How to Cancel a HostGator Package And Get a Better Domain Host

How to cancel a hostgator account

How to cancel a hostgator account

I noticed that hundreds of people were asking on Google “How to Cancel a HostGator Package?” and “How to Cancel a HostGator Account?”

Therefore, I decided to write this step-by-step tutorial on how you can do it and change your domain hosting to a better one.If you’re a beginner, and want to get the easiest domain hosting, I recommend using Wealthy Affiliate. I used it when I was getting started and I can recommended for all the other people as well.

Still today I am using their domain hosting for some website because it’s included in the membership for free.

For more advanced online business owners, entrepreneurs and Internet marketers I recommend using SiteGround hosting . At the moment, I am using Wealthy Affiliate hosting for some of my websites and SiteGround for (the website where you are at the moment).

But let’s get to the 4 steps that you need to take in order to fully cancel your HostGator package. It’s much easier than you would probably even imagine.

How to Cancel a HostGator Package? – Video

In order to provide you a comprehensive answer, I also created the video below to explain the cancellation process on HostGator.

Step 1 – Choose Which Package You Want to Cancel

First, you naturally need to choose which one of you packages do you want to cancel. If you have only one package, then the decision is easy.

If you have bought several packages on HostGator, you need to choose which one you want to cancel or do you perhaps want to cancel all of them.

This step, of course, may sound a bit too obvious but that’s what you need to decide before moving forward. It will also make the cancelling process easier for you.

Step 2 – Go to HostGator Live Chat

After you have chosen which package you want to cancel, you just go to HostGator live chat and wait for a while until one of their representatives is active and responds to you.

Then you tell them which one of you packages you want to cancel and the customer support person is supposed to starts the process.They may ask you some questions like “Why do you want to cancel it?”, “Where do you want to move the hosting afterwards?” or other similar questions.

Notice that I said they may ask such questions. Maybe they don’t. You just answer the questions and the customer rep will cancel your package.

Step 3 – Make Sure You Have a New Domain Host

If you have a website, you need to have a domain host. Otherwise, your website is not up and running.

The domain host makes sure that your website is live on the Internet and people can visit there. You should be always able to contact your domain host and ask questions regarding the technical aspects of your website.

There are, of course, tons of different domain hosting providers and for a beginner it may be hard to choose which one would be the best.

If you are canceling HostGator, I assume that you are not satisfied with the service.

My most recommended domain host for beginners and those who want to learn to make more money online is Wealthy Affiliate and I am still using their hosting for some of my websites. Wealthy affiliate is also a community that took me from zero to making a full-time income online.

  • Changing Your Domain Host Is Easy

Remember that changing your domain host is very easy. At most, you need to send a few messages to both domain host companies and that’s it.A new domain host will be glad to get a new client so they are literally more than happy to help you out with the process.Even though you would be complete beginner without any technical knowledge, you will be easily able to change the host.

Personally, I am not a tech savvy person but changing a host is not hard because the hosting company will help you.

You can also contact me in the Wealthy Affiliate community and I’ll be sure to help you out.

I will send you a personal welcome message when you join and make sure that you learn to make money online as well if you want.

Step 4 – Cancel Your HostGator Subscription with PayPal

If you have a HostGator subscription on PayPal, it makes sense to make sure that it is now canceled. Of course, you can also ask about this from the HostGator customer support representative.

You can easily cancel your HostGator scription on PayPal by following the steps:

  1. First log into your PayPal account.
  2. Go to your profile on the top of your page.
  3. Go to “My money”.
  4. Then click update button or link in My preapproved payments section.
  5. Click HostGator’s name to choose it.
  6. Finish the canceling process by clicking, “Cancel Subscription”

That’s it! Now you have made sure that HostGator will not charge anymore your PayPal account.If you are using some other payment option, you can also make sure with that the payment plan is canceled with HostGator.

Step 5 – Enjoy Your New Domain Host

Now that everything is done and you have fully can select your HostGator packages you can start enjoying the services of your new domain host.If you are using Wealthy Affiliate or SiteGround, I’m sure that your experiences will be positive.

Wealthy Affiliate has also helped thousands of people all over the world including myself to make more money online and I’m sure they will help you as well if that is your goal.SiteGround is a company that is specializing on domain hosting and they have received the best reviews already for several years.

HostGator Cancellation Policy

If I remember right and HostGator rules have not change it, they provide the money-back guarantee for 45 days.In other words, you will get your money back anytime you want within 45 days from starting. If you happen to start with HostGator, I personally recommend canceling the membership before the problems appear.If everything is going great with HostGator, I am happy for you but I must admit that their reviews are not as positive as SiteGround and Wealthy Affiliate reviews.

What Is The Best Domain Host?

