Does Jenny Craig Diet Work? [World-Class Weight Loss More Effective?!]

Does Jenny Craig Diet Work? Read To Learn More About How World-Class Weight Loss Program Works & How To Earn Money By Promoting Weight Loss Products & Services.

Does Jenny Craig Diet Work? Read To Learn More About How World-Class Weight Loss Program Works & How To Earn Money By Promoting Weight Loss Products & Services.

Welcome to my Jenny Craig Diet Review!

Does Jenny Craig Diet work? Or perhaps the most effective weight loss programs among the other existing programs at the time?

Just so you know, Herbalife, Weight Watchers, and Nutrisystem were among the leading companies serving the same market.

Granted, you wanted to take advantage of these kinds of companies and earn an income by promoting their weight loss programs and products to your followers, friends, or family.

That’s what we’re going to review today in this post. Before we go through the whole details, let me my sincerest congratulations on doing your research and looking for the Best Business Opportunity! Curious?

Stay tuned in through the end of the post. Let’s dive into it. Shall we?

Jenny Craig Review – Quick Summary

Name: Jenny Craig

Founded: 1983

Founders: Jenny & Sidney Craig

Type: Weight Loss Program

Price: $15 to $23 per day

Best for: People who want to shed some pounds and lose weight in preparation for the upcoming summer and flaunt their new bodies. In turn, by means of promoting the program, it provides you an extra income from the commission payouts given and discounts from a large number of product purchases.

Does Jenny Craig Diet Work? Read To Learn More About How World-Class Weight Loss Program Works & How To Earn Money By Promoting Weight Loss Products & Services.

Summary: Jenny Craig is an American company based in California, which was established in Melbourne, Australia. It’s flagship weight loss program called the attention of most celebrities and become the #1 recommended across the 2 countries and the world.

Is Jenny Craig Diet Recommended? No. If you want to earn an income through a steady monthly residual passive income, click the green button below.

What is Jenny Craig Diet?

Jenny Craig Diet is developed as a flagship and award-winning weight loss program by the Australian entrepreneur herself, Jenny Craig, with the help of her late husband, Sidney Craig. By following the meal plan from day 1, it guarantees up to 2 pounds of weight loss from your body.

That means you have most of your meals with Jenny Craig prepackaged meals throughout the month. However, according to most health and wellness blogs claim this costs more in comparison to the rest of the existing weight loss programs today.

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Jenny Craig Diet landing page

How Does Jenny Craig Diet Work?

First of all, you’re going to sign up for a monthly subscription which also means your decision to join the monthly membership for the program.

From Day 1, you’re going to receive the corresponding Jenny Craig prepackaged meals and beverages deem necessary for the weight loss.

Like Beyond Diet, the company provides low-calorie, low-salt, and low-fat meals intended to shed some pounds more and faster than the other programs out there. This, in turn, helps you in flaunting your new bod sooner but healthier.

​​​Does Jenny Craig Diet Work Landing Page

Jenny Craig Diet assists dieters with one-on-one consultations with their in-house consultants

While you undergo the weight loss journey, Jenny Craig Diet also provides one-on-one support to emotionally help you with the reason of doing the hellish process of losing extra pounds and why you want to achieve the desired body you deserve.

From there, it’s reasonable to cost more than the other existing weight loss companies (around $100 per week food costs alone) that don’t provide such service to their clients. In comparison to Medifast, you don’t have to watch out for the banned foods because there’s none.

Its flexibility is noticeable such as Nutrisystem and Weight Watchers encourage their dieters per se. On top of that, you’re allowed to consume more than 1,200-calorie intake versus Medifast 1,000-calorie limit.

How to Make Money with Jenny Craig?

In order to make money with Jenny Craig and its diet program, you need to become one of their bonafide members to get free access to the weight loss program itself for 30 days + $50 free on food savings.

Not only that, but the company also gives you unlimited one-on-one support, which is also good for 30 days worth $69.95.

Further, there will also be unlimited one-on-one support with a personal consultant worth $19 per month. That doesn’t include the food cost, a shipping fee of the products if there’s any.

