running ads, Mediavine remains a big help to site owners.

Who Is Mediavine For?

For obvious reasons, Mediavine is best for publishers and advertisers, which are their stakeholders. Publishers include the site owners who wish to run the ads on the site and make money.

On the other hand, the advertisers comprise those companies and private individuals who want to promote something on someone else’s site. This includes a group of people who pay the publishers for good returns.

Given the high-quality companies linked with the company, Mediavine wants to ensure that their publishers have high-quality traffic regardless of the sources.

Based on their official site, they may require at least 25,000 monthly sessions or beyond to get in and enjoy the benefits.

One of them is receiving passive income from the ads without doing any further tweaks as long as the ads remain launched.

Pros & Cons of Mediavine

Over the years, Mediavine has been serving its stakeholders with absolute transparency. Most reviews mentioned about the high-quality service they provide.

At the same time, they are admired by most bloggers because of the smooth transactions Mediavine guarantees.

1. Mediavine As A Smart Passive Income

Enabling the ads from Mediavine is a smart way to earn a passive income. According to Roope, he didn’t do anything after the ads running on the site.

Yet, he receives an amount in accordance with his corresponding RPM or the ad revenue per 1,000 impressions.

2. Google & Bloggers Trust Mediavine

For over 16 years since they started the company, they helped many companies and private individuals with websites to monetize. They made earning Google Ads much fun and easier.

Because of that, an increasing number of applications have been observed as there are more and more sites are published every single day. Especially nowadays, building a website is getting more convenient.

Many bloggers believe in Mediavine’s help in leveraging their career online.

3. Requires Lesser Monthly Page Views

In comparison with Google Adsense, AdThrive, and Ezoic, you don’t need to have much monthly traffic. With AdThrive, for example, you need to have at least 100,000 monthly traffic before you can get it.

That’s 4 times more than what Mediavine requires. Yet, they still pay higher as much as 80%, Niche Pursuits mentioned. 

“I don’t know why my Mediavine earnings were so much higher than Ezoic, I just know that they were when I tried them out the first time,” Spencer Haws of Niche Pursuits wrote.

According to him, he earns around $13 to $14 RPM versus Mediavine at $15. Consequently, his income from one site alone reached an 80% increase. That’s around $54,000.

Mediavine summarizes what they do for their stakeholders, publishers and advertisers.

4. Lightweight Ads

Mediavine ensures the ad placements will not affect the site loading time through asynchronous loading and lazy loading.

Asynchronous loading is defined as the ad running separately from the site. It’s not directly relying on its cache from the page.

On the other hand, lazy loading means that the ad’s visibility is within the reader’s eye-view. They won’t place an ad that’s not going to be seen. That’s optimization.

Mediavine publishers actively engage on Facebook group & share experiences with the platform while making more money.

1. Not For Beginner Blogger/New Sites

You need to make sure you reach at least 25,000 monthly traffic before Mediavine considers you to become one of its bonafide publishers. So, if your site is pretty new, you have to work harder to reach the required traffic.

2. Slow Application Process

It would take a while before Mediavine sends an email about the status of your application. Although the process itself is free, you have to be patient enough to wait for their response. Usually, they do by email.

Upon submission of the application, you need to provide them your Google Analytics and undergo a verification process for Google AdExchange.

Haws explained that it’s Mediavine’s way to have you logged into Google Adsense account through a special link they provide.

From there, you have to wait until they approve your application. Once done, you would need to enable the site and do some adjustments on your site. “Nothing complicated,” he said.

Afterward, you don’t have to do anything because Mediavine will be responsible for optimizing the ad placement around your site alongside requests for certain ad layouts you like to place on your blog.

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This is how Ezoic can improve the user engagement on your website. Yet, when it comes to making more ad revenue, many site owners prefer Mediavine.

Is Mediavine a Scam?

As far as my research about the company is concerned, more authority sites recommend Mediavine as a partner internet publisher than the other platforms mentioned, namely: Google Adsense, Ezoic, and AdThrive.

With that being said, it’s obvious that the company isn’t a scam. It’s a legitimate company who managed to build trust from its stakeholders.

They provide convenience for site owners who wanted to monetize the site without the need for further technical knowledge.

Mediavine offers tons of support from their staff. Because of their incredible service, they remain the trusted ad network for bloggers and site owners alike.

When we say technical knowledge, it’s a known skill for bloggers to learn how to install plugins and every nook and corner of SEO, Google Analytics, and WordPress.

You can also request a Mediavine staff to assist you with the process of launching the add on your site. If not, you can provide separate access for them to get into your Dashboard and do the installation process themselves.

All in all, you’re pretty relaxed with using Mediavine as your primary ad revenue source. So, you can find more time to create something else that is much more valuable to you than spending so much time finding out how the installation works.

Having Mediavine as a reliable ad network company makes site monetization more convenient.

Conclusion – Is Mediavine Worth It?

Overall, Mediavine is one of the best options to try when you think about partnering with an internet publishing company. If you want to monetize your blog and start increasing your income from it, you can.

As long as you have the requirements Mediavine demands i.e. 25,000 monthly visitors and Google Analytics for verification, amplifying your ad revenues will be a lot easier.

I know this sounds enticing. So, you start doing something and reach the goal. If Mediavine is your target, start writing more posts and be more active with your audience.

Roope has a lot to teach when it comes to leveraging your blogging career. If you are interested, you can start learning his Ultimate Make Money Online Guide and follow his step-by-step process towards your financial goals.

It’s your turn now, my friend.

Now that I shared my thoughts on my “Mediavine Review” post, it’s time to turn the table and ask about your experience, in general.

What kinds of experiences do you have with making money with Mediavine? Is it worth your time, money, and effort?

Do you prefer to begin earning your first passive income through affiliate marketing or you instead invest your time, money, and effort into income-generating opportunities like this?

Let me know in the comments below! 🙂

If you need any help to get started making money online, don’t hesitate to ask in the comments below and we’ll be happy to help you out!

By Mecyll Gaspary

Hi, I'm Mecyll! I'm a full-time writer in Your Online Revenue, dedicated to dig into the world of making money with Roope. When I'm not spending time writing reviews, I'm writing novels and blog posts on my own website.

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