Is Now Lifestyle a Scam? Non-Affiliated Review By An Expert!

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Now Lifestyle Review – Quick Summary

Name: Now Lifestyle

Founder: Joel Therien

Type: Health & Wellness, Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) System (Mainly an Online Platform)

Price: Free Trial Available. $9,95/Month For Getting Started with a Premium + Upsells

Best for: People Who Love Network Marketing & Exercising


Is Now LIfestyle Recommended? Depends on a Few Factors. More on This Further…

Introduction: Get Fit & Earn Money!

Have you ever thought of being in the greatest shape of your life and getting paid for the awesome products that you use?

That’s what Now LIfestyle and 100’s of other similar network marketing are trying to offer you.

Now Lifestyle is a fairly new company (founded in 2017) designed to help you with 2 things:

  1. Get you in the greatest shape of your life (through their fitness training)
  2. Build yourself a profitable online business (through their business system)

In this article, I will carefully review all aspects of Now Lifestyle and give you my honest opinion of their system.

Before we get started, I want to mention you that I have reviewed more than 100 network marketing opportunities and in total more than 500 online business opportunities over the years. Therefore, I have collected a huge knowledge and experience on systems like Now Lifestyle.

This helps me to give you the most in-depth and expert review of this company. And by the way, if you want to check out my #1 recommended business opportunity out of all those 500 businesses that I have reviewed, go and check it out here for free!

I am not affiliated with Now Lifestyle in any way so this is 100% unbiased review!

What Is Now Lifestyle?

Now Lifestyle Website Is Beautiful and Simple

Now Lifestyle focuses on the health & wellness niche and the company was founded by Joel Therien. He has an impeccable record as an inventor of products designed to give more convenience to clients while offering complimentary benefits.

In the past, he has created several other products and companies. The most famous ones of them are probably Pure Leverage and 7-Minute Workout.

A great in my opinion is that Joel doesn’t only preach about being fit and building your body but he is himself in an awesome shape still at the age of +45. Joel says that he has been in a great shape for almost his whole life and you can see that by checking out his muscular body.

I have seen many network marketing companies within the health & wellness industry who have fat CEO’s and unhealthy leaders. Joel beats them like 100-0 and his muscular body certainly gives more credibility to his training.

  • What Does New Lifestyle Offer to You?

In the Now Lifestyle website, you can will access to videos on explaining how you can lose weight for a healthier body or build muscle if that is your goal.

You will also find great videos showing the best work out programs and exercise routines recommended by Joel Therien. Additionally, Joel provides you a wide range of nutritional supplements that are created to achieve a healthier body and life. The product range on offer is highly diverse to care for the needs of different clients.

Now Lifestyle also offers you a chance to earn money as their affiliate. If you are new to affiliate marketing and making money online by promoting other people’s products, I recommend checking out the following articles that I have created to help you (NOTE: I teach people daily to earn more money with affiliate marketing.)

  1. Affiliate Marketing For Dummies – It is Simple That you Think!
  2. 5 Awesome Examples of Affiliate Marketing Websites
  3. The Best Way Get Started With Affiliate Marketing
  4. The Best Affiliate Marketing Training Program

If you are able to successfully attract new clients to their platform, you can earn bucket loads of money from all your referrals. If your referrals purchase any items on offer, you also receive a commission for those referrals.

Unlike some affiliate companies that pay peanuts, Now Lifestyle platform offers hefty commissions to their affiliates. More details about affiliate commissions further…

This platform also offers businesses an innovative way to expand, grow sales and improve visibility to prospective customers. As a member, you can acquire online marketing tools and online lead generator to drive more customer traffic towards your business enterprise. The automation tools on offer guarantee that only genuine potential customers will contact your business enterprise.

One of the greatest tools that they provide included in a membership is an email autoresponder. That is a tool that helps you to make money with email marketing passively. In the other words, you just need to set up everything once and it will make money to you while you are sleeping.

That’s why I use autoresponder daily. I set up campaigns that generate me money for years to come.

How to Join New Lifestyle?

If you are seeking to gain access to the benefits offered by this platform, you should first go online and search for On opening the company’s website, you will be able to see a detailed overview of what this platform is all about.

The next step is opening a free account that enables you to see what you can access as a member of this platform. All you need is to have a current working email and a stable internet connection to stream content. The sign up is easy and takes less than 10 seconds.

After creating a free account with Now Lifestyle, you will land on a page where they immediately try to sell you the program premium membership for $9,95/month. Don’t worry, you can just close this window and log in with the free account that you’ve just created.

When choosing the membership plan, you should be guided by your needs. With Now Lifestyle, you only need to pay for what you need or want to use.

Premium membership will naturally give you an access to more training and videos than a free membership. You can always cancel your membership plan, upgrade or choose an all-new plan whenever you want. With this platform, the choice is in your hands at all times.

