Have you ever heard the term iDevaffiliate? Many people have not and yet it is a common term that you use in your everyday lives. While you may not know or understand the term, if you are in business, this is something that you may have done to make your company more visible in the marketplace.
iDevAffiliate Review
Name: iDevAffiliate
Website: www.iDevDirect.com
Founded: 1999
Field: Affiliate Tracking Software
What is iDevaffiliate?
iDevaffiliate is a software system, that allows it to track the links that are placed on various websites, for the purpose of extending sales to those customers who may be interested. There is a link on that Youtube video you are watching.
When you click the link, the iDevaffiliate system tracks it as a customer who may be interested in that product or service being sold. There are millions of links on the internet using this kind of software and it is becoming more widely spread as the new wave of business marketing.
Did you know that links also help you to get better rankings on Google?
What is iDevaffiliate Used For?
This software is used to help gauge customer awareness and interaction with a product or service, through the clicking of a preset link. The system is used by businesses who want to extend a sales option to potential customers, without having to break the bank. These affiliate links can be placed anywhere on the internet. It gives the iDevaffiliate the ability to see how many links are being clicked while giving commission to those who become a part of their affiliate program.
To become an affiliate you must own a business, even if it is self-employed or freelancing work. Your business website is where you will place the business links that will be given to you by iDevaffiliate. The iDevaffiliate software tracking system, then asks you to place their links on different websites that you own. Through daily tracking and clicking of the link, the software is able to determine how many customers are coming to the website and possibly interested in a particular product or service.
Shortly, you can create your own affiliate program with iDevAffiliate.

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Pricing for iDevaffiliate
For the companies and individuals who want to create an affiliate program, iDevaffiliate offers a cost-efficient marketing plan that will help your business succeed with the affiliate software tracking program. By the way, millions are using it in the marketplace already. iDevaffiliate offers the Cloud for $39 monthly, the Standard for a one-time fee of $199, the Platinum for a one-time fee of $299 and the Black for a one-time fee of $399.
Visit their website to view all of the options for each plan. They have a 30-day money back guarantee on all plans, with no contracts and no transaction fees.
They are also offering a special of 50% off on bundle plugins for the platinum option. All of the plans offer unlimited affiliate tracking, giving you the best chance of reaching millions of potential customers through search engine optimization(SEO).
iDevAffiliate is much cheaper than other similar program called Post Affiliate Pro which is almost 10 times more expensive. One-time fee of $199 is totally a very little money if we are talking about creation an affiliate program.
Pros of iDevaffiliate
There are many positive takeaways for using the iDevaffiliate software tracking system. First, there is a single source that is tracking all of the links and the traffic generated by each of them.
Also, the tracking system can be used by any business, to track potential customers who may be interested in your products or services. And finally, the iDevaffiliate offers the convenience of the internet and social media, which has become the premier way of reaching millions of consumers on a daily basis.

Cons of iDevaffiliate
While there are many great things to say about the iDevaffiliate software tracking program, there is no program that is perfect for every consumer. But to be honest, I can’t find hardly any complaints on iDevAffiliate on the Internet. Many people are praising that it’s the best one out there.
They have been around already since 1999 which makes 18 years which is a huge time in an affiliate marketing industry.
Conclusion – Is iDevAffiliate Worth It?
iDevaffiliate offers an easy way to extend your business sales. It is easy-to-use and responds cross platform, for businesses seeking to understand the variations of the links and how it can help their business to succeed.
The program helps businesses to create their own army of affiliate marketers, who can help to create links on the internet for as far as the eye can see. iDevaffiliate offers the latest technology in software tracking, with pricing that begins for as little $39 per month. They offer user-friendly technology, proven stability and the assurance that you are placing your business in the hands of the best in software tracking.
Visit the website today if you want to run the affiliate program, from your own hosting account for as little as $199.99. They offer free upgrades with no hidden fees and no feature limits.View their business demo that shows you how they can help you grow sales, increase traffic and strengthen SEO. Never before has software tracking for your business been so easy. iDevaffiliate offers a tutorial video, frequently asked questions and a professional, knowledgeable and friendly customer support staff, that is there to help you whenever you need them.
For almost twenty years, iDevaffiliate has been established as the leading software tracking company around. Adding this software tracking to your business link will help your business to grow exponentially. Via their website, you can also learn all about their history and what they stand for. Many claims that iDevAffiliate team are the best at what they do and want to show you everything they have to offer in getting your business to go global.
=> Take Your Business to the Next Level with iDevAffiliate Today!
Have you thought about creating your own affiliate program?
Reading the review of iDevAffiliate has made me realize that most of the new businesses can actually benefit from this kind of affiliate program since they are not that expensive to join as well. The higher positive reviews of the Dev affiliate on the internet is a sure way to make everything work pretty fine at the end of the day.
Yeah, creating an affiliate program is not very expensive but the benefits can be huge. When I’ll create own products in the future, I will surely put a high emphasis on building a good affiliate program as well.
Hey Roope, interesting product you have here. I am a newly budding online entrepreneur and I am focused on building up my webpage. Without any products to sell, can iDevAffiliate benefit me in anyway? From what you written, does this means that I can link and gain affiliate commission websites from others?
Hi Leo,
if you don’t have own products yet, you can’t create your own affiliate program. But you can, of course earn money by joining iDevAffiliate affiliate program and promoting their product. You can earn affiliate commissions from any website on the Internet. If people click your link and buy something, you will earn the commission.
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Hi Roope
I enjoyed reading your review of iDevaffiliate. I have just started my internet business and had not hear if iDevaffiliate so it was great to read your explanation of the soft ware and also the pros and cons. What i want to ask you is at what point in business development do you think it would be best to start using iDevaddiliate? Tracy.
Hi Tracy!
I am happy that you enjoed reading the review.
In order to use iDevAffiiate, you need to have some of your own products. Of course, they can be also eBooks or online courses. So once you have products and you would like to have affiliates making sales for you, I recommend taking a closer look at iDevAffiliate. I have seen that successful companies are using it.
If you don’t have own products but want to earn money with affiliate marketing, I recommend going through Wealthy Affiliate’s training. Some people are making over $10,000/month without having any own products.
Hi Roope,
It looks like you have everything covered. I like the presentation, minus the huge add in the middle of the page. To me, it doesn’t add any value and gives the page a sales page feel instead of trying to help the customers.
I really like the end of your page where you have your list of links. It makes the page look more professional and now I am going to look for a similar theme.
Hi Tony,
the picture in the middle of the text wasn’t even supposed to be an ad. In my reviews I want to describe the programs and in my opinion that picture describes what iDevAffiliate is all about. Building your own army of affiliate marketers. I didn’t even realize that somebody could think it as a ad ;).
This theme is called Avada and it’s one of the most popular WordPress themes.