Is GMR Transcription a Scam Or Will You Make +$20/Hour?

GMR Transcription Review – Quick Summary

Name: GMR Transcription 

Founded: 2004

Type: Transcription Freelance Jobs

Best for: People Who Want to Make Some Extra Income Online by Transcribing

Summary: GMR Transcription is a reliable company and they pay on time for your transcription, proofreading or translating work.

Many of their employees have been satisfied with the work even though the salary isn’t huge.

Is GMR Transcription Recommended? Depends on your goals. More on this further…

Transcription jobs are an okay option for those who want to make some side income online. However, you will not earn a big money by transcribing.

If your goal is to make a big money online, take a look at my #1 recommendation called Wealthy Affiliate.

Making money with transcribing doesn’t either give you a freedom of earning passive income. With Wealthy Affiliate you could be making money even though you are not actively working.

GMR Transcription Scam Review: Will You Make $20/Hour?

Are you looking for answers to the questions like, “is GMR Transcription a scam or legit? How much money can you earn as a transcriptionist? How to maximize my income as a transcriptionist? etc.”

If yes, then you must see my reviews and tips below! First, I want to congratulate for taking your time to find the best ways to make money online and do your research.

I have prepared for you a GMR Transcription video and a text review. I believe that they can together the best information for you to start earning more money online as a transcriptionist.

Watch the video below until the end because I reveal you also the best way to start making more money online for transcribing.

If you have any questions, I am here to help you out so don’t hesitate to ask me in the comments below!

Introduction: Making Money By Transcribing Online

GMR Transcription homepage

Have you ever thought of making money online by transcribing, proofreading and translating?

Based on my research is of more than 400 make money online opportunities and resources those relatively popular ways to make money online in the US. In general, the work is very flexible because you can usually set your own hours and work whenever you want.

Transcribing, proofreading and translating can also be considered as real jobs unlike low-paying online tasks such as online surveys, watching videos, playing games and clicking ads.

When I did freelance translating online from English to Finnish (which is my native langauge) I was usually earning something between $15 and $70 per hour. The average was probably well over $30. I know that many people would already be satisfied with that kind of earnings online.

However, I stopped doing translations because I noticed that it’s possible to make much more money with affiliate marketing.

NOTE! We make this GMR Transcription review because one of our readers wanted us to review this job. If you have any questions regarding making money online opportunities, just let me know in the comments below and I will be happy to help you out!

What Is GMR Transcription?

The GMR Transcription is an US-based company that provides transcription, proofreading and translation services. It was founded back in 2004 so they have already lots of experience in the industry and they have established their place in the market.

GMR Transcription values their work highly and they want to provide customer satisfaction. In order to do that they have a few requirements for the transcriptionists and people who work for them.

Let’s take a look at the requirements and see if the work fits you.

GMR Transcription Requirements

GMR Transcription doesn’t require that you would have any prior experience of transcribing.

However, that doesn’t mean that they wouldn’t require any skills from you. You still need to be able to provide good quality transcriptions and results.

At the moment, GMR Transcription is providing their clients 99% accuracy guarantee.

It means that is a transcriptionist you will looked have so much room for errors. Your transcriptions must be close to perfect.

They also recommend (like other transcription companies do as well) that you are using the high quality headset and a foot pedal for transcribing. It makes you work also easier and helps you to provide high quality faster.

NOTE! Notice that GMR Transcription focuses on U.S. based transcriptionists to provide the good quality to their clients.

They started off by hiring transcribers from India at the beginning but the quality wasn’t as good as expected. Therefore, GMR Transcription shifted their focus from India to hiring U.S. based transcriptionists.

GMR Transcription provides 4 different services: 1.Transcription 2.Translation 3.Editing 4.Proofreading

GMR Transcription Application Process

You can take a look at the available positions on the GMR transcription here.

At the moment when I’m reading this article, they are looking for general transcriptionists, medical transcriptionists and translators. I think that they are actively looking for general transcriptionists almost all the time.

The more people they have in their team, the more work they can deliver to their clients and the more profit they will also make.

