Is GoFundMe a Scam? – $1,300,000,000 Earned on Different Projects

Today we are going to take a look at the biggest crowdfunding platform in the world. You can fund many kind of projects on their website and already more than 1,3 billion dollars has been donated. Even though their company is huge, there has been lots of complaints about their service. Is GoFundMe a Scam? You will find the answer in the next 2 minutes by going through our detailed review.

GoFundMe Review

is gofundme a scamName: GoFundMe
Founded: In 2010
Field: Crowdfunding Platforms

Overall Rank: 60 Out of 100 (Check Out My #1 Recommendation, 98 Out of 100)

What Is GoFundMe?

GoFundMe is a fundraising platform where you can fund your projects, raise money against your sickness, education, animal, music and whatever you find important for you. There are many examples of people who have raised thousands of dollars against sicknesses on GoFundMe.

It’s one of the biggest crowdfunding platform in the world and more than 1,3 billion dollars have been donated through their website. That’s a huge amount. Let me emphasize: People have donated more than $1,300,000,000 on GoFundMe. The other side of the coin is that people have earned more than $1,3 billion from their platform. “Want to become a billionaire? Go to GoFundMe!” Well, maybe it doesn’t work exactly like that.

The idea is pretty similar to SmashFund and Patreon but it seems that GoFundMe is concentrating more on helping people who have challenges when Patreon, for example, supports people who are already very successful. That’s only how it looks to me but you may see it diffrently. I would like to hear in the comments below, what do you think.

Here is a video made by GoFundMe that quickly explains the idea behind their program:

How Does GoFundMe Work?

The idea of the website is very simple as you saw in the video above. It works in a similar way like other crowdfunding:

1.Create a profile for free where you explain why do you need funds. Add some text and a picture or two.
2.Share your profile for your friends and followers.
3.Collect donations. This is the most fun part.

Very simple.

But as we know, making money online requires work. It’s not easy to make big donations through any crowdfuding platform. You need to be active to share your project or need for other people. And it should be interesting for them to get the ball rolling. Then people can share it on their social medias so more and more people will hear about it.

On GoFundMe you can also set targets and deadlines.

You can set, for example, I need to raise $5,000 against my wife’s cancer until 31.11.2107. Then you can also explain why you want the money before this deadline. By the way, I would like to inform you that you will not get the money until the deadline is there. GoFundMe keeps the money until the project ends and it’s time to pay you.

is Gofundme a scam
An example of a GoFundMe fundraising project

GoFundMe Complaints

Even though the idea behind GoFundMe is great, there are a huge number of complaints about it on the Internet. That’s partially natural because their service is huge. But on the other hand, I was surprised to find so many people complaining about their service. Here are some examples:

is gofundme a scam
Lorraine Barlow had difficulties to get the money from GoFundMe

It seems that Lorraine had big difficulties to get money from GoFundMe. I don’t know the details why they didn’t pay her immediately. There may be a reason or then there isn’t. Anyway, Lorraine was very unsatisfied for their service.

is gofundme a scam
A complaint about the high free on GoFundMe

GoFundMe takes around 10% fee out of all donations. So, if you earn $5,000, you will get $4,500 because you need to pay 10% fee for GoFundMe service. I found many people complaining that the fee is too high. Partially I disagree because the company needs some money to run themselves. They are providing you the platform and it’s not free to run it. Also in Patreon they take around 10% for donations so it’s pretty similar.

What do you think? Is 10% fee too much?

GoFundMe Support?

There are also many complaints regarding to GoFundMe support. Have a look at this example:

is gofundme a scam
“They have ZERO customer support and don’t care about your or your campaign.” -says Diana

Many people were reporting that they had difficulties to get in touch with GoFundMe support. I went to their website and tried to find a way to send a message to their support team but it was quite challenging to find. Eventually I found a form that allowed me to ask questions. However, they have a knowledge base that will answer to most of your questions.


GoFundMe has given a promise that they will reply in 5 minutes for all request. Well, some members were reporting that it’s not true.

is gofundme a scam
GoFundMe gives big promises for their members

Why do I raise all these issues? Because I want to be totally truthful about their service. I never want to give a review that would lack some important information.

I know that GoFundMe has helped many important projects but I was very surprised to find all these complaints.

Pros & Cons


  • The biggest crowdfunding platform if we measure in the money
  • Their website has helped many people on their needs and projects
  • You can reach thousands of people through their platform


  • Lots of complaints on the Internet about their service
  • Some people think that 10% fee is too high

Conclusion – Is GoFundMe a Scam?

