Is Elite Marketing Pro a Scam? No, But Wealthy Affiliate Is My #1 Recommendation!

is elite marketing pro a scam

Welcome To My Elite Marketing Pro Review!

Elite Marketing Pro isn’t as bad as I thought before. I had read a few negative reviews about it but I realized that those were written by the people who hadn’t tried it themselves. I believed their story about EMP and thought that it’s an MLM-scam. But it isn’t. It’s something much better.

In this article, I am going to answer all your questions of EMP, “Is Elite Marketing Pro a scam? Is Elite Marketing Pro worth it? Is it my #1 recommendation or is there something better?”

Elite Marketing Review – Quick Summary

Name: Elite Marketing ProWebsite: www.EliteMarketingPro.comPrice: Free Version Available. The price of Premium Products Varies.Owner: Tim Erway

Is Elite Marketing Pro a Scam

Summary: Elite Marketing Pro provides some great and helpful tips for people who want to make money online with network marketing. I think that making multi-level marketing online is nowadays way more effective than trying to sell or recruit face-to-face.

You can reach thousands (and in the long run millions) of people through the Internet so Elite Marketing Pro can be really useful to you.

Is Elite Marketing Pro Recommended? Yes, they provide good value. However, it’s not my #1 recommendation because in opinion Wealthy Affiliate training and community are even better. 

What is Elite Marketing Pro?

Elite Marketing Pro is an online business training community and platform. It’s somehow similar to Wealthy Affiliate which is my #1 recommendation. EMP teaches how you can make money online with their tools and training.

Their training consists of videos, live webinars, private coaching and community’s support. I have heard from some EMP-users that they really enjoy their personal coach who gives them individual advice how to grow their online business.

EMP has also tons of different products that you can promote to earn affiliate commissions. In some of their products, you can make even 100% commission which is quite spectacular. They also provide a free trial which is quite cool because not all “make money online” programs have it.

Who is Elite Marketing Pro For?

Elite Marketing Pro is for people who want to learn to make money online. In my opinion, it’s not the perfect program for total beginners. If you have some experience of Internet marketing, it’s easier to understand what they are teaching. For beginners (and also for more advanced IMs) I recommend Wealthy Affiliate.

EMP is for Internet marketers who are struggling to make sales. They teach several strategies how you can increase your online income: Facebook marketing, Email marketing, blogging, Youtube videos, etc.

is Elite Marketing pro a scam

Elite Marketing Pro has also Facebook- and Youtube marketing video training

Their training works for multi-level marketers and affiliate marketers. Some of their training is more targeted to MLMs and some more for affiliate marketers but most principles apply for both.

In my opinion, Elite Marketing Pro is not good for people who easily spend lots of money. They have several upsells and if you are not careful, you may end up spending lots of money.

Elite Marketing Pro Tools & Training

Elite Marketing Pro training will teach you creative ways to get traffic and leads. Sales are the most important part of a business because without them the business will die. They teach you to build capture pages and set up auto-responders to contact your potential customers.

Here are some examples of their training:

  • Daily Dose of Awesome. Every day at 1 P.M. a 15-minute live video on Facebook. Shares inspiration, motivation, and education.
  • Begin to Win Webinar Series. 5 Week Live Orientation series for NEW EMP Members.
  • Monday Mojo Hangouts. “Weekly webinar for most serious affiliates who want to build a 6-figure business with Elite Marketing Pro”
  • Facebook PPC. Training series on Facebook advertising. More than 7,5 hours of video material
  • Youtube Traffic. Teaches how you can create profitable Youtube videos and drive traffic to them

I want honestly say that a big part of Elite Marketing Pro has training that’s designed to sell their products. But of course, you can use the same strategies when marketing other products. It’s typical for “Make Money Online” -programs that they teach you to market their own product. It makes more money for the founder which motivates him to help you even more.

I think that there’s nothing wrong that they teach you to promote their products as long as those products are good and valuable. You need to decide yourself which products are suitable for you.

I took a 9-minute video where I give you a glimpse inside Elite Marketing Pro member’s area. I will also give my personal opinion between Wealthy Affiliate and Elite Marketing Pro. You can also get a free access to EMP member’s resources through this link.

Tim Erway, the Founder of Elite Marketing Pro

Tim Erway was quite young when he created Elite Marketing Pro. However, he has already achieved great success with his online businesses and is for sure enjoying of financial independence.