To obtain such world-class benefits from Jenny Craig, as an affiliate, you only have to generate leads that are legit.

How to Make Money Reviewing Products Online Content Image 5- Your Online Revenue

It’s hard to earn money in weight loss programs even as world-class as Jenny Craig. (Photo credits to Alexander Mils on Unsplash)

According to their affiliate programs page, they only accept leads from search PPC, social PPC, banner display, and contextual PPV or CPV.

Monetary or any financial compensation weren’t stipulated for affiliates except the hourly rate for their employees working hand-in-hand behind the scenes.

In as much as the company grows internationally, unfortunately, they only allow affiliates to join within the United States. Hence, foreign affiliates can’t get access to these affiliate-related advantages.

Jenny Craig [UGLY] Truths Revealed!

1. Costly Weight Loss Program

If we compare how Medifast and Jenny Craig differ in pricing, there’s a lot of difference. You’re going to expect increased expenses from the groceries because of the need to shop for organic and real food to eat. Not only that, you’re going to spend at least $100 for a weekly meal plan as per the program designed for you.

2. No Nutrition-Credentialed Staff

This was the same problem with Beyond Diet CEO as well. Isabel De Los Rios enforced and established a weight loss program without a background in nutrition.

Hence, her program has always been questioned for its effectiveness. The same thing with Jenny Craig. Most of the hired staff don’t have a background in nutrition or of related-course i.e. dietician.

3. Program Not Science-Backed

It’s hard to continue to lose weight or hold the weight off unless if you plan to stay with Jenny Craig forever and consume most of the company’s products and services.

Hence, you couldn’t say you lost weight merely because you changed your lifestyle or you followed their program.

If it’s the former, it wouldn’t be a problem to stay away from the company and still lose weight. But it’s not the case either.

What I Like About Jenny Craig Diet?

1. Satisfactory Rating

We can’t deny there’s an opposing thought against any weight loss program, however, Jenny Craig does have a lot of satisfactory rates when it comes to their weight loss program.

There seems to have a lot of positive feedback to it from the clients, who tried and enjoyed their weight loss journey.

2. High BBB Rating

I scanned all the Jenny Craig rating based on the Better Business Bureau profile and they garnered the majority of an A+ rating. That is regardless if they aren’t an accredited business company yet.

3. Less Restrictive Meal Plans

Unlike Medifast with a severely low-carb diet, Jenny Craig doesn’t restrict its dieters to the number of calories and can go over 1,200 calories as long as you eat healthily and balance with an adequate amount of physical activity.

4. Easy-To-Follow Meal Plans

In relation to the previous point, Jenny Craig does have a simpler meal plan design in comparison to the other weight loss plans I reviewed in the past few days.

There are not that many restrictions with specific foods and they don’t ban that much except those that are obviously unhealthy.

5. Fast Weight Loss

Incredibly, this is one of the bragging points for Jenny Craig. Although it cost more, you can’t deny its effectiveness and how soon you could achieve your body without damaging your health because of either a restrictive diet or forced preservative-laden meal plans.

6. Diverse Meal Plans

One client wrote that she enjoyed the overall meal plan her weight loss consultant provided. It doesn’t seem too restrictive and the food tasted great with a lot of varieties enforced in it while she lost so much weight.

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Some of the featured Jenny Craig meal plans implemented on dieter’s weight loss program

7. Influential Promoters

Let’s face it. Jenny Craig Diet has a lot of Hollywood influencers backing when it comes to its marketing.

Mariah Carey is one of those people who loved the program and testified she lost a lot of weight because of its meal plan.

Jenny Craig Review – What Others Say About The Program?

“They are not counselors and they are not dietitians,” Katherine Tallmadge, RD, from Washington DC and author of “Diet Simple: 192 Mental Tricks, Substitutions, Habits, and Inspirations,” told Everyday Health.

This is one of a few statements from the experts, who recently made comments about the effectiveness of Jenny Craig Diet. Although most of the dieters found the program pleasing, there are many nutrition-experts feel otherwise.

