I definitely like the idea behind Healthy Wage: Get fit and earn money at the same time. Both of those activities are interesting so why wouldn’t you kill two birds with one stone? HealthyWage provides a great way to do it. You can earn up to $10,000 for reaching your weight loss goal. You’ll see your reward right away with their calculator even before the challenge.
In this review, I’ll show how you can use their app to earn money and lose weight. I’ll also answer the question, “Is HealthyWage a scam?” and give you a few tips how you can use it to make money easily.

Healthy Wage Review
Name: Healthy Wage
Website: www.HealthyWage.com
Founded: 2009
Type: Earn Money While Losing Weight
Short Review: HealthyWage is one of the best apps that I have seen for a while. They pay you honestly quite a good money for losing weight. People all around the world are enjoying this app and earning money while getting to the best shape of their lives.
HealthyWage will make you a good money but it won’t make you a living. If you are interested in earning a living online, have a look at My #1 Recommendation. I used that program to learn how to make money online and I love it.
HealthyWage Tutorial – Get Rewarded for Losing Weight
I have created you a simple step-by-step tutorial where I walk you through the process of making money with HealthyWage. Their website and apps are very easy to use, especially when you follow my instructions in the video below.
If you have any questions, you can always ask me in the comments below and I’ll be happy to help you out.
Is HealthyWage Real? – These People Say, “Yes!”
Thousands of pounds have been lost by HealthyWage users and thousands of dollars have been earned.
As you can see in my updated 2018 HealthyWage video review below, HealthyWage is real and people are really making thousands of dollars by losing weight.
It’s a government-supported project so HealthyWage organization can reward users for losing weight.
=> Earn $1,000’s on HealthyWage by Losing Weight!
HealthyWage Reviews – Video Version
Before we rush to my comprehensive review I want to offer you an opportunity to have a look at my video review of HealthyWage. I recorded this video to give even more information about the opportunity and show you in practice how you can get started. I hope you enjoy and find it useful.
What Is HealthyWage?
HealthyWage is a service that pays you for losing weight. You may be familiar with the idea already from other apps like Pact but the execution is much better in HealthyWage. Instead of earning a few dollars you can earn up to $10,000 if you reach your goals.
The idea is that you set a goal of how many kilos or pounds you want to lose. Then you set a deadline and a financial bet. If you reach your goal within your deadline, you’ll earn money. But if you lose the challenge, you lose the bet. The scientific proof from universities like Harvard shows that financial incentives can significantly help you to lose weight and reach your goals.
Notice that you can use HealthyWage almost anywhere in the world including Europe and Asia. There are some countries in the Middle East and North Korea where you can’t use this app but if you are not living there, it’s not a problem.
Next, we will take a look at how HealthyWage works. It’s pretty simple and everyone can learn to use it well.

How Does HealthyWage Work? – 6 Simple Steps
1) Calculate How Much Money You Will Win
I am pretty impressed how much money it’s possible to earn using HealthyWage. Some people have earned thousands of dollars with their challenges. For me, such numbers are not possible because I am not so much overweight. However, I could lose 20lbs quite easily so I took a look how much money I could gain by losing it.

If I would lose 20 lbs during the next 6 months, they would give me a $320 prize. Of course, it’s not a big sum of money but I’m sure it would motivate me to lose weight. Last year I lost almost 20 lbs in 2 months while visiting in Indonesia so I know 20 lbs in 6 months would be just a piece of cake.
You can change the numbers and choose something that is suitable for you. If you have lots of overweight, you can earn quite a good money with HealthyWage when you reach your weight loss goal.
2) Sign Up and Place Your Bet
Signing up to HealthyWage takes less than 30 seconds. You fill out your information, measurements and then you’re ready to go.
3) Weigh In
In this phase, you will measure your starting weight. There are two ways to get approved.
- Record a video of yourself in front of the mirror measuring your weight. Then you can upload it through the HealthyWage app or on their website.
- Book a time with HealthyWage’s official referee who will confirm your starting weight.
When your starting weight is set you can start taking action to lose your weight and reach your goal.