One big source that makes him, even more, money is, of course, Elite Marketing Pro affiliate program. Other people are promoting his products and making money for him at the same time.

is Elite Marketing pro a scam

Tim Erway, the Founder of Elite Marketing Pro

As you can see in the picture above, Tim seems to have lots of books on his bookshelf. He seems to be a diligent student which explains his success. Maybe you have heard the famous quote by Zig Ziglar, “Rich people have small TVs and big libraries, and poor people have small libraries and big TVs.”

What separates successful Internet marketers from unsuccessful? Successful ones always look for opportunities to learn more, have new ideas and go out of their comfort zone. They are ready to take action if something doesn’t seem to work. Tim Erway’s Attraction Marketing Formula seems to be one good way to become a better Internet marketer. Many IMs have said that they learned a lot and they can genuinely recommend it to others.

What Is the Price of Elite Marketing Pro?

Elite Marketing Pro has a free version available so you don’t need to use a single penny to get inside of the member’s area. With a free membership, you can already have an access to some of their video training.

Elite Marketing Pro has several different products and a price varies here are some examples of their most popular products:

All these training are concentrating on a little bit different aspects of Internet marketing and making sales. Click a link to find out more.

Usually, all of the EMP-products have a 30-day money back guarantee. No questions asked.

Pros & Cons


  • Many Creative Ideas to Improve Your Online Business
  • Step-by-Step Video Training
  • Created by a Successful Internet Marketer
  • 1-on-1 Coaching Available
  • Community of Internet Marketers
  • Possibility to Earn High Affiliate Commissions
  • Free Version Available


  • Lots of Upsells
  • A Big Part of Training Concentrates on How You Could Promote Elite Marketing Pro

Conclusion – Is Elite Marketing Pro a Scam?

I believe in the honest business where we can genuinely help other people in their challenges without giving them false hope. Even though some of their claims sound a bit exaggerating, in my opinion, it’s not a scam. They teach you real strategies how you can increase your online income and many of those strategies seem to work.

However, Elite Marketing Pro is not my #1 recommendation. I prefer Wealthy Affiliate’s step-by-step training because that concentrates more on building traffic from search engines like Google. There are still some things that WA-training doesn’t include so EMP could be a good supplement to have even more ideas.

When you start a training in WA, You will get 10 interactive video lessons, 2 websites and my 1-on-1 mentoring for free. I promise to share you all of my tricks that I have learned about Internet marketing. You can ask any questions through private messages and I promise to answer all of them.

Affiliate marketing vs. MLM

I prefer affiliate marketing for several reasons, and I will give you two of them.

1.You don’t need to invite people. MLM is the system where those who attract the most people, benefit the most.

In affiliate marketing, you don’t need to invite anyone to any system. You can just sell products that people are already looking for. People already have the need, so you don’t need to create it.

Many times in MLM, you need to invite your friends and families to the system that you don’t even really like yourself.

2.You can sell the products that are useful. As an affiliate marketer, you can sell almost anything. Laptops, clothes, children’s toys or anything you want. You can sell something that people need in their everyday lives.

The best part is that you don’t need to have your products, but you can make money by selling other people’s products.

Sometimes in MLM, you are selling the products that are ultimately expensive and don’t even have the real benefit for the people’s life.

4 step process for making money online

I hope you found this Elite Marketing Pro review helpful. If you have any questions or comments, don’t hesitate to leave them below.

Have you used Elite Marketing Pro? What kind of results did you achieve?

Let me know in the comments below!

If you have any questions, just leave a comment below and I will be more than happy to help you out.

By Roope Kiuttu

Hello! I am Roope "Robert" Kiuttu, the founder and owner of I created this website back in 2015 to help you to make money online. You can ask me anything and I'll be happy to help you out. I help people daily to make more money online and I love seeing people succeeding. If you want to get my 1-on-1 support and help to make money online as well, get started HERE.


  1. Good morning, I am a member of an MLM . It’s been around for 60+ years. However , it does not want us to advertise on the internet. I can’t reach friends and family as they aren’t interested. Believe me I’ve tried. How do I get leads for this? I can’t just throw the money spent away. I’d like to make this profitable. Any suggestions? Thank you .Rose

    1. Hi Rose,

      I find it very strange that a company wouldn’t want that it’s advertised on the Internet. It gives a feeling like, “What are they hiding?” Can you check with them if it’s really prohibited to promote it online? If it is, I wouldn’t personally wan’t to be part of such company because they’d be missing out a lot.

