DAI, a Tether-Killer Stablecoin. Real Stability, No Arbitrary Printing.

Normally the cryptocurrency articles here cover potential investments. DAI, however, stays firmly priced at 1 USD. What makes it so special, then? DAI is the first decentralized stablecoin and also the first one that has legitimate backing. Read on to find out how. Is Dai Legit? – My Video Review DAI Stablecoin Review Name:  Dai… Continue reading DAI, a Tether-Killer Stablecoin. Real Stability, No Arbitrary Printing.

SuchApp ICO Airdrop Review – Don’t Miss This Chance!

Short version: Easy airdrop of SPS potentially worth about 2$ here. SuchApp ICO Airdrop Review – What Is an Airdrop? In an airdrop a token issuer or promoter offers free coins/tokens to participants. Some cryptocurrencies or tokens are completely airdropped instead of an ICO distribution, but mostly airdrops are used as a means to make… Continue reading SuchApp ICO Airdrop Review – Don’t Miss This Chance!

Is DENT a Good Investment? Read How Blockchain Will Change the Mobile Data Industry!

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