Does Jenny Craig Diet Work Positive Review

One of a few positive feedback to Jenny Craig Diet program, highlighting the prepackaged food meals

According to Jessica Migala of the same website mentioned above, she wrote that the program itself needs to be “completely taken care of and you don’t even have to cook.”

That alone makes you wonder what is inside the prepackaged meals you receive from the company, which are consumable for 30 days.

It has the same impression as the other weight loss programs from companies like Weight Watchers, Nutrisystem, and Herbalife.

The dieters need to purchase the products and services (consultations and support) believing these help them lose some pounds.

Granted, Audrey Young, RDN, CDE, a nutritionist, approved this system simply because it helps the weight loss journey in terms of lowering the hassle factor in meal preparation. “There is actually no thinking about meal preparation at all,” she stated.

Does Jenny Craig Diet Work Program Offers

Some of the weight loss offers to dieters brought by Jenny Craig program

Jeanette Moninger of WebMD warned that though the program can aid you with the weight loss faster without compromising too much with the meal preparation and calorie count, there’s also a need to take a second glance at the pricing.

“The cost of the food is in addition to the cost of the diet program, about $100 per week, and this may be hard for some people to maintain,” she stated, emphasizing the downside of the program.

Nonetheless, Jenny Craig continues to receive positive feedback from its clients and there seems to have no problems with the effectiveness of the program.

Like the rest, they just have troubles with customer service. I did ask myself up to this date, why.

Does Jenny Craig Diet Work?

Based on the research I made in the past few days about this program, there’s no doubt it’s a legitimate weight loss initiative.

Albeit the inevitable problems of customer service, their representatives continue to respond to each and every concern the company faces up to this writing.

Does Jenny Craig Diet Work Negative Review

The majority of Jenny Craig Diet complaints comprise the terrible customer service

Unlike Medifast, it doesn’t encourage its clients to restrict the meal plan to as much as 1,000-calorie count per day.

That means it’s more flexible for the dieter and it’s easier to adjust alongside the healthy and active lifestyle.

In terms of earning money by promoting Jenny Craig, it’s only beneficial to those affiliates who reside within the United States.

Besides, they don’t offer any monetary compensation for the generated leads except discounts and unlimited offers to their programs and services worth hundreds of dollars.

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Jenny Craig Diet promotes fast shedding of pounds within a short span of time without damaging health effects from dieting and lifestyle overhaul.

Nonetheless, Jenny Craig is a legitimate company with a real and effective weight loss program everybody could give a try.

But for some reasons, it’s best to search for other business opportunities if earning money is what you’re up to.

#1 Online Business Opportunity

As I mentioned earlier and even in the past few days of reviewing lots of weight loss programs, it’s worth mentioning that one of the most difficult to promote is the weight loss niche.


It’s where most people are sensitive. It does sound enticing at first, but it’s a silent form of challenge provoking the sensitive side of most individuals.

Losing weight is a critical issue. And if you’re promoting that without experience, it gets more difficult for you.

Thus, earning money in this niche versus the other health and wellness niches, it’s best to search for another online business opportunity to support your income stream.

Yes, making money online enables you to travel around the world and an ultimate freedom but you must be willing to work for it.

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Now that I shared my thoughts in my “Does Jenny Craig Diet Work?” post, it’s time to turn the table and ask about your experience, in general.

What kinds of experiences do you have with weight loss programs? Are they worth your time, money, and effort?

Do you prefer to begin earning your first passive income through affiliate marketing or you rather invest your time, money, and effort to weight loss programs like Jenny Craig Diet?

Let me know in the comments below! 🙂

If you need any help to get started making money online, don’t hesitate to ask in the comments below and we’ll be happy to help you out!

By Mecyll Gaspary

Hi, I'm Mecyll! I'm a full-time writer in Your Online Revenue, dedicated to dig into the world of making money with Roope. When I'm not spending time writing reviews, I'm writing novels and blog posts on my own website.

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