      There are many ways to make money online by promoting MLMs. Check out my Ultimate Make Money Online Guide to learn the 4-step process that I recommend.

      If you can’t leave affiliate links, you can tell on your site people to contact you by email or leave their email address/phone so you can contact them. And you don’t need to spend money for that to get started.

  2. Understanding everything that Elite Marketing Pro is there to help people make money is something that anyone getting it should understand. The first package which is free to enter is a sign that they are not actually interested in your money unless you end up buying the upsell without making a dime at first. So, in as much as it is worth it, we should be careful not to spend much on upsell.

    1. You are right, it’s always wise to be careful with programs that have lots of upsells. I tend to avoid them but as long as upsells provide more value than they cost, they are completely fine. Just need to be very careful because sometimes they are trying to prey on a human psychology.

  3. Elite marketing pro doesn’t sound too bad. I’m a bit worried that I have never heard of it even in passing.It also costs too much, especially because you don’t know whether you will succeed or not. Its okay for them to upsell, so long as they are also willing to help you in your affilliate marketing career. I also don’t get the diffrence between it and other affiliate marketing systems that are way much cheaper.

  4. Hi Roope,

    I appreciate the different approach you took rather than outright bashing our company, which I understand is a strategy taught by Wealthy Affiliate. I think of all the affiliates “reviews” I’ve seen, you at least made a noble effort at collecting information and actually educating people in the process. Not all of it is 100% accurate, but I can tell you did some research.

    The interesting thing is, EMP is actually in a different space, and we’re really not interested in business opportunity seekers or make money types. We’re more focused on helping those in the network marketing industry use attraction marketing strategies to grow their business. The emphasis is on educating and empowering our customers and clients. That’s something I’m pretty passionate about, so it kind of hurts when people spread misinformation about us in a thinly veiled attempt at promoting their own stuff.

    Simply put, there’s no need to slam other people or their companies for any reason. It’s not coming from a place of abundance, and it’s just not necessary. In fact, whenever we have affiliates who use tactics like bashing our competitors, we ask them to take it down or we terminate the relationship.

    Again, I prefer your approach and I think other WA affiliates could learn something from this.

    My Best,

    1. Hi Tim,

      it’s an honor to have you here on my website. Thank you for your thorough comment.

      Wealthy Affiliate teaches how to expose scams. Some members have gone too far and have started calling everything scams. That’s not what WA teaches in the first place because Kyle (the owner) always underlines that reviews should be honest and genuine.

      In my opinion, there are many good Internet marketing trainings and EMP is one of them. I agree that if somebody wants to make good money nowadays with network marketing, it’s much easier to do it online than offline. The Internet provides so good resources for reaching people.

      All the best to you Tim!


    2. Hi Tim,

      it’s an honor to have you here on my website. Thank you for your thorough comment.

      Wealthy Affiliate teaches how to expose scams. Some members have gone too far and have started calling everything scams. That’s not what WA teaches in the first place because Kyle (the owner) always underlines that reviews should be honest and genuine.

      In my opinion, there are many good Internet marketing trainings and EMP is one of them. I agree that if somebody wants to make good money nowadays with network marketing, it’s much easier to do it online than offline. The Internet provides so good resources for reaching people.

      All the best to you Tim!


  5. Hi Roope,

    Have you heard of a company called Younique?

    I am currently a blue status presenter and live in NZ.

    Now here it is a hard market to break but I’m trying to Excel in my business hence the reason I’m looking for some help. I too don’t like selling to my friends and family but love what Younique stands for. I want to continue to grow my business but without the “asking/begging” senario. Sorry can’t spell.

    I have currently signed up with EMP and about to upgrade to the VIP. I really need to start making decent money in the next few months. Is EMP the way to go? And if I did what would be the best why to go?

    1. Hi Fiona,

      I know Younique. Personally, I am not a huge fan of MLM-companies because they often have overpriced products. Of course, there can be good ones also.

