Today I am going to tell is Lotto Magic a scam. It claims to be a very easy way to make money online. I will explain if it’s easy or not. At the end of this Lotto Magic review, I will also show a way how I am making money online every month.
Lotto Magic Review
Name: Lotto Magic
Founded: 1996
Field: Lotto Systems
Price: $25-240 per month
Overall Ranking: 5 out of 100
What Is Lotto Magic?
Lotto Magic is an online lottery membership club. When you join the Lotto Magic, you will get part of the group’s lottery winnings, and sometimes you will win even though you would lose the lottery round. How is that possible?
Well, because Lotto Magic is a pyramid scheme. The higher you are in the pyramid (=the earlier you join, OR the more you pay), the more you will earn. Those who come in the last practically give their money to those who have joined before, and they hope that more people will join.
If nobody joins the club after them, they will just lose their money. Of course, they can win something from the lottery, but we all know that in the long run, you can’t beat the lotto.
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Lotto Magic Memberships Captains and Players
Like in any pyramid scheme, there are different kind of levels that you can join.
You can choose either become a Player or a Captain. Who wouldn’t like to become a captain? It has a nice ring to it. 😉
Then there are three levels of both memberships:
1.Team Player $25 / Team Captain $50
2.Power Player $60 / Power Captain $120
3.Mega Player $120 / Mega Captain $240
As you can guess, mega player/captain has a stronger position than just a team player/captain. But the other side of a coin is that the membership fee is much higher for a mega level.
The prices that you can see above are only monthly costs. So for a Mega Captain membership, you would be paying $240/month which equals to $2880/year. That’s a huge amount of money for a pyramid scheme. I would be happier to invest it into a real online business training that can make me a living.

How to Make Money on Lotto Magic?
You can make money in Lotto Magic in the same way like in other pyramid schemes: by referring other people to join. Then they will also pay these high membership fees, and you will earn commissions. Lotto Magic founders are motivating you on their website that you can quickly earn a Mega Captain membership just by referring two more people to become Mega Captains.
But what if new people stop coming in?
That’s the big question. Then you will just keep on paying Lotto Magic membership fees and founders keep on earning money from you. That doesn’t sound fascinating.
But What About Beating the Lotto?
I am not even 100% sure if founders are using membership fees for the lotteries. They write on their website that “All tickets are purchased by us and are kept at the home office in a fire-proof safe.”
It means that you can’t choose the lotto numbers or affect to winnings. They will run the show, and you will just keep on paying the fees. It’s not something that I would like to join. I prefer to “run the show” by owning my online business and building it up as I want. You can also learn to make money in the same way with this proven method. (Psst! You can start for 100% free.)
Beating a lotto is not even a realistic idea. I have talked about it already on many other posts if you have been following us for a longer time. In the lottery, the house always wins, right? So who loses then? The player. The more lottery tickets you buy, the more money you will lose.
I have never seen a program that could honestly beat the lottery. All lotto systems (they are many) that I have reviewed have been scams. I would recommend you to stay far away from such programs. They promise you the moon from the sky, but the only thing they give you is an empty pocket.
Pros & Cons
- Easy to see that it’s a scam
- The idea of beating lottery is not very realistic
- What if new members don’t join?
- Expensive membership fees
- Typical pyramid scheme
Conclusion – Is Lotto Magic a Scam?
Yes, it’s a scam. Okay, you can make money by joining Lotto Magic program and by referring other people to come in but is that business model very legit? What is the value that you are providing? If you ask for money, it’s usually wise to provide some value for the buyer. In this case, the only thing you would be giving is a hope of more money. But that hope is not very real.
But if you are really hoping to make money online, I have happy news for you. I know a way to make money online, and I can teach you how. You don’t need to refer anyone. You can do what you love and work with your passion. Does it sound too good to be true? Maybe. But it’s 100% true.
