Is Endless Xpressions a Scam? No, It’s Not But…

is Endless Xpressions a scam
Some examples of their products

Endless Xpressions Review – Is Endless Xpressions a Scam?

Name: Endless XpressionsEndless Xpressions
Price: Around $49 to get started
Founder: Kristine Street

Overall Rank: 40 out of 100 (Check Out My #1 Recommendation. 98 Out of 100)

What is Endless Xpressions?

Endless Xpressions is an MLM company that is selling women’s products. They have several different products which include

  • Clothes
  • Jewelry
  • Handbags
  • Coloring books
  • Footwear
  • And more products are coming (even some men’s products)

Endless Xpressions differs from many other MLM companies that I have reviewed because they have some useful products (unlike Elite Marketing Pro, Phoenix Power Rising, and many others).

Their products are not ultimately expensive and this opportunity seems much better than most of the MLM systems.

=> Tired of MLMs? Try My #1 Recommendation to Make Money Online!

How to make money in Endless Xpressions?

Making money in Endless Xpressions is simple (but not easy!).

There are two ways

1.Direct Selling

In Endless Xpressions, you will earn 30% commission for all the products that you sell. If you sell, for example, a bracelet for $10, you will make $3.

When you sell ten bracelets for $100, you earn $30.

NOTE: You Need to make at least one sale per month to continue with Endless Xpressions.

2.Commissions from Downlines

Like in all of the MLM systems, you can also earn commissions from your downlines.

In this system, you will receive 5% on your first level of downline and 3% for the second tier.

Let’s say for example that the person you invited sells the products for $100. Then you will earn $5 as commissions.

The more people you invite and the more they sell, the more you will earn.

A positive side in Endless Xpressions is that the reward system is quite simple. You don’t need to learn complicated systems how to earn from the sixth downline like in some other MLM systems.

Endless Xpressions commissions
Earn money from the downlines (Click the Image to make it large)

Who is Endless Xpressions For?

Endless Xpressions is mainly targeted for the women. Of course, men can also join the system and make money, but most of the products are targeted for women.

If you believe that you have excellent sales skills or if you are willing to learn, you can try it.

First, you can explore their products on their website. If you are not into women’s clothes, jewelry, and other related products, I think that this is not for you. But if you are using that kind of products yourself this could be one option to make money.

But remember that earning money in Endless Xpressions requires lots of work and selling.

Endless Xpressions is quite a new company (founded in 2014), so people don’t automatically trust them as much as the older and bigger companies like Amazon and Ebay.

3 Ways to Getting Started

You don’t need to pay millions to get started. There are three options: Basic Kit, Middle Kit, and Full Kit.

I will explain they mean and what you will get with each of these kits.

1.Basic Kit.

Basic Kit the cheapest way to get started, only $10. But in this kit, you only get the website and not any products that you could sell. According to my logic, you are forced to start from the second or the third one to make some real money.

2.Middle Kit

If you start with the Middle Kit, you will be given the website and products to sell. The cost of the Middle Kit is $49. Not too expensive if you compare to many other MLM systems where your monthly fee can be even $200.

is Endless Xpressions a scam or legit

3.Full Kit

If you want to get the fastest start with Endless Xpressions, Full Kit is for you. It costs $99 and you will get the website, products to sell and other materials to help you to get started.

If you start in Endless Xpressions I would recommend starting with the Middle Kit or the Full Kit because with the basic package you get only the website but not the products.

Is There a Comprehensive Training in Endless Xpressions?

To the question if they have any training in Endless Xpressions, they have answered:

“Yes, we have a Corporate Facebook group designed to help representatives, share graphics, documents, training, announcements and more! We also will be holding corporate training calls and offering more training tips in the future.”

In reality, it means that their FB-group equals more or less to their “training.”

To succeed in MLM business, you need to become a good salesperson. You will need to sell lots of products or convert many people to join the system and earn money when they make sales.

If you don’t have much prior experience of selling it can be quite challenging. I know that you can learn anything you want, but I just want to make clear that any MLM system is not a fast way to riches.

One drawback in Endless Xpressions is that they don’t provide comprehensive training on how to sell the products more efficiently.

There are some resources to help you to get started but probably, not enough for the beginners.

For the beginners, the idea goes like this: we throw you into the sea and let’s see if you can swim (=sell). Most people sink (=end their business), but some persistent learners manage to learn without the excellent training.

