Legendary Marketer Review: It’s Better Than EVER Before!

Legendary Marketer Review 2020 – August Update

I have now used the NEW Legendary Marketer 3.0. for over 14 months.

Based on my experiences it’s definitely worth it.

You’ll learn lots of valuable high-income skills that will help you to make money online.

You can start it now for 100% FREE through my link below:

Get Started Here and Make Your First Earnings in 15 Days!

Legendary Marketer Review – Quick Summary

Product Name: Legendary Marketer

Founder: David Sharpe (a.k.a. Duplicate Dave)

Product Type: World-Class Affiliate Marketing Training Program

Price: Free to Get Started 

Best for: People Who Want to Learn to Build a Successful Online Business

Summary: Legendary Marketer is a world-class affiliate marketing training course created by David Sharpe who has made +$250M in sales online. Legendary teaches you step-by-step how you can build your own online business even without any prior experience.

Is Legendary Marketer Recommended? Yes. Get started below…

UPDATE February 2019:

After the huge Legendary Marketer update, there are now 2 programs that I recommend: Legendary Marketer and Wealthy Affiliate.

Legendary Marketer is now MUCH better than before and it’s my #1 recommendation for many people.

I highly recommend that you try Legendary Marketer out yourself through their 15-day challenge and see if you start making money.

Does Legendary Marketer Work? – See How I Made $3,000 in a DAY!

Recently I made $3,000 in a single day with Legendary Marketer and created the following video to provide you 3 tips how you can also succeed online.

People are really loving this video because currently it has received 25 likes and 0 dislikes. In the other words, everybody who watched the video has found it useful.

Keep in mind that your results with Legendary Marketer can be better, worse or same as mine. I am not giving you any income guarantees but I just show what has worked for me and other people.

It can work for you as well if you take consistent action. Watch the video below now to see how YOU can achieve great results online.

5 Legendary Marketer Success Stories

Before you dive into my comprehensive Legendary Marketer review below, I’d like to give you an opportunity to have a look at what kind of income their members are making.

I’ve collected 5 amazing Legendary Marketer success stories in the video below and one of them is my own experience.

Remember that when you join Legendary Marketer, your results might be better, worse or the same as these guys who make +$21,000/month with this system.

Your results will depend on your own effort and the work you put in.

If you want to maximize your chances of success, get started through any link in this page because then I’ll provide you my 1-on-1 support as a bonus. You can contact me through email or Facebook anytime and I’ll answer 100% of your questions personally.

What Is Legendary Marketer?

Founded by David Sharpe, Legendary Marketer is a significant brand that helps yout build their an online business using affiliate marketing. Legendary Marketer educates people through live events and online courses.

They (Legendary Marketer and its affiliates) also want to highlight that as a member you would be make extraordinary profits even in a short period of time.

Having established 3 successful multi-million dollar companies, David Sharpe is an experienced Internet marketer and knows very well how to sell courses online. He promises that you will be provided with an education platform that will help you as an entrepreneur earn income with your own digital business.

How Does Legendary Marketer Work?

In March 2019, I’ve recorded you the following video where I walk you through step-by-step how Legendary Marketer works. I’m sure you’ll find the video helpful!

Legendary Marketer provides you tons of highly valuable online business training that will teach you to build your online business even without any prior experience.

After signing up to the legendary Marketer, You are taken through 15 steps which help in educating an individual in the process of building a business as a Legendary Marketer. The 15 guides are in form of videos.

In addition, they give you a “coach” and market this feature in the following way:

A coach is then assigned to you, in order to assist you to unlock the rest of the core steps. This coach also remains to be your guide, to help you navigate the process of building a stable online business for yourself. This is what makes Legendary Marketer great, with unique features that are not available in other affiliates markets.

What’s included in The Legendary Marketer?

We all understand that rate of success in trying to make money online is low. The studies show that more than 70% of the people who try to make money online haven’t even eared their first dollar yet.

The major factors are a lack of traffic and a proper step-by-step training. It does not matter what quality products you sell, but if you don’t have visitors to offer your product, you will never make any money.

Dave Sharp says that now he has built a marketing and training system to help overcome this particular challenge. And he really does help.

The training will walk you through everything you need to know to get rolling and build a successful business online.

Legendary Marketer Products

Here’s a short overview about Legendary Marketer Products

The Legendary marketer offers several product lines. The training program is the ‘Legendary Marketer Club’. This one contains resources that trains, educates and helps members grow their digital marketing business and skills. 