      For anyone who wants to make money with multi-level marketing, I highly recommend leveraging the power of the Internet. You can reach thousands of people through different channels even though you would be laying out on the beach. The day before yesterday I got, for example, 17 referrals to one of the programs that I’m promoting. I can imagine how much time it would have taken if I would need to talk all of them personally in real life. I guess you understand the power of the Internet? 🙂 Your reach can be so much bigger.

      EMP is one training that has taught the Internet marketing for thousands of people. I know that they teach many good strategies and that’s why I can recommend it. However, My #1 recommendation is Wealthy Affiliate because that’s the place where I learned how to market online. In January I got 50,000 unique visitors to my website just by following the methods that WA teaches.

      Their step-by-step training will walk you through everything and show you can promote also Younique (or any other MLM) online.

      Let me know if you need any help with getting started 🙂

  6. I have read a little bit about Elite Marketing Pro and I have read many who bought the programs over and happy with it. It seems like a convenient way to make some money.

    Wealthy Affiliate, on the other hand, looks promising. I don’t think it could help make that much money too quickly, but it would feel that all those hours are being put to better use for a possible stable (ish) income.

    Anyway, thank you for the review!

    Take Care

    1. Hi Maxx,

      yeah, many people have been satisfied with Elite Marketing Pro products. But the same goes with Wealthy Affiliate.

      You are right that making +$10,000/month online doesn’t happen in a day even in WA. But I know some people personally who went from $0 to $10,000/month without any prior knowledge in 1-3 years with Wealthy Affiliate training. That’s amazing!



  7. I recently left Wealthy Affiliate. Also, your review of Elite Marketing Pro isn’t accurate at all. First, your pricing is incorrect. And the program actually teaches you affiliate marketing, which is exactly what you are doing with trying to get people to join under your affiliate program through Wealthy affiliate. With EMP the higher end program gets you more training and access to a ton of courses that teach you online marketing much more extensive than WA. I say this because I was planning to promote both WA and EMP, but actually determined I didn’t want to throw other opportunities under the bus calling it a scam just to get people to join WA under me. Someone in EMP could easily write a post calling Wealthy Affiliate a scam and leer them into their deal just like you are doing now.
    What website are you building that is actually promoting affiliate products that isn’t just another affiliate system like WA? Do you have a niche site promoting physical products, or are you only trying to be a WA affiliate?

    1. Hello Eva,

      thank you very much for your comment! I realized that I had believed some wrong information about Elite Marketing Pro. There were some wrong rumors around the Internet. Now this review is updated and contains only correct information about this program. Let me know if I am wrong. I want all of my reviews to be 100% honest and to provide the most accurate information for my readers.

      I am promoting Wealthy Affiliate because I honestly think that it’s the best online business training on the Internet. It has helped me to create my own online business and now I am making more and more money online each month. I know personally many people in WA who are making even more than $10,000/month online and I will be joining them.

      The latest website that I have created is It’s a website where I teach people to learn languages faster and while having fun. I am using the principles that I have learned in WA to drive traffic from search engines and to create high-quality content.

      By the way, what kind of results have you achieved with EMP? I would love to hear from you.


      1. Roope,

        Much respect to you for updating your review to much more accurate info!

        As for me, I am only an Annual member and just recently joined but plan on upgrading to VIP to get the full license to all the courses and the advanced training and coaching. I haven’t yet ran any FB ads to promote any EMP offers, but as soon as I start I will update you on my progress! 🙂 I do have a friend who went VIP immediately and made 20k in her first 2 months without knowing a thing about FB advertising. Just like with Wealthy Affiliate, those who are coachable and put in the work will be the ones who succeed!

        I DO think WA is a great training platform for beginning affiliate marketers and those that have never set up a WordPress blog before. The only reason I left was to allocate that money to other business expenses I have. And I had too many things I was wanting to pursue that I needed to narrow down my focus.

        I think to succeed at any type of online marketing it’s all about building trust and a know and like factor with your audience. Same goes with MLM or any business, really.

        Very cool about your niche site, too! Best wishes to you, Roope! Sorry if my first comment came across harshly. That’s the bad thing about not hearing someone’s voice.

        Cheers to your success!! 🙂

        1. Hi Eva,

          great to hear from you again. I was watching at the price of EMP VIP and thinking, “Wow, that’s so expensive!” $2,997 and then $97/month after one year or something like that. It’s a big amount of money. But if somebody is able to make $20k in her first 2 months, then it’s a huge success. I would like to hear also other people’s experience of using it. But anyway, 20k sounds impressing.

