Is Transcribe Anywhere a Scam Or the Best Transcription Course Online?

is transcribe anywhere a scam
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Welcome to My Transcribe Anywhere Review!

I noticed that tons of people were searching for information of Transcribe Review online. Therefore, I wanted to write this very comprehensive review to answer all your questions about this money-making opportunity.

I am sure you will find our review extremely helpful and informative. If you have any questions, you can always ask me in the comments below and I will be more than happy to help you out.

Oh and by the way, to the question, “Is Transcribe Anywhere a scam?” The answer is, “Definitely not!”

Transcribe Anywhere Review – Quick Summary

Product Name: Transcribe Anywhere


Product Type: Transcriptionist Training Courses & Lifetime Support

Price: Free – $697 Depending on the Course/Product That You Buy

Best for: People Who Want to Make Money Online for Transcribing.

is transcribe anywhere a scam

Summary: Transcribe Anywhere is our #1 recommendation for anyone who wants to make good money online for transcribing. They also provide a FREE 7-day mini course that you can take before diving into their PREMIUM courses.

Recommended: Yes.

Is Transcribe Anywhere Legit? – My Video Review

Before you dive into my comprehensive Transcribe Anywhere text review, I want to give you an opportunity to have a look at my video review below.

In the video, I explain how Transcribe Anywhere works and why I think it’s the best transcription course online.

It will help you to get started and get a clear picture how you will be earning money online as a transcriptionist.

Introduction – Why Transcribing?

There are many reasons why people may need an audio recording transcribed into text. Transcription is used in a wide range of different professions including medicine and law.

It is often the case that the people who need these transcriptions don’t have the time to type them up themselves. This means that there is a lot of potential to earn money by offering a transcription service online.

However, it is not something that you can do if you don’t really knows what transcription involves and so you will probably need to take some kind of training course especially if you want to maximize your earnings.

Anybody can do some transcribing but having a professional who +10 years of experience in the industry will make you more effective and help you to earn more money faster.

This is when you may decide to look at a course such as Transcribe Anywhere.

What Is Transcribe Anywhere?

Transcribe Anywhere is a training course that teaches you all the skills you need to enjoy a new career in transcription. It has been developed by Janet Shaughnessy who owns her own transcription agency and has been working in this industry for over ten years since 2007.

transcribe anywhere Janet Shaughnessy

Janet Shaughnessy is a creator of Transcribe Anywhere

She knows exactly what skills you will need in order to make this a successful career and shares this information with you as part of the course.

Transcribe Anywhere is one of the leaders in the world teaching on how to build a transcribing business. It’s good to notice that they don’t only provide training courses but also a lifetime support in order to guarantee your success.

How Does Transcribe Anywhere Work?

The steps are as follows:

  1. Grab a free 7-day mini course course on Transcribe Anywhere
  2. Decide if Transcription is great for you or not
  3. Choose the most suitable course for you
  4. Put the knowledge into practice and become an excellent transcriptionist
  5. Follow step-by-step instructions to find work
  6. Do excellent work. Repeat.

is transcribe anywhere a scam

What Is Included in Transcribe Anywhere?

​There are two separate parts to the Transcribe Anywhere course that you can work through. The first is for general transcription which can be used in almost all industries.

Transcribe Anywhere - General Course

General transcription course includes all the details mentioned above and more. (Click the picture to learn more).

The second course covers everything that you will need to know about transcription in the legal industry. You can choose to complete both of these courses if you wish but it is a good idea to start with the course that is related to the area of transcription that you want to be involved in.There are modules that you have to work through in both courses which will teach you about the skills you need to master to become a professional transcriber. It will also take you through what you need to know about finding work as a transcriber and where the best places to work are.

  • Transcribe Anywhere Courses Are Flexible

You can complete the Transcribe Anywhere course at your own pace which makes it really easy to fit round your existing job or other commitments.

The course will provide you with all the information and training you need to begin a career in transcription and start earning money straightaway.

The course is also customisable so you can decide how much information you need and what it is you want to learn.

transcribe anywhere courses

Transcribe Anywhere has two main training courses: General and Legal transcriptions

Who Is Transcribe Anywhere For?