Members of this product have access to monthly training and past training with live classes and several other courses.

The ‘Legendary Builder Masterclass’ is another foundational product, with marketing and business strategies for starting and building the digital business. Members here have access to a master class that covers leadership principles, sales skills, lead generation strategies, storytelling, and presentations.

The ‘Legendary Leader Masterclass’ will teach you how to become a leader in a marketplace, expand your brand and dominate. As a member here, you will be trained in the development of the brand, scaling and product messaging strategies that is supposed to enhance the growth of your business. 

You will also have the opportunity to receive interviews and exclusive talks from highly successful leaders from several industries revealing their growth strategies.

The Legendary Marketer also has the ‘Legendary Marketer Mastermind’ is a 3-day live event with cheaper cover for mastermind lead generation. The ‘Legendary Entrepreneur Mastermind’ which is more expensive generally focuses on the overall success of becoming a better person.

Finally, the ‘Legendary Lifestyle experience’ gives one the opportunity to meet with other people sharing similar goals, network and learn more. This happens in an exotic location for 3-4 days.

Is Legendary Marketer a Pyramid Scheme?

No, it’s not a pyramid scheme. They provide a lot of value in the training:

  • Practical Steps to Do Advertising Online
  • Practical Steps to Start Your Online Business
  • Real Knowledge on How to Become a Millionaire
  • Help & Support from Successful Affiliate Marketers
  • Etc.

I even created a comprehensive video to answer the question, “Is Legendary Marketer a pyramid scheme?” 

Watch my video below:

In addition, Legendary Marketer doesn’t have any ‘downline systems’. It’s pure affiliate marketing and has nothing to do with pyramid schemes.

Who Is The Legendary Marketer Meant For?

The program is targeted to anyone who wants to make a living through the internet. As demand for making money online has gone up, many types of online training courses such as ‘Legendary marketing’ have also became relatively popular.

The real fact is that for you to have success in online business, you have to pay for an element known as ‘getting traffic online’. Even with products of Legendary Marketer, you will have to spend more on advertising.

Everyone would want to buy into a dynamic system that has been set up all ready for you. But you definitely have to pay in order to play in this business.

Anyway, if you’re broke I recommend that you continue working in a 9-5 job and quit it only after your online business makes you enough money to sustain your lifestyle.

The Pricing Of All Legendary Marketer Products

Learning and succeeding in online marketing comes at a cost. You anyway needs to invest your time and in most cases some money as well.

Here are prices of some of their most popular products:

  • Legendary Marker 15-day Business Builder Challenge: FREE
  • Legendary Marketer Club costs $30 per month
  • Legendary Builder master class costs $2,500
  • Legendary Leader Masterclass costs $2,500.
  • Other costs include the Legendary Marketer Mastermind for $8,000
  • The Legendary Entrepreneur Mastermind for $12,000

You can decide freely which products you may want to buy. They provide also HUGE discounts for people join through this link.

Legendary Marketer Affiliate Program

Legendary Marketer has an extremely lucrative affiliate program.

I made recently $2,000 within 20 hours with Legendary Marketer. Another $1,000 I made with their affiliate program I made while sleeping.

Anyway, this is not an income guarantee. You’ll need to work yourself to succeed.

I will share you all the best tips to make money with (or without) Legendary Marketer when you join today here.

Take a look at my video of the Legendary Marketer Compensation plan below to understand more in detail how it works and how you can earn up to $6,000 per 1 single sale:

The Pros and Cons Of The Legendary Marketer

The Good

1.They Teach You Something Valuable

Even though Legendary Marketer is an extremely expensive program and most likely not worth it, they still provide many tips and tricks. They can help the members to earn the money back that they have lost in an expensive training.

Also a benefit of Legendary Marketer is that they teach you some aspects of the Internet marketing that some other courses don’t teach. For example, how to do Facebook marketing effectively.

David Sharpe has created 3 multi-million dollar companies so he surely knows a thing or two about marketing even though some of his strategies may not be completely ethical. It’s up to you whether or not you want to listen such guy.

2.They Have a Step-By-Step Training

You will not get lost with the training. Instead of sharing tips here and there, they provide a step-by-step training to follow. That’s certainly a benefit compared to some other courses that only give miscellaneous strategies.