I guess you have already heard the best domain hosts a few times in this article? They are also the ones that I am using: Wealthy Affiliate and SiteGround.If you are already a member of Wealthy Affiliate, you get the hosting for completely free because it’s included in the membership.If you are not yet a member, you can join today and get your two free website and domain hosting for SiteRubix websites.As a premium member, you will get the domain hosting up to 50 websites included the membership.If you need more advanced domain hosting options and services, I recommend SiteGround. Even though you would be a complete beginner I think that SiteGround is a good option but in my opinion wealthy affiliate is easier for beginners.Both of them are affordable options and will not break your bank. 😉

4 step process for making money online

What kind of experiences do you have with HostGator and other domain hosts?

Let me know in the comments below!

If you have any questions, just leave a comment below and I will be more than happy to help you out.

By Roope Kiuttu

Hello! I am Roope "Robert" Kiuttu, the founder and owner of I created this website back in 2015 to help you to make money online. You can ask me anything and I'll be happy to help you out. I help people daily to make more money online and I love seeing people succeeding. If you want to get my 1-on-1 support and help to make money online as well, get started HERE.


  1. HostGator: We eat up the competition. Pretty catchy, I like their branding.

    Changing hosts is also necesary (not just in the caase of say switching providers between HostGator and Wealthy Affiliate or Siteground), as it gives mre flexibility for online entrepreneurs to build better websites and tailor their services to their client needs. It’s a good practice, but I also find it quite tedious and confusing. Anyway, the choice is entirely subjective.

    It’s interesting to know that Wealthy Affiliate also comes with a free domain hosting service. That’s pretty hand for budding online entrepreneurs out there who would want to create their website and establish their online presence.

    1. Yeeah they do a lot of work on that. Their marketing is also rigourous. I have encountered them in podcasts, online seminars and many sites.

  2. I notice that a lot of webhosting & domain registration companies will try to sneak you into annual subscriptions. I can understand that some people will ignore invoices when it comes time to renew but it also is a sneaky way to keep people paying for a service that they no longer need.

    I recently had to cancel a webhosting subscription (that was not HostGator) through Paypal since it authorized automatic payments when I signed up. Luckily, HostGator seems relatively easy to cancel in comparison to other off-brand hosting providers.

    1. You are right that most hosting companies, and also other companies, try to sell you the yearly membership instead of the monthly membership. It makes sense because they make more money by doing it and commit a customer for a longer time. Of course, it’s often time also better for customer because he doesn’t need to change the provider all the time.

  3. It’s very easy to cancel one’s subscription on HostGator from the written and YouTube video that you described the process on. The whole process takes effect once their online customer care representative attends to you. I think it’s even more easier to cancel it if you have your HostGator subscription on your Paypal account.

  4. I use Namecheap like someone else that commented above as well. I can’t see myself using Hostgator at all really because I haven’t heard the best of things about them. And this doesn’t make it sound great either because cancelling should be a quick and easy process. Having to use their Live Chat to cancel doesn’t sound like an efficient and good method of cancelling really.

      1. Well, that’s a good option if there is a provision for it. Not everyone would fancy going online to wait for the Live Chat customer service attendant to show up and start asking them some of the questions which you mentioned above, when they can easily fill out a form and have it done.

        1. Yeah, I am glad that Sir Roope did a comprehensive review on how own cam cancel subscription that they have on HostGator. Sometimes, it is difficult to do as some of the web hosting companies won’t give you a clear procedure to follow.

    1. Well, what should be considered first in my opinion is how prompt the Live Chat customer service attendants are in responding to their subscribers. If they are swift in responding to chats, then I would say it’s an efficient way to get the task done.

      1. That’s true. I have noticed that some hosting providers have a live chat but there customer representatives are very slow. I have experienced that also went trying blue host. However, my experiences on SiteGround have been solely positive.

        1. Exactly my point, if those Live Chat customer service attendants are very slow in responding to chats, leaving the client hanging out dry for a while, then it’s not the best way to choose. I have read your review on SiteGround and seeing that this site is hosted on it shows that the best among its equal.

  5. Great information as always Roope. I think its important to have this information. I also like the fact that you have reminded us to cancel our subscription on paypal. Most people forget to do this and the service they have subscribed to will continue to take the money out and it will be a nightmare getting your money back. I have not heard about wealthy affiliate hosting. I will definitely check this out, I hope its cheap? Lol!

    1. Yeah, I have sometimes forgot my subscriptions with some providers and surprised when they have charged my PayPal or credit card.

      I think it would be a good idea to list or the subscriptions to Google Sheets, for example, to make sure that any of them are not forgotten.

  6. I am not on HostGator. My domains are with namecheap, which is also my web host. My 10 websites are hosted with Namecheap. I have compared my currenct namecheap package with one of the hostgator packages and I think HostGator also offers cheap webhosting. I might use HostGator someday.

    1. I don’t fully recommend HostGator. People have way more negative reviews with HostGator than with Wealthy Affiliate or SiteGround.

      Eventually, the choice is yours but I recommend that you don’t use the price as the only factor when deciding a host to your website. The difference in pricing is not usually big between different hosts anyway.

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