Transcribe Anywhere is for people who have had no experience in transcription before as well as those who are looking to update their skills. If you have a genuine interest in transcription as a career then this is one of the best places that you can start.One of the best things about finding a transcription job is that is can often be done online which means you can work anytime and anywhere. It is ideal for people with young children who want a job that they can fit around their family commitments as you are able to choose what hours you work.

Other people that may benefit from this type of work are those that are looking for a second income. If you want to earn more money but there are no additional hours at your current job then transcription could be a good option. It might also suit students as they would be able to fit the work around their studies.Transcription work can also suit people who are retired that want to earn a bit of extra money without committing themselves to a job that has a certain amount of hours every week.

Personally, I do occasionally some freelance translations and I can work whenever I want. It’s somehow similar to transcribing jobs. Even though it’s just fun for me to do translations, I still earned +$1,500 during the last month for occasional translations.

Who Should Avoid Transcribe Anywhere?

Transcribe Anywhere is not going to make you rich overnight and you will have to put some work in to build your career as a transcriber. It may take some time to get through the course and then you have to find paid work.

Therefore if you are looking for something where you don’t have to put any effort in then this may not be the opportunity for you.It is also not suitable for anyone who does not are looking for a way to start building passive income streams right away. (Passive income = Income that you earn whether or not you are actively working.)

If you want to build a +$10,000/month online business, it most likely won’t be possible with transcribing unless you hire people to do transcriptions for you.

Of course, you can get a great start with Transcribe Anywhere course and show it for your future employees as well. When you receive transcribing projects, you can do them yourself or outsource them to other people to build an extra income.

However, I guess that most of you are not thinking now about hiring other people. If you want to make passive income online, I recommend going through my #1 recommendation

It has taken me from a complete newbie into full-time online entrepreneur and given me a freedom to travel around the world whenever I want.

Transcribe Anywhere Cost

​There are a number of different prices for this course which enable you to choose the payment method that works for you. The price for the for the general transcription course is $597 and this contains all the training materials that you will need as well as access to ongoing support.

This support includes access to a Facebook group and access to the latest version of the course material whenever updates take place. There are six modules to the course and these cover everything from the skills that you need for transcription to how you can find work and attract clients.The legal transcription course is a bit more detailed and there are sixteen modules that you will need to work through. The price of this course is $697 which takes into account the extra value that this course provides for you.

Most of these extra modules cover the things that you will need to be aware of that are specific to the legal profession. There is also a guide to setting up your own legal transcription business and how you can find clients.Both courses give you the opportunity to take an exam at the end of the course which will provide you with a certification that the course has been completed. This certificate is something that you can show potential clients to show them that you have the skills to be able to provide them with the service that they need.The total price of this course is less than you would pay to do a transcription course at a college or university and Transcription Anywhere is a lot more flexible.

transcribe anywhere review

All of this is included in the Legal Transcription course and much more. (Click the picture to see everything!)

You are also able to break each course down into three stages and you can pay for each of these stages individually which allows you to spread the cost of the course.

What Are The Advantages Of Transcribe Anywhere?

Transcribe Anywhere is a great course and there are several advantages in using it. 

The first is that there are modules available at no charge that you can try to find out whether transcription is really something for you.The courses are very comprehensive and will cover all the skills that you need to make transcription a career. You will have as much time as you need to be able to complete the course and so you can be sure that you have mastered each skill before moving onto the next one.One thing that makes this course so unique is that it also offers a lot of practical advice about how to get started in making transcription a career. It shows where you can look online to find work and how to market yourself to potential clients.

Transcribe Anywhere descibes their benefits in a following way:

transcribe anywhere review

There are several benefits of joining Transcribe Anywhere.

There is even advice about creating your own website so that you can advertise your services and let your clients know exactly what it is you have to offer.

One of the biggest benefits of Transcribe Anywhere is also a lifetime support and a community of other transcriptionist. You will become a part of committed transcriptionist professionals that will share you tips, advice and lots of valuable information.

