Tony Robbins Unleash The Power Within Review [5 SECRETS!]

Welcome to my Unleash The Power Within Review!

This is probably the most comprehensive and brutally honest UPW review that you’ll ever read.

I walked out from the conference but I still think it was great and I am going to attend again next year in 2020. 

You’ll learn from me 5 ultra-practical tips to have a better UPW experience and 5 extremely powerful tips that I learned there.

In addition, I’ll share with you my honest opinion for whom this seminar is worth attending. I am not affiliated with UPW or Tony Robbins in any way so you can fully trust that I give brutally honest thoughts of this seminar.

Read until the end to find out everything!

Unleash The Power Within Review – Quick Summary

Name: Unleash the Power Within (UPW)

Founder: Tony Robbins

Type: 4-Day Personal Development Seminar

Price: $500 – $5,000 depending on your ticket type and location

Best for: Open-minded people who want to improve the quality of their lives.

UPW small image

Summary: 4 days of jumping, dancing, shouting and learning from the one of the best personal development coaches in the world. Some people call it a “rock concert for self development”. 

Is Unleash the Power Within Recommended? Yes, for most people.

This event can be truly life-changing if you take action. However, nothing will work unless you apply the lessons. 

If you want the exact STEPS to make a life-changing income online, I recommend checking out my #1 recommendation in 2019 below:

What Is Unleash the Power Within? 

Unleash the Power Within is a famous 4-day personal development seminar created by Tony Robbins. This event is full of energy and Powerful teachings from one of the best personal development coaches of all time.

You’ll learn the things that will potentially change your life if you apply them.

If you haven’t heard of Tony Robbins before, here are a few facts about him:

  1. Robbins is known as one of the best life and business coaches in the world.
  2. He has held seminars in +100 countries and educated +50 Million people.
  3. Tony Robbins’ net worth is around 1 billion US dollars (a​nd growing of course).
  4. One of Tony’s first mentors was Jim Rohn.

Robbins is the lead facilitator of the seminar and speaks in day 1 and 3. He believes in FULL IMMERSION and both of those days last around 12 hours without any breaks.

Of course, I recommend that you take quick breaks but the program is going all the time. How can he do it?

Another facilitator, Joseph McClendon III explained that Tony is an alien. That’s why he can do it. With a little bit of humor of course! 😉

tony robbins - Unleash the Power within

Tony Robbins, the creator and main speaker of Unleash the Power Within

Day 2 and 4 will be lead by Joseph McClendon III.

He is also super-energetic and powerful man with lots of wisdom.

Just 1 month before attending this Unleash The Power Within event in London I was attending another seminar where Joseph was a main speaker.

He has been collaborating with Tony already for around 30 years.

joseph mcclendon UPW

Joseph McClendon III is speaking on day 2 and 4 of the event

In this year 2019, I have attended several conferences. For example, Grant Cardone’s 10x Conference in Miami, Wealthy Affiliate conference for Super Affiliates in Las Vegas, Passion for Success in Helsinki, etc.

Unleash the Power Within was unique and certainly the most energetic conference that I have ever attended. However, I had to leave before the event ended.

Follow my 5 tips below so that you don’t need to leave too early.

5 Tips for a Better UPW Experience

1. Take Very Warm Clothes for the Firewalk

In the Firewalk experience, the Firewalk itself was the easiest part.

I was prepared for the firewalk. But I wasn’t prepared to walk barefoot outside in 5-celsius degree temperature with a tough wind on a cold asphalt for almost 30-60 minutes.

As a result, I got sick and I had the walk out from the event in the following day. I hope that the same doesn’t happen to you or anyone else. So…

=> Take a warm jacket, gloves, cap and sandals for a firewalk so you won’t get sick.

Many people didn’t get sick in this experience and I’m happy for them. But in order to minimize your risk of getting sick, please, take very warm clothes for this.

