Just Energy Review: Facts You Have to Know about it

Just Energy Review

Just Energy LogoName: Just Energy
Website: www.JustEnergy.com
Price: More than they promise
Overall Rank: 20 out of 100

=> Check Out My #1 Recommendation.

What Is Just Energy?

Just Energy Group Inc. is a national energy company that provides natural gas and electricity in Canadian and American markets and the United Kingdom.

They promise to give you the lowest rates and cheap electricity so you could save money.

They have almost 2 million customers across North America which is convincing.

But don’t be fooled by the big numbers. This company is dishonest, and I don’t recommend to buy electricity from them.

As you can read from Wikipedia, there has been lots of controversy around Just Energy.

In this Just Energy Review, I will explain how they are working and why you shouldn’t choose Just Energy. But first, a little bit background.

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Don’t Pay Too Much for Electricity

The idea behind Just Energy is high.

To provide the electricity at a competitive price. So you could use your money on something more important.

It’s wise to tender out the electricity companies and see which one is the best. By doing that you may end up saving hundreds of dollars every year by using only a couple of hours.

The problem with Just Energy is that their actions are not honest (Scam alert!). They are not telling you the real prices that you need to pay.

If you buy electricity from Just Energy, you will end up paying much much more than you initially planned.

Just Energy Prices – (The Worst Part)

As you probably know, the price of the electricity fluctuates in the market. The price can be, for example, 4 cents/kWh, 6 cents/kWh, 8 cents/kWh or more.

In most of the cases, Just Energy has sold the contract with the fixed prices saying, “This gives you the certainty that the price can’t go over than 8 cents/kWh.”

Well, the half of the truth is that it can’t neither get lower than $0,08/kWh!

They sign up 5 years contract so when the market price is $0,04/kWh, you are still paying $o,08/kWh for Just Energy.

But that’s not all.

Many people have reported that the price in the bill has been much higher than it must have been.

They had been promised $0,08/kWh but the real price was even $0,15/kWh.

I wouldn’t like to be in any contact with that kind of company.

Just Energy Review
You may be surprised by their “new price” which is more than they promised.

How Do Just Energy Salespeople work?

The actions by Just Energy salespeople is devastating. I will explain how they are working to sell electricity.

They go door-to-door asking people if they want so save in their electricity. They ask the potential customer to bring his/her power bill to the door so the salesman can take a look.

Then they start to convince the potential customer that by changing to Just Energy he/she could save lots of money.

If the client is not interested, they insist until the person is ready to sign up some papers.

Those papers are 5 years contract and after signing up, it’s ultimately difficult to get rid of the company.

Never sign up the papers if you don’t know what they are all about!

Just Energy Changed Its Name But Playing the Same Deceptive Games

The company has had different names throughout the years. Before it was “Just Energy Income Fund” and previously to that “Energy Savings Income Fund.”

Despite their new name “Just Energy” they are continuing to scam people.

Here is the video that shows how Just Energy salespeople are scamming just ordinary people.

As you probably noticed, the video was from 2010 (or 2011), but the company still haven’t changed better.

Let’s take a look at more recent experiences.

Just Energy Complaints 2016

Here you can see some recent complaints about Just Energy from this year 2016.

Just Energy Review
“This company is an absolute scam.”
Just Energy Review
“IF I could rate a 0 I would.”

Just Energy Complaint

Those complaints above are some examples of the hundreds (or thousands) of unsatisfied people of Just Energy. The sad thing is that once you have signed their 5-year contracts, it’s very hard to get rid of the company.

Even though the company is almost 20 years old, they are still scamming people, and that’s shocking.

Pros & Cons


  • They provide energy


  • False promises
  • Dishonest sales people
  • They don’t tell you the real prices
  • They insist you sign up 5 years contract
  • Difficult to get rid of the company once you have joined

Research Before You Buy

Now it’s easy to see that Just Energy is a scam.

But what if someone well-dressed salesman would have come to your door and politely tries to “help” you to save money?

Or what if someone would have called you and talk you in a nice way helping you with the power bill?

I believe and hope you are wise to avoid scammers.

It doesn’t cost you anything if you just write “PRODUCT_NAME Review” in Google and see other people’s experiences before you buy the product.

You may also want to see my 5 important tips how to avoid scams online.

I pray that you will never fall into scams and your money will be used for the important things that improve the quality of your life.

Make Bigger Money Online

Researching what is the best electricity company is wise. You can save even $100 with one hour work.

But once you have found the best company there is not any more money to be made. You can’t earn big money.

If you are interested in making money online, my website is designed to teach you how.

Check out:

Just Energy at a Glance…

Name: Just Energy
Website: www.JustEnergy.com
Price: More than they promise
Overall Rank: 10 out of 100

VERDICT: Scam. Not Recommended.