Products in Endless Xpressions

Do you know why I don’t like most of the MLMs?

The products are overpriced! If you go to the local store, you can find an entirely similar product for $5 while MLM system is selling it for $50. They are selling ordinary stuff with the luxury prices.

I was surprised that the prices in Endless Xpressions are not so high. You can find the products for entirely reasonable prices.

There are no handbags for $100 or $200. Of course, some are more expensive than the others, but that is just natural.

is Endless Xpressions a scam
Some examples of their products (click the image to make it larger)

Pros & Cons


  • Useful Products
  • Not very expensive
  • Simple compensation plan
  • Reliable system


  • No comprehensive training
  • You don’t own your business (MLM system)
  • Probably very challenging without prior experience of selling

My Final Opinion of Endless Xpressions

Endless Xpressions is not a scam, and it surprised me positively. After reviewing many of the MLM scams, I was expecting something worse, but after researching their system I found out that it’s not so bad at all.

Still, Endless Xpressions is not a way to easy money, and you need to be ready to sell a lot.

I believe it could be quite challenging to earn a full-time income with Endless Xpressions but selling their products as a hobby can be an option.

I prefer affiliate marketing because the potential to earn passive income is much higher, and I can sell whatever products I want. In other words, I don’t need to have own products.

There is also a step by step training on how to get started in affiliate marketing and I believe it’s easier for the beginner that “jumping to the sea” with MLM system.

If you are interested in learning to make money online you can start the training for free today.

Endless Xpressions at a Glance…

Name: Endless Xpressions
Price: Around $49 to get started
Founder: Kristine Street
Overall Rank: 40 out of 100

VERDICT: OK system but not the easiest way to make money.

I hope you find this review useful and it helps you to decide whether or not to try Endless Xpressions.

Do you have experience with Endless Xpressions or with the other MLM systems?

Leave the questions and the comments below and I will be more than happy to respond.

By Roope Kiuttu

Hello! I am Roope "Robert" Kiuttu, the founder and owner of I created this website back in 2015 to help you to make money online. You can ask me anything and I'll be happy to help you out. I help people daily to make more money online and I love seeing people succeeding. If you want to get my 1-on-1 support and help to make money online as well, get started HERE.


  1. You should update you information regarding Endless Xpressions. We do have training, live chats, cost to join is $5 or $40. We offer a great variety of products, free website, no quotas, and much more. To review what not check my site. I’ve been with the company since they started almost 5 years ago. Support is outstanding. I have worked with many companies in the past 20 years off and on, PartyLite, Avon, Princess House, etc. EX is by far the best company I’ve worked with. Kristine and Admin are there anytime you need them. Our support group is full of information for someone who’s never had a home based business to easily get started. I’ve never had a problem, products are wonderful and affordable for the great quality. I like that we have new products added weekly. They go out of their way to make customers as well as Reps happy.

    1. Thank you very much for sharing your positive experiences with us Cindy!

      I’m glad to hear that Endless Expressions has been a great company to work with?

      By the way, are you using the Internet for making more money with Endless Xpressions?

      If you are interested in increasing your income, I recommend following my Ultimate Guide.

  2. I have to throw in my two cents regarding MLMs. But first…Thank you for this valuable information on Endless Xpressions. Two friends just joined that company, and I wanted to know more about the credibility and structure of the company. So, thank you.

    As for other Direct Selling companies, there ARE GREAT companies out there, but as you said, it’s important to investigate carefully before enrolling with one. I have worked for numerous companies and organizations in my 32 years since graduating from college. Three years ago, I joined Thirty-One Gifts (DS) after thoroughly investigating the company. Of ALL the companies and organizations I have worked with, Thirty-One beats them all.

    YES, if you want to make money in SALES of any kind, you will have to work. There is no such thing as easy money in sales. Thirty-One has reminded me again and again to keep people first, not the money. They have provided un-parallelled training and support. Thirty-One offers high-quality, personalized gifts and the company takes good care of its distributors AND customers.

    Thirty-One distributors would benefit from Wealthy Affiliate’s services, too. I just wanted to make a statement that there are many fantastic Direct Sellers out there. Thanks for your reviews of different companies.

    1. Hi Susan,

      thank you very much for sharing your experiences. I totally agree that there are many fantastic Direct Sellers out there. I haven’t heard of Thirty-One Gifts before but I am going to take a closer look.