When you join this community, you will always be receiving step by step guidance on the way to go. In addition, a coach is assigned to you after joining, to guide you and you to ask any question.

However, as we discussed above, the main goal of your “coach” is to upsell you their next system. That’s why I am not sure whether it’s really even a benefit to have their coaches.

3.They Pay High Commissions

That’s the main idea of their high ticket system. They sell super-expensive products and pay big commissions so the affiliates will do all the marketing work for them.

A marketing system that is purely affiliated. The Legendary marketer has no different levels of multiple commission structures like many others. It is therefore not marked as a pyramid structure.

The commission rate is high, ranging between 40-60%. That’s quite typical with digital products. In my experience, an average commission with similar Internet marketing trainings is around 50%.

As we saw above, the biggest possible commission for a single sale on Legendary Marketer is as high as $12,000. I think it explains why some people are so desperate to sell you their system. They just need to make a few sells to earn an average yearly income in the U.S.

4.30-Day Money Back Guarantee

Legendary Marketer Offers a money back guarantee of 30 days, and this only applies to subscription-based products such as the basic Legendary Marketers club of $30.

You can cancel the billing and ask for a refund within 30 days after subscription. The advantage here is that you are provided with an opportunity to test the resources for one month at no risk.

There’s also a money-back guarantee to their higher ticket products but it’s a bit shorter.

The Cons

1. Some Of Their Products Are Expensive

They provide lots of different products and some of them are pretty expensive for an average Joe. However, I’ve bought the products myself and in my opinion they are worth it.

You’ll learn lots of extremely valuable and practical skills that will pay you dividends for years to come.

2.Focus on Paid Traffic

The training focuses on teaching you how to drive paid traffic to your website using Facebook marketing and other methods. This is in addition to the expensive purchase of the products.

A benefit of using paid traffic is that you can get results faster than with organic traffic but the downside is that you will lose lots of money if you don’t know what you are doing.

I always recommend for beginners that they first start Internet marketing by learning free traffic methods like Google SEO. You can eventually get hundreds of thousands of visitors through Google without even spending a single penny. In addition, you will learn the basics of Internet marketing at the same time.

Is Legendary Marketer a Scam or Legit?

The Legendary Marketer is not a scam because they provide some helpful training resources. However, it has some ups and downs, as I have pointed out in this review.

Things never run 100% smoothly and successfully without experiencing some hiccups but joining a program like Legendary Marketer just makes your path to success way slower, in my opinion.

Dave Sharpe, who is a veteran in the online marketing for several over 9 years has built 3 multi-million companies so he knows very much about selling and marketing.

He has also taught more than 300,000 students all over the world both on a live stage and using his online training material.

Dave’s methods simply work and that’s why I recommend that you go through his FREE 15-day online business challenge.

Is Legendary Marketer Worth It?

It is highly worth to invest your money in Legendary Marketer. However, it’s 100% free to get started so you don’t even need to invest a single penny to get rolling. You just need to follow the instructions given carefully, and you will never make losses.

Watch my video below to understand why Legendary Marketer is definitely worth it:

The system of Legendary Marketer is among a very large number of training programs, which offer individual ways of making cash while still learning the system of affiliate marketing. It could be at time frustrating to build an online portfolio then fails. Success is actually not guaranteed by spending more money, but at times it could favor you.

The main factor here is learning more and being patient. Most people are happy with the choice they have made in joining the Legendary Marker. It is an investment worth your money. The returns are really good, and if you follow the procedure well, you will learn and make money. Welcome to the world of Legendary Marketers, and you will never regret.

Legendary Marketer Vs Wealthy Affiliate

For a more detailed Wealthy Affiliate vs Legendary Marketer comparison, I recommend checking out my article here or the video below:

Wealthy Affiliate is usually considered as the best affiliate marketing training program. They have educated +1,500,000 people to make money online with affiliate from around 200 different countries over the course of +13 years.

Most people also say that Wealthy Affiliate is clearly superior compared to Legendary Marketer. In addition, WA is much more affordable and their price is extremely cheap compared to overpriced Legendary Marketer.

I agree with the majority that Wealthy Affiliate is just better in some ways. Their training has helped me, my friends and 1,000’s of people worldwide to make a life-changing income online. Results speak for themselves.

That’s why I’m sure that if you want to succeed online with affiliate marketing, Wealthy Affiliate may be the best choice for you.