GoFundMe wouldn’t be the largest crowdfuding service in the world if it would be a blatant scam. One reason that you can find many complaints is because their service is so huge. The same goes with Coinbase. It’s the largest bitcoin exchange on the Internet but you can also find many complaints on the Internet.

Some people must be unsatisfied if there are one million users. Still, I would be careful with this service and choose another one if you don’t find this GoFundMe reliable.

If you are interested in making money online, have a look at Wealthy Affiliate. They don’t teach crowdfunding but they have a step-by-step training how you can make a full-time income online. It requires work but I know from experience that their training really works.

It’s 100% free to get started and you will get 20 interactive video lessons as a gift after joining. Learn more here!

GoFundMe at a Glance…

Name: GoFundMe
Founded: In 2010
Field: Crowdfunding Platforms

Overall Rank: 60 Out of 100


Have you ever tried GoFundMe or other crowdfunding websites? What kind of experiences did you have? 

Have you found also other ways to make money online?

Let me know in the comments below! 🙂

I would love to hear from you. I promise to reply to all of your comments within 24 hours.

By Roope Kiuttu

Hello! I am Roope "Robert" Kiuttu, the founder and owner of I created this website back in 2015 to help you to make money online. You can ask me anything and I'll be happy to help you out. I help people daily to make more money online and I love seeing people succeeding. If you want to get my 1-on-1 support and help to make money online as well, get started HERE.


  1. I don’t think that people complaining about the fees are fair, to be honest with you. A large site like this will have a lot of staff and will have a lot of costs, therefore, they need some sort revenue to survive and pay their staff.

    Is it better to have a site like this and pay a fee or not be able to fundraise large amounts of money quickly?

    Again, with their checks and the time that they take to release the funds, they have to make sure that the money is going to the real person and not to some fake claim otherwise loads of people will be using this site to scam people. I do however think that they could improve their customer service.

    1. Hi Kingcool,

      I understand the complaints about high fees. Why would people use GoFundMe while there are lots of other reliable crowdfunding sites that don’t take such high fees? At least, I would prefer paying 2-3 times smaller fees.

      Anyway, it’s good that this kind of services exists.

      I am interested in a missionary work because I am a committed Christian and I want to have a positive impact on this world. I believe there’s life after death and I want that people would go to Heaven.

      However, some years ago I made a decision that I want to earn the money myself instead of relying on other people’s money while I do missionary work. I am glad that I found Wealthy Affiliate to make my dreams possible.

  2. Gofundme sounds good if you don’t want fast results. I will never like something that gets to decide when or if I qualify as a real person.

    Those things should be in place before anything is raised in all honesty.

    Sounds like it would be easier to set up a site in your own community for something like a funeral. Local news usually will at least mention it and you can have fast access to the funds you need.

    I guess though they must provide more value then to other cases. Any thoughts on that?

    1. Hi Eric,

      it can be true that you get more money for a community. I think that crowdfunding is a great opportunity for individuals as well.

      I haven’t joined crowdfunding because I have always thought that I will earn money myself so other people don’t need to support me. However, maybe there is a room for change in my thoughts. I am open to try new things if necessary.



  3. Hey Roope,

    Good to know this crowdfunding review.

    I agree that Gofundme is not a scam but it seems it’s objective is to waste people precious time. From the testimonials image above I can see the horrible experience about the support as well as high fees applied.

    Such a crowdfunding should avoid all the time.

    I will definitely consider Wealthy Affiliate you recommended above and it seems more legit way to make the full-time income online.


    1. Hi Maxx,

      I was very surprised to see these negative reviews after hearing that GoFundMe is the largest crowdfunding website on the planet.

      Wealthy Affiliate is for sure a great way to make money online.

      GoFundMe is also an interesting possibility but I would prefer other crowdfunding platforms that don’t have so many negative reviews.



  4. I have friends who have been using GOFUNDME for a couple of years now and have had no problems. All the funding sites take at least 10% for their cost basis. My wife and I are looking into Hope Health Live. They are roughly the same but some of the pay outs are different. What do you know about them?

    1. Hi Chappy,

      thank you very much for sharing your experiences with GoFundMe. I want to mention that not all funding sites take 10% fee for the donations. For example, YouCaring takes much less than that.

      I haven’t heard of Hope Health Live before but I will certainly have a closer look at it. Thank you for the tip.



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