Is Vasayo a scam? That question may come to your mind when you see somebody is promising that your health will dramatically change by eating some capsules and using some spray. In this honest review we will walk you through what is Vasayo all about, what kind of products they have, do they really work and could you make money with Vasayo.
Spend the next 2 minutes with me and I will answer to all these questions.
Vasayo Review
Name: Vasayo
Founders: Dallin and Karree Larsen
Field: MLM-Programs
Overall Rank: 20 Out of 100 (Check Out My #1 Recommendation, 98 Out of 100)
What Is Vasayo?
Vasayo is a Multi-Level Marketing company that provides sprays and pills that will make your health better. They will give you more energy, better sleep and literally make you a superman (or superwoman). Well, that’s more or less what they promise to you but to be honest I’m quite skeptical about this system.
The company is founded by a couple called Dallin and Karree Larsen. They have run also another MLM-system in the past called Monavie. When you search information about Monavie in Google, it already suggests you “Monavie Scam”. That’s not a good background for a new MLM. But of course, people can change and that’s why we are going to take an open-minded look at Vasayo.
In the end of 2016, there was a big peak in the popularity of Vasayo. More and more people became interested in Vasayo. After that, the popularity has fallen a little bit but still many people are asking questions about Vasayo and thinking if it would be worth joining.
Let’s take a look what kind of products do they provide.
Vasayo Products
At the moment Vasayo has 5 different kinds of products. They are called with the following names (I have also included what kind of effect they are supposed to have.)
- Microlife Neuro. Boost your brain power.
- Microlife Energy. Gives more energy for your daily performance.
- Microlife Microlife Sleep. Helps you to have that restful sleep that you’ve always dreamed of.
- Microlife Core Essentials. Gives you optimal health.
- Microlife Renew. Several benefits that will improve your overall well-being.
Are there any proofs that these products would really work?
Well, I didn’t found. Of course, they claim that there was some real doctor making very high-quality research in his laboratory but it’s hard to find real proofs. I can also call to my friends who are doctors and ask them to make a few magical products.
Then I create an MLM-program and say that these products will transform your life. Why don’t I do that? Because I think it’s not very honest and profitable for the other people around.
Vasayo Prices
As you may already know, products are almost always overpriced in MLM-systems. You need to pay for many hands between you and the seller. But if these products would really transform your health so easily, wouldn’t it be worth it? Let’s take a quick example.

This product costs $63.95 for 30 servings. It means that each MicroCaps costs around $2,13. I don’t what you think about that price but my opinion is that +$2 for little capsules is quite a lot.
If you start eating these capsules, you will spend $63,95/month and $768/year on these things. Would it change your life? I highly doubt. The only thing it would change is that after one year your wallet would be much lighter.
When you buy this kind of products, you are blindly trusting some “authorities”. I eat myself sometimes D-vitamin and magnesium capsules but the price per capsule is at least 20 times cheaper than these. In addition, there are thousands of studies about the benefits of D-vitamin and magnesium. Unlike with these magical Microlife products.
Making Money with Vasayo
If you sell products with high prices, it means that you can potentially make a large profit. But wait a second… Would you really like to sell something that isn’t proved to help people’s lives. My #1 recommended system on my website is Wealthy Affiliate because it has helped probably thousands of people to make a full-time income online.
Here are 5 examples of people who are making +$10,000/month because of Wealthy Affiliate. But if you are trying to find similar real-life examples of Vasayo, it’s much more challenging.
Of course, people have the ability to say whatever they want. But how do you know that it’s not only a placebo-effect? If you believe enough in something, you think that it really works even though there are no scientific proofs.
I never would like to sell something that doesn’t really help people. I’m strict with this principle so I am not promoting any products that I don’t find valuable. That’s the reason why I couldn’t honestly promote Vasayo products.
By the way, if you are going to eat everything that they recommend, you will spend $263.75 every single month on their products yourself. It equals to +$3,100/year. That’s why most of the people who join Vasayo, end up losing money instead of earning money.
Pros & Cons
- Vasayo products may potentially improve the quality of your life.
- It’s hard to find real proofs that their products would work
- Vasayo products are very expensive
- Vasayo has a bad reputation (=several negative reviews on the Internet)
- Dallin and Karree Larsen has a background with Monavie which was claimed as a scam
Conclusion – Is Vasayo a Scam?
It’s hard to say if it’s 100% scam. But I will at least stay far away from these expensive products. I don’t want to sell them to anyone either because I don’t want to sell something too expensive for my friends.
If you are interested in improving the quality of your life and making money online, I recommend taking a closer look at Wealthy Affiliate.
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Vasayo at a Glance…
Name: Vasayo
Founders: Dallin and Karree Larsen
Field: MLM-Programs
Overall Rank: 20 Out of 100
What do you think about Vasayo and this kind of health improvement products? Have you ever tried them yourself?
What do you think about MLMs as a money-making opportunity?
Let me know in the comments below! 🙂
I would love to hear from you. All kinds of comments are welcome and I promise to come back to you with a personal reply.
MLM is just not for me. I think most are scams. That said, I have tried various “natural” remedies for various issues I have lived with or developed over the years for different reasons. l am not now nor will I ever, be a spokes person for ANY product.
I can only speak from my experience and only from my experience. In addition to 2 tours in Afghanistan and 1 in Iraq, I have spent the last 18 years living in a war zone as a contractor so sleep is a foreign thought for me. I also have sleep apnea. Sleep had been difficult for me for decades. I told my pulmonologist I would give him 10k right now for one night sleep like I had in my 20’s. He said, “That will never happen.” Meaning I will never get the rest I experienced in my 20’s. I will not take Benadryl, it leaves me sluggish in the morning. I can take ambient but only about 4 nights in a row, then I get a side effect which I can’t live with IE depression. I have tried melatonin and it seemed to be ok. I have ALTERNATED melatonin, ambient AND a small glass of wine for years. Each has its issues and will eventually quit working if using ONLY ONE for a significant amount of time.
