Does SEO MasterClass Work? Will It Give You Top Rankings in Google?

Does SEO MasterClass Work? This is the question that a lot of people are asking. It’s certainly created a lot of buzz online and it makes a lot of promises when it comes to optimizing your website for Google. But is SEO MasterClass really as good as advertised? In this review, we’re going to find out the answer.

Does SEO MasterClass WorkName: SEO MasterClass
Price: $17
Field: SEO – Training

What is SEO MasterClass and How Does It Work?

This is an Internet marketing/search engine optimization (SEO) program that aims to teach you everything about SEO. Developed by Luan Henrique, this program costs $17 and consists of several videos, guides, and tutorials that will explain everything you need to know about SEO.

The class can be divided into five parts, all with video modules:

  • An introduction
  • On Page Search Engine Optimization
  • Off-Page Search Engine Optimization
  • How to Out Rank Competing Websites
  • Conclusion

The program also comes with bonus programs such as a VIP Facebook Group, a Q&A Facebook session and a bonus program on how to get more traffic to your website.

Who is SEO MasterClass For?

This program is for those who want their websites to rank higher in Google. People use keywords to find what they want in Google, so having the right keywords – and quality, relevant content – will bring your website right up to the top pages. Since most web users don’t check Google results beyond the first couple of pages, being on page 1 or 2 makes a huge difference in terms of page hits, lead generation and sales.

In other words, if you want people to visit your website and gain in popularity, you need search engine optimization, and you’re a good candidate for SEO MasterClass. While it is aimed mainly at marketers, those who have an online business will also find this useful. If you want to learn how to get ranked on the first page of Google, I recommend starting a free training in Wealthy Affiliate. They will teach how you can drive tons of traffic from Google and monetize your websites.

Another wonderful keyword tool is Jaaxy. The best thing is that you can try it for free!

The Good

  • The videos are detailed and direct to the point. There is no technical words or jargon used, and the videos do a good job of breaking down concepts into digestible chunks of information.
  • The videos explain the difference between on page and off page optimization, backlinks, why links are important, how to produce great content and so on.
  • You will learn the ins and outs of proper keyword use. Today it is no longer good to fill your website with keywords as you’ll be penalized by Google. SEO MasterClass explains why keywords matter in a way that beginners understand.
  • The tutorials are arranged in a progressive manner, so by the time you reach the last videos, you’ll have a solid understanding of what SEO is.
  • The bonus products and videos are free.

It seems like SEO MasterClass is indeed a master class when it comes to optimizing websites. There’s no doubt this program has benefits, but there are some shortcomings and issues you have to be aware of.

The Bad

  • Very Little Reliable Independent Information: yes, you’re going to find a lot of so-called SEO MasterClass reviews online. But most if not all of them are fake. You can tell they’re fake because all the reviewer does is point out the program, all “pros” and no “cons”. These reviews also have links to purchase SEO MasterClass, which says a lot about their objectivity.
  • SEO Information is Available Elsewhere: the information above SEO in the program is accurate, but you can get this anywhere online for free. Why pay 17 bucks when you can Google the info and get it without paying a cent?
  • A lot of the information is probably something you already know. If you’ve been on the web for a while, you already have an idea of how to use links, keywords and how to avoid site spamming.
  • The bonus programs are free but they’re either redundant or useless. These “free bonuses” consist of nothing more than rehashed tips and marketing SEO strategies collected from other websites.
  • The training programs take time to work. No matter what the ads say, it takes time to learn how to make SEO work on your website. It only takes a few seconds to add a link yes, but you’ll need to wait several days or longer to see the results.
  • The way SEO MasterClass is advertised, it’s like you’re going to make a ton of money just by implementing the tips and techniques taught in the videos. That is simply not true. You will learn how to use SEO, but there is no guarantee you will land on page 1 of a Google search.

