Is John Chow a Scam Or Will He Make You a Millionaire? See My Review!

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John Chow Review – Quick Summary

Name: John Chow

Product Types: Internet Marketing And Make Money Online Programs

Prices: Expensive Products with Tons of Upsells

Best for: People Who Want to Pay $10,000’s for an Average Rating That Could Be Bought for Less Than $1/Day Elsewhere

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Summary: John Chow is without a doubt an extremely successful Internet marketer. He has made millions of dollars by selling super-expensive courses on MOBE.

Personally, I find his strategies a bit unethical and that’s why I can’t buying stuff from him. He promotes courses that costs tens of thousands of dollars but aren’t better than much cheaper courses like Wealthy Affiliate.

Who Is John Chow?


How Does John Chow Make Money?

John Chow – MOBE Promotions


John Chow Products

John Chow Net Worth


How Does Cash App Work





Conclusion – Is XXX Worth It?

4 step process for making money online

What kind of experiences do you have with xxxxx?

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By Roope Kiuttu

Hello! I am Roope "Robert" Kiuttu, the founder and owner of I created this website back in 2015 to help you to make money online. You can ask me anything and I'll be happy to help you out. I help people daily to make more money online and I love seeing people succeeding. If you want to get my 1-on-1 support and help to make money online as well, get started HERE.


  1. Nobody makes nobody anything. Its us and only us. These courses are only to show the way. We have to walk ourself. If we fall down, loose stamina or just stumble somewhere, is it the fault of these kind of courses?

    People fail to understand that these courses are not magic keys. In my opinion, I found lot of value in this course.

    1. Well, that’s one way to look at things. There are +4 BILLION people online and a major part of them is spending money online. Only a tiny part of them all is using the Internet to make money. So I believe that there IS enough money online to be made like John Chow does.

      “Anybody can but not anybody will.” -Jim Rohn

      Building a sustainable income online requires work. Many people aren’t willing to put in the work. By the way, have you checked out my Ultimate Make Money Online Guide?

  2. Pleasant weekend to you, Boss Roope.

    In as much as I agree that John Chow must have made fortunes as an internet marketer, the era of charging people that high for some courses that won’t fetch you bigger returns is gone. I wish he can do some reviews of his prices in order not to rob people of their money teaching them things that doesn’t cost much. Also, using the method of promising heaven on Earth to his students is not the better way to make his courses.

  3. Most people, I’m not saying all of them, that say that you can earn around +40,000 USD/per month are guaranteed to either fool you and take your money for their course or will actually try to teach you something but won’t actually deliver what they promised. I never had experience with John Chow, as a matter of fact, this is the first time I hear about this guy and his program.

    I agree with you that wealthy affiliate is better. It is much cheaper and you can learn a lot more.

    1. Yeah, I have also noticed that most people who give huge promises online are scam artists or at least shady marketers. That’s why it’s always good to take such promises with at least a bit of a grain of salt.

      1. That’s the point and I sometimes wonder the reason they behave in such manner. I mean you can’t just expect things to work that easily without you putting the needed work. It is necessary we detect the tricks used by such scam artists.

  4. It’s always important that when looking at going into any form of investment that requires money, it’s paramount to research on all the variables and alternatives that such investment encompasses and check the option that offers good value for the money that you are going to pay. So therefore, comparing the value and price worth of MOBE to Wealthy Affiliate, I believe that the latter is better a deal for one’s money.

    1. Yes, definitely. Wealthy Affiliate deal is just a no-brainer especially for anyone who is a beginner with making money online. Their yearly membership is only $359/year which means that it’s less than $0,98 per day. Many people in Finland spend +$100 just for a special dinner outside which would cover 3-4 months of premium on Wealthy Affiliate.

      My friend Jerry just recently wrote an article, “How to Make Money Online with NO Money Down?” where he was wondering how much people spend on all meaningless stuff but are not willing to invest a single penny towards their business or making money in general.

      1. That’s so very true about how people tend to be free and quick to spend huge amount of money on meaningless things that are not necessary or won’t have any long-term benefits for them. But when it comes to investing smaller amount as compared to what they easily use on things that are fleeting, they would reluctant to do so.

  5. Anything shady cannot be trusted. The scariest thing about it though is that despite tons of available online resources covering the ins and outs of internet marketing, many people still get fooled. Various unethical schemes by some people in this field have mushroomed since it started.

    It’s not to say that what John Chow is doing isn’t exactly right, but there must be something to his program that has gained him that much leverage that sort of justifies the exorbitant pricing. Okay, enough said about this program. It’s obviously a NO. Funny thing about these so-called program “coaches” though is that based on personal experience, they’re more of upsellers than actual coaches.

    1. That’s true. In my opinion, it’s a bit misleading in MOBE that they call those people coaches even though they clearly are salespeople who are trying to sell you always the next product and upsell.

      Actually, for MOBE affiliates they say that those people are salespersons but for their prospects MOBE tells that they are coaches. Quite unethical in my opinion…

  6. I’ve seen this guy all over the internet especially on Youtube. He promises people from all over the world that he can make them rich wherever they are from in the world. I don’t understand why people promise other people they will earn a certain amount. You just shouldn’t do that especially in affiliate marketing where income depends on effort and skills.

    1. Good points my friend!

      I think that making such bold claims entices more people to join the program. We could also think that he is “encouraging” people to achieve their greatest potential. I agree with him that anyone, anywhere in the world can make a fortune online with hard work and willingness to learn.

      Will anyone become rich online? No. Can anyone become rich online? Yes. Most people can but most people won’t. I think it’s just one of the mysteries of life. Anybody can but not anybody will.

  7. So john chow is a possible scammer? Maybe the money he shows to the citizen is just a show money isn’t? Sorry for being a judge mental but this is what I feel for him. Guys as long as possible don’t invest to those unsure business specially online. Always think twice. Always consult experts.

    1. No, you misunderstood. John is not a scam artist because he’s very rich. He is just promoting very expensive products that I don’t find so valuable. That’s why I recommend being careful with him but he’s not a scammer.

      1. Oh, So John chow is definitely not a scam, but the only thing why you told us to avoid investing or applying on him its because the product that is supposed to be sell or promote by those who joined is very expensive products so the consumers will not patronize it because of its price.

        1. Yes, and I don’t completely agree with all of his marketing methods. Sometimes feels like he’s just trying to make himself rich rather than helping others.

          1. Maybe that is the reason why most of the people thought that John Chow is a scam artist. Honestly some of the people will really try to invest in it if they will not see this kind of blog about the expensive products of john chow, because those investors will definitely be sales talked.

            And at last, after those members invested they will realize that it is quite impossible to sell their products because of it expensive price. That is why every one must see this blog first, so they will think if investing on John Chow is really worth it.

  8. I have never heard of John Chow and his Internet Marketing And Make Money Online Programs. Now that I know John Chow actually makes a ton of money by doing internet marketing and has a program to help people make money online, will I buy his program. My response is NO. One of the reasons why I do not want to buy John Chow’s products is fees. I cannot imagine to spend 10K to learn something that is either available as free or can be learned by paying a small fees.

    1. Yes you’re right. John has also YouTube channel and a blog where he shares lots office ideas and principles for completely free. I think that’s a better approach than buying his expensive courses. Of course, on his blog and on his YouTube channel is constantly promoting his products but that’s natural.

      1. Because of tons of money he has earned and has created an impact on the online marketing, I think there is something that we can learn from his shrewdness in this field. However, although he’s got great knowledge, his name was tainted with previous association with a scam company. In my opinion, I will not spend a penny and just access his other platforms for free like Youtube. I’ll just take the good and leave the bad.

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