6-Figure Traffic Academy Review – Where Did the Training Disappear?

6-Figure Traffic Academy Review

Today we are going to take a look another “make money online” program called 6-Figure Traffic Academy founded by Chris Record.

Name: 6-Figure Traffic Academy
Website: 6figuretrafficacademy.com
Price: $1 for First 30 Days, then $97/month
Owners: Chris Record
Overall Rank: 0 out of 100

Field: Make Money Online Course6-Figure Traffic Academy Review

What is 6-Figure Traffic Academy?

6-Figure Traffic Academy is (or should we say it was) a private coaching academy for people who would like to get massive traffic and income online with Chris Record’s principles. They had tens of webinars about many important subjects related to Internet marketing.

It was also very cheap to get started with their program because

Who is 6-Figure Traffic Academy For?

Originally 6-Figure Traffic Academy was designed for people who probably have some former experience of Internet marketing. So probably you already had a website and little traffic but you wanted to give it a boost.

If you don’t have any former experience of making money online, then this program wasn’t designed for you. Wealthy Affiliate works better for you because they teach you step by step even though you would have zero knowledge about making money online.

6-Figure Traffic Academy Training

In the video you can take a look inside member’s area. There are many webinars on several different subjects about internet marketing.


Their training subjects are

– Facebook Ads
– SEO (=Search Engine Optimization)
– Building Membership Sites
– Lead Capture Pages & Sales Funnels
– E-Commerce with Shopify, Teespring, etc.
– Affiliate Marketing 101
– Launching Digital Courses
– Personal Development (Mindset)
– Q&A – Ask a Millionaire Anything
– Email Marketing & List Building

When you look at the list, what do you think? In my opinion those subjects are definitely important and interesting when we are talking about making money online. If you are interested in building an online business, you really want to know something about SEO. You want to know how to get people to your website through Google. Or then you can learn get your traffic through Facebook using FB-ads.

However, there is one “little” problem.

Where Is Their Service Nowadays?

You can’t find their training anymore on the Internet. I went to their website 6figuretrafficacademy.com I saw their marketing texts and videos. I also saw the text “Just $1 for 30 days” So I decided to click it to take a further look. But what happened?

All the links took my only to JVZoo.com website which is a big affiliate marketing network. There wasn’t any trace of 6 Figure Traffic Academy or their training. Where was the membership site? Where were all the training that Chris talked about in his marketing videos? EVERYTHING GONE.

I don’t know if someone has really earned some money with their training… But I know that if their training and membership area has totally disappeared to bit space that’s suspicious! Of course, there is a good side that no one can spend any money on their program anymore if it was a total scam.

I have reviewed many scams before here on Your Online Revenue and I know that some scam artists make several “make money online” -scams to take maximum money from people. First they publish the first one, then suddenly disappear. Then comes another program from the same guy and he proclaims, “THIS IS BETTER THAN EVER BEFORE!” But again he is just milking money out of people.

So if you will see Chris Record’s programs in the future, I just want to say that be aware. It seems that Chris really knows something about internet marketing but at least his 6 Figure Traffic Academy has disappeared. What would happen to his following programs? Who knows…

Viral Autobots, INSTAMATE and Social Kickstart

If you scroll down on their website, you can see three different “Make money online” programs that they recommend. I haven’t tried those programs and I can’t recommend you either. 6 Figure Traffic Academy has disappeared and seems to be quite unreliable so it’s not wise to trust on their “recommendations”. What do you think?

After a little bit of scrolling on the Internet I also saw Chris’ new program Smart Member 2. It wasn’t yet launched but they had a web page where they were collecting emails in order to notify them when his new programs will be launched.

Pros & Cons


  • They had some training on important subjects like FB marketing.
  • It was cheap to get started ($1 for the first month).


My Final Opinion of 6-Figure Traffic Academy

I believe Chris Record could provide some valuable training because he seems to have a lot of experience of online marketing. However, I don’t understand why this program has disappeared from the Internet.

Always before joining to any paid program I recommend you to read at least a few reviews about it so you don’t end up wasting your money. Reading only one review isn’t enough because many programs have referral programs that motivate members to write positive reviews on their websites. When they get referrals, they earn money.

One of the biggest “make money online” program on the Internet is Wealthy Affiliate. It’s our #1 recommendation in YourOnlineRevenue.com because its training and community are definitely worth its cost. And you don’t even need to believe my words because you can create a free account and give it a try.

6-Figure Traffic Academy at a Glance…

Name: 6-Figure Traffic Academy
Website: 6figuretrafficacademy.com
Price: $1 for First 30 Days, then $97/month
Owners: Chris Record
Overall Rank: 0 out of 100


Do you have experience of Chris Record’s products?

Or have you spent your money on “make money online” programs and you have found out they were scams?

By Roope Kiuttu

Hello! I am Roope "Robert" Kiuttu, the founder and owner of YourOnlineRevenue.com. I created this website back in 2015 to help you to make money online. You can ask me anything and I'll be happy to help you out. I help people daily to make more money online and I love seeing people succeeding. If you want to get my 1-on-1 support and help to make money online as well, get started HERE.


  1. Hi Roope,

    I just happened to come across your page and wanted to comment on how informative your review on 6-Figure Traffic Academy was.

    I was looking into this program but was not too sure whether or not to join. After reading your article, I am very happy with my decision to join Wealthy Affiliate a few months back. The training is great, and you are shown how to start an online business step by step.

    Thank you for sharing!

    1. Hi Tej,

      I am glad that you have been going through Wealthy Affiliate’s training. I think their training would be useful for anyone even though the person wouldn’t be interested in making money online. Because it teaches skills like

      – How to create a website fast
      – How to get ranked in Google
      – How to make money through your website
      – How to get traffic to your website
      – How to do social media marketing

      All these skills are very useful on today’s world 2016 when more and more content is coming to the Internet every day.

  2. I was contemplating to have a look at 6-Figure Traffic Academy, but luckily I came across your article. It saved me a lot of time.

    I would rather investigate your recommendation: Wealthy Affiliate. It seems legit and like a great opportunity.

    Do you need to provide your credit card details to join?


    1. Hi Rika,

      I’m glad that you prefer investigating Wealthy Affiliate. It definitely beats 6-Figure Traffic Academy and many other online programs. I also want to remind you that WA doesn’t guarantee you easy money. You need to work your butt off if you want to make a breakthrough online. But if you are willing to put in lots of effort, you will do it. WA provides you their training and the tools that you will need in that journey.

      You don’t need a credit card to join Wealthy Affiliate because you can get started totally for free. When I first joined WA it was also free and that’s one reason I like it. Anyone can give it a try and find out if their training is good for them or not.


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