Now Lifestyle Pricing & Products

Getting started with Now Lifestyle premium is fairly cheap, only $9,95/month. However, don’t think that it’s the only product they’re trying to sell you. The price range is usually dependent on the products you are seeking from this platform.

Payment plans are typically renewed on a monthly basis. Payment can be remitted easily through multiple platforms accredited by the company. We will now discuss the plans on offer for the products available on New Lifestyle.

  • 1.The Health and Wellness Membership Plan

When joining this platform, you are asked to provide details that will help the platform to create a personalized and customized fitness plan for you. The platform usually provides content that takes into account your current condition and your desired goals.

This plans will also offer you a personalized diet that will be based on the foods you have access to. You will also receive educative content on nutrition for you and your loved ones. For maximum health, top trends for ensuring better health are shared daily on this platform. Additionally, you also get direct calls health coaching through calls on a weekly basis.

To subscribe to this plan, you need to cough up USD 24.97 every month.

  • 2.Autoresponder and Business Automation Plan

If you are or you want to be a business owner seeking to generate leads towards your business for more sales, this plan is targeted towards you. With this plan, you can pre-screen potential customers to ensure only genuine clients are directed to your business.

With this plan, you can use templates to create quickly a wide range of landing pages to get more people to your offers. Additionally, you also get mail follow-up to help you to boost your sales and profits.

This plan costs USD 24.97 each month.

  • 3.Membership Plan for Resellers

Now Lifestyle platform offers a wide range of nutritional products. You can choose to earn money by paying for the reseller membership plan and promoting their products to the other people. With this plan, your earnings typically come from commissions on direct sales and any residual earnings that your affiliates earn.

For any direct sales on nutritional products that you sell through your or affiliate link, Now Lifestyle gives you up to 100% commissions. If members who have joined through your affiliate link make sales, you can get up to 50% commission.

The commissions that Now Lifestyle offers are certainly some of the biggest in the industry. They’re selling so many products to their customers so they can give you high commissions especially for the digital products that don’t require any more extra costs from them.

Now Lifestyle offers uses a pre-made marketing program that is designed to give you all the essentials needed to guarantee that you earn as much as possible. Is it the best one in the industry?

Well, my #1 recommended training for making money online is Wealthy Affiliate. It has educated +1,500,000 people to make money online since 2005 while Now Lifestyle was just founded recently in 2017.

As a paid member of Now Lifestyle, you also get free training twice a week. Now Lifestyle pays commissions on a monthly basis.

To get access to all the benefits of this Resellers plan, you only to pay USD 24.97 upfront This platform offers great discounts to existing members and potential members. If you are a new or existing member, you can upgrade your plan to incorporate all the products offered by New Lifestyle.

4 Ways To Make Money With Now Lifestyle

If you are a paid member of the Now Lifestyle reseller program, there are several ways how you can make money by promoting their products. Let’s go through each way one by one.

  • 1. Earn Commissions on Your Direct Sales

For any sales that you make directly, you are usually given up to a 100% commission. The commission that you will earn typically depends on the product that you sell.

They can obviously provide 100% commission only for the products that don’t cost them much to maintain or product (=digital products).

  • 2. Earn By Making Referrals

If you invite potential customers and they subscribe to any New Lifestyle product, the platform usually gives you up to a 50% commission on any plan that your affiliate and their affiliates subscribe to. The more paying members you are able to attract to the platform, the higher your payout.

  • 3. Bonus Commissions (Network Marketing Side)

This commission model is based on a pyramid as used in the network marketing. The commission earnings take into account the commission of your affiliates and their referrals. With this binary commission model, there is no limit to the amount you can make each month.

To earn from the binary commission cycle, you must first refer at least two members who have an active subscription account. Additionally, you should also have an active marketing tool subscription with the minimum amount described in the site.

  • 4. Earn Commissions From Backend Products

The backend products on New Lifestyle can change. In order to make earnings from these products, you must first purchase them and then promote them to prospective clients. The most common backend products on New Lifestyle include:

  1. Now Lifestyle Retreat
  2. Now Lifestyle Certification
  3. Mastery in Email Marketing

If you purchase any of these products and make a direct sale, you can cash in a commission of up to 50%. If your affiliates make a sale, you can earn up to a 5% commission.

The drawback for you as a customer is that some of these products cost even $1,000’s. The way Now Lifestyle makes most of their money is not with the initial $9,95/month offer. They make the biggest money by upselling tons of products in the back end.

If you don’t want to get sucked up in that kind of “upselling party”, I recommend checking out my #1 recommended business opportunity in the button below because they have 0 upsells.

Benefits Of Joining Now Lifestyle

Now Lifestyle affiliates say,

“As a subscriber to this platform, you can gain access to a lot of benefits at almost no cost. By becoming a fully paid member, you usually gain access to even more services at the lowest cost in the market. Additionally, you can also earn the highest commission rates in the industry.”