4) Lose weight
I always tend to say (with a little bit of humor of course) that losing weight is easy: You just don’t need to do anything and your weight goes down. But if you want to gain weight, you need to take action: Earn money to buy food, go to the supermarket to buy food, spend the time eating it and repeat. If you don’t do anything, your weight goes automatically down. That’s how the Universe works.
However, eating a lot has become a habit for many people and sometimes it’s not so easy to break habits. But if you get rewarded for breaking your habit, you will more likely make it.
5) Final weigh in
You have time within two weeks before reaching your deadline to make your final weigh in. So, even though you wouldn’t hit your target weight every evening, you can measure your weight in the morning. Most of the time we weigh a little bit less during the morning because you have been fasting for the whole night.
6) Get paid your rewards (even up to $10,000)
If you reached your goals, HealthyWage will diligently pay your rewards. They are an honest company and they have been featured on news channels like Fox News, CNN, Good Morning America, etc.

Is HealthyWage a Scam? – 5 Reasons Why It’s Awesome
I definitely like HealthyWage and recommend it for people who need to lose weight. It will help you to reach your goals more easily and earn money at the same time. Here are 5 reasons why it could benefit you.
1) Harvard, Carnegie Mellon and University of Pennsylvania say it works
These universities have made researches of weight loss and they found a correlation between financial incentives and achieving weight loss goals. Those researchers inspired the founders of HeatlhyWage to create this app.
I agree that financial incentive can give a great motivational boost for achieving your goals.
2) Being overweight isn’t good for you – being fit is great!
Your body is the only vehicle that carries you through this life. Why would you have a bad vehicle?
Being in a good shape has a positive impact on your mind and overall happiness as well. When you reach your goal of losing weight, it sets yourself in a good mood that you’ll reach other goals as well.
3) Social Support
Team challenges offer you a social support because your friends also set the same goal. You can go running together and keep yourselves accountable. I recommend choosing friends that are truly committed because they’ll push you to raise your standards. Friends that are “seriously not serious” will just distract you from achieving your goal.
Even though you wouldn’t take a Team challenge you can still get a huge social support by sharing your goal with your friends. I have noticed that when I make my goals public, it forces me to reach higher. Do you have the same experience as well?
4) People are loving HealthyWage
There are already more than 400 reviews of HealthyWage on Android Play Store. Users have given the average rating of 4,3 on a scale from 1 to 5. That’s pretty impressive and I don’t see very often such great numbers on apps that help you to make money.
I understand why people are giving it so good numbers. The healthywage idea is great and execution is even better.
5) HealthyWage BBB – The Best Possible Rating on Better Business Bureau
HealthyWage has been rated as A+ on BBB website. You may already know that it’s not easy to get that rating so it’s already a great indicator that their service/product is great.
There are probably, even more, reasons why HealthyWage will be beneficial for you. Feel free to leave them below in the comments.
=> Want to Earn Money by Losing Weight? Start Your First Challenge Today!
HealthyWage Success Stories – 1,000’s of Pounds Lost and Dollars Earned
On HealthyWage website there are hundreds of success stories of people who have achieved their goals using this app. It’s very nice to see that so HealthyWage has made a big positive impact on this world. People have lost thousands and tens of thousands pounds in total while taking their challenges. It’s pretty inspiring. What do you think?

By clicking their pictures, you can read what these persons tell their stories. I don’t copy & paste them here but you can read them yourself on HealthyWage website by clicking here.
I am very happy for all of those people who have achieved their goal of losing weight. I know from experience that it increases the quality of your life when you are fit.
“HealthyWage Sounds Too Good to Be True?” Is It Real?
Yes, HealthyWage really sounds good and it is real.
HealthyWage project is financially supported by the government, insurers, hospitals, health systems and even some food companies.
Corporate leaders and government know that incentives work and are also a cost effective solution to improve people’s health. It’s much cheaper for the government to support its citizens to exercise than pay all the problems that occur because of the obesity.
How to Earn Money Easily with HealthyWage? – My Secret Tip!
It’s quite easy to make some money with HealthyWage. You have probably heard that many bodybuilders use 2 phases: bulk and diet. When they are bulking they eat a lot and gain weight (muscle+fat). Then they want to get rid of the extra fat and them diet. You can use the same idea. When you start out your challenge you can make sure that it’ll be easy for you to lose weight.
