Is The Four Percent Group a Scam or Legit? Read Our 100% Honest Review!

The Four Percent Group Review
The Four Percent Group Member's Area

People are asking all around the Internet, “Is The Four Percent Group a Scam or Legit?” They are intrigued of making money online and this looks like a potential way to do it. Vick Strizheus has a long experience of online marketing and he is going to teach you the steps to online success. But did you know about Vick’s shady background? Has he changed or still continuing the same old habits?

I will give you an answer to all your questions in this honest Four Percent Group review

Fasten your seat belts. Let’s go!

The Four Percent Group Review

Is The Four Percent Group a ScamName: The Four Percent Group
Founder: Vick Strizheus
Price: $49/month or $497 one-time-payment

Field: Make Money Online -Training and Community
Overall Rank: 75 out of 100

Check out My #1 Recommendation, Wealthy Affiliate. This program has taught me to make consistent income online. At the moment I am a full-time online marketer and my income is growing each and every month. Thanks to WA.

What Is The Four Percent Group All About?

The Four Percent (4%) Group is an online business training and community. It’s founded by a very experienced Internet marketer Vick Strizheus. He has more than 12 years of experience in Internet marketing and making money online so he for sure knows a thing or two about this interesting subject.

He promises that he is going to teach how you can step out of the average and create your own online success. He says that he has trained more than one million people on how to make money online.

Inside of the member’s area, you can find following resources:

  • Start Here: 7 Steps
  • Marketing Center
  • Training Center which includes: Operation 100K, “How-To” Tutorials and Advanced Video Secrets
  • Events like Webinars
  • Shows like Vick’s Daily Snaps

    The Four Percent Group Review
    The Four Percent Group Member’s Area

You can get into member’s area for free to see all these resources. By the first look, member’s area looks quite good and there is a lively community inside. There is also a forum inside 4% Group where you can connect with other members of this program.

If you are starting out, I would recommend starting with 7 steps “Getting Started” -Training (see the picture below).

four percent group review
“Getting Started” -Training

The Four Percent Group Testimonials

The Four Percent Group Scam
Are These Testimonials Real?

When you get into the member’s area, you can immediately find many positive testimonials from 4% Group members. You can see in the picture above that Adjunga Nossin says, “Made $4,800 in a single day with 4% system”. And Amanda Troxel says that she made her first $300 in a single week just following  the guidance of Vick Strizheus

These testimonials sound, of course, appealing but I am also a bit suspicious. I have seen so many fake testimonials when I have reviewed tens of different “make money online” -products.

I also a bit more research about The Four Percent Group and I found many websites and blogs that were promoting this system. They claimed that 4% Group is awesome and it will make all your wildest dreams come true… Or something like that. It also raised my interest because I found so many sites promoting this program.

One reason that those guys are promoting 4% Group can always be that they were affiliates of this system and they were earning commissions from all of their referrals. Whose bread you eat, his songs you’ll sing.

Is Vick Strizheus a Scam Artist?

Vick isn’t a newbie on online business industry and he can really make his program sound interesting. He is a very successful Internet marketer. But I found out that before creating 4% Group, he has been involved in some other controversial “make money online” -systems. Some people even claimed that Vick’s previous programs were scams.

I have seen it before that a scam artist creates several scams. When the first one loses the interest, he creates a new one and takes money from innocent people. Vick has also almost been arrested because of theft. There was a video on Youtube when he was in a court because of his crime. Maybe he has changed his character and I really hope so. Otherwise, we are not talking about the reliable guy.

Vick is dressed up and motivates you that you can also become successful. It’s nice to listen to his talk. He has really studied how to become successful. I was surprised that in many of his training he wasn’t talking about techniques about creating an online business but rather he talked about the right mindset.

I understand that it’s important to have a right mindset when creating an online business. Many people start out and they “try” this “make money online” -thing. By saying that they only “try” they are prepared for failure. A better attitude is to treat it like a real business because there will be some setbacks and temporary defeats. Then +$10,000/month and even $100,000/month income is possible

But if Vick only concentrates on talking about the right mindset, how anyone can break through without knowing the concrete steps to a successful online business. That’s why he also gives lots of practical steps. He has walked the path to online success so he knows how you can succeed as well.