          I agree with you that it’s good to have a clear focus. I say many times that it’s good to take 1 or 2 things to master and then move to next ones and so on. Of course, sometimes it can be reasonable to learn more things at the same time but most of the time I prefer focus too.

          You are right that building trust is one of the most important things when succeeding in business. I think that the reason that I’m not native English speaker makes it a little bit more challenging because I have some grammatical mistakes. However, I won’t let it to stop me. I am learning all the time and going forward like a train 😉

          I wish you great success too and I look forward to hearing your success story!


        2. Hi Eva,. I have recently joining Elite marketing pro and am about to sign up for the VIP membership. Any chance I could make contact with you say on FB so I can get some real honest feed back please?
          I’m ully committed to throwing everything into this but having some guidance from someone other than one of the coaches would be great thankyou. My emailed is

  8. Hi Roope, all it took for me to know this was a scam is the cost to get in, which is $197 a month. Good lord that’s a lot of money to ask for on a program that in no way guarantees that you’ll make money.

    I agree that Wealthy Affiliate is a great place to learn online business opportunities. They have one of the best training programs I have ever seen, and there is always someone available to help. Also Wealthy affiliate is not even half as expensive as Elite Marketing pro, only $47/month if you choose to go premium. Otherwise its free!

    1. Hi Jacob,

      you are right that Elite Marketing Pro’s price is ridiculous. Wealthy Affiliate costs only $29/month if one decides to get a yearly premium membership. And the first month will be only $19. If we compare to the value it can give it can be very cheap. There you can learn skills that can in the future produce you thousands of dollars passive income every single month. But in order to achieve that you, of course, need to put new skills into action. 🙂


  9. Wow, $197 a month plus upsells! Who are they kidding? Elite Marketing Pro is clearly a pyramid scheme. There might be some legitimate MLM companies out there, although I’m sure, but clearly Elite Marketing Pro is not a legitimate MLM.

    There is no reason to get involved with this scam or any so-called MLM. MLM is a horrifically flawed business model.

    I agree. The internet is the greatest opportunity most of us will ever have to become financially independent. Be a student of the internet. Learn how to be an internet marketer. Wealthy Affiliate is the best place to learn and there is absolutely no risk. It’s a no-brainer!

    1. Hi Gary,

      yeah the price of Elite Marketing Pro is ridiculous. Unfortunately some people fall into these scams when they are too desperate for finding solution to their finances. But then they end up in a worse situation than they were in the beginning.

      I know that you are a very successful Internet marketer and I have read your website every now and then. It’s good to know that you also think that Wealthy Affiliate is the best place to learn online business skills. Their training and tools give practically anything you need in order to succeed online. I think the best part is that you get connected with successful Internet marketers who help you hand by hand on your way. If one doesn’t know something he can always ask and there are always helpful people in the Wealthy Affiliate community.

  10. I don’t like the fact that you will only be promoting a product that will benefit just the founders of Elite Marketing.To me it sounds like one’s growth is limited should they decide to sign up with these guys.

    Furthermore, I have tried MLM marketing before and i have been burnt badly.Not only did I loose lots of money, but I lost lots of connections with close family and friends in a bid to recruit them.

    Thanks for bringing these guys to light.

    Will share and make others aware as well.

    1. Hi Roopesh,

      I am sad to hear that MLM-programs affected your life so negatively that you lost connections to your close family and friends. I know that the same has happened to many people using MLMs. It’s definitely one negative side of most of these programs.

      Affiliate marketing is preferable because you don’t need to recruit a single person. In a simplified example: Just write reviews, get ranked on Google and wait that the money flows in :D.


  11. Looks like another shady MLM opportunity for sure. I have actually been involved with some of the MLM’s you mention and like most they wind up costing a fortune and eventually disappear. It looks as though Elite Marketing Pro is horribly over priced and typical of many MLM’s, mind you there have been some not bad MLM’s over the years but those to me are few and far between. I am glad you took the time to warn us about this. Cheers!

    1. Hi Mark,

      it’s interesting to hear that you have been involved some of those MLM-programs but it sounds like they didn’t give very much. As you said, “they cost a fortune and eventually disappear.” What happened? Owners became rich and members poor. That’s what happens most of the time with these systems.

