Is John Assaraf A Scam Artist? [NeuroGym A Fraud?!]

Is John Assaraf A Scam Artist? His Expensive Program, NeuroGym, Considered Fraud, Luring Desperate People Spend More For Nothing? Read More & Learn His Schemes.

By Mecyll Gaspary

Hi, I'm Mecyll! I'm a full-time writer in Your Online Revenue, dedicated to dig into the world of making money with Roope. When I'm not spending time writing reviews, I'm writing novels and blog posts on my own website.


  1. I think we all get so fed up of these peole stating they went from ZERO to 14.7 MILLION DOLLARS IN A YEAR, THAT TO ME IS PURE BS, I trained as an NLP Master practitioner, also did NLP Diploma with British Stres Consultancy, and Clinical Hypnotherapy with ICET, All the advertising bumpf was about making 50 grand 100 grand a yea! but THERE IS NO TRAINING AS TO HOW YOU WILL DO THAT JUST THAT YOU CAN! Fact is out of 100 people who qualify in MLP or Hypnotherapy only 2% will actually make a good living, I have given it away, as a volunteer with Anxiety UK and NHS as a drugs worker, problem is people want something for notherng, and trust me I have testimonials that are genuine and say how good I am, but I am still living in my ex council house I bought with my wife, who is still Working at TESCO?? i had my own practice, 1st lockdown wiped me out, I say spend your hard earned cash elsewhere, only rich person out of these trainings is the trainers.

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