Here is the of the details that they are asking for you for the application process:

  • Full Name
  • Address (optional)
  • Phone Number
  • Email address
  • Are you willing to take a short test
  • What kind of transcriptions do you want to do? 3 Options available:1.English to English transcription (Voice to .doc) 2. Spanish to Spanish transcription (voice to .doc) 3. Spanish to English translation (voice to .doc)
  • What are your Additional Skills?
  • What is your Highest Education Level?
  • How much Transcribing Experience do you have beforehand?
  • Do you have a transcription certificate?
  • Do Equipment and Software?
  • Upload your resume.

Once you have submitted all this information, they will send you a short test to your email for the application process. Then you’ll perform the test and continue the application with them.

Here are a few things that I found out regarding the test:

  • You must be able to answer ANY questions and troubleshoot problems yourself (=be a person with your own initiative).
  • If you try to apply without doing the test, they most likely reject your application immediately.
  • If you don’t complete the whole test or you submit an incomplete file, your application may be immediately rejected.
  • You must complete and submit the test within 3 days after receiving it.

Based on my current information, the email with the test contains a zip file. Within the zip file you will find the test and a 12-page guide with some *MUST READ* documents regarding the test.

​Therefore, you must read the instructions very carefully, submit your test answers within the time frame they provide and hope for the best. Of course, you can send them an additional request regarding your application if you want to show them more initiative and willingness to work for them.

Normally, GMR Transcription contacts you within 2 weeks after you have submitted your test files. You notice that the application process takes a while which is completely natural. Usually, companies don’t want to hire new people right away before revieweing them first.

How Much Does GMR Transcription Pay?

GMR Transcription doesn’t publicly say on their homepage their salary. You must first apply for the work and go through the application process.

However, you will find out on reviews on Glassdoor that most people who work for GMR Transcription earn between $10-20 per hour.

The faster you do the work and perform your tasks, the more you will earn. However, you still need to pay attention to the quality because if you try to do the transcriptions too fast, you may end up making mistakes and that could end up in your firing.

GMR Transcription usually gives a warning before firing so you don’t need to be afraid that you would be immediately fired.

I know from my own experience that making things fast usually affects the quality. When I did freelance jobs with translation, I made sometimes +$50 and even +$70 per hour. Once I earned +$210 in less than 3 hours.

However, I noticed that doing transcriptions with such a speed usually affects to the quality. Therefore, you need to find the right balance to do your tasks as effectively as possible while still maintaining the high quality.

​How Much Work Does GMR Transcription Provide?

GMR Transcription promises the minimum of 4 hours of transcriptions per month for all of their transcriptionists. That’s not a full-time work but if they have more transcriptions available, you’ll be able to do even work and therefore earn more.

However, you must always keep in mind that transcribing is not a job where you could make lots of money or get rich. It’s possible to make +$10,000/month online but transcribing is not one of those ways.

It really depends on your goals whether or not transcription jobs are work for you. It can be an okay way to make some extra income while studying or some money to maintain your living while you are building a more profitable income stream.

Personally, I wouldn’t recommend transcribing as a long-term solution because there are so much better ways to make money online.

My #1 recommended way to start making money online for beginners is affiliate marketing with the help of Wealthy Affiliate.

It changed my own life and enabled me to travel around the world while earning money online. The earning potential is also much greater compared to transcription jobs.

NOTE: If you prefer translating, I recommend taking a look at my #1 recommendation for transcriptionists.

GMR Transcription Reviews

GMR Transcription has tens of reviews on a famous work-review site called Glassdoor. GMR employees have written their experiences with the company. A positive thing to find out is that the average rating of all reviews is 4,4 stars out of 5.

It means that the most people (at least out of those who left the review) have enjoyed working for GMR Transcription. The company pays on time and reliably. Below you can take a look at one example of GMR Transcription Glassdoor Reviews:

There are many positive reviews of GMR Transcription on Glassdoor.

Is GMR Transcription a Scam Or Legit?

I think it has become quite obvious while you have been reading this article but I still want to answer this question because I know that many people are searching for an answer to this.

GMR Transcription is not a scam.

It’s a legitimate U.S. based company that has been operating since 2004. They have served thousands of clients and employed a huge number of transcriptionists over the years.