I want to say that this system is not a get-rich-quick scheme or a push button to riches. It works like this:
1.Build a website (nowadays you can do it even in 30 seconds without any prior knowledge with my dead easy instructions)
2.Write about the thing you like (can be traveling, dogs, babies, tennis, playing guitar or anything)
3.Leave links to products that are related to your subject (pampers, dog food, tennis rackets, guitars, hotel booking website, etc.)
4.Earn commissions from your visitors.
That is a simple formula of making money online. Is it profitable? Yes. The best in the world are making millions with this strategy, and even ordinary people are making $10,000/month.
I offer you 10 interactive video lessons, 2 websites and my 1-on-1 mentoring for FREE.
Learn more here!
Lotto Magic at a Glance…
Name: Lotto Magic
Founded: 1996
Field: Lotto Systems
Price: $25-240 per month
Overall Ranking: 5 out of 100
Have you tried Lotto Magic or any other lottery system?
System like this only makes a person poorer. The gain is definitely not enough to compensate for the losses. Overtime, your losses will accumulate and the possibility of winning everytime you enter is very low. This is the reason I avoid this kind of system. I don’t see why people still enter and pay for this kind of system. This is only scamming people.
Only few people are fortunate to win on lottery but mostly failed. It only contributes laziness to society. The life of being unproductive. I’d rather work than joining lottery. Stay away from vices. Happy Sunday. God bless.
Wise words from you Jelineex.
The name of this particular lotto system, which is Lotto Magic, should give anyone that is concerned about making money online to see that this is not definitely the right move to take. I mean how can I invest up to $200 on a lotto system with the hope of winning millions whilst they are many crying of lost investments from it.
Yeah. As we discussed with you under other lotto system reviews, I think that all these “magical lotto systems” are just waste of time and probably scams 😀
I would choose not to tag them outright scams as there are people that wins while playing it, but the only difference is that the percentage is quite low that everyone becomes worse off at the end of the day. So, it is not a good means of trying to make money.
Haha, I like what you listed as a pro! Savage bro!!
Yeah 😀 I’m glad you liked.
I always view any sort of pyramid scheme or lottery as a scam and whatever money earned is highly based on luck. Can’t agree more with you on website affiliating. I recently just started doing the same and it is a really good way to earn some extra income. Converting time into money efficiently.
Hi Benjamin,
it seems that there are surprisingly many lotto scams and pyramid schemes. I have reviewed some of them on and I have noticed that all of them are advertising the same thing, “Get rich quick with our system! No work required.” If somebody says that, don’t believe him.
Affiliate marketing is very fast growing business worldwide. Every year the turnover of affiliate marketing is growing rapidly because people are buying more things on the Internet. Why not to have your own share of that turnover? 🙂
Wealthy Affiliate teaches how affiliate marketing works and how anyone can create a successful online business. It’s not an easy way to riches but it’s a wonderful opportunity.
It’s amazing that there is such a high demand to get something for nothing that these scams can continue to happen. This is such an obvious scam that it’s like they have a sign “We are stealing your money so please send us more money.” I don’t understand how people continue to fall for these things.
Maybe it’s the fact that they associate this with the lotto. Some people may see that as being legit.
Hi Steve,
you are right that it’s interesting and strange that people fall into scams. I think it’s because of the lack of education. It’s always important to make some research about the program before investing money. Maybe some people think, “Well, it’s only $20 or something like that. It’s only a pocket money for me. Why wouldn’t I give it a try.”
But then, why don’t the same people give a try to Wealthy Affiliate which is 100% legit way to make money online? Who knows. Maybe they will because it’s totally free to get started and many people are making huge money there.
It’s a real shame that person people think they can make money through a system like this. It’s not even cheap when you look at the annual cost. I think this system preys on desperate people or eternal optimists, believing that something is going to work for them. The reality is that you are more likely to start your own successful business than you are to win any lottery.
Hi Daniel,
you are right their annual fee is even quite expensive. And the value they provide is close to zero. It’s much better to look for other ways to make money online than desperately trying to beat lottery or joining pyramid schemes.
Gladly Wealthy Affiliate has trained many people to become online entrepreneurs and to have a financial freedom.