I have been a part of an online business community called Wealthy Affiliate now for ~3 years and noticed that networking online with people who have a similar goal really helps you to move forward faster.

Transcribe Anywhere Support

Transcribe Anywhere is known for a great support. The founder Janet Shaughnessy is also constantly answering questions, helping and guiding Transcribe Anywhere customers.

This is something that you don’t often find in online courses. I have reviewed more than 400 make money online opportunities and usually you can’t contact the founder/creator of the course.

A great support is certainly a big benefit for people who decide to take Transcribe Anywhere course.

is transcribe anywhere a scam

Are There Any Disadvantages?

The full price of the course is quite high but you can overcome this if you choose to pay for one part of the course at the time.However, there is a lot of this work available online and so there is a very good chance that you will be able to implement your new found skills. Therefore, you will earn your money back fast. If you get a good transcription project, you’ll make the cost of course back in just 2-3 days.

In addition, by buying for this course and becoming a part of Transcribe Anywhere community commits you to success. When you invest time and money into something, you will naturally feel a stronger pull to moving forward.

Another advantage you have is that you can take Transcribe Anywhere course here for a cheaper price.

Is This Also For Experienced Transcriptionist?

It still contains a lot of useful information even if you do have some experience in transcription.

There is a lot more to transcription than simply being able to type well and at a fast speed. Transcribe Anywhere will be able to teach you all of the skills you need to transcribe as well as those that you will need to be able to work from home successfully, as this is not always as easy as it might sound.

Being able to focus on your work with no distractions is essential if you want to earn a good income from transcription work.

The course also teaches you how to build a profitable transcription business and acquire clients. Based on my experience within the freelancer industry (as a client and a freelancer) this skill is often more valuable than the transcribing skill itself.

Take a FREE 7-day Transcribe Anywhere course here to find out how much more you can still make as a transcriptionist.

Transcribe Anywhere Reviews

If you do a quick search online you will find that there are many reviews of Transcribe Anywhere and on the whole most of them are positive.

Numerous people have found this course helpful and certainly one of the beauty of it is that it has helped people to work from home.

For example, many stay-at-home moms are looking for ways to make money from home while taking care of the children. Transcribing online has offered them a nice way to make good money even while staying at home.

transcribe anywhere review

You can also find several testimonials on the Transcribe Anywhere website.

Of course, transcribing isn’t only for stay-at-home moms. I am personally so-called “digital nomad” which means that I am traveling all around the world while making money online.

My #1 choice is to build passive income streams so I will earn money even while not working but freelancing and transcribing is also a popular choice among digital nomads.

How Much Can You Earn With Transcribe Anywhere?

The important thing to remember about Transcribe Anywhere is that it is not a program that can use to make money directly. You can make money from transcribing but you will need to find this work for yourself.

There are modules in both courses that can help you find work as a transcriber on a freelance basis. There are also websites that you can use to connect you with people that need transcribing work carrying out.The amount of money that you can earn from transcribing depends on how much work you are able to put into it. Like any legitimate earning opportunity you won’t be able to make any money if you are not prepared to put the effort in.

If you can find your own clients then this is likely to earn you more money than if you go through a website that will take a percentage of the fee that you are paid.

Your salary also depends on which country you are operating. In the Western countries like the US, Canada, Australia and Europe you will earn way more than from the clients in poorer countries.

An average transcriptionist earns usually $15-25 hour but you can earn more if you are effective, specialize on the legal transcription or find well-paying clients.

Is Transcribe Anywhere A Scam?

We do not consider Transcribe Anywhere to be a scam atll because you can get real value out of the course. It is run by a professional who really knows what she is talking about and so you can be sure that you are always getting good advice.

It is the only online training program that has the approval of the American Association of Electronic Reporters and Transcribers which confirms that it is legitimate.

There are many benefits to signing up this course and it is good value for money when you consider how much material you get and the ongoing support that you will receive.

is transcribe anywhere a scam or legit

Transcribe Anywhere has also been featured on several famous blogs, media channels and websites.

