How to Make Money Selling Other People’s Products?

LaptopmoneyYou want to make money online? Yes.

You don’t have own products? No.

Is it possible to make income without own products? Certainly Yes!

Four Simple Steps

1.Choose Your Interest. First step is to decide what you are interested in. Do you like sports, arts, music, programming or dogs. I mean your interest can be literally anything. You don’t need to be an expert. But you certainly need to be interested in that theme. 

Okay, let’s say that you are interested in music, more specifically playing guitar. Once you have chosen your interest we can move to step two which is

2.Build a WebsiteBuilding a website is actually very easy and SIMPLE. The process will take probably 30 seconds. You will have a good-looking website which is the foundation of your online business.

You don’t have to know anything about programming or stuff related.


If your interest is playing guitar, your website will be related to that theme. You will be adding information, reviews and other things to your website. I still want to point out that you don’t need to be an expert but interested in that theme. If you are expert guitar player, that’s wonderful but not necessary in online business.Laptop

3.Attract Visitors. Once you have your very own website the next step is to attract visitors to your website. You attract visitors by providing value about your theme.


If your website is about playing guitar you can for example give tips how to practice. You can write reviews of your favorite guitars or link great guitar tutorials from Youtube.

4.Earn Revenue. Once you have your website and some visitors you can start earning revenue. Most easily this works by promoting other people’s products. You “affiliate” products that are related to your website’s theme.

In internet there are millions of different products that you can affiliate.

In your guitar playing site you can affiliate different guitars, guitar equipment, guitar training courses and others. For example in Amazon you can find 1,233,667 results for “guitar”. You can literally run a guitar business by selling Amazon products only. Once someone buys a product from Amazon, you get a commission. Simple?

Commissions Vary But even 80% is Possible From Some Online Products!

In our example your interest was guitar playing. But your interest can be anything in the world. I can assure you that there are affiliate programs for any theme in internet.

Internet is full of opportunities to earn money selling other people’s products. There are thousands and thousands of programs. Some of them provide you little 5% commission but some programs can provide you even 80% commission.

Let’s say for example that you promote a guitar which costs 500$ and you get 10% commission. That makes 50$ into your pocket. But if the guitar is 5 000$ with 15% commission it means 750$ into your pocket. And these numbers are totally realistic.

Just Remember those Four Simple Steps:

1.Choose Your Interest
2.Build a Website
3.Attract Visitors
4.Earn Revenue

Start Today

You can start the process today. I started my journey in Wealthy Affiliate and I can say from experience that it’s the great place to start making online revenue. In Wealthy Affilliate you will learn all the things and details you need to run a successful online business.

In this article I explained you the four steps, four principles of making money online but if you really want to make online revenue you need to go more into detail.

I just want to underline that all you need is the will to start learning.

Start Making Money Selling Other People’s Products Today

By Roope Kiuttu

Hello! I am Roope "Robert" Kiuttu, the founder and owner of I created this website back in 2015 to help you to make money online. You can ask me anything and I'll be happy to help you out. I help people daily to make more money online and I love seeing people succeeding. If you want to get my 1-on-1 support and help to make money online as well, get started HERE.


  1. Hi Roope

    Yes you are right that you need to build your website around a subject that interests you personally. This really helps given you’ll be building a business that is also a lot of fun. We all have plenty of interests to choose from.

    I can certainly vouch that Wealthy Affiliate is one of the best resources online to build a website and a solid business. Excellent read.

    Kind Regards


    1. Thank you for your comment, Michelle!

      The own website is like a foundation for an online business. With a good foundation is much easier to do business.

      Yes, Wealthy Affiliate’s training, support and many other features are priceless!


  2. Interesting stuff – I used to sell ceramics on ebay but in the end I got really sick and tired of all the wrapping and packing ( not to mention the breakages in the post! ). I really like the sound of this affiliate selling – seems like it cuts out the middle man so to speak. Where would one go for the training for this?

    1. Thank you for the comment, Chris! It’s always interesting to hear about people’s experiences on earning money online.

      Yes, affiliate marketing cuts out “the middle man” which is great because then you don’t have to do the wrapping and packing.

      I can fully recommend using time for Wealthy Affiliate’s training . The great thing there is that you can start it for free. You get 10 free lessons and 2 free websites. Also, the premium membership it’s totally the worth its price.

      I want to mention that affiliate marketing requires time and work so it’s not get-rich-scheme. But the reward will be there as you work your butt off like Arnold Schwarzenegger says. 😉


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