Alternatively, you can just skip this part. In my personal opinion, firewalk didn’t add much value to the event and you won’t miss out anything by skipping this.

unleash the power within tony robbins firewalk experience

There is a special firewalk experience in the first day of UPW. However, I got sick during this experience because I didn’t have enough clothes and it was cold outside.

2. Prepare Mentally For Ultimate Physical Exercises

I knew that there would be a lot of jumping and dancing in the Tony Robbins seminar. 


Let that sink in.

You will probably jump and dance ever than you’ve ever had in your lifetime. At least I did.

Tony & Joseph encourage you to give your 110% to get the full benefit of the exercises and the event.

That felt amazing and it was an extraordinary experience. 12,000 ambitious and excited people jumping in a room with disco lights, ultra-powerful at the same time and the one of the best speakers in the world is shouting you to do it stronger.

It’s extraordinary and exciting.

Until I got sick in the firewalk and my body said “no”… 

Anyways, be prepared to jump A LOT. I think it helps you to play full out when you’re mentally prepared to go all in and give 110% of yourself.

3. Sleep Very Well During Previous Nights

The seminar days last something between 8 and 14 hours and there are hardly any breaks.

In order to be in your best shape, be sure to get a good 8-hour sleep before and during the event.

​It’s important that you sleep well before and during the event because you need A LOT of energy.

4. Take Snacks and Keep Your Breaks

Tony doesn’t give you breaks in order to fully Immerse yourself in the experience. However, a normal person will not survive 12 hours at the best state without going to toilet, drinking and eating something.

I noticed that taking short 5-10-minute toilet / snack breaks during the conference helped me to concentrate better in the teaching and exercises.  

5. Wear Sneakers in Tony Robbins Events

As I mentioned a couple of times in this post, you will be jumping A LOT. If you don’t have shoes that are created for jumping, they will most likely break down. That’s what happened to my shoes. I didn’t even realize that until I came home and took off my shoes. There were a couple of holes in both shoes. I should basically throw them away now.

That’s another learning experience:

Next time in Tony Robbins I’m going to wear shoes that are designed for jumping so I don’t need to throw my broken shoes away after the experience! 😉

5 Life-Changing Tips from UPW!

1. Your Life is Formed by Your DECISIONS, not By Your Conditions

One of the core teachings that Tony Robbins gives is that you have the power to decide in which state you are in. Your own decisions are the biggest force of your life. Your conditions don’t form your life but your decisions.

Two people can have a exactly similar event in their life but their meanings for those events can be completely different. One classic example is probably the following (not from Tony Robbins):

Person A says he is never going to drink alcohol because he saw his father drinking always.

Person B says he is an alcoholic because his father was also an alcoholic and that came for him in the upbringing.

As you can see, 2 persons experienced the same thing but the meanings they gave for these events formed their life and destiny.

Never become a victim of life or this world. Always ask yourself, “What can I learn from this experience? How can I use this experience to go to the next level in life?” 


Think about a major decision you made in your life 5 – 10 years ago. If you would have made a different decision, you would have a totally different life today.

2. Celebrate Even Your Smallest Accomplishments

Famous quote from Tony Robbins says, “Change your expectations for appreciation and your whole life changes in a moment.”

You can always either appreciate the things you have or be pissed off the things that you don’t have. I could be now pissed off that I wasn’t able to attend the whole UPW experience. However, I decide to be thankful for those moments that I was tthere.

Most achievers blame themselves to death for the things that they don’t achieve. Have you’ve ever set yourself a goal that you didn’t achieve and you were and you were pissed off? I guess most of us have. 

But what if you would instead celebrate the things that you learned and accomplished while you attempted to reach that goal. Maybe you learned the things that you must do differently next time? Maybe you learned that this is not even a thing that you want to do?

If you don’t quit pursuing your goal, you will never actually fail. All the steps and ‘failures’ that you have are just part of the whole process.

So, anytime you do something, even if it’s just a small thing, give yourself some credit for it. For example:

  1. A pat on the back
  2. A high five with yourself

This creates a positive association in your mind with taking action and you’ll be more likely to take action in your life always in the future as well.