Conclusion – Is Transcribe Anywhere Worth It?

If you are serious about making a career out of transcription the Transcribe Anywhere is one of the best courses that you will find to get you started.

Not only does it have all the information that you need about transcription, it also provides you with plenty of advice about where to find transcription jobs and even starting your own transcription business.You will have access to ongoing support which can continue to help you throughout your career. If there are any updates to the course that are released in the future then you will be given access to these at no extra cost.

What kind of experiences do you have with Transcribe Anywhere?

Have you worked previously as a transcriptionist?

Let me know in the comments below!

If you have any questions, just leave a comment below and I will be more than happy to help you out.

By Roope Kiuttu

Hello! I am Roope "Robert" Kiuttu, the founder and owner of I created this website back in 2015 to help you to make money online. You can ask me anything and I'll be happy to help you out. I help people daily to make more money online and I love seeing people succeeding. If you want to get my 1-on-1 support and help to make money online as well, get started HERE.


  1. Hi there Roope I’m Edjilou from Philippines ,
    Since Transcribe any where provide courses that are paid ,
    Can i still become a transcriptionist here even though I didn’t take that course or its Compulsory ?

  2. Hello Roope Kiutu I am from the USA and I want to earn $100 per day from transcribing I have 10+ hours per day free is it possible to make that kind of money from home working as a transcriber per day.

  3. You have done an excellent job reviewing this product. I had never heard of Transcribe Anywhere but I have heard of the freelance transcribing business. I think its awesome she has created a course to help people start a business by offering this service people are looking for.

    Like you I prefer passive income , but any type of money online is awesome! Also I love you include the community aspect of the course, most reviews may look over that part but like you I am a part of an online community that really helps you threw your online venture.

    Overall your review is thorough and well written. Anyone looking for it will appreciate the time you took to go over all of the benefits.

    1. Thank you Jessica! I’m glad to hear that you’ve found my review helpful.

      I think that most people prefer earning passive income but at the same time most people are not willing to “pay the price” for it. Making lots of passive income online requires lots of work beforehand without immediate rewards.

      I think that the best way to get started online is to earn some money from freelance jobs and at the same build passive income streams. At some point, passive income streams will surpass the earnings from the freelance jobs then.

  4. Hello there. Thank you for sharing this unbiased review of Transcribe Anywhere. Transcribe Anywhere is definitely not a scam. It should be the best course for anyone looking to make transcription a career. I want to make passive income online. So I tried Wealthy Affiliate and everything is going as expected. I recommend it for anyone.

    1. Hi Barry,

      thanks for sharing your thoughts.

      Wealthy Affiliate is also my #1 recommendation. Actually, the principles that they teach on Wealthy Affiliate also enable people to make more money by transcribing. Because WA principles help you to get 10,000’s (or even 100,000’s) of visitors every month to your website. You can offer them anything and make money then.


  5. With my busy schedule I am certain this isnt something for me.  However just last week my wife was talking to me about going online and doing something like this.

    I do feel better showing her this with your review.  The thing we are going to have to decide is that is if this is money we want to spend and by saying that I have to make sure this is exactly something she would like to do,

    Thank you for the effort put into this review.

  6. Transcription courses, just like many other paid courses out there, can actually be self-studied at no extra cost. If you really want to learn something, your curiosity on that subject will naturally drive you to learn it. As a freelancer, I’m a huge fan of resourcefulness and independence.

    While these paid transcription courses may be great for some people who might want to add transcription on their skill set, as they offer substantial modules and helpful tips to succeed in this field, they’re really not for everybody. Maybe if you’re in the legal or medical profession, you might probably want to try transcription on the side and invest in the course, just for that added skill set.

    1. You are right that the course is not for everybody but it’s for the people who want to set up their transcription business fast with great skills. Of course, it’s possible to learn these skills elsewhere but this kind of step-by-step training really helps to move forward fast.

      I have paid over the time course thousands of dollars for books, training courses and resources. Most of the time they have paid themselves back with big multipliers. Still, I only pay for the specific resources that I need. I think that this course would be helpful for any transcriptionists.