      To be honest, I am not very excited about the whole MLM-thing. The system is built in a way that forces to put higher prices for the products. There are downlines, uplines and many hands who want to get the money between a seller and a buyer. If you buy from a local super market, you get most of the time much cheaper product with the same quality.

      I have reviewed tens of different MLMs but I have never found even one where the product prices would be good. Sometimes prices are not so high but I can always find a better price/quality -ration somewhere else than MLMs. That’s my experience about them. I would like to hear how do you see it because you are a seller in MLM.

      Best regards

  3. In reference to Endless Xpressions. I won’t say they are a SCAM but, they are not very honest or business like..

    As a rep, there are a lot of unknowns. It’s left up to you to get answers to your questions. The only way to contact them is through the ticket system (which turned out to be my advantage in the end because I have everything writing) and don’t completely answer the questions you ask

    For me.. I guess they decided they were tired of my questions and, without any notice, pulled my distributorship.. the day before commissions were to be cut. And they still, after repeated messages ignored, have not paid me

    1. Hi Jeannie,

      thank you very much for sharing your experiences. It seems that this company is really not worth it. I am sorry to hear that they were not honest with you. However, your comment will help other people to prevent this company.

      It’s good to make a research about the company when you get involved in something in the future. If you are interested in making money online, have a look at Wealty Affiliate. They are honest in the business.


  4. Steer clear of Endless Xpressions. Their products are cheap made, the owner Kristine is rude and if she doesn’t agree with you she will call you out and cuss you in front of everyone! I was in tears over the way she treated me. Now, I’ve placed my last order and they aren’t shipping it until the very last day in their time frame, just out of spite.

    1. Hello,

      I am sad to hear those experiences. Anyway, thank you for sharing them with us so we can avoid Endless Xpressions. I am becoming more and more convinced that MLM-systems are not worth it.

      Why do people create MLM-systems instead of building a real company? Because MLM is much more profitable for the founders than a business where they need to pay their employees a monthly salary. But for the members MLMs are not good. There are not any guarantees of income. It’s better to have a real job or to create a real business.


      1. Just want to kindly reply.. Never in my years of business have I “cussed” anyone out. I find that very unprofessional and do not adhere to disrespectful behavior. Although I thank those who give honest opinions, I have to disagree with the one above.

        I gladly listen to opinions, suggestions and comments and I am glad to see this thread/post about Endless Xpressions. I do, however have to state that the company itself has P&P (policies) that all Representatives agree too. With that said, we only remove representatives from our system who A: either did not follow policy or B went inactive on their accounts.

        EX is simple internet based company; yet we do have “rules” and policies as every company does.

        Not every experience is going to be perfect for Reps/ network marketers/ affiliates with all companies, but we do like to think of EX as a family based business. On the flip side, we do have competitors – so you never know who tends to write reviews.

        All in all, we are a great team and we have a great group of Representatives who are eager to help customers, other representatives and beyond. We are very proud to have a great network of women (and men) that represent Endless Xpressions

        I thank you Roope for writing an unbiased review on our company.

        1. Hi Kristine,

          thank you very much for your comment and sharing more information of Endless Xpressions. It’s a great honor to have you visiting on my website. I hope all the best for you and I hope that your company brings a great value for your customers.

          I’m sorry to hear if some people say false things about your company.


  5. This reminds me of Avon. I was going to work under them for extra income and then the woman kept hounding me to sign up under her. I don’t like these pyramid schemes. Even though they are considered legal, that is still what they are to me. The only people who really earn good money are the ones that can form large pyramids and sit at the top so it takes A LOT of work. Not my cup of tea but I appreciate the review!

    1. Hi Britanica,

      you are right that MLMs are pyramid schemes and they make the founders rich. Also those who joined at an early stage can become successful. But I think that most of the time MLMs are not worth it. If you want to sell good products, why don’t a person just go to a company and become a seller? Maybe he wants to become his own boss. Then why wouldn’t he build an online business because then he could really be his own boss without MLM system. Nowadays anyone can learn to build an online business in Wealthy Affiliate.

    2. As an Avon Representative, I can assure you that the people “sitting up top” I believe is how you put it, still have to sell to make any sort of income. They only make 3% commission off of their downline and it doesn’t go up unless they are selling massive amounts of product themselves.