Vick Strizheus is not a scam artist. However, it doesn’t guarantee that his program would be the best.

Conclusion – Is The Four Percent Group a Scam?

To this question, I need to answer I don’t know. But I strongly guess that it doesn’t work like they promise it to work. Most likely you will not be making $300 or even close during the first week of Internet marketing. I don’t want to put you down but that’s the reality. Making a living is possible but it requires hard work.

I know people who have made their first income within a week of starting their online business but it’s quite rare and those guys were working a lot during that first week. But after you “get the ball rolling”, it will become easier and easier and you can earn much more than you could in an average 9 to 5 job.

I don’t want to put my money into Four Percent Group because it seems quite suspicious and I know already how to make money online. If you want to learn a proven system to make money online take a look at Wealthy Affiliate.

Their methods have been proven over and over again. Many members have quit their job and started a full-time online business. That’s 100% true and you can prove it yourself. But as I said, it doesn’t happen automatically by pushing a button. You need to get started and work, work, work.

I know lots of people who have succeeded online. All of them have one common characteristic. They never gave up. The fastest way to fail in the online business is to give up and the most sure way to succeed is to never quit.




Have you tried The Four Percent Group? Did you like it?

Have you also used other affiliate marketing training like Wealthy Affiliate or something else?

Let me know in the comments below! 🙂

I promise to answer all your comments and questions personally.

By Roope Kiuttu

Hello! I am Roope "Robert" Kiuttu, the founder and owner of I created this website back in 2015 to help you to make money online. You can ask me anything and I'll be happy to help you out. I help people daily to make more money online and I love seeing people succeeding. If you want to get my 1-on-1 support and help to make money online as well, get started HERE.


  1. Hi Roope,

    here’s 😀 irk, a colleague from Wealthy Affiliate.

    I researched The Four Percent Group and found you article today. Thanks for your work.

    Did you hear about the international lounge (origin form Brazil) about half a year ago? It’s unbelievable what they offer for such a low price.

    I would like to read you article about it. I’m in your list now, anyway. I’m looking forwar do it and hopefully see you on the inside:-) (If for 7 days or longer, you decide). Don’t forget to check out their affiliate program.

    Have a delightful day.

    😀 irk

    1. Hi Dirk,

      I removed the affiliate links because I don’t usually allow promotion here. Otherwise, everyone would post their affiliate links and promotions here so I prefer to keep it clean. I hope you understand. 🙂 Of course, we can think about guest posting or something similar for promotion.

      I will check out Builderall and maybe try it out! Thank you for the idea.

      I haven’t heard of international lounge. What is it actually?

  2. I am just starting my career in internet marketing and I am learning internet marketing through self-study. I very much want to attend training in internet marketing. However, the course you have reviewed here looks very expensive to me.

    Of course, I will earn the entire money I spend on the course in few months because the course will give the information and knowledge I want to become an internet marketer, but the fee is beyond my budget.

    Have you checked out Udemy course? I hope you review udemy courses as well.

    1. Yes, I have checked some courses on Udemy. I also considered creating something myself but I haven’t done it yet. I could create courses, for example about Google SEO or chess.

      They have lots of great resources on Udemy. I must write a short review about them in the future.

  3. Hi Roope,
    I’m Amor from Philippines, I just feel sad that the free starter package is not available in our country.
    I also want to know the inclusion of premium membership packages. I’m just excited to be a part of more than 800k Internet entrepreneur.

    In terms of 4% and even in other internet marketing training. I think it depend on the member to decide if the pay in package is value for money and if the trainings are helpful to them.
    The only advantage of joining a certain group of like minded person is that it accelerate the process of learning, thus maximized both time and profit. One of my friend told me that, the basic is just the same. But you can also join others that you think will be helpful

    Thanks for inspiring a newbhie like me ?

    1. Hi Amor,

      you are right that getting into the right group can be a huge help. You have probably heard the famous phrase by Jim Rohn, “You’re The Average Of The Five People You Spend The Most Time With.” The more time you spend time with other successful Internet marketers more likely you will succeed too.