However, the decision is yours… 

My #1 pick for 2019 is currently Legendary Marketer

What kind of experiences do you have with Legendary Marketer or other similar high ticket programs?

Would you like to get my 1-on-1 guidance on making money online?

Let me know in the comments below!

If you have any questions, just leave a comment below and I will be more than happy to help you out.

By Roope Kiuttu

Hello! I am Roope "Robert" Kiuttu, the founder and owner of YourOnlineRevenue.com. I created this website back in 2015 to help you to make money online. You can ask me anything and I'll be happy to help you out. I help people daily to make more money online and I love seeing people succeeding. If you want to get my 1-on-1 support and help to make money online as well, get started HERE.


  1. Thank you for sharing this amazing article here, it is a very resourceful one, many people are not successful in their businesses because the are not yet up to the task, that is why you need to learn about your online business like affiliate marketing in order to function well and legendary marketer is a very nice training program.

  2. Wow! Just Wow! This has got to be the most detailed and informative review I have ever come across! Well I love your honesty! Dropping by to let that known to you. Great job. Prior to things I had no clue about Legendary Marketer. From this review I think it is quite obvious how important a tool this could be for affiliate marketers. You didn’t give any info on which you would recommend tho! Legendary marketer? or Wealthy affiliate? I use wealthy affiliate btw, It has a lot to offer

  3. Hi Robert,

    Wow – this is an incredible review of Legendary Marketer. I had honestly never even heard about it before today but after reading your review I am going to check it out. I’m a little confused though by your comparison with Wealthy Affiliate. You say that if I am serious about making money online, then WA is the move but then you say your recommendation is Legendary Marketer… I’m just curious which would you recommend? Sorry for the confusion!

  4. I have seen this kind of platform that claims all this but turns out to be a scam. What is so different from the two is that I have not seen so many people talk so well about that one like they did about this Legendary Marketer. I feel like it is a good platform that can help me make some very good money while working on my online business. Great to see that the founder is successful at doing this too.

  5. If for one thing, I will say that I have been coming across this legendary marketer a lot these days and I wanted to know what it is all about. To be honest, I will say this review has impressed me as it has given virtually all the information needed for me and I think I am okay with all that has been shared here too. U value having this kind of program and getting it right would help us a lot as marketers. 

    1. Hi James,

      This review was written about the old version of Legendary Marketer which was different than a current version for several reasons.

      They had an update in January 2019 and I’ve purchased the system since then and see how the things have changed.

      That’s why LM is now worth recommending.

  6. It seems that they are trying to get as much money as possible for something small that they can offer. You are correct, you can learn more with wealthy affiliate. Its a shame to see a big company like them offer little but price it a lot.It seems like they are almost scamming users/clients.

    Good work on making this review!

    1. I completely agree with what you say Oliver. It is sad that there are companies that are trying to milk as much money as possible from their clients without providing the best value.

  7. I don’t like it that they “highlight that as a member you would be make extraordinary profits even in a short period of time.” Sounds like another one of those get-rich-quick schemes again. Truth is, to achieve that expectation, you have to be either really good at marketing (aka an “expert” at it), or you’ve gotta have a lot of money to invest in it.

    Another thing is about “sponsored reviews”, I’ve heard that some people actually get paid to write excellent reviews for certain sites just to attract potential clients or subscribers. So that means that even “excellent” reviews can’t be trusted these days. Too bad.

    Finally, whether it’s “legal” or “illegal”, to me, any kind of pyramid scheme equals BAD scheme.

    1. You are right that many reviews are nowadays sponsored so it’s good to take everything with a grain of salt. Within online marketing/make money online niche I know pretty well who are making sponsored/fake reviews and who are giving genuine opinions.

      Then I can only read the reviews from those guys who share an honest opinion instead of sugarcoating things.

  8. Thank you for clearing this up for a lot of us. I truly at first didn’t have a clue about affiliate marketing. The only thing that went through my head was the fact that a lot of sites “asked” you for your money if you wanted to learn something about it which seemed really sketchy. So for the fact that you need to pay a lot of money to learn from Legendary Marketer is good no from me.

    1. The truth is that information and knowledge is a hot commodity in the world today. Gone are the days when it’s only physical items or products that command price. Now intelligence is even among the most expensive items in the world market.