  7. I actually tried transcribing as a part time job some time ago and realized how hard it was. Wish I noticed this kind of course at the time, but it definitely looks like something that needs commitment to work properly as a job.

    Also, there’s a lot of talent already, so getting picked among tons of professional transcribers must be really difficult as well.

  8. Transcription is a great career opportunity and it’s one of the most in-demand online jobs in the market today. Though this is something that is totally new to me and I don’t have that time for it right now as I’m focused on other freelance jobs, I’d still consider it as a worthy investment.

    1. Yes, transcriptionist job opportunities have recently been rising rapidly because of the huge video production online. Many YouTubers and video creators want to have their video also in the text format to make a bigger influence. That raises the demand for transcriptionists.

  9. So this is basically a course that teaches you to how to work as a transcriptionist. I have never taken interest in transcriptionist job even though they say it is high paying job. After completing this course, you might earn money as a transcriber, however, the fee for this program is very high, I cannot imagine paying $597 for the general transcription course. Is there any guarantee about getting a job after course completion.

    1. I understand that the cost $597 is high because you are from Nepal. There a dollar is more powerful than in the US, for example. I noticed that somebody already bought Transcribe Anywhere through this article.

      $597 wasn’t too much for him because, as I explained in the article, you will earn it back in a few days if you get the transcriptionist job.

      Transcribe Anywhere is not a company that provides work places but they have tons of resources and a lifetime support for their customers. Eventually, it’s up to you to take the action but they provide everything you need to make money as a transcriptionist.

  10. The course is expensive but when looked at the brighter side of it, once it can guarantee making the money paid for the course over a short period of time, then I would say it’s worth it. Most of the time, it’s what we doubt have faith in that comes up to surprise us by becoming a good investment.

    1. True. I like investing in assets because they pay dividends in many years to come and one of the greatest asset is our own education. I’ve paid thousands of dollars over the years to learn several skills but it has certainly been worth it because they pay itself back quickly.

      1. That’s of course the truth in itself what you just mentioned. There are some good investment and bad ones but when taking the course of trying to invest, it’s important to look and see the value of what one wishes to invest in on a long-term basis, it always seems to be better when working on getting into investment that offers longer term guarantees.

  11. OMG!The price of this course! I think it’s a bit too high. I have done transcription before. Apart from learning what equipment you need, I don’t think anyone can teach you how to listen and understand diffrent accents. In my humble opinion I think this is matter of practicing and developing your skills. I just think it is too expensive and you maybe able to find most of the information online.

    1. It depends on how you look at it. If this course will bring you value that generates you thousands of dollars over the time course, then this course is actually cheap.

      I know much more expensive online courses out there than Transcribe Anywhere.

      As I mentioned, you can earn the course price back in 2-4 days if you find some good transcriptionist job after this.

      1. The prospect of earning the money paid for the course in 2-4 days seems interesting but just like you pointed out everything is dependent on one’s possibility of getting good transcription job.

        Can you recommend any site where one might be able to get good transcription job offers?

        1. I don’t do transcriptions myself because I specialize on the other things. But Janet and Transcribe Anywhere are experts with this subject. You can send her a personal message through her website. She has promised to answer all questions.

          1. Alright Roope, thanks for your assistance. I’m going to reach out to her and see what recommendations she would offer me. You have been such a great help, I appreciate that.

    2. Anything that is so high upfront is always intimidating especially when you are just not sure what to expect. It is nice to get all the opinions and reviews though so you can at least consider it and see if it fits your interests.

  12. This is a very interesting idea for building a business. As you say, working just as a transcriber will not really provide a decent full-time income. Does this course go further into how to set up a business?

    Also, one can truly work as a transcription service from anywhere in the world with today’s technology – but I wonder whether it’s more geared to native American English speakers who will not only write US English but will have a better understanding of their American clients.

    1. I think I didn’t say that transcribing can’t provide a full-time income? It certainly can provide a full-time income and many people are full-time transcriptionists at the moment. The course gives lots of help to start a successful transcriptionist business that can make a good amount of money.

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