Get a few extra kilos before the first weigh in. I have gained once 10 kilos in 3-4 months when I went to the gym and I was bulking. It can be done even faster if you want. Then you just lose those kilos after starting a challenge. You get fit by losing extra fat.
Then if your deadline is coming closer and you still haven’t reached your goal weight, I recommend taking a few days without eating. It’ll lose a few kilos quite fast. Then you just take a weigh in and start eating normally.
HealthyWage has a “yo-yo rule” to prevent misbehavior of their app. It means that when you use their challenge for going from 250 lbs to 230 lbs, the next goal can’t start higher than 230 lbs. Otherwise, people could just yo-yo their weight up and down to take all the money.
Conclusion – Is HealthyWage Legit?
Definitely yes. There isn’t a single reason why their service wouldn’t be legitimate. They have paid thousands of people all around the world during more than 8 years.
The healthywage average prize for challenge winners is $1,331 which already a significant amount of money. Some members including Anastasia (in the picture below) have earned even $10,000 for reaching her goal. You can click the picture to read the full story.

=> Calculate Your HealthyWage Prize Here! <=
Would you like to earn money for losing weight?
Have you ever used similar services?
Let’s discuss in the comments below! 🙂
If you have any questions, you can feel free to ask and I’ll be more than happy to help you out.
I want to sign up for healthywager, and lose weight.
Cool! You can do it Judy.
I have a question. How are you paid? By check?
Hi Carol,
you can choose between a paper check or PayPal.
I completely agree with you Dave.
HealthyWage is really a win-win challenge and it hits 2 birds with 1 stone as they use to say. Earning money and losing weight at the same time.
It’s not a coincidence that 10’s of people have started the HealthyWage challenge also through this post.
If you want to earn money through HealthyWage, get started today 🙂
I didn’t know this program existed but I am really impressed. This is really a win-win. Get fit and get money if you reach the goal! Even in the example you posted – losing 20 lbs with a $300 prize. Although that it’s as amazing as $10,000, who can really argue with getting an additional $300 for a very reasonable goal? Awesome post.
I completely agree with you Dave.
HealthyWage is really a win-win challenge and it hits 2 birds with 1 stone as they use to say. Earning money and losing weight at the same time.
It’s not a coincidence that 10’s of people have started the HealthyWage challenge also through this post.
If you want to earn money through HealthyWage, get started today 🙂
Hey Roope,
HealthyWage is a good concept supported by the government to encourage healthy life by weight loss. But l am a bit confused why you need to bet in order to make money just kept your body healthy. Do you think HealthyWage is some sort gambling app?
Once again, thank you for reviewing and introducing this brilliant app. I will share it to some of my friends.
Best regards.
Shui Hyen
Hi Shui,
no, HealthyWage is not a gambling app.
In the article above, I explained what’s the purpose of the financial bet in the weight loss.
Based on the studies and researches of the famous universities, putting a financial bet will significantly increase your chances of succeeding and achieving your weight loss goals. That’s the primary purpose of it. Do you get it? 🙂
Let me know if you have any further questions.
I’m sure that your friends will be thankful to you once you show how they can make money and lose weight at the same time with HealthyWage.
What an interesting review! I never knew I could find a revenue opportunity like the one at HealthyWage that will allow me to get fit and make money while doing it. It’s also interesting to know that I can earn up to $10,000 just for reaching my weight loss goal. Thanks for showing in this review how to use their app to earn extra revenue for losing weight!
On a more serious note, I have never heard about HealthyWage except now that I stumbled at your website and I must say I’m impressed by this review and convinced to try it out as I am interested in losing weight and making money at the same time. This is really amazing. Thanks for the honest review!
Israel Olatunji
Great to hear that my review was helpful Israel. I’m looking forward to hearing your experiences with HealthyWage. Let me know afterwards how much money did you earn and how much weight did you lose if you want!
Hey Roope you might not be overweight but I am. lolll. This is a genius and stupendous idea and I am trying it today. I have been working so hard in a sedentary job for about 18 months now. I am now bigger than I have ever been in my life. Today I am finally start to slow down.
I am so glad I found this. Because I was going to lose weight anyway. Why not make money doing so at the same time. This is also going to add an extra dimension to my weight loss. Which can be fun.
