Is Mike Make Money System a Scam Or a Way to the Financial Freedom?

By Roope Kiuttu

Hello! I am Roope "Robert" Kiuttu, the founder and owner of I created this website back in 2015 to help you to make money online. You can ask me anything and I'll be happy to help you out. I help people daily to make more money online and I love seeing people succeeding. If you want to get my 1-on-1 support and help to make money online as well, get started HERE.


  1. There’s no point in going to this website then when all it does is to route you to another online survey. It appears to be promising as if it offers many options in earning online as the website suggests.

    I hope that people will check on the reviews first before they invest their time and effort on anything. Because they might have the same thinking that I had once before that although they pay little you just have to do a lot of online surveys to earn bigger. But the thing is, surveys will not always be available nor applicable to everyone.

    It pays to check reviews such as this for a moment rather than waste your precious time and regret later.

  2. These sites are probably earning by the click method wherein even the clicks done on their sites can already get them to have some benfits under adsense in google or somethig like that. There is this local affiliATE cite in my place that gives credit or earns just by the clicks that the visitors do in their sites, of course these clicks do some redirecting.

  3. The aim of Mike Make Money System is to simply redirect the members to another survey site survey junkie and I dare to say that such a move is not really nice and professional. You get to tell members openly that this is going to be the situation once they join instead of doing it in such manner.

  4. Too bad I’m not eligible to take surveys. Every time I sign up to survey sites, I don’t have any survey available. They have lots of qualification for you to become eligible to take the survey. I really felt bad about it. That’s why I never come to survey sites to earn; it just wastes my time.

    1. It’s actually good for you that you are not able to take surveys because the payout for them would be so small that it couldn’t be worth your valuable time.

  5. Well, surveys really do eat up a lot of our time and worst, they pay only a little money. Others, like my friends, are already satisfied having those few bucks and are patient enough in waiting to receive a survey suitable for them. Well if that makes them happy then it’s okay.

    At least they’re earning some money from their hard work. Mike Make Money system though, a redirect would be kind of annoying right? You thought there’s another way to earn some money but then it was just a redirect. It would make the others lose hope.

    1. Yeah, only a redirect can be quite disappointing for many.

      You are right that many people argue themselves, “At least I am earning something.” when they answer online surveys. I always say to them that they could earn 10-100 times more online by using the same time but better methods.

  6. Well, if one is well acquainted with Survey Junkie, then it’s pretty clear to understand that Mike Make Money System is exactly the same thing as it’s a mere redirect to Survey Junkie Survey site which doesn’t pay a reasonable amount of money for the time spent on the site carrying out surveys.

  7. That Mike Make Money System redirects those that are interested in joining to Survey Junkie should show that you have got to stick with earning that little by joining them. Survey sites ain’t that great and stable and the cases of some members not withdrawing the funds at the end of the day is one other thing we should consider too.

    1. Yeeah man from my own experience with survey sites only dissapointment awaits you. I have done some surveys where you get promised like 1000 or 5000 points which translate to significant income only to get a huge dissapointment as the reward.

      Their support systems are also not very admirable.

  8. Online surveys do not make you a lot of money, however, participating in surveys is better if you do not have any earning opportunities. Surveys are easy way to earn a few bucks. The only problem with surveys is they are not available in every locations.

    1. Exactly with the assertion that most of these surveys aren’t available in all locations. At first when I use to give attention to earning from participating in surveys, I got frustrated with some of these surveys not being available in my country. I made inquiries to know why and I was informed that the information the company are seeking is irrelevant coming from my location because the company doesn’t have a base in my location.

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