Are Backlinks Bad? – This May Surprise You!

Are Backlinks Bad
Are Backlinks Bad or Good?
Are Backlinks Bad
Are Backlinks Bad or Good?

Are backlinks bad? Are backlinks vital for rankings? What should I do with the backlinks?

Those are the questions that many people are asking when they want to get ranked in the search engines and to drive traffic to their websites.

The founder of Wealthy Affiliate, online millionaire, Kyle wrote recently and article about the backlinks and what he thinks about using backlinks.

Massive Penguin Update in 2014

Kyle mentions the Google penguin that happened in 2014 in Google. Before that update, the backlinks used to be useful and many people tried to get ranks by using different tricks with the backlinks.

Penguin update in 2014 was devastating for those who were concentrating on the backlinks. In Kyle’s word the update literally WIPED many entire businesses.

But the update was great for some people who were not concentrating on the backlinks but providing the quality content. Kyle says that he, for example, experienced DOUBLE the traffic overnight because he wasn’t concentrating on the backlinks but on the more important things.

No Benefit from the Backlinks

Kyle states that the backlinks won’t help you to get rank any better. It would be the waste of time to use hours in building backlinks.

Google has granted a close to ZERO NET VALUE (in terms of rankings) for backlinks.” -Kyle, The Founder of Wealthy Affiliate

Even though many “so-called authorities” are stating that backlinks are very important and you must concentrate on those link buildings they tend to forget the Google’s update that reduced the importance of the backlinks

Where Should You Concentrate Then to Getting Ranked?

The number one focus should always be to provide quality content for your visitors. Google wants to give the searchers the best resources where the people can benefit. If you are providing the best content out there you will very probably get ranked.

Concentrate on building your website and service better.


We still shouldn’t forget the importance of the targeted keywords.

When You are using specific keywords people can more easily find your website and your quality content from the internet. Spend always some time on the keyword research to find the best keywords.


As you are providing the best user experience for your readers and the customers the engagement is the vital part.

Engagement, comments, and conversations will also help you to rank better. Google sees that your website is active and people are interested in its content when it gets higher and higher in the rankings.


As Kyle stated, you shouldn’t be worrying about the backlinks. Instead, always think and reflect how to improve your website and take action.

In the course of time, your website will anyway get a lot of links from many different sites when people find your valuable content. They share your website in the social media circles and on their own websites.

Provide something useful and the people will come.

Are Backlinks Bad? Yes if you spend your time on them. If they come naturally just let them come but don’t waste your time building the backlinks.

I hope this text will save your time about the worrying of the backlinks and you find this information useful.

What are your experiences with the backlinks?

How have you got ranked in Google?

Leave the comments below.

Read Kyle’s article here

By Roope Kiuttu

Hello! I am Roope "Robert" Kiuttu, the founder and owner of I created this website back in 2015 to help you to make money online. You can ask me anything and I'll be happy to help you out. I help people daily to make more money online and I love seeing people succeeding. If you want to get my 1-on-1 support and help to make money online as well, get started HERE.


  1. Ever since Google has rolled out new updates, there has always been a big thing on backlinks. Should we use them, shouldn’t we use them, etc.

    As a website owner, this has really confused me! LOL.

    But Thank You for clearing things up on backlinks because both you and Kyle have provided some valuable insights in to the subject.

    Neil 🙂

    1. I really understand Neil that this subject can cause a lot of confusion because there are many kinds of information about the subject on the Internet. I’m glad that my post and Kyle’s insights cleared up the things. 🙂

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