      Yes, Avon wants to add more representatives but it is hardly a pyramid scheme. MLM companies are definately not a get rich quick venture, but there is money to be made of you treat it as your own company (which essentially it is minus the costs & hassle & risk of starting a brick and mortar)

      1. Yeah, Avon is probably one of the best MLM-systems. Usually, I don’t like them but Avon is better than the most. They have reasonable prices.

        3% commission is fine if they have tons of people in their downline but probably many of them are able to sell products easily at that point as well.

  6. I completely agree with what you said about MLMs. In my opinion, it’s very difficult to make decent money with them. They get you very motivated by saying you can make good money from home, but once you buy their products, you are left by yourself. I think it’s worse than a normal job because you have no guarantees… You work as if you own the business, if they shut down you go downhill with them. It’s not a wise decision, I will stick with affiliate marketing because the potential is so much higher, and I don’t have to pitch anyone.
    Best wishes

    1. I agree with you Stefan. Instead of selling some overpriced MLM-products I would prefer being a salesperson for a company that pays me regular salary + commission based on my sales. Then I will have a guarantee to get some income and learn selling at the same time. I will be sure also to get support, motivation and training from the company because they want me to sell better to bring more revenue for the company. It’s Win-Win.

      Affiliate marketing is also fun because you don’t need your own products, warehouse or anything. Just an internet connection. In addition, Wealthy Affiliate’s training makes it easy to understand and learn the process.


  7. I thought the MLM pricing comment a bit exaggerated. Not all products can be evaluated on price alone. Product quality, availability, delivery are all part of the price equation. Marimekko products in the U.S. are not cheap, if you can find them. Similar items can be found at a much lower price. My other comment is about the statement that members must stay active. Seems like the company uses the lack of training as a way to eliminate the members who are not successful at selling.

    1. Hi Glen,

      of course, quality, availability and other things affect the price. But what if the quality and the other things are the same? What if the products are just same but the only thing that you should pay 10x price is the MLM brand? I wouldn’t like to do buy so expensive products nor selling that kind of overpriced products to other people.

      If the quality is higher, then the higher price is okay. But in many MLM cases that I have seen high quality is not the real explanation for the very high price.

      That’s a good point of view about their training. Probably very motivated and good salespeople will be motivated to continue.

  8. Very honest article on Endless Xpressions, I agree totally with you on affiliate marketing over MLM’s opportunties. In the past I experimented with MLM’s with little success, I have experienced good success with affiliate programs and like yourself I highly recommend going affiliate programs over the MLM’s programs but whatever you choose research well before committing.

    1. I’m glad to hear that you have enjoyed good success with affiliate programs and I hope that in the future you will do even better! 🙂

      Research before buying is always important. Especially if we are investing lots of money and time for the product.

  9. I have not heard of Endless Xpressions before but from my own personal experience with other MLM, it is tough and not easy to make that extra buck. The thing I hate most with MLM is having to talk and convince people to buy or to join the network. That is why I love Affiliate Marketing. And the best part, we can go global.
    You did a good job in outlining the company’s profile and I am surprised that they don’t provide a good training, something that the company must invest for them to prosper.

    1. You are right WaGreatStuff. It’s not easy to make dollars with MLM systems. Especially, if there’s no step-by-step training provided.

      The benefits of affiliate marketing are obvious

      1.You can easily go global
      2.You can sell literally any products you want
      3.You don’t need to invite people
      4.You don’t need to “sell”, just give valuable information.

      I could continue the list on and on :).

  10. Hi,

    Just read your post on 5 ways to earn cash. I like how you listed the 5 ways to earn cash to entice the viewer to read futher on. You now have the viewers attention and is ready to jump in with both feet.

    I also like the examples you give of websites you can go to for earning cash. I assume each example is an affiliate you are associated with. This gives you five ways to capture the viewer and at the end make a sale.

    Your post can also lead to a future post of the 5 best and worst money making online programs. Just an idea.

    Are you having success with affiliates and how long did it take? I just started a few weeks ago and have not yet incorporated affiliates. WA is a great learning program and I wish I found the site years ago. It’s all timing.

    Great post read. Best of luck to you in the future.


    1. Thank you for the thoughts and the ideas Tim.

      Yes, I am the affiliate for the great products but I guarantee that I will not recommend any products that are not worth it. That’s why I want to give my reviews as transparent as possible.

      Your idea of 5 worst and best money making online programs is a wonderful idea.