I hope you find this Just Energy Review useful and you will not waste your money on this company.

If you have any questions or comments, don’t hesitate to leave them below. I will be more than happy to respond you personally.

Do you have experiences with Just Energy or with the other similar companies?

Let me know in the comments below! 🙂

By Roope Kiuttu

Hello! I am Roope "Robert" Kiuttu, the founder and owner of YourOnlineRevenue.com. I created this website back in 2015 to help you to make money online. You can ask me anything and I'll be happy to help you out. I help people daily to make more money online and I love seeing people succeeding. If you want to get my 1-on-1 support and help to make money online as well, get started HERE.


  1. Just signed up with JustEnergy (07/17/2019) thru a salesman at SAMSCLUB. My natural gas price with DTE here in Michigan was $0.28000/Ccf checking with Just Energy Michigan Corp their price was $0.52000/Ccf. I called immediately and canceled my subscription to their service… and was told that they would lower the price to $0.32000/Ccf. I told them to forget it and just cancel my contract. They did so but said it would take 2 billing cycles to accomplish this… This company is total BS imo….AVOID them.

  2. We have been with Just Energy for over 10 years now. Initially, the rates and bills seemed to be reasonable. As the years went by, we found that our electricity costs were continually rising. This past spring, we got a letter from Hydro one informing us that Just Energy was dropping us as a customer.

    Both I and the Hydro One agent I was speaking with saw that as rather odd. Our next bill directly from Hydro One was much lower than that from the same period of last year. Three subsequent bills also reflected the same story. Now, we are into November and the heating season. Our bills are still lower than last year with Just Energy.

    Our equal billing amount had been set at $411.00. Our September bill was $150.00. We have had mid Winter bills of up to $800.00 with Just Energy. Your thoughts on this would be appreciated and also your thoughts on how we might be able to recover some of our over payments.


    Cheney, Ontario

    1. Thank you very much Garry for sharing your experiences with Just Energy. It’s great that you have found a cheaper alternative.

      I’m afraid there isn’t very much to do to get back the money from Just Energy. If you have had the contract and agreed to pay according to the contract, it was your decision after all. I know it may sound a bit harsh but I just advise to be very careful in the future.

  3. In deregulated markets in the U.S., this is a highly regulated industry, which is a good thing. Energy suppliers are governed by the respective State’s Commerce Commission. For example, in IL, Energy Suppliers (which cannot be delivery utility companies) are governed by the State legislature through the ICC, or Illinois Commerce Commission. Rules are different between residential customers and commercial. Residential customers can switch providers or CANCEL AT ANYTIME! Yes, Just Energy offers fixed rates, with either a flat rate for unlimited consumption of energy, or through a price per Kilowatt hour, Khw. All states that are deregulated (offer a choice in their energy supplier), other than Illinois, requires one to choose their supplier. Only IL has a General Pool, for non-credit worthy customers. While there are dishonest representatives at some Supply companies, these tend to be ones that offer “Green” energy or Renewable energy which is bought at a higher price on the Market. Just Energy (JE) offers a lower, or fixed rate based on your actual consumption and history. They will look at your bill (for either electricity or natural gas, or both, depending upon the State you live in) and offer a fair rate that is not at the mercy of market fluctuations. Again, you can cancel your contract if you are a residential customer at anytime. While the rate may not be lower at every month in the season, energy markets change radically based upon supply/demand rules and seasonal peak demands. For instance, electricity costs more (both in Supply and Delivery by your Utility) in the summer months when people use air conditioning. JE offers the advantage of spreading the higher summer costs over the entire year so that your bill is exactly the same every month to allow you to forecast and budget, accordingly. While your bill, therefore in this example, may be higher in the winter, it will be much lower and not susceptible to market shortages or emergencies that impact the market in the summer. Same goes for natural gas where available. Your review is ridiculous. It doesn’t seem that you have any real experience or knowledge about how this works. And NO, I do not work for JE. I am, however, about to sign-up for supply for a fixed rate for both my gas and electric. My household, unfortunately, does not do a good job with energy efficiency. There are disreputable companies that knock on peoples doors (often offering renewable, green energy and promising to save you money). My wife signed up with one such company (I won’t name here), and noticed we were paying an extra $.02-.03 extra Kwh. No one can promise cost-savings, as energy is sold in a blind market and one also cannot predict exact consumption. However, JE has a reputation of predicting consumption to the point of being able to offer a very fair and FIXED rate, which is a real value. I remember a few years ago, when we had several weeks of sub-zero temperatures in the winter and my gas bill spiked for an entire 8 months! My bill was close to $500/month for a 1900 sq ft.home! JE is offering me a fixed rate for one or two years (again, cancelable at anytime) for $46/month (my house is now 2600 sq ft). While my bills last summer were sometimes only $10-11, by bills in the winter were well over $120-130 for supply. And I will not be susceptible to another polar vortex! The Internet loves a good scam story. Do real homework and due diligence. Also, remember, in highly regulated industries, such as this one, there are numerous consumer protections in place. I have found after researching and speaking with JE, that they have been nothing but forthright and honest.