I watched one of your videos and I was not sure about this. When you make a wager. Like I saw you wagered $100. If you do not win the money do you lose it? Which is fine with me.
Because your wager was much smaller than what you would of made by winning the bet. Plus it makes the weight loss journey more interesting!!!
Awesome to hear Ceddy that you are going to start the HealthyWage challenge and make money at the same time.
Yes, the idea is to put a financial incentive that motivates you to stick to your goal and not give up. Experts say that a financial incentive dramatically increases your chances of success in a weight loss goal.
Earning money for my weight lose? Sound too good to be true, How can this be possible? Most of weight loss programs I have heard required one to pay a certain amount for weight lose services.
I am not too over weight, but, I am prepared to lose a bit of weight. I can’t weight to earn some money doing that, signed up with Healthy Wage and I will start the program in the next few days
Hi Ngoni,
those were also the initial thoughts that I had when I saw HealthyWage. I was like, “Wow! Sound too good to be true!”
But I made a lot of research and found out that it’s 100% legitimate and actually government-supported project.
I’d be glad to hear about your experiences once you’ve done with your HealthyWage challenge. Make money and get fit at the same time. Not too bad, huh? 😉
Lovely to know the concept of HealthyWage apps, it’s a good motivation to work on losing weights and earning money. It’s good to be healthy. It’s not easy to maintain healthy lifestyle. As a diabetic patient, I tried to keep everything in balance from food and exercises. I avoid strenuous activity. No matter what our desires always keep on focus.
This would be a great motivation to lose weight and start living a healthy life. I think it will really help you to become more strong willed and disciplined. However, I don’t have much weight to lose either. But if ever I’ll be, I’ll be up for this challenge. Sometimes losing weight is what people have in their mind but can’t put it into realization. They tend to always procrastinate. This will give them a big push.
Yeah, this app has helped so many people to lose weight. Certainly making a positive impact on this world 🙂
This is surprising. I would love to reccomend it to a friend. At the moment i don’t have any pounds to lose. In fact if I need the reverse because I have lost some weight.
Yeah, recommend HealthyWage to your friends who wants to lose weight. They may thank you later 🙂
They’ll get more motivated to lose weight and even get paid well for doing that.
It looks good but I’m not sure it would be something I would use. Well, I wouldn’t have to use it since I’m not overweight as such so no real need for the app. It’s a pretty risky thing to do really because you never know when something might happen that stops you being able to lose weight. And with the image you showed, paying $600 just to get $320 seems pretty risky.
Yeah, everyone is free to make their own choice with it 🙂
Many people have made thousands of dollars using HealthyWage and it’s great for them.
But I’m happy to hear that you are already in a great shape and don’t need to lose weight!
Wow, I’m very impressed seeing this offer from Healthy Wage which helps people to make money online while actually doing good for their body. It’s never a good thing to be over weight, it hampers one’s health as obesity would never do you any good. So, using Healthy Wage to place a bet and win money from reaching your goals is a great one. Although you don’t have to be greedy in trying to set an unrealistic goal to earn big money which you cannot meet and you will end up losing your bet.
Yeah, HealthyWage rewards very well even for very realistic and ordinary weight loss challenges.
I couldn’t have imagined before that people can really make thousands of dollars for losing their weight but it’s really true. Anything seems to be possible in today’s world 😀
Seriously, I was very surprised getting to hear that such things were possible, for someone to make hundreds if not possible thousands of dollars from losing weight which is actually to his or her own benefits. It’s like killing two birds with one stone throw. Who could have thought that such a thing would be possible but here it it’s now and so many people are taking advantage of the opportunity. To lose weight and to earn money in the process is a win-win situation for individuals using Healthy Wage.
Wow! What an amazing concept this is! Before, it was also adapted on some reality TV shows with contestants gaining prizes after losing weight, and now they already have it with the convenience of an app. Pretty neat there! As you said, this is hitting two birds with one stone: getting cash for getting fit. What more could be awesome than that?
Exactly. I love the idea and execution of HealthyWage. They help people to be in a better shape and also reward for doing that.
I think the TV show you’re talking about was called the Biggest Loser, right? They also created a similar show in my home country Finland afterwards.