      I am improving all the time with the affiliates. I see that the more I work the better results I get.

      I wish you all the best Tim!


  11. Interesting reading. I’ve not heard of Endless Xpressions before, but I usually steer clear of anything that’s MLM. This one doesn’t sound too bad and the entry level is affordable. I think if you like those sorts of “girly” products, it could work if you want to put the time in. I’m like you and prefer affiliate marketing – especially since you can pick your own products. I think MLM selling has become easier with social media, but as more and more people use this route to market I predict it will get more difficult to stand out on those platforms. What do you think? Thanks for sharing this, and I will forward onto a friend who might be interested.

    1. Thank you for the comment Mara.

      Yes, Endless Xpressions is for the people who like selling those products for women. It seems that they are adding some men’s products but the focus is clearly on the “girly” products.

      Social media makes selling easier because it’s easier to reach lots of people effectively. But I think that it requires some social media skills to do it right. The Internet is full of material how to do social media marketing. The proper education makes it much easier.

  12. Your site looks incredible!

    The colors stand out and the text makes perfect sense. When I clicked on View This Page to look at your site, it loaded really quick, and the text flows nicely.

    I think it’s amazing how many companies there are online that tell BIG STORIES about how you can become independently wealthy without the training we are getting, and the general public believes it.

    I’m glad we’re not like that. I am very positive about Wealthy Affiliate and what it offers us.

    Good job!

    1. Thank you very much. I am happy to hear that you like the website.

      You are right. I think they tell those BIG STORIES because they appeal to many people. When someone says, “Hey, listen how I earned $100,000 in one month.” It raises the curiosity. But the problem with that kind of stories is that they are rarely true.

  13. I would like to start off by saying, being a younger kid who does not know a hole lot about MLM’s, i sure know more about them now. Although i have done research of my own over the years, you sure learn to appreciate the little things like finding people like yourself, who are out there to help others better understand the market itself, because in my opinion, not all MLM’s are scams but they do usually take a lot of in depth study and research about that specific business and market.

    Maybe i didn’t dig enough, but my only question would be what do you personally look for when dealing with a new and unfamiliar MLM for the first time?


    1. Hi Daniel,

      I agree with you that not all of the MLM’s are scams. For example, Endless Xpressions is not a scam as I said above.

      In MLM’s, like in any kind of selling, the good products are the most important thing. If the products are good it’s easy to sell and you can do it honestly. But if the products suck, it’s another story. In most of the MLM’s the products are just over-priced and the quality isn’t even better than the products in the local supermarket.

      Another thing is how the compensation plan works. Is it shady or just simple.

      Who are the founders and so on.

      I hope this helps 🙂

      Wish you all the best Daniel!

  14. Enjoyed reading your review about Endless Xpressions, seems like a good way to earn money if you know what you are doing. And I like the products that you can sell such as jewellery, clothes and handbags, definitely something that I would be interested in.
    I think it’s pretty cheap to sign up as well. Though think they should at least provide more sales training, I know you can learn a lot online about selling, but if you are paying money into a program the least they could do is teach you how to sell the products and have update on new techniques once a month
    Thanks for the information

    1. Hi Jenny,

      You are right. Endlless Xpressions can be a considerable way to earn some money. I think it suits best as a hobby because earning full-time income with Endless Xpressions would be quite challenging.

      Step by step training would definitely give more value to this MLM.

      Let me know if you ended up trying Endless Xpressions and how everything works out 🙂

  15. You have what it takes to be prolific writer for any genre you’re unfamiliar with. You have that flow that gives writing pizzazz or bling bling. If I were you, I’d really want to look into getting a job as a freelance writer and see exactly how much potential you have when you find your article published on the Forbes list or IDMB.

    1. Thank you very much for the compliment. I will consider a job as a freelance writer ;). I like writing about the interesting subject and I like to give people new information. It’s probably because I like learning myself and I know how fun it can be learn something new.

  16. It looks like Endless Xpressions is a genuine Multi Level Marketing Company. Not every MLM is a scam, there are many genuine MLM companies that offer some good money making opportunities. The problem is only when someone joins and starts trying to sell to his/her family members and friends only, in a too nagging way.

    1. You are right Sandy. It can be irritating if someone always tries to sell new MLM products for his/her friends. But of course, it selling can be made also in a polite way without nagging others but one has to be sensitive.