Based on all my researches, GMR Transcription also thrives to provide the best quality to their clients and the staff is very responsive.

GMR Transcription – Pros & Cons


  • GMR Transcription is a reliable company and pays on time.
  • Working online gives you flexibility and you can work from home.
  • Lots of positive reviews from past employees.


  • Your salary is not very big. Can’t make anything close to $10,000/month.
  • Transcribing doesn’t give you the freedom to earn passive income and make money while sleeping.

Conclusion – Is GMR Transcription Job Worth It?

If you are looking for a job part-time job as a transcriptionist, GMR Transcription can be a reasonable choice to you. It’s a reliable company that pays salaries on time.

That being said, their salaries are not big and the amount of work is limited. That’s why I recommend GMR Transcription only as a secondary option meanwhile you are building better income streams.

If you want to build your career as a successful transcriptionist, my #1 recommendation is Transcribe Anywhere course.

If your goal is to make big money online and have also more freedom, I don’t fully recommend transcribing. Freelancing as a transcriptionist is an okay option but you will not make passive income and have the same freedom like other kinds of online income streams.

With affiliate marketing, for example, you can make money even while you are sleeping. Sometimes I wake up checking my phone that I made +$200 in sales during the night. That would never be possible with transcription jobs.

Of course, my life wasn’t always like that but Wealthy Affiliate training taught me all the steps needed. That’s why I am 100% sure it will help you as well.

I also personally help you to make money with affiliate marketing if you are interested. Just click here or the button below if you want to start making money with affiliate marketing with my 1-on-1 support.

What kind of experiences do you have with GMR Transcription and other transcribing companies?

Do you prefer making passive income online or freelancing jobs like transcribing?

Let me know in the comments below!

If you have any questions, just leave a comment below and I will be more than happy to help you out.

By Roope Kiuttu

Hello! I am Roope "Robert" Kiuttu, the founder and owner of I created this website back in 2015 to help you to make money online. You can ask me anything and I'll be happy to help you out. I help people daily to make more money online and I love seeing people succeeding. If you want to get my 1-on-1 support and help to make money online as well, get started HERE.


  1. I tried it once in other transcription site. It didn’t work out right. Without experience, it made me struggle from speed typing and speech audio. The technical terms and formatting kills me. It took for couple of hours to worked on short file. I felt so physically and mentality exhausted. I made an extra challenge for myself. It was a good try. Am still thinking of doing it again, who knows i will do it right!

      1. Yes, I agree with you that transcribing is not one of the high income skills compared to copywriting, facebook marketing or affiliate marketing. This requires time and knowledge to cope with the increasing demands of working skills. Plus, patience is always a good investment. I’m taking my time to learn more methods and understand so ill be able to improve my means of living. You are a good inspiration. Thank you @Roope. God bless.

        1. Thank you Jelineex. I’m so happy to hear that you have a desire to “live full” and you’re open for learning new skills. I think many people are comfortable just staying where they are currently in life so it’s also inspiring to meet people like you who are willing to aim higher in life! 🙂

  2. I have worked in transcription jobs before and let me tell you. The amount of time you put in versus the pay you receive is not fair. I got fed up with transcribing as a lot of the audio files to transcribe are inaudible and that makes the job hell. I salute the patience and dedication of the people who do these kinds of jobs but it’s not for me.

    1. Thanks for sharing your experiences! It also depends highly on the company. My Finnish friend earns ~$20/hour (sometimes more, sometimes less) by transcribing because he is working in a Finnish hospital.

      However, some companies online will not pay so much because they know that people are willing to do the same work for the cheaper price.

      1. Is it just me or does the fact that they work in a space where fewer middlemen are involved in the transactions boost the revenues they can have. Your friends at the hoapital I mean. Because sometimes I think the low earning potential with many online sites ia due to the middlemen’s commisions.

  3. Since I am a student and needs extra money, transcribing will be a great opportunity. I can do it in my own time when I’m free. The pay me not be that much but this is what I expect when you work part-time. I will definitely check this out.