      Now, information on how to make money would definitely come with a price but what you should look out for is the one that gives you something that you can work with and recover what you invested and earn more in the process.

  9. It’s shame that Legendary Marketer was set up just to milk those who are looking to acquire more skill on how to be successful in their work. It’s very good that you took caution not to promote the Legendary Marketer because it would later come back to hunt you and your business reputation when people lose money after taking it up.

    Good job Roope.

  10. for some who has just started to know the ropes of online marketing, I could definitely say that Legendary Marketer is not the best for me. Their offers are honestly tempting, especially for the beginner’s perspective like me, but if you come to think of it carefully, Is it really worth the investment?

    I don’t want to judge Legendary Marketer immediately, maybe the price speaks for itself, but I just find it “too good to be true”. With that large sum of money, I could have invested on other things that would generate me a minimal yet genuine profit. I also believe that there are low cost, legit alternatives that would suit beginners like me very well.

    1. That is exactly true. There are many way better low-cost services available.

      If you would listen to any Legendary Marketer affiliate selling their services they don’t tell the whole price right away. They tell something like, “get started for free” or “get a trial for only $1”.

      But the reality is that there are tons of upsells and their intention is milk as much money out of you as possible. Personally I don’t like that marketing strategy and I feel it’s a bit unethical. That’s one reason why I highly recommend staying away from Legendary Marketer and their affiliates

      1. It really makes me wonder how these kind of guys can sleep with tranquility. Good thing that you are here and put real effort to help newbies like me on something we barely understand. As a beginner in such field, people like you are saving graces. I know that you have a good will and a good heart so please continue with what you are doing.

          1. Hello sir Roope. I am indeed grateful with your work. I have just read the link that you have sent me and shared some experience on the comment section. In the comment, I’ve mentioned that I have had tried affiliate marketing. I also mentioned that I stopped venturing on it because I had a difficult schedule then, and I don’t felt confident with my skills then. Honestly, even for now I still can’t consider myself capable of doing it.

            Though, I don’t want that to stop me. I want to venture affiliate marketing again but don’t know where to start. Can you please help me or share some words of wisdom on how can I start doing so. I’ve seen some of your reviews recommending Wealthy Affiliate, and I am just wondering if it is suitable for a college student like me? Thank you very much in advance, sir Roope!

          2. Yes, Wealthy Affiliate is definitely suitable for a college student. I was a college student as well when I started out there. I didn’t have any experience or knowledge of affiliate marketing back then.

            Actually, you are way ahead of me compared to where I was back then. You have already tried it, you know how it works and you are earning some money online.

            If you want to learn affiliate marketing, Wealthy Affiliate is a great place to learn it.

          3. Good day again, sir Roope. I apparently visited the Wealthy Affiliate and I was kinda hoping to access the free version. However, it is sad to say that this feature is only available in the west (I’m from the Philippines). The site only offers me the premium version and I am hesitant to try it because it’s kinda costly. I want to ask sir if there’s a free trial feature in Wealthy Affiliate, or better yet a cheaper alternative that is similarly good as the aforementioned site? Thank you so much!

          4. Yeah, the free version is not available in the Philippines. You can still buy the premium for $19 for the first month and afterward $359/year or $49/month if you want.

            Wealthy Affiliate is my #1 recommendation because it helped me from 0 to making a full-time income online. Of course, there are many other programs but I think Wealthy Affiliate is the cheapest one with the best price/quality ratio available.

            You can check out a few other courses here. One option is just to look for the free information on YouTube, Google and affiliate marketing forums. It’s more time-consuming strategy but works as well.

          5. I see. Though, it is just unfortunate that I couldn’t use the free version in our country, which I think, should need such programs the most considering the livelihood of third world countries.

            To be frankly honest with you, $49 a month is actually quite much for average Filipinos and—even though I can work for it eventually—I will find it challenging to pull off. BUT, I firmly believe that The Wealthy Affiliate would do me good in a long run. I’ve heard good feedback from various people who I trust, including you, that it’s worth the investment.

            With that said, I have thought about some idea that I believe needs your respective opinion. I was thinking, what if I apply for a “physical” part time job then use my salary to fuel my online business? With this, I can avail Wealthy Affiliate programs and the same time, improve my online reputation. What do you think? Does this sound realistic enough for me to pull off or not? Thank you in advance!