3. You Can Do Anything. Literally ANYTHING.

When you are jumping and shouting out loud with +12,000 people in the dark hall with some colored lights with a powerful music sounding on the background, you really get the feeling that you can do anything.

Many times while doing this exercise I got this feeling, “Give me whatever you want, there is not any obstacle that could ever beat me.” That’s powerful.

When you do that exercise over and over again, that belief will drill into your brain and become  art of yourself.

I a huge part of Tony’s success has come because of his incredible confidence. Did it come by accident to him? Obviously not. He has practiced it like a muscle. That’s why you must also train yourself by doing these exercises.

My goal is to help people to make a LIFE-CHANGING INCOME online. Sometimes people don’t believe it’s possible for them. But it really is 100% possible to anyone. Also to you.

If you want to start learning to make money online with my 1-on-1 guidance, get started for free below:

4. “What You Write, You Will Invite!”

Joseph McClendon gave an ‘Ultimate Success Formula’ that helps you to achieve anything you want in life. The first step is to know your outcome. That is is extremely important for several reasons. 

First, if you don’t know your outcome, you will most likely never get there. Second, your mind and body will actively starts looking for ways to get you there.

Once you know your outcome, you must

  1. Write it down
  2. Speak it out loud
  3. See it in your mind
  4. And take massive actions towards it

A wonderful and an interesting thing is that your mind does not know the difference between the real and unreal. If you see something vividly in your mind, your mind feels that it’s already real.

It will create a belief in your mind and you will subconsciously take action towards that outcome. 

goal seting

Writing down your goals is essential to ultimate success

5. Decide to Live in a Beautiful State

This is related to the first point that I shared, “your life is controlled by your decisions, not by your conditions”.

You can instantly change the state you are feeling anytime in your life.

There are positive and negative states.

Negative states are for example,

  • Boring
  • Pissed off
  • Frustrated
  • Etc.

Beautiful states is for example when you are being:

  • Grateful
  • Loving
  • Happy
  • Joyful
  • Excited
  • Etc.

Decide to live ALWAYS in a beautiful state no matter what happens in your life.

If you ever in your life caught yourself up from a negative state, remember that you can change it instantly by becoming aware of that and focusing your mind, body and the meaning you give for the situation differently.

Is Unleash The Power Within Worth It?

In order to get into UPW, you’ll need to cover the following cost:

  • 4 days off work
  • $500 – 5,000 for your ticket depending on which one you choose
  • Flight tickets 
  • Accommodation
  • + other little costs

That sounds like a lot… But let me ask you a question. 

What is the cost of NOT reaching your full potential in life? Unlimited.

You have only 1 life. I guess that you don’t want to be, do and achieve less than your potential.

Tony Robbins is often recognized as the best in his field to help people to reach their full potential in life. 

Even 1 a-ha moment from the conference can give you enough value to cover the costs of the conference. 

Could you learn it for free by watching Tony’s videos on YouTube? Yes.

WILL you learn all the things for free by watching Tony’s videos on YouTube? Probably not.

I had consumed possibly 100’s of hours of Tony’s material on YouTube already before his  event. 

The event is literally MASSIVE always with +10,000 people

But I wasn’t taking action on many things I had listened. Personally, I feel that attending Tony’s event helped me to take things more seriously and apply really what I’m learning.

If you can get rid of the habit of procrastination, that itself will give you value worth $1,000,000’s during your lifetime.

I’m not saying that everyone must attend this event. Some people probably would just waste their money and time attending. In order to get the full benefit of the event, you need to play full out and believe that Tony’s teachings work.

However, I believe that your money would be better spent by investing in the Legendary Marketer online business training course. It will teach you step-by-step how to make money online while Tony Robbins teaches the mindset part.

Unleash The Power Within Review Conclusion

My Unleash The Power Within experience failed in a sense that I could not continue until the end. My body said, “Stop!” and I had to listen my body or I would have just been stupid. 