      But if would you spend your time who don’t believe that it’s possible to make big money online, they would be holding you back. “Birds of a feather flock together. If you run around with losers, you will end up a loser.” -Les Brown.

      Wealthy Affiliate is the best online entrepreneur community on the Internet that I have found so far. You can ask questions from people who are making +$10,000/month online and they will give you personal and very helpful tips.

      If I can help you somehow, just let me know and I will be more than happy to help you out.


  4. Hi Roope, Awesome and honest review for the Four Percent Group. I have a few questions off the bat for you. You may have mentioned them in the review but I don’t recall reading it.

    Does this program offer a free trial period before you have to provide your payment information?

    How hard is it to get your money back if you are not satisfied?

    I have never heard of this program before now but I must say, I honestly don’t think I would pay some guy $50.00 a month who has been charged with theft in the past. If I am going fork over my hard earned money to someone, I have to trust them, I want to learn how to make money online, I don’t need someone telling me what my mindset should be.

    Your #1 Recommendation – Wealthy Affiliate – sounds more like a learning community and less like a life coach session from Mr. Vick. Thank for introducing WA.

    1. Hi Suzette,

      You can also try 4% Group for free. Free account doesn’t naturally give you all features that the full account would give.

      You have really good points there! Trust is one of the most important aspects in any business. None of want to give money for somebody we don’t really trust.

      But who knows if Vick has changed? I believe that people can change. Still, I recommend to be careful with people if somebody doesn’t have a good background because many times people tend to repeat same habits over and over again in their lives.

      Wealthy Affiliate is definitely a great community. They have probably the best online business training with the great support from very successful online entrepreneurs. I have been a member of WA since June 2015.


    2. Hi Suzette, I also loved the review of 4 percent. I have recently joined 4 percent and I can say the program is amazing. I have been a digital marketer for many years and still learnt many things. I have managed to already make a commission from his affiliate marketing program.

      Vick is AMAZING. I was surprised to read that he had a shady past… but that actually just makes him more amazing…

      Some people say a leopard never changes his spots, and one would never know if he did. But all I can say about Vick is that I think he is an amazing man and he really shares his heart and passion with us 4 percenters.

  5. Funny story I looked at the 4% group and wealthy affiliate lately and wasn’t sure if I should go through wealthy affiliate or not. I think I will though- the 4% group almost promises too much up front and I’ve learned from experience that if it sounds too good to be true it probably isn’t true. I appreciate the way you explained it though. I don’t feel like you scammed one company or even talked up another too much- you just listed the facts which let me make a decision. I’ll be referencing here more!

    1. Hi!

      If something in “make money online” -programs sounds too good to be true, it probably isn’t true. I totally agree with you.

      Still I need to point out the fact that there are many people who are making +$10,000 or even +100,000/month online. This may sound too good for many people but in this case, it’s 100% true. What people don’t realize is that Internet marketers have also worked a lot. If someone is earning $10,000/month online, he didn’t achieve it by pushing a button. It came after days, weeks and months of hard work.

      But after achieving a stable income online, it’s possible to run it almost on “autopilot” by outsourcing tasks for other people. But then you also need to run the show so it’s not totally passive income but it can be 95% automated.


  6. 4% actually sounds reasonably legit, although I agree that most people don’t make $300 in their first week online.
    It seems that most of the guys (or at least a lot) who have been around a while now have memberships sites of some kind, it’s their way of maintaining a regular, consistent income I guess.Do you know how long it’s been going for? That’s important to me making a decision to go with a product or service. If it’s any good it will have been going a while.

    1. Hi Deb,

      I tried to search for the information when The Four Percent Group but I couldn’t find it. Probably we can get the info by asking from their support team. You are right that many successful Internet marketers have their own membership sites and training where they teach how they have created wealth online. But some of them are scams and the founders are like, “faking till they make it”. I recommend not to buy their products.

      I think that I will take even a closer look to the Four Percent Group in the coming months to find out if it’s really one of the best make money online training online or a scam. It seems very promising and many people claim that they have earned lots of money with this system.


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