          6. Yes, that sounds good.

            At first, when I was starting to make money online I was still working in my 9-to-5 job. I was working 40 to 50 hours per week in my regular job and every weekend and every evening I was working on my online business.

            At some point, I decided to quit my 9-to-5 job when I noticed that I will make enough money online.

            I have seen that it’s quite a common path. Work on a full-time job offline and build your income streams online at the same time. Once you earn enough money online you can quit your 9-to-5 job.

      2. I think Legendary Marketer is just fine.
        Up-sells are perfectly fine, that’s just apart of a good value ladder…which is good to be apart of any business.

        The fact is most High ticket Affiliate program is $1000usd and up.
        I do believe that the master mind IN Legendary is a bit costly though,
        The $30usd Subscription for the Marketers club I think is very much affordable.

        I do believe starting out with a budget for paid strategic to drive traffic can be advantageous, however, It’s recommended to use both paid and free traffic for the longevity of your business and also to scale it.

        The legalities of legendary is also intact, one can do a quick google and look for the FTC recommendation as to what to look for in a digital platform.

        So, I agree with you it’s definitely not a scam, but I disagree with you Telling people to stay away, I’ll say just like with most business investment; Do not invest what you cannot lose.

        Overall I think it’s a good company for Marketers who are interested in High ticket Affiliate Marketing.

        1. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and opinions in a respectful manner Dimetri, I appreciate it!

          By the way, aren’t you afraid that Legendary Marketer would be shut down like MOBE, Digital Altitude, Empower Network or the other similar programs?

          Wealthy Affiliate is not a high-ticket program but they provide probably the most value. The price is 100 times cheaper than Legendary Marketer but the training is top-notch by multi-millionaires who have been in the industry for +15 years.

  11. Even though you prove legendary marketer as a legit internet marketing site but for me this is still very risky, because for you to earn here you have to earn you need to invest a lot of money for you to earn good. That was very risky right? If you were a first timer investor in legendary marketer you must invest or start in a small amount and if it came back try to double your investment and so on and so on. But still be smart enough in investing here.

    1. Yes, investing in programs like Legendary Marketer is very risky. One can start an online business for a way cheaper price elsewhere. Actually $100, laptop and an Internet connection is already enough to getting started.

      1. Exactly, if you really want to earn and don’t want to risk your own money. You can invest in having a stable internet and a laptop or desktop, as far as I know there is a lot of legit money making sites out there without money investment needed. All you need is to apply and know how does it work. And after that you can start and earn.

        1. Yeah. There are also tons of freelance marketplaces online where one can make money. First, one just needs to have some skill to offer. If one doesn’t have a skill, the Internet is full of step-by-step trainings and help.

          The Internet is just a full land of opportunities.

          1. You are definitely right Roope, by the way I just want to thank you for replying all of our questions. You said ‘The internet is just a full of land opportunities’ And I am 100% agree with you in that. If you cant find a job because you are not able to finish a degree. Go find a job in the internet you will definitely find one. Don’t let your self on the side of the streets.

          2. That’s so true. Sometimes I feel a bit bad for the people in Asia because they are earning so little money and they don’t see the opportunities online. Anyone with a laptop and the Internet access can learn to make a fortune online. It requires learning and effort but it’s certainly possible for anyone.

          3. You are right, I am from south east Asia by the way and that is the thing that I also noticed to my fellow country man, I don’t know if they really don’t have an idea when it comes to earning online or they are just lazy sorry for my work but hay, that’s the reality.

  12. I have learned online marketing through a self study. I have never spent a ton of money on online training. I understand the benefits of attending paid training. However, it is difficult to choose a legit program. Here lies the importance of legit review like this one. It is true that money makes money, but it is also paramount important that you spend money on right program.

    1. I think that the information that is taught in almost any paid program also can be found for free on the Internet. However, the challenge with trying to find everything for free is that the information is very scattered and often educators are more willing to provide top-quality content if somebody pays for it.

      Another thing that I have noticed is that when I pay for something, I am more committed to put the knowledge into action and apply it. I think there is something psychological like, “Now I have paid for this. I need to earn my money back and make profits because otherwise I am just wasting my money.”

      Therefore, I think that paid programs are great but when it comes to Legendary Marketer I am just thinking why would I pay them tens of thousands of dollars when I can find a way better training for less than $1 on Wealthy Affiliate.