    1. I see. Transcribing can be an okay part-time option to get some cash so check it out 🙂

      But don’t treat it as a long-term solution because the payout is way smaller than on better opportunities.

      By the way, when I was a student, I started the Wealthy Affiliate training. Later on, I got my degree and graduated but nowadays I don’t do anything with my degree because I can earn much more money online than with a regular job. The same can happen to you if you seriously want to earn money online 😉

      1. Have you any experience with website creators like wix. Like for someone that wants to begin part of a website for a physical shop. I mean where you will need to categorize a lot of products with their prices etc

        1. Yes. I built a site with Wix for my friend’s wedding party.

          However, Wix is not even as closely advanced as WordPress. It’s okay for building simple sites for a beginner but I wouldn’t recommend it for more. WordPress is better one in my opinion.

          1. Base on the reviews that I read, WordPress is the best in the industry.There are many available options for your website. On the other hand, Wix has limited features.

  4. I found that a good amount of transcription websites share a lot of similarities, by that I mean they all give you a great amount of flexibility and provide a somewhat decent source of side income, but as you have mentioned, the pay rate does not justify the effort a person needs to put in just to make a few dollars knowing that affiliate marketing could provide a much greater solution.

  5. I have seen different transcription jobs in several platforms and they are offering good pay however, the application process takes too long and needs a lot of effort especially for beginners. After reading this blog, I agree that transcription jobs are way better than answering online surveys, clicking ads and watching videos online nevertheless this won’t guarantee a long term or stable income.

    Still, this is one of the options that others try especially the newbies. I am also thinking of affiliate marketing and trying to study it more. Thanks for the link you provided for the affiliate marketing, this indeed a big help for me! 🙂

    1. Yeah, transcription jobs are better than online surveys and such “mini jobs” that don’t pay almost any rewards.

      But affiliate marketing is certainly more profitable choice in the long run, at least based on my and many other people’s experiences.

      Let me know anytime if you need any help to get started with affiliate marketing and I’ll be happy to help you out. Have you already started the training on Wealthy Affiliate?

  6. Transcribing is like any other type of freelancing work that doesn’t give one the freedom to relax and earn while doing so. This is one of the reasons the owners of GMR Transcription should be paying more for those that works for them. For this reason, I think One hour translation is a better choice.

    1. The more value a person provides to the company, the more they can pay him. So basically the main way to find to get a better salary would be probably to find a way to provide more value.

      1. Do you mean like taking a course for the language. Or finding which languages are rare and one can easily fill in if they have familiarized well with it.

    2. I have actually checked out the review for One hour translation and i think its a worthy site. I am looking for a translation job to fill in between my blogging periods and i think it can be an excellent choice.

  7. I agree with @martinsx because i also started online writting as a passive means but with time i found that there are so many things you can engage in for some quick cash. I have never desired to be an employee and luckily due to my earlier exposure to online jobs I have been able to avoid employment. Learning is a continuous process for such jobs and i think transcribing can be a great means of getting paid.

    I would only reccommend it however if one is starting out and has a lot of time to get engaged. From my observation when reading the reviews is that one ought to have sufficient time since they ought to be keen to do a great job.

    1. You are very correct @KabiruYoungshark about the existence of so many money making opportunities that are available for those that have the knowledge how to exploit them. Take for instance, affiliate marketing, it’s one of the best ways to earn money online and be very comfortable once you have done your affiliate marketing well. Get your affiliate links spread across on several sites where people can make use of it. It’s only that it takes time to start earning money from affiliate marketing but once it clicks, you can go and relax and earn your money without lifting a finger.

  8. I’m actually thinking about working as a transcriptionist as a part time job or just an extra income. I have the same thoughts since then that it’s not a stable source of income and not for the long run. Even if you work from home, it doesn’t mean that you’ll have more free time because you are being paid by the hour.

    I haven’t started my application yet because I know that I will need to take a test. Before I do, I want to know more and be prepared. I want to give it a shot but I also want to give my best. Thank you for sharing this. This is exactly what I need right now.

    1. Actually, you can have a stable income for a long term with transcribing. However, I don’t personally recommend it like that because the earning potential is not as big as with other ways like affiliate marketing.