Yeah, that’s it. But personally I don’t think many people would join such TV shows. Some people may still be conscious about their privacy and such, unless they would want to be instant celebrities. LOL! Most of the “too healthy” ones – and I’m trying to be politically correct and not offend anybody – they would rather keep their health issues to themselves. Some may even be in denial about it or something.
Enter the app! Voila! Money-making machine that makes me work my ass out to get fit! That’s amazing! Besides, most of us are already glued to our phones and apps basically run our lives these days, admit it or not. So this concept here is totally incredible. I bet some other apps out there in the market are now following suit.
Exactly. It’s just like killing two birds with one stone my friend, getting paid for losing weight. Anyone who is determined to lose weight by hitting the gym on daily basis would be the most to benefit from using this application Healthy Wage and I do have someone to recommend it to.
It is really surprising to hear that there is such thing as that. I think many will be encouraged to loose weight because it’s like hitting two birds with one stone. You are loosing weight at the same time you can earn money through that. Sounds great!
That is exactly true. And with this application you do not only earn a little money but thousands of dollars for losing weight. In my opinion, the idea and execution with this app is wonderful.
I think this is a great app, and I think its also a great concept. I just don’t understand how it works. I understand that you bet on you loosing weight and if you don’t then you loose your money. How do they prove you have lost weight. I know you take your before and after picture. But does the app really weight you? Also isn’t it possible to cheat e.g putting someone lighter on the scale? I just don’t get it and think the app is open to manipulation.
You need to send them verification pictures before and after your challenge. If you want to know more how they screen and control if users are cheating, feel free to contact their support.
Many of my website visitors have started this challenge and made money with it already.
I agree with you that healthywage is quite good for those that aim to lose some weight. Actually, what they are doing is quite commendable aside from the monetary gains since it is going to motivate people that are having weight issues to burn down some fats since the money involved is a form of motivation tool for them. Also, reading this review would help anyone thinking of using this app on ways that they can make money with it as well.
That’s true.
HealthyWage combines two benefits:
1.Losing weight.
2.Earning money.
What else can one ask? 🙂
Both benefits are really nice and one that any right thinking human being can joyfully take hold of and live right. Thanks for the awesome reviews!
Literally, here comes the very common and true saying Health is Wealth. Very ideal for people who are struggling and no motivation to lose weight, this a great chance for them to take advantage the opportunity to be fit and gain money from it.
I like how HealthyWage works, it encourages people to break their bad habit from becoming fit and healthy. Very tempting.
I haven’t heard that saying before but I’m happy that you shared it with. I love motivational quotes and wisdom.
Yeah, HealthyWage is great. What else can I say? 😉
Never heard of this app, but it sounds great. Since you say this program is available in Asia, I want to try this. I think I am good at losing weight. I have experience of losing 6 kg in four weeks. I am always looking for motivation to lose weight and I believe this program can help me lose extra kilos.
Sounds great! You’ll earn some good money using this app. Based on my experience it’s even easier to lose weight in Asia than here in Austria/Finland where I live because it’s hotter there. 😉
I was last year two months in Indonesia and I lost 7-8kgs quite easily. Maybe I should have joined a HealthyWage challenge before that so I would have earned a good money for losing those kilos.
Healthy Wage seems pretty amazing based on the motivation it gives the consumers. It absolutely makes you want to try harder and gives you the drive to work harder on self-improvement. It’s really dope. Can’t wait to see what else they’ll have for the future!!
Hi Ishmael,
you are right. HealthyWage gives the motivation to become a better person and to reach the goals you’ve always wanted. Setting and reaching goals is one of the most important keys to success.
I’ve seen many websites like this in your articles, but it seems this is the best of all. I’d definitely recommend this to some friends that are unmotivated, no one would feel unmotivated after reading this article and visit the website!
Awesome page, excellent concept, great amount of earnings and helps you being more healthy! Excellent article Roope.
Hi Wizkha,
yeah, HealthyWage is a wonderful concept. If I would be overweight, I would definitely place a bet on their website to earn money. I recommend their service for my friends who need motivation for losing weight.
Wow! This is quite a fantastic concept for people who want to lose weight. Not only do you bet your OWN money for you to achieve your target goal but you EARN money in return for it, sometimes even double if I’m not mistaken.