      One option would be to create a MLM-system. However, I don’t really like the whole idea of MLM. Usually products are so overpriced because you need to pay the founders, middlemen and the seller. If you buy the same product from the other place you can get it even for a half price.

  12. Roope,

    I noticed that you gave your honest opinion,thank you for that. I had not heard of this program before,but that is maybe because all my focus has been on Wealthy Affiliate training.i don’t need to look anywhere else. The more scams that are exposed the better.the way i got to WA was through a review on another site. Well done



    1. Hi Greg,

      It’s very good that you don’t use your focus and energy for scam products. Scam artists are milking money and time from people who don’t know what they are doing. I am happy that you have found the training in Wealthy Affiliate.

      I am sure that their methods work because they have been tested over and over again with success. Keep up the good work. Put the training into practice. Always learn. And you will break through! 🙂



  13. hello roope,
    i enjoyed reading your review,if only because you gave your honest opinion.Too many people will lie about a program/system just to earn some money.i personally like an honest review.thanks for the ‘heads up’ about this program

    1. Hi Greg,

      thank you very much for comment. I am glad that you enjoyed reading my review.

      I always want to give my readers an honest opinion what I think about different programs and products that I review. I know that even very successful Internet marketers are promoting programs that they wouldn’t even use themselves. They just promote them because they want to become rich by other people’s money and time.

      If I recommend something, I am sure that I would am using or I would use it myself. That’s one reason I recommend Wealthy Affiliate. I know their online business training works and I am using it myself.


  14. Hello,
    thanks for publishing very informative article about Elite marketing pro. I appreciate your honest opinion and I agree with you. Elite marketing pro is another MLM scheme where you need to refer people to join. And price of this program is crazy. I agree with you 100 %, affiliate marketing is much better.

    1. Hi Karlo,

      affiliate marketing is definitely 100% better. Today I read some success stories of some affiliate marketers.

      There was one guy who started back in 2007. He struggled very much in the beginning and instead of making money, he lost money! He used money on Google ads and other things like that. Then he tried again but he failed again. After keeping a break he started again but again he wasn’t making good income. He earned more or less the amount that he had spent on ads.

      But he kept on trying and learning from his mistakes and experience. Then in 2011 he started breaking through. He broke his personal records for income per day many times. And then in 2012 he made +$120,000/month. He pointed out that it took 4,5 years to really make that happen. But imagine that many people go to the university for 5 years and they are totally in debt. This guy learned affiliate marketing and started making $120,000/month. I think that it’s worth it ;).

      Many people give up after a few failures but if you keep on going and learning, one day you will experience a breakthrough too.


  15. Hello Roope!
    I was introduced to this model in my chat box on a little desperate way.
    Something they obviously learn is to tell how much they earn quickly.
    I said I would return when I had looked at it. Your page appeared with this article.
    Which in fact confirms that I had a good reason not to jump into it. $ 197 a month is a lot of money especially when you also say that programet contains a lot of additional sales.
    I am convinced that this is just another cash cow like Empover network also is it.
    There must be a decent place where you can learn how to create an income online.
    Do you have a suggestion on how it can be done without the need of with so much money?

    1. Hello Steen!

      I am happy that you didn’t run into Elite Marketing Pro. It could have been an expensive “mistake” ;). Their members obviously want to recommend the product for others because they are earning big commissions themselves. If you would be paying $197/month for their membership, the guy who referred you would get a big portion of that money.

      If you want to learn how to make money online without so big investments I can recommend Wealthy Affiliate. You can create 100% free account. Then you get 10 free lessons with video and text material on how to get started with your own online business. Their membership is not too expensive either when you think how much value their service provides. Go and take a look here🙂


  16. Roope, thanks for this.
    Heartening to see that scams are alive and well…because they make the legitimate programs look good (and inexpensive). But not so heartening in that programs like Elite Marketing Pro undermine basic online credibility.
    It’s a little shocking that they feel they can charge so much and deliver so little value.
    Obviously, buyer beware?

    Thanks Roope.

    1. Hi Larry,

      you are right that online scams undermine basic online credibility. Some people have become skeptical regarding to “make money online” -programs. I have reviewed tens of those products and yes, many of those were scams. But I can also honestly say that there were many programs which teach you real skills. For example, how to start your own online business. My #1 recommendation is Wealthy Affiliate.