My brother knows my sleep issues and handed me this bottle. He said try this, “it is a spray under the tongue”. He had given me some “energy” packets to try months earlier.I tried them without any increased energy. So when he handed me this spray, I had no confidence in it. So I threw away the box and literature with out every reading a single word, not even the title, But I kept the spray because I told him I would try it.
I do not know what this stuff is but I wish I did now. The bottle says, “Sleep Micrymist” by Vayso.
I was advised to use just 1 spray. I did not think it would work anyway so I used 3-4 because I like the taste. For whatever reason this stuff works FOR ME. Now I will NOT ENDORSE this product now or in the future. One reason is, sooner or later a company will change the formula and then it doesn’t work any more. I have had that happen with Red Bull. Initially it was a great energy boost. Today, I would not walk across the street for it even if it was “free”.
Whatever this Micromyst stuff is, all I can say is for the moment up to and including last night I get the best sleep and or rest I have had in decades. Is it what I had in my 20’s,? Nope and never will be. I finally listened to my brother and cut back to one spray a night. If this product continues to perform FOR ME as it has for the last 3 months then I am a life long client. If this is expensive you should try buying a bottle of wine, melatonin and a script of ambient and see how expensive that is for you. All I will say is this product for the current moment works for me. Will it work for others. I don’t know and I will not encourage anyone to buy it. If you get a FREE SAMPLE then I encourage you to try it.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts my friend.
Dear Sir,
I have myself tried ALL of the VASAYO products. I lost 5 lbs in the first 3 days that I took the products. I also take the RENEW and found that my arthritis has dramatically decreased. The company has a 100% money back guarantee if not satisfied. Why would you not take this product to see if it works and if it doesn’t work for you, all that is lost is the shipping back to the company.
What company stands behind the product as such?? I personally LOVE the VASAYO company and the Larson’s have all been so personal to assist with this launch. I would much rather put something all natural in my body than anything that is altered by manufacturing. Just my opinion, but don’t doubt it until you have tried it…. and give it time to work. Nothing is magic in 1-2 weeks. I have been on the product for 3 months and will continue to take it for many more !!
Hi Kristy,
that sounds great! I am happy to hear that Vasayo products have helped you to achieve a healthier lifestyle. Keep up the good work!
Dear Sir,
Pardon me for my frankness but I totally need to speak up for MLM programs cos I indeed have seen with my own eyes
how older established MLM program or such leveraging system in companies like Amway and Herbalife have indeed transformed lives of my uni pals who has chosen to leave their researcher or high-paying jobs to be a free-willed & successful businessman or lady. So in my humble opinion, pls be fair to the people who are trying to be improving lives.
Of cos, there are black sheeps ( such as scam companies etc) out there in ALL industries even in the education industry where I work in. So To be fair to this new startup Vasayo, their founders maybe truly are repentant, doing good to serve the masses?? or are their ex-company truly proved as scam company?
U heard of this company Monsanto??? Hmmm.. a real company but are they truly ethical?? But how come NO ONe high up in authority etc call their scam company????? Or did I not ever google enough??? I heard Monsanto has $$$$$$$ or more..
Food for thoughts 🙂 God bless.
Nonetheless, thanks a million for your sharing and perspective.
Hi Michelle,
I am very glad to hear about these people who succeeded in life. It’s always inspiring to hear when someone transformed his life.
It’s interesting that some MLM-programs have even whole teams dedicated to please (bribe) authorities so that they wouldn’t be called as a scam. I know that in MLMs there are also lots of honest people who sincerely want to improve their own life and other people’s lives.
But the system itself is not something that I don’t really like. There are many reasons which I have explained in my articles about MLMs.
Yes, I have heard some negative of Monsanto. But I haven’t made any own research of them so it’s hard to say whether they are doing good or not.
Thank you again for the comment and God bless you Michelle! 🙂
I think a lot of MLM programs are complete Scams and Vasayo seems to be one of them. The “health” industry is full of products promising a great number of things but hardly anything works as promised.
What is annoying with MLMs in general is that you have to buy a “starter kit” to begin promoting and then you have to get other people to join in order to earn money on them. Seem to be much easier to do affiliate marketing and simply recommend products that will solve peoples problems.
I agree with your nr 1 recommendation, Wealthy Affiliate is great way to learn how to earn money online.
Hi Jojo,
yeah, for me it’s hard to believe these “authorities” who are selling their magical products for a very expensive price. I don’t have any real proof that they would work so I am not willing to put $60 for just trying some magic capsules.
Somebody may say that I am too critical with Vasayo but I really recommend to be careful with MLM-programs, in general.
Hey there
I was thinking of getting the Vasayo energy and brain function products to help me in my studies.
After reading your review I think I will go for another product. I never really thought of promoting the company myself but I am glad i didn’t.
Thanks for this great review.
Hi Crystal,
at least I wouldn’t buy their products because they are so expensive. Of course, it’s possible to try but I think it’s not worth it.
Has some of your friends recommended their products or where did you find them?
From experience, I can say the products work. When you address price, have you been to a brick and mortar Health Store lately? Crystal, if I were you I would go on Vasayo’s webpage and order some samples of the products you mentioned. That way you learn for yourself using your own body’s reaction and you haven’t invested a lot of money.
I use the CORE vitamins, CBD oil for pain and the Eternal. I have a friend who takes the Neuro, V-3 for energy and the V-Slim. She has lost 14 pounds in 12 weeks. We are both young senior citizens. Alway explore for yourself!!!
Good luck as you pursue more formal education!
Thanks for sharing your experiences Pat!