Let us now look at some of the major benefits attached to each membership plan on this platform.

  • 1. Health Membership Plan

Easy access to content designed to help you live a healthier lifestyle. Here’s what it includes:

  • Customized weight loss program designed just for you.
  • Complimentary programs for your close family.
  • The complimentary programs can help you and your loved ones’ bond over fun exercises.
  • Weekly calls that offer coaching from a proficient nutritionist and fitness expert to help you monitor your progress.
  • Nutritional diet designed for you personally. The diet is usually designed to help you achieve your goals quickly and effectively.
  • Gain access to a wide range of nutritional products that can help you achieve your health and fitness goals faster.

As you can see, a membership gives an access to quite many different tools within the platform. But that’s not their only product/focus. They also highly encourage you to become their affiliate and earn money by promoting their own program.

  • 2. Earn Money As An Affiliate

You ca earn money by simply promoting products displayed offered on the Now Lifestyle website. You need to bring traffic to Now Lifestyle and let their system to do the sales for you. You’ll earn commissions for all the products that your referrals buy.

  • 3. Business Automation and Marketing Plan

Here’s what Now Lifestyle aims to provide you with this offer:

  • Increase customer base of your business without making a lot of effort.
  • Check how your website is performing and improve it by using the tools offered by Now Lifestyle
  • Get pre-screened customers who are genuinely interested in accessing the services you have to offer.
  • Access to easy-to-use template and banners.

You can acquire all these benefits at once by choosing an all-inclusive membership plan. A comprehensive plan usually comes at a very enticing discount. You should remember if your is more expensive, you will gain access to more benefits.

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Cons Of Now Lifestyle

As with any product or system in this world, Now Lifestyle isn’t a perfect system either. This platform has  few disadvantages. We will highlight some of the cons identified through the feedback of customers.

  • You must pay monthly or annual fees to get access to the most of the content on offer on However, they have also a Free Trial Available!
  • There are lots of upsells within the platform.
  • Many people think that network marketing is a bit controversial business model.

Is Now Lifestyle A Scam Or Legit?

On the web, there a lot of platforms that claim to offer value to members at low costs. Some internet platforms are not genuine and it can be hard for a new member to identify what is genuine and what is a scam. This is because the web can easily be manipulated by unscrupulous entrepreneurs seeking to take advantage of unsuspecting customers.

Without a doubt, is one of the few genuine platforms that pay you for helping yourself. Since inception, this platform has served thousands of satisfied clients globally. By going through reviews and feedback left online by past and existing clientele, you will be able to come to the conclusion that is not a scam.

Conclusion – Is Now Lifestyle Worth It?

Yes and no.

Now Lifestyle business is worth it for you if you know how to make sales and promote online. If you don’t have any idea of marketing, selling or promoting, I think that Now Lifestyle is not the best option for you.

Nowadays the old-school strategies are not effective anymore as before. With old-school strategies I mean

  1. Door-to-door selling.
  2. Prospecting strangers in the shopping malls.
  3. Arranging home parties.
  4. Etc.
  5. => These are Ineffective strategies!

The good news is that there are much more effective strategies available thanks to the Internet. I’ve learned to use the Internet to make passive income by promoting any products I want.

It gave me a financial freedom and nowadays I am helping also other people to achieve the same. Below are a few pictures from my travels around the world.

Making money online has enabled me to travel around the world and it can enable you as well! 🙂 Read My Ultimate Guide To Get Started.

In order to help you to achieve the same, I have created for you a comprehensive +9,000-word Ultimate Make Money Online Guide.

You can read it for completely free even without giving any email address or anything.

Currently, my mission is to help as many people as possible to learn to make money online and I am sure that my Ultimate Guide will help you to get started.

Just click the button below to read it for free.

If you follow the strategies that I teach you in the guide, you will surely succeed with Now Lifestyle (or any other business that you’re interested in).

Now I have shared my thoughts and opinions and I would love to hear from you.

What kind of experiences do you have with Now Lifestyle or other products from Joel Therien?

Are you already making a good income with network marketing?

Would you like to learn the BEST strategy to make money online?

Let me know in the comments below! 🙂

If you have any questions, just leave a comment below and I will be more than happy to help you out.

I want to make sure that you start earning money online if that’s your goal. I’ve helped +3,000 individuals to get started and I’m excited to help YOU as well.

By Roope Kiuttu

Hello! I am Roope "Robert" Kiuttu, the founder and owner of I created this website back in 2015 to help you to make money online. You can ask me anything and I'll be happy to help you out. I help people daily to make more money online and I love seeing people succeeding. If you want to get my 1-on-1 support and help to make money online as well, get started HERE.

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