  4. So said….only 12 bad comments out of 2million people. Sorry for the inconvenience of the past but I believe our revenue speaks for itself. Have a great day. ?

  5. Had a rep knock on my locked screen door I answered it then told him not interested and closed my door. He started banging on my screen door. It was a little unnerving to say the least.

  6. Wow. I literally just signed up with them now.. but I’m still under contract with Reliant and never canceled with Reliant… what will happen.. can Just Energy come over and just change the meter to their service ??

    1. Hi Adrian,

      I recommend contacting your current provider Reliant. They have must have the best information if you have to change it now or if you can still keep their service. Maybe they offer you some discount also to keep their client.


    2. Only the Utility can read your meter. Delivery is still done by your Utility company. They are responsible for reading your meter, billing, and delivering the energy to your home.


  7. Hey Roope,
    You’re on fire with your reviews! I don’t get these millionaires sometimes, they make a lot of money but they still want to rob us of our money by making us pay more?

    They literally make easy money everyday because when you control electricity, you can sell to the government to power up other parts of the city and balance out their power spending but man, how greedy they are so much so that it sickens me. If you want to make people pay for something, at least make he process easier right? Thanks for exposing their true colours bro, I hope you can steer away other innocent people before they get caught by Just energy’s lies

    1. Hi Riaz,

      Yeah, we are on fire because we are now publishing new posts every single day on YourOnlineRevenue.com! 🙂

      Most rich people I know are honest and reliable but it seems that there are also these scam artists who are cheating innocent people. Well, my job is to warn people from falling into these scams.


  8. I do live in Canada, but thankfully I haven’t seen these salespeople at my door! I still think that we pay too much for electricity in my province but I don’t think I would sign up for something like that without doing a lot of research first.

    Thank you for bringing these guys to my attention. If they ever try to sell me on their company I will say “NO”!

    1. Hi Nancy,

      Have you searched for the best/cheapest electricity company? I was selling electricity contracts (in Finland) for some time and I realized that many people could save lots of money by changing their provider.

      And the only thing that would change in their lives would be that they have more money in their pockets because they will be paying less for the electricity. But still some people were stubborn to keep their current contract for some strange reasons. That’s why I always recommend people to make a little research which one is the best because it can save lots of money.


  9. My parents were scammed by Just Energy. They paid Just Energy more than three times what their gas utility, NIPSCO, would have charged. My father passed away in October, and now Just Energy expects payment for early termination. If you live in northern Indiana, be forewarned. Just Energy charges more than three times the going rate for natural gas. If it sounds too good to be true, it is.

    1. Hi Berger!

      Wow, it’s ridiculous what they are doing. I am sorry that your father passed away. I wish you lots of strength and power to going forward.

      It’s strange how this kind of scam company can be so big and they have been around already for a long time. It seems that it’s always important to make a little research before buying something that seems too good.


  10. Oh my gosh that is bad! I laughed when I read your pro for them, only that they do in fact supply energy.
    I don’t like people knocking on my door and I don’t like it when people cold call me. I also don’t like it when a sales person hounds me until they think I am ready to say yes.
    What really happens at that point is not that I say yes, I actually explode with rage and get rather rude.
    I had someone today pushing me like that on a cold call trying to sell me something. What gets me is that these people push me until I get really ugly with them and then they act all surprised.
    Today I told the women goodbye, please hang up and she just carries on. Forcing me to hang up on her.
    Anyway back to energy. In South Africa our power is supplied by Eskom. They have a monopoly so we are forced to pay whatever they choose.
    It would be nice for us to be able to choose who we use!

    Anyway enough of my rant about power and sales people that bulldose…

    I just wouldn’t trust any company that keeps changing their name. I mean why on earth would Just Energy do that?

    Thank you for exposing this rubbish for what it is.

    1. Hi Lynne,

      I understand your reactions (even though I prefer to act calmly ;)). insisting until the client gives up isn’t what a salesman would be doing.

      It’s interesting to hear that in South Africa Eskom has a monopoly about electricity. Here in Finland there are many different providers but unfortunately recently there have been many dishonest companies like Just Energy. But thanks to Internet, people are getting more aware of those companies and stop buying from them. At least I hope so :D.

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