Apart from the issues we have mentioned above, there is no evidence the techniques offered here have worked. As we have already mentioned earlier, most of the reviews are fake, so you can’t rely on them. If SEO MasterClass really works, why aren’t there more information and testimonials from people who have used it?

The training can provide results, but really, it’s not going to be any different from what you would get using the free resources on the web.

Conclusion – Does SEO MasterClass Work?

The SEO MasterClass is not a bad product, but it is nowhere near as good as claimed. There’s no question that SEO is essential for web ranking and marketing, but the information that SEO MasterClass offers is really nothing new. Worse, a lot of the tips and strategies they offer are available online free.

There are other issues with SEO MasterClass that need to be pointed out. The tips they offer for generating site traffic are okay, but it would be unrealistic to think that you’ll make a ton of money just by applying them, let alone a huge Google rank surge.

A better alternative is Wealthy Affiliate. This isn’t a get rich quick scheme, but aimed at moms, dads, college students, anyone who wants to earn extra income via Internet marketing. It’s free to join and there are thousands of community members who’ll be eager to help you out.

You can ask any questions from successful Internet marketers/online entrepreneurs and they will give personal tips on how to improve your website. In addition, you will get 10 interactive video lessons, 2 websites and my 1-on-1 mentoring for FREE! Why wouldn’t you start today?


Have you used SEO MasterClass, Wealthy Affiliate or some other SEO-training?

Let me know in the comments below! 🙂

By Roope Kiuttu

Hello! I am Roope "Robert" Kiuttu, the founder and owner of I created this website back in 2015 to help you to make money online. You can ask me anything and I'll be happy to help you out. I help people daily to make more money online and I love seeing people succeeding. If you want to get my 1-on-1 support and help to make money online as well, get started HERE.


  1. Hi Roope,
    thanks for a great review of SEO Masterclass! Like you, I don’t see any special benefits with this tool. I was curious though, does it cost $17 or $27, and is it a one time cost, or a monthly fee? It said different prices in the review.

    Jaaxy is a better keyword tool for sure and it’s great that you can try it for free. I did set up an account, but so far I’m satisfied with the keyword tool of Wealthy Affiliate, which you are also mentioning.

    I would recommend bloggers and affiliates to both use the training and keyword tool with WA, so I agree with you totally. Thanks again for a good read!


    1. Hi Stina!

      Thank you for a question. Nowadays it costs $17. I think that the price was before $27 but now they have lowered it.

      Jaaxy is definitely a very powerful and easy-to-use keyword tool. You can learn how to use it in 5 minutes. Then you can find the best keywords in any industry.

      Wealthy Affiliate’s keyword tool is not as comprehensive as Jaaxy but it’s included in the premium membership. I know that many people have achieved success only by using it.

      For example, I found this keyword “Does SEO MasterClass Work” using Wealthy Affiliate’s keyword tool. Now this post is firmly ranked in the top of Google. (Ranking varies between #1 and #5).

      I have achieved many times #1, #2 and #3 rankings on Google with WA’s keyword tool so it’s very powerful.


  2. Thanks for sharing this.

    I have heard of this program before as I have my own website.

    I was struggling in the past to get my website ranked in the search engines and because of this I was getting quite desperate for more information to help me.

    I mentioned this one to a friend of mine who is quite good when it comes to programming and website structure.

    He told me that all of the information in this program (and other programs like it) are nothing special, and most of the information can all be found free if you look around.

    I did just that, and I was surprised at how much training I located without spending a dime.

    My website is now in a lot better position than what it was, and I will keep applying these techniques until it gets to the top!

    While I think this masterclass can help, I do not think it provides a sure fire way to see success. Would I be right?



    1. Hi Chris,

      you are right that SEO Masterclass doesn’t provide 100% sure way to success. Getting ranked on Google requires always very hard work also.

      Even though most of the things can be found for free on the Internet, I have still decided to invest on good training programs and tools because searching the information also takes time. So, for example Wealthy Affiliate training and tools are easily worth it. What do you think?


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