Is Lottotrix a Scam? – Is This What You Expected!?

Have you heard of lottery systems before? I have made a research of more than 10 different systems that promise you to beat the lottery. There are a few characteristics that make those systems similar. All lottery systems don’t give what they promise but… I will tell you later in this article. Is Lottotrix a Scam? Let’s find out.

Lottotrix Review

is lottotrix a scamName: Lottotrix
Founders: Stefan Vandevelde
Field: Lottery Systems

Overall Rank:  15 Out of 100 (Check Out My #1 Recommendation, 98 Out of 100)

What Is Lottotrix?

Lottotrix is a website created by Stefan Vandevelde. He is a Belgian guy who has researched different lotto systems over the years. He has studied how people play lotto and how lottery systems work to cash out money for the players. According to his own words, he has made some groundbreaking findings how you can also win the lottery.

To be honest, I am quite skeptical.

It’s amazing how much effort Stefan has put on his lotto website. There are reviews of many lottery systems and he is, of course, selling his own products that promise to make you win in the lotteries.

He has systems for many kinds of lotto: Pick 3, Pick 4, Pick 5, Pick 6 and so on.

How Does Lottotrix Work?

Stefan Vandevelde analyzed how lotto works. When the lotto show started on TV, people were excited. Maybe this will be their big day to win something great on the lottery. Then the wheel started rolling.

It took almost 1-3 minutes to get the first number because TV hosts wanted to keep everyone excited. But when the first number was given, a big number of people turned TV off. It wasn’t their lucky day.

The second and the third number appeared on TV. Even more, people changed the channel because they realized that they will not win the jackpot today. When it turned for the first ball, only 1-2% of the original spectators were still watching the show.

TV hosts figured out that they need to change the strategy. Instead of taking so long time to give the right numbers, they did it quicker that people wouldn’t vanish.

Mr. Vandevelde wanted to find a way to beat this system. If he can’t beat the lottery, he wants to “change the rules”. What does it exactly mean? He somehow inverts the numbers or does something “magic” that I really don’t understand. If you have a better understanding of his system, I would be more than happy to hear it in the comments. To me, his system just seems like a blatant scam.

=> Tired of Lotto Scams? Learn to Make Honest Money Online!

The price of Lottotrix Products?

They are selling and promoting many kinds of products on Lottotrix website. Many of them are free and only require that you give them your email address. Then they will most likely start bombarding you with other promotions and with some other products. That’s why I don’t give my email to a system if I clearly see that it’s not worth it.

Most Lottotrix products cost a little less than $40. It’s a way too high price if you consider that they just give you an eBook which explains a few lotto strategies. If you would really beat the lottery, a value would be millions. BUT if you could beat the lottery with their systems, they wouldn’t sell it for so cheap.

Who is Lottotrix For?

In my opinion, Lottotrix is for those who don’t understand that one can’t beat the lottery. I wouldn’t waste your time on their website if I were you. Like I have explained in the other lotto system reviews, the player is supposed to lose and the house is always supposed to win the lottery. That’s it. Period.

Oh, and what about those characteristics of the lotto systems. Let me give you them briefly:

1.Too big promises
2.Some complicated explanations (that try to trick you)
3.Pictures of big mansions and sports cars
4.The founder has a fancy title. (Dr., Mathematician, Professor or something else)
5.False testimonials.

Probably not all of the lotto systems have these all but mostly you will see them. Better to concentrate on more profitable ways to make money online.

Pros & Cons


  • There are many inspirational and interesting ideas about the lottery


  • You can’t beat the lottery
  • Stefan’s systems cash out from people who believe you could win lotto
  • Products are very expensive compared to their value.

Conclusion – Is Lottotrix a Scam?

If a system promises you to beat the lottery, what can you expect? Either you can believe what they say or you can investigate the system and realize that it doesn’t really work. If somebody would show me a lotto system that could really beat the lottery, I promise to eat my hat. (That’s a challenge for all lotto system builders)

If you are looking for ways and opportunities to make money online, I recommend staying away from any system that promises to give you big wins without any efforts. Making money (online) requires work and persistence. Of course, you can make money in 5 minutes by filling out an online survey. But how much would you earn then? $0,01 or something similar.

If you want to make money with blogging or affiliate marketing, it may take much more time but the rewards can be million times bigger.

If you want to have a real training how to make a big money online without any magical lotto tricks or “trix”, have a look at this step-by-step training.

Lottotrix at a Glance…

Name: Lottotrix
Founders: Stefan Vandevelde
Field: Lottery Systems

Overall Rank:  15 Out of 100

Let me know in the comments below! 🙂

By Roope Kiuttu

Hello! I am Roope "Robert" Kiuttu, the founder and owner of I created this website back in 2015 to help you to make money online. You can ask me anything and I'll be happy to help you out. I help people daily to make more money online and I love seeing people succeeding. If you want to get my 1-on-1 support and help to make money online as well, get started HERE.


  1. The truth is that you can’t just beat the lottery despite all the promises that most of the sites such as Lottotrix will make you believe. I think that we should also try as much as we can not to give out our links such as emails if we don’t want situations like spam messages being seen to us.

  2. I read a lot of reviews and eventually, I made some conclusion and guideline for myself to make a decision either to take action or to buy.

    1. If the product or service is legitimate, I only deal with right people who is ethical.
    2. My decision making 70% from negative reviews which wrote by paid customers because it represents what customers really think of.
    3. Common sense is most important. Too good to be true always leads to a disaster.

    In a lottery or a casino, the banker is always the final winner from Probability, Home advantage, and nature of that business itself. I think Stefan Vandevelde is also a winner here. What he makes is the weakness of human nature. And no Persistency as the other one Internet affiliate marketing can bring a continuous income. Which to choose is obvious, isn’t it?

    1. Hi George,

      yeah, is obvious to me that lottery systems are just doomed to lose money. As you said, the winner is always the house.

      You have written there good guidelines to avoid scams. You can also have a look at these principles what I am using to avoid scams online.

      Wealthy Affiliate is just a great community because you will learn how not to fall in to scams and how to create a successful online business. You will also learn to recognize what kind of services are legitimate and profitable for your business.


  3. Hey. Thanks for the thorough review. I love the layout in which you explained Lottotrix. Are there any Legit opportunities you would recommend? I have been looking at many other opportunities online and there are so many scams out there, why would you say that the online opportunities you recommend are the best? what makes it so different?

    Thanks again hope to have a response from you soon!

    1. Hi Nataniel,

      I recommend Wealthy Affiliate for several reasons. Here are some of them.

      1.Their methods are proven and they work. Many people have been able to quit their 9-5 job because they achieved full-time income online after WA-training.

      2.Their community gives you support to succeed. Many times we need help from other people and we can’t make it alone. That’s when their community comes into the game.

      3.They provide Domain hosting. Not many “make money online” programs give you also the domain hosting. WA provides the domain hosting for up to 25 websites.

      4.They give you a keyword tool. You don’t need to buy a keyword tool because WA-tool is enough.

      5.You can get comments through their platform. You can request comments to your website/blog from other members within WA.

  4. Hi, Roope.

    Thank you for your review of Lottotrix! I find it interesting that there is even an opportunity like this out there. I don’t play the lotto offline and definitely wouldn’t play it online. And, like you said, they promise too much. That makes it sound like a scam to me. Thank you for making me aware of bad opportunities online.


    1. Hi Weston,

      yeah, it’s interesting how many lotto systems are out there. I have seen more than 10 of them and all of them seemed like a scam.

      Better to concentrate on more legitimate ways to make money online.


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