      I agree with you that there are some genuine MLM companies out there that offer reasonable products and good money making opportunities.

  17. Hi RKiuttu, You are very crystal clear in your review about Endless Xpressions. Nothing is hidden. People with marketing experience would make huge profits. An investment of $49 is not high enough for anyone willing to find an online business with full potential without getting scammed. As many women love shopping, one can approach easily and make commissions. Home makers who can work hard in their free time can benefit from Endless Xpressions.

    1. Thank you for the comment, Manimekalai.

      Marketing experience is definitely plus if someone plans to start with Endless Xpressions. They have quite a good commission and I think one can make some profit selling their products.

      The products are mainly targeted for the women so I believe the system can be good for women to join. For me as a man I prefer to continue teaching how to make money online with affiliate marketing 😉

  18. I do not like MLM sites. To me they seem really scammy and hard to follow where the heck your money is going to. I much prefer Affiliate Marketing where I sell it, I get a commission and that is it. This varying commissions makes it too easy for you to get ripped off. Maths is not my strong suit but are you saying it will cost you $158 before you have a chance to make any money from Endless Expressions? Some of these things may not be scams but I think they are a bit shady to say the least.

    1. Yes, many of the MLM systems are scams as I have showed here in my reviews but Endless Xpressions seems a bit better. You can get started well with the middle kit which costs $49. You don’t need to buy all of the kits to get started. I can modify that part in the article to make it easier to understand :).

  19. I am really impressed by how much you know about all the different opportunities out there to make money. Your reviews are really thorough and unbiased and give your reader a good idea of what they might be getting themselves into if they joined the system you are talking about. If I come across something in the future that looks like a good online opportunity I will be sure to come to your site to see if you have reviewed it so I can get some quality information.

    1. Thank you Liz, I am very glad that you like my reviews.

      I always want to research thoroughly the program so I can give the unbiased opinion for my readers. It takes time to dig into all these programs but I find it rewarding to warn people from wasting money to the scams and help them to find the better choices.

  20. Sounds like Endless Expressions is a legit company, I am just so down on MLM this day in age. That’s not to say that there are not a bunch of people making tons of money with MLM. I just feel like affiliate marketing is a better way to go. You can reach so many people with the internet these days, simply recommending products instead of selling them out of your garage sounds more appealing to me. Recruiting other people to do your dirty work is not something I like to do either

    1. I totally agree with you Monkey Man that affiliate marketing is a better way to go than MLM. I prefer it too.

      Some MLM system would be somehow interesting to me also if I would find the good products but I haven’t seen any products so far that I would like to sell so much.

      I prefer doing affiliate marketing, thanks to the training in Wealthy Affiliate.

  21. HI there,

    Nice review, normally I am turned off by MLM’s or as soon as that word is mentioned. But this seems to be a very real company with real tangible physical products and, not with aloof prices.

    It does seem, that someone with the right independent niche related website, might actually do quite well using it simply as an affiliate marketing model (30% comission)

    Out of interest how long does their cookie last?

    1. Hi Derek,

      I tend to have the same reaction with MLM’s. There are just so many scam MLM’s that they had made me very skeptical. But Endless Xpressions seems a bit better option.

      You are right. That’s a great idea for someone who is interested in selling their products.

      About the cookies… This is the process of making money their website

      1.Visitor clicks on your link.
      2.The visitors IP is logged and a cookie is placed in their browser for tracking purposes.
      3.The visitor browses your site, and may decide to order.
      4.If the visitor orders (the order need not be placed during the same browser session–cookies and IPs are stored indefinitely), the order will be registered as a sale for you.

      So it seems that the cookie doesn’t last. The visitor needs to make the order right away.

    1. Nice to hear that dctone. I always try to explain everything so simply as I can so everyone can understand what I am talking about 😉

  22. I must say that you do great reviews on the different systems being offered on the market. Most people instantly say if it is an MLM then it is automatically a scam.

    As you point out, not all MIM are scams, but you also bring to light the difficulties of dealing with direct sales and any other issues the company may have from their business plan.

    Great job of staying on top of the facts.

    1. Hi Travis,

      It’s true that many people say that MLMs are scams because most of them are scams. But fortunately not 100%.

      I prefer affiliate marketing because then you don’t need to invite other people but you can just offer the products that people really need and earn the commission. It’s not very easy neither but with the proper education it can be learned and lead to nice profits.

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