1. I joined CEO Movement one year ago and I can’t event express the gratitude and appreciation for this community. Earning online seems a bit scary at the beginning, I was scared too but you simply gotta stat somewhere, I chose CEO and I must say, it’s been an incredible journey, full of ups and downs, it takes work, you don’t become a millionaire over night but that is what makes it real, you have to put effort in and it will pay off, sooner or later!

    I am a real example 🙂

  2. Hi everyone!

    Just wanted to quickly jump on here and give my genuine review about CEO Movement.

    I joined the Movement about 1 year ago and what I’ve seen throughout this year is something I’ve never seen in any other community I’ve been part of.

    I joined the movement as I was searching for an opportunity online that could help me moving from being an off-line business owner to be able to build a successful business online which could give me the freedom to work from anywhere I want to and most of all, be able to spend time with family and friends.

    To say it all the truth, I’m actually writing this right now from Italy after deciding on Sunday to fly out and surprise family we haven’t see for the last 14 months.

    All this have been possible because I decided to make a CHANGE. I decided that my FREEDOM was more important than anything else and this have been so far one of the best decisions I’ve made in my life.

    CEO Movement in one year has transitioned from an ONLINE COMMUNITY to now being an EDUCATIONAL PLATFORM that give you all the tools with step by step tutorials on how to successfully start your own online business.

    An ONLINE business is not different than a normal BUSINESS: you need to put the work in to generate results.
    Overall, the greatest platform I came across and a life changing experience overall.

  3. Hi my name is Jack D Harker!

    I just wanted to take time out today to give my review on the CEO Movement!

    You may not like this review for one reason

    Because its a good review!

    I started my journey back in April 2019

    I joined because i wanted freedom to spend more time with my children, you see my full time occupation is a HGV driver and although the pay isnt the worst its certainly not the best.. ive had to exchange a lot of time for money driving the trucks and i know they is more to life than that.

    When i joined CEO Movement, i came with the mindset of if it earns me money brilliant… if it doesn’t then at least ive tried to improve mine and my families life

    A lot of people think that CEO Movement is a pyramid scheme and so did I when i first started but i also knew working for my boss was a pyramid scheme too but a lot of people don’t realise that

    Because of CEO Movment I have been able to make:

    A weeks wage in one day

    Make money on a airplane (whilst flying to a live CEO Movement event coincidentally)

    Turn over £6700 in one sale!

    All three i never thought I would ever be able to do!

    CEO Movement have also helped me develop as a person

    They constantly promote self development!

    They found a way of getting me a better health with a Fitness course built into the platform

    All in all i think CEO movement ROCKS!

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