Is My Lead System Pro a Scam or Legit? – Can 100,000 Persons Be Wrong..?

Is MLSP a scam

My Lead System Pro Review – Is My Lead System Pro a Scam or Legit?

Name: Niche FlipperIs MLSP a scam
Price: $49.97/month or $149.97/month + Upsells
Owners: Brian Fanale, Norbert Orlewicz & Todd Schlomer
Overall Rank: 15 out of 100

Is My Lead System Pro a Scam, What Is It All About?

My Lead System Pro (MLSP) is a Multi-level marketing (MLM) training program founded by three guys  in 2008.

The program is designed for the people who are already part of MLM system selling their own products. The goal of MLSP is to boost your sales and take your business to the next level.

Probably someone has tried to invite you or you are just interested in making money with MLSP.

I will give you my honest review about their program so you can decide if it’s worth the invested time and money.

MLSP Tools & Training

MLSP promises to give you tons of tools to boost your income. The list is impressive what you will get when you join their program and start paying the monthly fee.

But the reality is that most of their “magic tools” can be summarized in one word, training.

They give webinars, e-books, video lessons and so on. Okay, that sounds somehow cool because at least I am interested in investing in my own education.

Still, their education seems mainly lead to one point: promote their products to get the affiliate sales.

The idea goes like this,

1.You buy their product for $150/month.
2.You invite your friend to join (to get your expensive monthly fees covered)
3.Your  friend tries to invite someone to get his own monthly fees covered
4.He invites another person to get his fees covered.

5.The cycle continues on and on. The one who joins the last will lose big money.

Of course, their training teaches you something more but the main focus is in recruiting new members to join this system to make more money for the founders.

=> Build a Business Where You Don’t Need to Invite Anyone to Join!

The Other Ways to Earn Money in MLSP

There are 4 ways to earn money in MLSP: (in their own words)

(Click the image to make it larger)

1.Product Revenue = Sell MLSP products and earn commissions.

2.Continuity Revenue = Ask other people to join MLSP. You will earn $100/month for every member you that you refer to MLSP Mastery.

3.High-Ticket Revenue = Sell high-priced products to earn +$1,000 per transaction.

4.MLM / Biz Opp Revenue = Make money with the other MLM program where you have already joined.

Having 4 income streams sounds appealing but 1-3 means in plain English, “Sell MLSP products!

And the point 4 is just there whether you join their program or not. You will anyway have the income from the other MLM programs despite you join their program or not.

Who is Is My Lead System Pro For?

MLSP is being marketed as a training tool for the people who have their own MLM products to sell and it would help you to make more sales.

But in my eyes, MLSP just seems another MLM system where you will recruit more and more people to join their program.

You will earn lots of money if you succeed to invite many people to join but I wouldn’t like to milk money from the people with their ultimately expensive product.

Here is the video which explains to you how the referral system works in MLSP.
More referrals = more income. Doesn’t it sound like a typical MLM system?

MLSP Community

My Lead System Pro Review
There are almost 100,000 members in MLSP.

One thing that I initially liked in their program was that they have a big community which is always a good sign in any program. Because when you have community’s support you won’t be left on your own.

But after researching their system more I realized the main reason why their community is so huge.

People who have joined their program are, of course, willing to talk good about MLSP because new members mean more income for them!

I don’t know how they have counted 100,009 members but probably a big part of that number have just tried their free trial and quit after that.

Pricing in MLSP

is My Lead System Pro a scam
Two membership options in MLSP

When we talk about the price we get to the main reason why I don’t recommend their program. As you can see above, they have two options:

1.MLSP Mastery

2.MLSP University

Both of the systems are quite similar but in MLSP Mastery, you have the much bigger potential to earn income for the referrals.

You can quickly count that $149,97 x 12 makes $1,800/year. Sounds like a super expensive training!

That’s not the only problem in their pricing.

They will have several upsells after joining. I don’t know how many different products they are trying to sell nowadays but in the past they had even 17 different upsell products!

Pros & Cons


  • Teaches some selling techniques
  • Provides the help of the community


  • A lot of hype
  • Tons of upsells
  • Very expensive
  • The same information can be found for free
  • Lots of complaints about the program on the Internet

My Final Opinion of My Lead System Pro

Is My Lead System Pro a Scam or Legit? I believe that you can learn some nuggets of information with MLSP training but in my opinion, it’s way too expensive. You can get the same knowledge just by making a couple of Google searches and watching high-quality Youtube videos.

In general, I don’t like MLM because many times it just makes the founders rich and you poor.

Instead, I prefer building the stable online business where I can be my own boss without trying to sell shady MLM training.

=> Save your money and put the credit card away. Start the best Online Business training for free!

My Lead System Pro at a Glance…

Name: My Lead System Pro
Price: $49.97/month or $149.97/month
Owners: Brian Fanale, Norbert Orlewicz & Todd Schlomer
Overall Rank: 15 out of 100

VERDICT: Not Recommended.

I hope this review helps you to save a big amount of money from your pocket. If you have any questions or comments, please leave them below and I am more than happy to respond you within 24 hours.

If you liked this review share it on social media so we can warn other people from joining this super expensive program.

By Roope Kiuttu

Hello! I am Roope "Robert" Kiuttu, the founder and owner of I created this website back in 2015 to help you to make money online. You can ask me anything and I'll be happy to help you out. I help people daily to make more money online and I love seeing people succeeding. If you want to get my 1-on-1 support and help to make money online as well, get started HERE.


  1. Looking into your MLSP review, it’s a scam! The biz model itself is a poor method to build a biz, and all MLM programs follow the same suit.

    From the idea of promoting the MLSP platform and investing into the steep costing products, this is one program that’s there to rip everybody off!

    My Leads System Pro is not recommended by me either because there are better methods to make money online in a genuine manner.


    1. Hi Neil,

      You are right. MLM systems always seem to follow the same suit. I believe in the honest business where we help people to have a better life genuinely but most of these MLM people are very selfish and it seems that their main aim is to build just their own life better.

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