      Elite Marketing Pro and other similar products can but a high price because they are selling a dream. It means that they make people think, “Buy this product and you will become rich quickly and you never need to worry about money. You can live anywhere you want and do whatever you want.” Unfortunately, people are ready to pay for that kind of thing and they found out that they didn’t become rich but poor.

      However, if people would like to success, it requires hard work day in and day out with their business. There is no shortcut. Is it easy? No. Is it hard sometimes? Yes. But is it worth it? Definitely yes.

      Wish you all the best Larry!


  17. Nice to meet you Roope,

    Thank you for this review on Elite Marketing Pro, I am relieved to read this first before jumping into these opportunities, especially when they cost so much.

    I am also a member of Wealthy Affiliate and I can vouch for it as one of the best places to learn online marketing, the right way. It does take efforts and time though, which is something most gurus are reluctant to tell you.

    Thanks for sharing!


    1. Hi Anh,

      yeah these “opportunities” like Elite Marketing Pro and other similar MLM-programs will be very expensive for the users but good for the founders because they collect members’ money.

      Online gurus don’t tell the truth that it takes effort to make money because they milk out money from innocent people. In my opinion, making money online should be treated as any kind of business. In the beginning it can be hard and challenging but when you keep on doing and learning some day you will reap the harvest (success).

      Online business is also very rewarding because if/when you are able to make enough money online you can live anywhere in the world. In Spain, U.S., Asia, South America, Finland or wherever you want. But first one needs to do the work like we know Anh 🙂

      I wish you all the best with your online business and I hope that can provide you great value and tips to make a breakthrough in the online world.


  18. Hi Roope, just passed by to check out your review. Elite Marketing Pro certainly doesn’t come cheap, and from what you say the benefits are going to be very difficult to monetise. If you say there are various upsells as well, then that is even worse.
    When put against an affiliate marketing program like Wealthy Affiliate, it looks even worse still. Thank you for your in-depth analysis.
    One to steer clear of. Regards, Chris

    1. Hi Chris,

      you are right. If we compare Elite Marketing Pro Scam and Wealthy Affiliate, they come from different universes. In WA you can start for free. It is much cheaper and there are much more features included in a price than in Elite Marketing Pro. In addition, the training in WA is much better and valuable than that MLM -training.

      People would save (and earn) tons of more money if they wouldn’t buy products like Elite Marketing Pro but instead build their own business based on WA’s principles.

  19. Hi Roope

    Interesting review.

    I agree that the price is very high in comparison to other products and services online.

    It’s tough to justify charging $197 p/m for any product/service.

    I see you say that it’s an MLM scheme. And from the sounds of things, you don’t like MLM businesses.

    Any particular reason for that?


    1. Hi Peteni,

      Yeah price $197/month is way too high for its value. I mean you can find many similar products for more than times cheaper and if you want to use time, you can find the same information on the Internet for free.

      On many of my other posts I have talked why I don’t like most MLMs. The main reason is that usually products are way too overpriced in those systems. Prices are high because you need to pay those “middlemen” who are in the system. If you go to a supermarket, you get a same product for 5 times cheaper. That’s my 2 cents. 🙂

  20. I like your website a lot am impressed but what i would like to see is a more interesting background and maybe more information about the reviews you gave. All the links for the social networks are working fine and you have almost everything setup. I think you could add more reviews but i know your just starting off.

    1. Thank you for the comment William. I will be adding more information to my reviews to give more helpful information for the readers. In Your Online Revenue we have now about 20-25 reviews of different “make money online” programs as we started half a year ago. But we will be making more reviews every single week to provide up to date information.

  21. It surprises me how many systems are on the Internet charging crazy prices for useless business opportunities.

    It’s good to see you are getting the word out to help people make better decisions about what is available.

    Your Wealthy Affiliate package is one of the best I’ve seen in a long time and is well worth checking out for anybody serious about having an online business.

    1. Hi Travis,

      People’s love of money make them do crazy things like creating useless MLM systems. That’s kind of sad… That’s why I want to warn people from falling into those scams.

      Wealthy Affiliate’s step by step training is definitely worth trying because it’s free to start and their community is awesome. Many people are always willing to help if someone needs help there.

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