This review of the HealthyWage application/website is one of the best that I’ve read so far, very professional and exact. It really helped me understand a lot further how HealthyWage works and how I can benefit from it. Great job!
Hi Suavecito,
the concept of HealthyWage is great and their execution also works. There are some similar apps but they don’t make it to the same level as HealthyWage. I’m glad that there are apps like HW that help people to reach their weight loss goals and earn money at the same time.
I just came from the other weight loss website you reviewed, since this one’s way better. It’s crazy that someone got such an interesting idea to make money out of something as important yet “uninteresting” as losing weight. I’m looking at the website and I’m amazed at the earning rates, I’m totally going to recommend this one to some members of my family that have obesity problems and they can’t get an incentive to start losing weight right now.
Thanks Roope!
Hi Alexander,
I totally love the idea of HealthyWage. You can reach your physical goals while earning money at the same time. HealthyWage is a great motivator for people who need to lose weight.
I think it is not a scam. The site is mainly focused on letting people lose their weight and even get paid for doing so.
I see it as a kind of motivation because a lot of people are lazy and faff around thinking they’ve got the time, but trust me when anything like a request or task is inclined with money, the thing gets done faster. So I believe the site helps you to get motivated and determined by placing your bet
Hi Anthope,
HealthyWage is not a scam and most of their members are recommending the service for other people as well.
That’s a good point. When money is on the line, many people get motivated. It’s pretty interesting!
Well this was a nice and surpricing article! thank you. Losing weight is hard work for me but motivation is the key to success when it comes to losing some weight and what better motivation than money?
I found the site very interesting and I even calculated my own bet… I’ll get 387,96 $ just betting 20 $ a month. Seems very profitable for something that’s going to make you healthier!
Hi Pink_Turtle,
it’s true that money motivates many people. HealthyWage was inspired by studies conducted in Harvard and other universities that noticed the relation between achievement of weight loss challenges and money incentives.
Sounds great!
Great concept! More people should know about this because it’s a really smart way to motivate people.
However, I am happy with my weight at the moment and would not be interested in joining but I know countless of people who would be interested.
Hi Nour,
yeah, HealthyWage is definitely a great concept. Share this post with your friends who could benefit from HealthyWage. You could help them to make a big positive change in their lives!
I love the concept of this website! Obesity is definitely a problem and we’re running out of ways to fight against it in the world, but this is perhaps the most effective and creative way to tackle the issue. Pay out rewards for it! That fills people with determination and that translates into motivation to fulfill the goal.
My only concern about this website isn’t exactly related to the revenue side, but it’s more of a health issue. I think this kind of monetary incentive may motivate some people to start certain unhealthy weight-losing activities in order to reach the goal before the deadline. Skipping food, not eating, inducing vomit, among others, are quick ways to lose weight, but also put people’s health at risk.
I am not sure people would go that far for the monetary incentive, but it’s a risk that is still worth considering.
Hi Rosette,
yeah, there’s for sure that risk. However, your minimum time for reaching your goal is 6 months so there’s definitely enough time to reach that goal with normal methods as well.
Wow. Thanks for the great and honest review. I was not expecting this to be a legitimate service, to be honest. It sounded too good. I mean who doesn’t like to lose weight and earn money at the same time. It’s a great idea and I’m sure they earn quite a lot of money with certain money giving up halfway through or forgetting about their bets.
I can’t remember if you wrote it in your post, but are we allowed to choose a target based on our current weight or do they pick your target? I doubt it would be much help to me, I’m about average weight so losing weight would not be good for me.
Hi Kingcool,
I was also surprised how great HealthyWage is. I was a bit suspicious because I had seen a similar app that wasn’t so good. But HealthyWage is a legitimate company and they’ll pay you what they have promised.
You can choose your own target. The higher the goal, the more you’ll get paid.
This is a fascinating concept and confirms a lot of human behavioral studies that suggests we are much more successful when held accountable.
I’m curious what the downside risk is. You said you could make up to 10 grand. Does that mean that you could also lose that much if you don’t hit your goal?
Hi Dustin,
You can decide your bet before starting your challenge. If you don’t achieve your goal, you lose the bet that you have set. That’s why it motivates you to make it 😉