However, Joseph McClendon taught in the seminar, “You will not fail if you learn something.” When a kid is trying to learn to walk, you don’t call it a failure just because he falls in the first time.

I couldn’t continue UPW until the end but I learned a couple of things that I was able to share with you in this post. In addition, I learned many other things that I was not able to share in this post as it would have been too long.

Now I would like to invite you for a life-changing journey…

Tony Robbins UPW is just 4 days and it won’t change your life unless you take action.

If you want to learn more from me and even make a life-changing income online, subscribe to my email list below and I promise to send you with my daily tips and help.

Currently, I’m also replying to 100% of the emails that I receive to help as many people as possible to succeed online.

Therefore, I’ll be happy to help you as well.

Now I’d love to hear from you.

Do you have any questions to me regarding Unleash The Power Within or making money online?

Have you attended Unleash the Power Within yourself? 

What did you learn?

Just leave me a comment below and I will be more than happy to help you out!


Roope “Fully unleashed” Kiuttu

By Roope Kiuttu

Hello! I am Roope "Robert" Kiuttu, the founder and owner of I created this website back in 2015 to help you to make money online. You can ask me anything and I'll be happy to help you out. I help people daily to make more money online and I love seeing people succeeding. If you want to get my 1-on-1 support and help to make money online as well, get started HERE.


  1. Hi Roope,

    Thank you so much for sharing Tony’s tips. I saw him many years ago when I was trying to work in real estate. He gave a speech about Positive Thinking. Of course it was short, but informative.

    I’m sure 4 days at 12-14 hours a day with minimal breaks would be overwhelming and an overload of info.

    The photo of the crowd is inspiring. I read some of the comments made by others and it seems as though Tony is going to be in Birmingham, Alabama next year? That would be a good convention to attend. Living in Florida, I could drive there.

    Thanks again for the great post,


    1. Thanks Marion for the comment!

      Yeah, time with Tony was CRAZY! in a positive way… 😉

      He is coming next year to Birningham in UK. I didn’t know that there’s also a city with the same name in US.

      Recently, I also heard there’s a city called St. Petersburg in Florida. It was confusing to me because a bigger St. Petersburg with 5 million people is in Russia.

      Same city names everywhere, hehe 😀


  2. Thanks so much for these incredible thoughts 🙂 I will read this again.

    I will also come next year 2020 to Birmingham. Good to know your wise tips there.

    All the best 🙂

  3. Hey Roope,

    Really interesting review. It sounds like an awesome event and one I Definately want to go to soon!

    Great little tips about what you need for the event too, I heard it’s pretty hard core from people before!!

    Live in a beautiful state… my favourite Tony tip!!

    Thanks for sharing


    1. Thanks for reading Mike!

      Come next year to UPW in Birningham. It will be held there in the end of May 2020. I already bought a ticket so I’m most likely going there then 🙂

  4. It’s great have learnt alot in: Unleash The Power Within.. it’s a good experience learning online business through the website. I really like.its going to change my life and my way of thinking

    1. Thanks for the comment Angela! Yes, building a website/online business really changed my own life and gave me a freedom that I just dreamed of before. For example, I could have never attended something like UPW unless I would have time and money to do so thanks to my online business.

      By the way, have you checked out my Ultimate Make Money Online Guide already? 🙂

  5. Hi,

    Thanks for sharing your experience with Tony’s event. I didn’t realize there was so much jumping around involved. I’ve always seen so many people in the venues, I would not have thought there was room.

    Yet, just that comment makes me think that I need to be more physical and intentional during the day. Exercise is invigorating.

    Additionally, I like your comments about the importance of celebrating the small accomplishments.

    I hope you have awesome and productive year.

    1. Yeah, there’s a lot of jumping and Tony talks about the importance of using our bodies in order to change our state. It’s powerful and even surprising but it works.

      Thank you Sondra and have an awesome year too! 🙂

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