      Again, I just underline that is my own personal opinion and I know that some people enjoy transcribing. Then it may be a good opportunity for them.

  9. Exactly. Transcription jobs can pay as a temporary option if one have the time to dedicate to the doing the transcription jobs. It’s not like other bigger jobs like affiliate marketing that once you get your affiliate marketing link up and running, you necessarily don’t need to be up 24/7 before you can earn money but with transcription, you are definitely going to be on it before you can earn money from it.

    1. Yes. With transcription jobs one must actively be working in order to earn money. With affiliate marketing the work is done beforehand and the money flows in later. It’s probably easier to get paid initially with transcription jobs but the potential is way higher with affiliate marketing or other more ambitious roads.

      1. Exactly! With Transcription job, I would term it to be earn as you work (EAYW) project because the day you stopped working, is going to be the day you would stop earning from the job. But with affiliate marketing, you may not earning for months of works but once work affiliate marketing links starts fetching sales, you can seat back and enjoy your pay without lifting a finger.

  10. I can say that transcription jobs are a good start for everyone who’s finding a way to earn money online. Rather than getting pocket money from surveys, transcription jobs offer a greater reward to effort ration. Sure they doesn’t pay a huge sum but it is worth a try. It would also be an optimal start for people who are good with words.

    1. I agree with you that transcription jobs are much better than online surveys. It’s possible to make a full-time income with transcription jobs even though the salary isn’t huge.

  11. It’s a total waste of time, in my opinion, to treat these companies like employers when they have given no reason to anyone to trust them with the personal information people often give in CVs. I’m not saying that all of them abuse this data and don’t eventually hire, but the application process is already idiotic for the company because it creates a lose-lose, not even a win-lose.

    They have to put in the time of having either in-house or outsourced labor to sift through the applications to make good choice. They don’t streamline it by putting skilled, qualified transcriptionists through automated screening. That’s the way a smart company would do it. I don’t mind answering a few questions as part of a qualifying application of some kind.

    After all, it would save both of us time either way. All other companies should be considered with a wary eye if they want indie contractors yet want their unrelated credentials for work that most people with common sense could do, regardless of professional background or schooling or certifications.

    1. Wow! You have a pretty strict opinion of GMR transcription. What do you think about all those positive reviews from their employees and clients? I think it’s a good sign and many people are already enjoying to work for them.

  12. I have known about transcription jobs for a long time now and it’s why I’m absolutely certain that GMR Transcription isn’t a scam. Yes, it’s true that transcription jobs does not pay much even though you have to invest ample time to job but it’s at least satisfying to those whom have taken part in it.

    1. Yes, transcription jobs can be an okay temporary option. I have a friend who has done transcriptions for a while before getting into “bigger projects”.

      1. One thing that I have come to learn about getting into online jobs is that as the day goes by, you are very much going to learn of better ways to invest your time in better paying projects and leave behind the ones that you started with, even though they paid you back then, the opportunities ahead would pay better.

        1. You are exactly right! The earnings that felt a lot before start to feel like a very little money later when moving forward with making money online. I was just thinking about the same thought today!

          1. Haha, now it appears that I have some telepathic powers to be able to say your thoughts even before you voiced it out. Anyways, it just shows that we are thinking in the same direction when it comes to evaluating online money making opportunities.

          2. I think you could create a great YouTube comedy channel because you have great jokes 😀 Create one with “Henrywrites” if you know him? 😀

          3. Haha, thanks Roope for that suggestion or recommendation. I haven’t thought about that yet but I will start giving it a consideration from now on. I have seen some of comments by Henrywrites, he looks like one with good sense of humor as well. I will try connecting with him.

            Thank you Roope.

          4. Hey! Roope

            Greetings, I took some time off working as a result of the travel that I did. I make jokes to make others feel happy and in the same feel happy when they smile. You called my name and it seems that drew me to be back online again ?

          5. Welcome back Henrywrites, it’s good to have you back. I noticed that you have been offline for about a week or two weeks. I hope you travel was fruitful? Roope suggested we run a YouTube comedy channel together. What do you think? Are you up for it?

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