  13. People like Jack Cao shouldn’t be playing with the people’s mind like this. Those type of people are really greedy about just making money themselves only. I love how you added that this program is best for people who care more about money than the people. Having such shady background and more cons than pros, this site is a definite NO from me.

    1. You are exactly right.

      I am a bit sad that Jack Cao is promoting this program. Most of his reviews are genuine and he learned the skills on Wealthy Affiliate.

      However, recently I have seen him promoting just almost any kinds of programs to make quick bucks. I feel that he is not being 100% honest in his reviews.

  14. OMG! The cost of this is massive. For this amount they should be some kind of guarantee and not a 30 day money back guarantee. I agree how does this guy sleep at night charging people such colossal amounts of money?

    With that amount you can put your money in the bank and live off the interest. I believe that the internet was created to attract a global audience. With this kind of audience you don’t need to charge such huge sums. You should give back to society by being fair.

    1. That’s true. I think that this is how the story goes with Legendary Marketer:

      1.A few already successful Internet marketers join the program and start promoting it. They show their income proof and boast how they earned $4,700 in just 90 days after starting.

      2.People who don’t know the truth of the Legendary Marketer get impressed by the fast results and want to make quick money as well.

      3.The training teaches them to push the program to other people as well.

      4.The system grows and the founder gets richer even though 99% of the members would fail.

      1. 1. Almost all successful internet Marketer boast with income proof, This i believe mostly look bad on the affiliate and not the company.

        2. I don’t think there is anything hidden about legendary Marketer

        3. “The training teaches them to push the program to other people as well” which program that doesn’t encourage affiliate to promote them. However, I disagree the training works with whatever offer. Did you even own the Marketers club or Builder Master class? I think you’re speaking from speculation and hear say.

        4.”The system grows and the founder gets richer even though 99% of the members would fail” Isn’t that the aim to start promoting your product, for your system to grow. and where is your stat, suggesting 99% fails.
        Online Marketing does require work and consistency, especially when building your free traffic audience, for this reason alone I do believe why most persons fail.

        Legendary Marketer is just not for everyone and that’s OK.

        1. Hi Dimetri,

          your points are valid…


          Don’t you think there’s any risk for Legendary Marketer fall in the same way like Exactly similar programs like MOBE, Digital Altitude, Empower Network, etc.

          It seems that all companies that have used the same business model like Legendary Marketer have fallen down sooner or later. They have either gone into the bankruptcy or FTC has shut them down saying they’re pyramid schemes.

          Wealthy Affiliate, on the other hand, has been around +13 years, it has the most reliable reputation among the Internet marketing industry and it’s like 100 times cheaper than Legendary Marketer.

          Isn’t the only reason why someone would join Legendary Marketer instead of Wealthy Affiliate just that they want to earn money from Legendary Marketer’s pyramid scheme-ish system?

  15. Any online teaching scheme that is bent on letting us know some of the things we have to understand about affiliate marketing at a high cost is not for me. This is the reason I would not try out the Legendary Marketer since we have better and higher quality alternatives such as Wealthy Affiliate out there where one can start out on a free before going ahead to buy affordable plans as well. This is not to say that Legendary Marketer is not great, but paying high to learn is not a nice plan.

    1. That’s true. I personally think that the upselling strategy that Legendary Marketer or other similar programs are using is not completely ethical. They give a feeling to the customer that he learns the “secret” right away with the first product but then they make him buy more and more courses.

      If somebody reveals their strategy like I do, they obviously get mad.

      One “coaches” of Digital Altitude (similar program like Legendary Marketer) started calling me with bad names and promises that Digital Altitude is not a scam. However, it turned out to be a scam just like I had said him. Members in this kind of programs sometimes tend to do anything just to sell their courses, whether it’s ethical or not.

      1. The thing is that some of them are always looking to exploit others without having a good heart. This is the reason I always appreciate all that you do on a daily basis to teach people the best way to make things work. You are truly a kind man and I will always wish that you go higher in life in the world of Affiliate marketing and online business at the end.

          1. Laughed really hard at being a super motivator. I am always passionate about pushing people to reach their best and that is one of the plans I have for my country, Nigeria, as a result of most of our youths giving up considering the bad and poor leadership we have. I wish they will believe and never lose hope.

          2. And it’s been awesome being around here. Your personality and the way you run online revenue site has given me a new insight about the best businesses to start and the ones that I should be wary about. One sure thing is that I have gotten better than before.

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